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[quote][Set Name]
[Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item]
Trait: [Ability]
EVs: [EVs]
[Nature] Nature
- Move 1
- Move 2
- Move 3
- Move 4

[Description of Set][/quote]
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  • 4 months later...
There is no speed in a game of wits
Beheeym (M/F) @ leftovers/life orb
Trait: synchronize
EVs: +252 Sp. attack, +252 Def, +6 HP
Quiet Nature
- Trick Room
- Nasty Plot/Calm Mind
- Psy Shock/Psychic
- Shadow ball/energy ball(s)/HP (fighting or fire)/or the infamous T-bolt

Beware speedy sweepers, theres a new pokemon in the room, and he makes fast pokemon look like slowpokes. Beheeym (after wanting to try him out) is a nice, new, and fun little pokemon, a Really slow but powerful pokemon... what makes up for speed thou... the infamous Trick Room, its a very fun little toy barely anyone plays with due to its many drawbacks, but rest assured, he can do this in singles, and still come at you in full force. next we have the Nasty plot which boosts your Sp. attack to points unknown (which isn't that much) or calm mind which helps a bit in the sp def. now here is a pick and choosers folks, Psychic is a pretty strong sp. attacking move that can lower sp def, true enough, but.... there is also the move Psy Shock, which instead of hitting at the pokemon sp def, goes for its regular def. nifty no? basically this move can really cripple special walls (i don't know how much) with there weak def (unless if they are double walls). and now there are the throw away moves... you know... shadow ball for other psychics that get in your way, or ghosts.... Energy ball cause... why the heck not, HP fighting for dem steals or that, or fire... whatever floats your boats and T-bolt.... paralysis... thats it.... and with all that said and done... this is space captain Rodaku... signing out...
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My only complaint about that set is that you REALLY don't want to use Nasty Plot and Trick Room. 5 turns isn't a lot, and you don't want to waste them setting up... On top of that, you could easily be KO'd in the time it takes to use both moves.
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  • 10 months later...
Robert (Beheeyem) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Telepathy
EVs: 188 HP / 120 Def / 200 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Disable
- Substitute
- Toxic
- Energy Ball
Beheeyem is slow, so substitutes will help. Toxic statuses Pokemons, and Disable disables dark-type moves that can 2KO Beheeyem. Energy Ball instead of Psychic because it can hit all types of Pokemon. Edited by Rain
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^This. We don't need a raging three Trick Room teams...even if one is different because of NP. If NP is/isn't warranted, that should be it...right? Or just slash it into other options on a TR set. Otherwise, Nasty Plot could have it's own set. But this is just too no.
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<p>He has one status move in his set, mine has Shadow Ball carved into it, and the water counters are options. I do not like the use of Hidden Power on my Beheeyem mainly because my other Pokémon have that spot covered. Leftovers is an option while I stay with Life Orb for kill fast die young Trick Room sweeper. And, his name is Robert. Do not worry, if these are too minor of differences I will delete/edit the post.
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  • 5 months later...
Beheeheeheeheeheehee. Yem.

Beheeyem (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Analytic
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 Def
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Trick Room / Hidden Power [Fire]
- Calm Mind
- Psyshock
- Energy Ball / Hidden Power [Fire] / Thunderbolt

Basically a merger of the TR sets above. As stated on serebii.net, "Basically, this thing was made for Trick Room, which it can set up itself." Beheeyem is lower-tier answer to Reuniclus, and some even prefer it over Reuniclus as it can take a hit better. [b]Trick Room [/b]makes slow go fast and fast go last which gives Beheeyem the upper hand. [b]Nasty Plot[/b] increases your Special attack to cruel levels and is what Beheeyem has on Reuniclus, while [b]Calm Mind [/b]gives half the boost to Special Attack and the other half to Special Defense, somewhat increasing Beheeyem's bulk. [b]Psyshock[/b] is for physical damage, which prevents you from getting walled by Blissey. [b]Energy Ball[/b] has more power than [b]Hidden Power[/b], but [b]Hidden Power [Fire] [/b]removes the threatening Scizor, Forretress, Genesect, and Ferrothorn, should you choose to take this to OU. The item choice is [b]Focus Sash [/b]for a free move, which is vital with a Trick Room team. [b]Analytic[/b] is for when the team in question doesn't involve a whole lot of slow and you'd rather stray from Trick Room. Give this alien, trench-coat-wearing dude a try with your Trick Room team. I think you'll like him.
EDIT: Gave Beheeyem a gender Edited by rc52
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