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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Return (RP thread)


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"You already know my name, so what's yours?" A fitting question, Mac thought. "MacMillan," he said, looking them both in the eye. He knew he will get to know them. Or at least Artemis, seeing as she's in Seacrest. "So, from here, what's next?"

Mac reached into his bag, pulling out the Escape Orb. "Artemis, with your condition, pushing on is dangerous. Additionally, from here, this dungeon will only get more dangerous. I'd suggest returning to Seacrest," he said, eying Otto. "It's an Exploration Castle that I herald from. Artemis too, it would seem. What say you?"

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Artemis flew back down to rejoin Otto and MacMillan, the Zangoose. "Nice shot, Otto~," she complemented the Oshawott.

Then she directed her next statements to MacMillan. "Nice to meet you, MacMillan. And thanks for the help back there. Also, I appreciate the offer, but I think you should save it for when there is absolutely no chance of making it out alive. I am just a little winded, no pun intended. If I can't even tough out the first 2 floors of a dungeon, I'll never be able to get to explore anywhere; that's something I don't want to happen. And, besides, there are probably more Oran Berries up ahead anyway."

With that, she hopped, slowly, over to the staircase and peered down below her. "And believe me, I'm tougher than you think~" she chirped.

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Sparks had came up from behind Draidon, "And i thought there wasn't anyone faster than myself." He claimed with a bit of surprise in his tone as he shifted his view towards the entrance of Mt. Horn that Ace had in front of, "Should we proceed in there?" He asked without showing a hint of fear in his voice.

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Alistair was leaning against the the wall of a corridor just around the corner of where the others talked and got acquainted, listening to their words and catching his breath from the running. He was compelled to go and see what was going on when he heard the sounds of a fight, but since it was not his business, he didn't join and stayed out of sight. Due to the events of the last floor, Alistair decided to be a bit more cautious in terms of who he should contact.

They aren't native from here and as far as I can gather, and it seems like they too are planning to clear this dungeon, so we have a common goal... Grabbing a pebble from the ground, he toyed with it as he did his thoughts. Did one of them mention something about an Exploration Castle too? Then is that what Arceus meant earlier when he said he'd leave us in the care of the Castle leaders? So I guess they should be fine to work with, right? Coming to those conclusions, Alistair decided that he'd talk to them soon, but he'd continue listening for now.

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"We might as well..." Draidon grumbled. He walked off beyond the entry way, stopping and waiting for the bird and the... other guy, when he reached the end of the tiny cave, spotting the Stair Case leading up into the first floor of the dungeon.

"Hurry up!" he called back at them. "Those bug types aren't gonna wreck themselves!"

((I'm just going to assume from this point on that all dungeons have some sort of initial stair case that leads into the beginning of the first floor.))

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"I'm tougher than you think" she had said, waiting at the stairs.
Mac smirked. "Great to hear." He turned to Otto, thinking about asking for the Power Band. No, he should keep it, Mac thought. The Zangoose already had range with Quick Attack and ExtremeSpeed "Shall we be off?" he asked, walking over to Artemis, taking one last bead of poison damage.

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Sparks chased after Ace and Draidon as they tried to leave him behind once again, "Can you two at least take some time for me to keep up?" He claime, before seeing that Ace had gotten into a fight with a wild Natu, "Hmm, Flying against Flying? I could intervene.." He mumbled to himself as his fur started to stand on edge as electricity was jumping from tip to tip, "Oh! Type advantage, that's right!" He claimed as he gazed at the Natu, "Ace! Get down!" He called as he launched a Thunderbolt at the Natu.

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Good Arceus this place was a deathtrap. Mostly because of the higher-in-terms-of-level Pokemon here. Oh, and the traps. There were pages of them in the books and scrolls she'd read, but wow, that Warp Trap she'd stepped on as soon as she'd entered another room that had a couple of good-looking loo-- now that, that was tragically inconvenient. Now she was in another empty room. Either way, she had to get a move on, or she would never find out what lay at the end of the Crystal Caves.

However, as soon as she took a step, a frightened Beldum frantically flew into the room and caught sight of her. They stood looking at each other, eye-to...eyes. It was as if the Beldum was sizing up Pulse, as though it were weighing its chances against her.

The Espurr's fur stood on end right as it threw a telekinetic wave at her. Luckily that wasn't very effective, but if she wasn't careful it could've confused her. "All right then... ought to try my luck," she said. With the knowledge of what Pokemon she'd read would be most likely to appear in the first floor, she gathered her energy, and used a move at random-- and stumbled when what felt like an earthquake ensued!

Looking up, she saw the Beldum staring at her-- almost as if it were amused. Right. It can levitate, so of course that wouldn't have had an effect on it, Pulse thought, shakily. It moved in for a heavy slam, getting injured in the process, injuring her further.

O-One more try... I don't know any other moves I can bet on! She gathered her energy again and leapt, this time baring her fangs and chomping into the Beldum. All ri-- wait, whaaa--! went through the Espurr's mind as the Beldum flew around the room like crazy, as though something in it had been triggered. Pulse held on for dear life, her fangs still darkened and embedded in the metal, not wanting to receive more damage from possibly getting flung clear across the room.

