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Tourney Of Brothers & Sisters Round 1-5

Sir Flash™

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Hello all, rocky here, this time around I will be hosting a 5 round tournament that will last the whole month of September, Neo will be my Co-Host... It will be a max of 20 participants, anyone can compete in it. I will be running a points system during the entire tourney... I, myself will not be in it, just hosting it. After each round is done, I will make the next bracket according to the points accumulated... Round 3 will be the 2nd elimination round, and 4 will be the final elimination round but in double elimination format. Logs will be required in case I or Neo, are here to witness it...

Round 4 Bracket: http://challonge.com/tbs4

Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/sir_flash

Server: Reborn

Time: 9 a.m to 12 a.m. central everyday (if i'm not online to see the match I will need logs for proof). Yes it is 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. (not pm), meaning it is 15 hours a day...

Round 1 (September 1st - 6th): [DONE]

Tier: Double Ubers

Clauses: Sleep, Freeze, Species, Wifi (Optional), Self-KO

Current Point Standings: Mibuchiiha (10), Azery (9), Sir Beagle (8), Shadow The Hedgehog (7), Notus (6), Tizara (5), Dave (4), Cowtao (3), Blast (2), Trevo (1), Manta Rays (0)


Round 2 (September 7th - 13th): [DONE]

Tier: Challenge Cup

Clauses: Sleep, Freeze, Species, Self-KO

Current Point Standings: Mibuchiiha (20), Sir Beagle (17), Azery (16), Notus (14), Tizara (9), Cowtao (8), Blast (8), Shadow The Hedgehog (7), Dave (5), Trevo (3), Manta Rays (3)

Eliminated: Dave, Trevo & Manta Rays


Round 3 (September 14th - 20th): [Done]

Tier: UnderUsed Singles

Clauses: Sleep, Freeze, Species, Wifi (Optional), Self-KO

Current Point Standings: Mibuchiiha (30), Notus (22), Sir Beagle (21), Azery (19), Cowtao (17), Tizara (15), Blast (15), Shadow The Hedgehog (12)

Eliminated: Sir Bagel & Blast (on request)


Round 4 (September 21st - 25th): (1 Person will be eliminated)

Tier: 1v1 OverUsed (Best of 3)

Clauses: Freeze Clause & Self-KO Clause

Current Point Standings: Mibuchiiha (30), Notus (22), Azery (19), Cowtao (17), Tizara (15), Shadow The Hedgehog (12)


Final Round (September 26th - 30th):

Tier: OverUsed Singles

Clauses: Sleep, Freeze, Species, Wifi (Optional), Self-KO

Current Point Standings:


  1. How the point system will work? 1st place is 10 points, then 2nd is 9, then it keeps going down the lower the spot until 0 points. So if you not in top 10, you will garner any points...
  2. What if I am not able to show up? If all the matches are done and you aren't here to show up, i'm sorry but i'll just have to let the other participant to win by default...
  3. How will the final round work? If you got 1st place in the previous 4 rounds, you will have 40 (unless you tied making it an 5 point split). In the very final match, the winner takes half of the losers points.....
  4. If I win the last round but do not have the most points, do I still get the final prize? Due to it being based on points, that person will be considered the overall winner because the grind-ed the hardest. But for winning the final round you will have 1 yes.
  5. What will be the prize? That is to be announced at the end, but their will be one, trust me on this...
  6. Will it be streamed? Yes it will...
  7. Do you have a co-host? Yes, Neo is my C0-Host.
  8. Is it only 1 match? No, you will compete until I report that the round is over...
Edited by Sir Flash
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Uhmn, morning is a bad time for me, unfortunately. Good luck with it!

Edit: Also, not really my place to say this but wouldn't the Hall of the Champions be a better place for this?

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Uhmn, morning is a bad time for me, unfortunately. Good luck with it!

Edit: Also, not really my place to say this but wouldn't the Hall of the Champions be a better place for this?

Didn't know where to place it, no staff would reply to pm's :T

Also its 9 am to 12 am lol, that means it goes on for 15 hours a day XD

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I recieved 0 PMs about this...?

Didn't know you were a staff, I meant on server... I been gone so long I don't know the new staff members...

i guess im in c:


Any reason smogon tiers are being used instead of Reborn tiers?

Because like it or not, people (you'd be surprised), will complain about blaze.... I added mawile and ageislash to it just cause I want to see what people will use other than them as replacements....

I always love me a good tournament, good thing this school year looks to be a better one than last so i should have plenty of time on my hands, I'm definitely in!

Hope you have fun :)

What's with the freeze clause on everything? I don't think anyone actually enforces that clause.

Force of habit, I have it on everything lol

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no matter how much I want to I can't participate due to school and groundings.

that's sad to hear man :T


alright ^_^

I'm assuming because Smogon tiers are perfectly fine and maybe because Reborn tiers aren't enforced in every tourney hosted?

Somewhat this and I wanted a change of pace to things....

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I didn't really want to have to tell you this, seeing as you're not exactly new but please refrain from double posting where possible. That could easily have been added in an edit of your previous one.

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Force of habit, I have it on everything lol

How would freeze clause work, anyway? If I randomly freeze you with an Ice Beam or something, then I can't use any more Ice Beams until you thaw out?

Freeze is purely luck-based, unlike all the other status conditions. There's no move with anything greater than a 30% freeze chance.

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How would freeze clause work, anyway? If I randomly freeze you with an Ice Beam or something, then I can't use any more Ice Beams until you thaw out?

Freeze is purely luck-based, unlike all the other status conditions. There's no move with anything greater than a 30% freeze chance.

Yeah it works the same as sleep clause...

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How would freeze clause work, anyway? If I randomly freeze you with an Ice Beam or something, then I can't use any more Ice Beams until you thaw out?

Freeze is purely luck-based, unlike all the other status conditions. There's no move with anything greater than a 30% freeze chance.

You can keep using it, but if you do happen to get another freeze, it won't work until the first one thaws.

Any reason smogon tiers are being used instead of Reborn tiers?

Cuz smogon > Reborn in Gen 6

Also I'm down to either participate/co-host if you still need it.

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You can keep using it, but if you do happen to get another freeze, it won't work until the first one thaws.

Cuz smogon > Reborn in Gen 6

Also I'm down to either participate/co-host if you still need it.

Yes i'd love for ya to to be the co-host, need all the help I can get...

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