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Poison Type Leader Help?


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I'm stuck at the Poison type leader any suggestions? My team is currently

Gardevoir, Quirky, Telepathy(It dosen't seem to work atm), Lv 43

-Magic Leaf

-Calm Mind


-Shadow Ball

Pachirisu @ Bright Powder, Calm, Volt Absorb, Lv 41

-Charge Beam

-Thunder Wave

-Super Fang


Swanna., Naive, Hydrate. lv 45

-Water Pulse

-Feather Dance

-Aqua Ring

-Air Slash

Kriketune, Naive, Technichian, lv 42

-Night Slash

-X Scissor


- Cut

Toxicroak @ Quick Claw, Naughty, Posion touch, lv 41

-Rock Smash


-Sucker Punch

-Embargo (Just to fill a space honestly)

Blaziken, Naive, Speed Boost. lv 44

-Blaze Kick

-Bulk Up


-Double Kick

Any advice on how to find some items to put on my team? Nothing that I have found is really usefull. Also any ideas for moves I should breed onto them maybe?

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Well if you don´t mind training a new Pokemon I recommend you Venomoth with Quiver Dance. Is pretty usefull in combination with Leech Seed on her Muk. You could also let Toxikroak relearn Mud Bomb and Nasty Plot to set up on her first two Pokemon. Sadly it doesn´t have Dry Skin. You could also try to set up Bulk up with Blaziken as soon as her Tentacruel is down and she has something other than Nidoqueen and Dragalge (Dragon tail) out. You could also try setting up Calm Mind with Guardevoir but I doubt she would survive a double Sludge Wave from her first two Pokemon.


Oh yeah, appearently Magneton is also pretty good against her.

Edited by Yazmat
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Well if you don´t mind training a new Pokemon I recommend you Venomoth with Quiver Dance. Is pretty usefull in combination with Leech Seed on her Muk. You could also let Toxikroak relearn Mud Bomb and Nasty Plot to set up on her first two Pokemon. Sadly it doesn´t have Dry Skin. You could also try to set up Bulk up with Blaziken as soon as her Tentacruel is down and she has something other than Nidoqueen and Dragalge (Dragon tail) out. You could also try setting up Calm Mind with Guardevoir but I doubt she would survive a double Sludge Wave from her first two Pokemon.


Oh yeah, appearently Magneton is also pretty good against her.

Where do I find Magnemite/ Venonat?

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Gardevoir is gonna be your best bet in this battle. So be prepared to heal him constantly, maybe send in something bulkly(Muk) with Gardevoir and heal with that bukly pokemon and use Gardevoir for attacking. Of course setting up calm minds is kinda crucial. What could really help you is a ground pokemon, something with Earthquake. Now i used Golem but i really wouldn't recomend him since his speed is terrbile and before he's able to strike they'll knock him down, i barely beat her with that Golem.
So a ground type with Earthquake or something and your Gardevoir, especially after like 2 calm mind buffs. Just keep him alive and wreck her team, only Drapion is immune to Psychic so be sure to knock him down with a ground type move

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Maybe you should change a Poke or 2, whit one of these, Aya won´t have a chance:


I've heard enough stories about Venomoths destroying Aya's gym. I'd definitely recommend it.

And if Sky was here, he'd recommend it too. I bet.

If everything fails, you could always try a steel type (Like Magneton ^_^)

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I've heard enough stories about Venomoths destroying Aya's gym. I'd definitely recommend it.

And if Sky was here, he'd recommend it too. I bet.

If everything fails, you could always try Aggron ^_^

Aron isn't available by that point last time i checked.

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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Hm, I didn't had any problems with her although I had an strategy in mind (My Gourgeist was up during the entire battle using Leech Seed and Phantom Force while my Ampharos was spamming Discharge [Gourgeist never got hit by it due to Phantom Force]. I would recommend that you start the battle with Gardevoir and Pachirisu. Thunder Wave everything [cross your fingers that they won't move due to paralyze lol] and try to set up 4 Calm Minds. Before Nidoqueen hits the field try to have Swanna really to Water Pulse it so she doesn't 1 KO Gardevoir. You should be able to 1 hit KO Gengar with Gardevoir. Have Blaziken deal with Drapion using Hi Jump Kick and Dragalge....My Blaziken knew Mirror Move, I copy her Dragon Tail and 1 KO that thing [Leech Seed have done some damage to it though]. Looking at your team paralyze Dragalge with Pachirisu and them Sweet Kiss it (this combo is awesome [Ampharos does the same thing having Confuse Ray], IDK why you taught it Charge Beam). When Blaziken die I call Swanna and Brave Bird everything else (I grind my Ducklett to lvl 41 before evolving :P). I believe you can defeat her without grinding anything just look at your team and what they can learn with Heart Scales.

PS I'm one of those people that refused to grind pokemon just to defeat a difficult an opponent :D; I look at what I got and play my cards right.

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I've heard enough stories about Venomoths destroying Aya's gym. I'd definitely recommend it.

And if Sky was here, he'd recommend it too. I bet.

If everything fails, you could always try a steel type (Like Magneton ^_^)

Actually I have never used venomoth with quiver dance to beat Aya (I did a playthrough with one but this was before quiver dance was a relearner move) Though I know how good it is at beating Aya

I beat it on my bug mono run with by a Vivilion and a Butterfree, I just them up to +5 quiver dances and proceeded to murder Aya.

My recommendation is to try and set up on Muk and Tentacruel early on, neither does a lot of of damage (a icy wind from Tentacruel I think 3/4 shots Butterfree and Vivlion.....with no boosts.....)and if you paralyze them they turn into easy set up bait. That's also how i did it on my main playthrough, status everything, nasty plot up Spiritomb, and sweep. Pokemon I would recommend for this gym? Magneton good bulk and immunity to posion, Gardevoir high sp def most of Aya's pokemon are special attackers and psychic STAB along with clam mind, Venomoth probably one of the best sweepers in the game, any ground type with eq or bulldoze Ex Swampert, Donphan ( though no one uses them anymore weird), Quagsire are all good, Spiritomb used to be a personal favorite but relies to much on sleep which I refuse to use anymore; resists poison, nasty plot, sucker punch for Gengar (though it probably will get dragon tailed by dralage.....) .

For your current team I would recommend giving every single one of your pokemon Pecha berries from the department store this saves a turn from curing posion which will happen, if you are adamnt about keeping kricketune relearn it sticky web and level it to learn perish sing as it doesn't have the stats to really be used as an all out attacker in this stage of the game, try buying X speeds to counter act icy wind this makes sweeping much easier.

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