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New Fields


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I was just looking at the Base Script changes tread here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6014

And noticed this: if $fefieldeffect == 14 # Rocky Field

if $fefieldeffect == 15 # Forest Field

if $fefieldeffect == 17 # Factory Field

if $fefieldeffect == 18 # Shortcircuit Field

On top of the new and already known fields of icy and superheated, there are some more for the upcoming episode 13?

Looking at it, rocky field could cause rock climb, earthquake, magnitude and strength to add rock type damage and gain 1.25x?,

Forest field could cause cut to get grass damage, *1.25x

Factory Field:

if (id == PBMoves::FLASHCANNON || id == PBMoves::GYROBALL ||
id == PBMoves::MAGNETBOMB || id == PBMoves::GEARGRIND)

A whole load for shortcircuit fields, and some water and steel moves will gain electric type damage and power 1.25x

i think so. This could plausibly change the game much more, idk....

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Those fields are for future episodes, for the gyms that currently don't have fields of their own. Not Episode 13.

Rocky Field is probably for Kiki, Forest Field for Shelly, Factory for Shade. Shortcircuit Field sounds like it'd be for Titania.

Edited by Alilatias
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Those fields are for future episodes, for the gyms that currently don't have fields of their own. Not Episode 13.

Rocky Field is probably for Kiki, Forest Field for Shelly, Factory for Shade. Shortcircuit Field sounds like it'd be for Titania.

There is a chance that the Rocky Field could be for Hardy but there could be a different field for him though. I think that Kiki should get some sort of ash field because of Pyrous Mountain (Or whatever the mountain is called next to Apophyll Beach) letting off the ash that mixes with the sand which adds its purple tint. But we'd have to wait for Ame to confirm it ( Probably when she releases episode 13!)

I doubt we'd face Titania next episode since we'd likely face her in the desert north of Beryl Bridge and Peridot Ward. It makes sense since the other two types that are based around the desert Terra (Ground leader and her (shared) gym is Agate Circus) and Hardy (Rock leader and his gym is in Agate City) so that leaves Titania.

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The Factory Field could be Shades Gym and the Blacksteam Factory where you fight the Pulse Muk and Shade himself could be in a seperate room in his gym. Shade´s field could also be the darkness in his Gym and as soon it´s bright his Gym get´s the Factory field. Forest Field sounds like Shelly but could also be Rodochrine Jungle and the forest part of Route 1 while keeping the Grassy Field for the main route.

Also aren´t on Kiki´s Gym already rocks, so there could definitely be the Rocky Field. Could give Fighting type attacks deal additional rock type damage by punching Pokemon in to those rocks.

Edited by Yazmat
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The Factory Field could be Shades Gym and the Blacksteam Factory where you fight the Pulse Muk and Shade himself could be in a seperate room in his gym. Shade´s field could also be the darkness in his Gym and as soon it´s bright his Gym get´s the Factory field. Forest Field sounds like Shelly but could also be Rodochrine Jungle and the forest part of Route 1 while keeping the Grassy Field for the main route.

Also aren´t on Kiki´s Gym already rocks, so there could definitely be the Rocky Field. Could give Fighting type attacks deal additional rock type damage by punching Pokemon in to those rocks.

Shade's Gym having the Factory Field wouldn't make sense even after lighting up his gym so you'd have to do the same to most of Julia's gym (apart from the battle with her) Hardy may have the Rocky Field and Kiki may have something else since there are only a few rocks on her battlefield so something to do with the ash falling from Pyrous Mountain would make sense too.

I agree with Dobby's suggestion for Shade's field effect since it's suitable if Shade teleports you to another room where he battles challengers. Otherwise as you said, the Darkness Field that Luna has could be used here but I doubt Ame would use something against Shade or use similar field effects for Gym Leaders.

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Shade's Gym having the Factory Field wouldn't make sense even after lighting up his gym so you'd have to do the same to most of Julia's gym (apart from the battle with her) Hardy may have the Rocky Field and Kiki may have something else since there are only a few rocks on her battlefield so something to do with the ash falling from Pyrous Mountain would make sense too.

That´s true, although I wasn´t taliking about Luna´s field but a different field which depends wether it´s dark or bright in his Gym.

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