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XY Graphics ?


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I'm sure many of you played pokemon zeta/omicron and many of you noticed some of the graphic packs over there. Pretty much there is a pack that makes the battle look almost identical to XY, With moving nice XY sprites and such so i was wondering if this can be done for Reborn or maybe even we can use this same graphics pack for Reborn without any additional work. Because it really looks amazing



Edited by Palpatine
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The sheer amount of lag this would probably cause...would just be horrific in the extreme. Lag was the issue why the option for Animated sprites was removed after EP.9... so I honestly can't see something like X/Y style graphics happening unless some solution to this universal issue is found.

It's a cool idea and all, like the Animated Sprites were...but...

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I wouldn't recommend copy and pasting over files because in some cases things may not display properly. Also I think Reborn is far larger of a game than

Omicron. I may be wrong about that though.

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The animated sprites may work, but the backgrounds wont because field effects are linked to the battlebacks and if the game can't find it...


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  On 8/26/2014 at 7:55 PM, ShatteredSkys said:

Ok found the graphic pack i think


so who wants to be the guinea pig?

I've used it and the custom battlebacks before, it's fine if you want to use them. Not sure why you'd need screenshots of what it looks like though.... I mean you have a screenshot in the OP of a player using those graphics and if you put all the same graphics into the respective reborn folders, it'll look the same. The only issue I remember is that there are a bunch of missing XY Pokemon due to the nature of Zetacron not including all of the 6th gen Pokemon/changes.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, sorry for re-up this, but i try to use this pack https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemonzetaomicron/comments/26o09e/resource_pokemon_xy_animated_gifs_resized_and/ and i cant see the pokemon properly, they are hidden before the HP bar or attacks menu.
there is a new pack for this?, i saw the native .png and they have 160x160 px but the improved .gif have 82x80 px, maybe if i resize them we can use... Nobody do this yet?

Edited by Dhraax
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  On 9/20/2015 at 1:03 AM, Dhraax said:

Hi, sorry for re-up this, but i try to use this pack https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemonzetaomicron/comments/26o09e/resource_pokemon_xy_animated_gifs_resized_and/ and i cant see the pokemon properly, they are hidden before the HP bar or attacks menu.

there is a new pack for this?, i saw the native .png and they have 160x160 px but the improved .gif have 82x80 px, maybe if i resize them we can use... Nobody do this yet?

This isn't really the place to ask but you can get animated sprites in the sixth gen pokemon essentials project over on pokecommunity.

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Yeah, you should really try asking somewhere else friend, considering that we don't work with 3D sprites here. And probably never will, considering the custom shiny sprites.

If someone has an answer for this user though, send them a PM. I'm closing this topic.

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