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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"Uhhh, I have to go through some cave for Seacrest then," Banana the Tropius asked herself. "Well, whatever. It's by the sea so it's probable filled with water types, easy as can be." She head into Brine Cave, with her X-ray Specs her family gave her before she left. Going into the cave she thought since it's all going to be filled with water types, might as well beat every water type there is. Even if things go south, she has her Chlorophyll ability to make a quick getaway. Seeing just a resting Omanyte in a floor with a revival seed, she decided not to seek in and get it but to get into a space where she can hit the Omanyte without having to be close by it.

She then launched a Bullet Seed at the Omanyte, hitting it 3 times but the Omanyte would not go down. "HOW DARE YOU WAKE ME YOU-" the furious Omanyte yelled as it was interrupted by another Bullet Seed, growing even more furious, getting more closer and closer to Banana. "Damn," Banana wined, "why won't you just die already?!" She then brought out the sun, raising her speed to get further away and continuing to launch Bullet Seeds. Of course the Omanyte went down, but now Banana knows the challenge this cave brought to her now. "So sh*t this won't be so easy then. Well, I don't have Sunny Day for no reason." She then picked up the Revival Seed and headed further down stairs, where even more stronger pokemon where waiting.

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Scorpio watched the Cranidos carefully. The rock type Pokémon was confused and going on a rampage, but it was still dangerous. One wrong move and Scorpio could be in for a lot of pain. When the Cranidos finally stood still and turned his back, the Skorupi ran for it. His plan was to go after Pulse after he saw she stole something from Cranidos. Maybe it was a treasure? And maybe he could steal it from her.

Scorpio took a left, where he presumed to find a certain Espurr, but was surprised when he didn’t see anyone around. He walked slowly around, trying to not make any noise. He looked behind rocks to see if Pulse was hiding, but he didn’t find anything. Maybe she was in a room ahead? As soon as he went for the exit, something slammed into him and sent him flying.

When he got up, he stared in the face of a very angry Wormadam.

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Any longer now, Pulse was going to hurl. Literally. In either way (those being: a. getting flung across the room; b. throwing up; c. possibly both). But she held on and clamped down harder-- till, finally, the Beldum passed out. Somehow. Without, thank mercy, slamming into a wall and taking the poor Espurr with it. Two down, an unnumbered amount of enemies more to go. No big deal. As Pulse walked to the edge of the room, she happened to look at the item she had taken from the Cranidos. It was a bluish orb of sorts... she checked for a label or a symbol or an engraving of some sort. Aha! It was a Rollcall Orb! She pocketed it, keeping it in her treasure bag for easier access. It was meant to summon teammates and allies in a flash so long as they were on the same floor, she'd read. Maybe if another member of Mystique happened to be in the dungeon she could tag along; this place was already getting on her nerves. Pulse walked along the wall of the room, hoping to not step on another trap again.


And promptly had chestnuts rain on her. She resisted the urge to curse.

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As Roy ascended the rocky set of stairs, he thought he could see some sort of structure further up the mountain.

"Wassat?" he asked.

Proud of his advancement, Roy felt a large part of his aches disappear, though he was still quite hurt, and he started to hop up and down to test himself.

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"Don't get too confident already; we still have a long way to go." Vincent looked around, and there were no native Pokemon to be found in the room. "Let's try to keep a low profile this time." He looked at the hurt Timburr. "Meaning no more yelling before you attack. Please." Then he saw something lying by his feet. They looked like...pebbles? "Here, hold on to these for me, if you will." He's still weak, so I can't risk him going straightforward into battles. "When an enemy draws too close, just throw those rocks at them, ok?"

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Roy listened to Vincents suggestion, and a small little voice in the back of his head told him to listen. That voice was drowned out by the petulant anger whirling in his head.

"Whaddya mean low profile?! There ain't no one who can beat me! Bring 'em on! YA HEAR THAT?!" Roy yelled into a nearby corridor. Unfortunately, there was no response, hostile or otherwise. Grumbling, Roy swiped the small pebbles from vincents hands and began juggling them, adding one every so often to keep his small hands full. He had lost his tree trunk earlier, and wanted something in his hands ASAP.

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Vincent stared at Roy, his mouth wide open at the bravery, or better said, the stupidity of the Timburr. Was he actually trying to get them killed or something? "I'll repeat: keep low profile. You remember that Beautifly, correct? You got lucky that you didn't pass out after it attacked, and next time you might. And there's no telling what will happen then." Vincent tried to not let his anger seep in his voice, but the attempt was futile. "I know that you're stronger than the average Timburr, but there are some strong opponents out there. You can't beat them all." He heard a faint noise from the corridor that Roy shouted in. "And now we should keep going, before they find us," Vincent said as he ran to the corridor on the other side.

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"Pah, whatchu talkin' 'bout? I'l Endure anything anyone chucks at me, and hit em back five times harder!"

Regardless, Roy dashed after Vincent. Once they reached the next room, Roy noticed a small pile of assorted berries and seeds. "Oooooh, I wan't 'em!" Roy dashed towards the berries, eager to have a snack, when a Parasect appeared blocking the way to the berries.


Before the pokemon could say any more, Roy Pounded the pokemon out of his way, making a beeline straight for the food.

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Did I really just see him punch a Parasect in the face right after I told him to keep low profile? Vincent tried to go over to the Parasect to excuse Roy, but he quickly backed away when he saw that it slashed at him with his claws, which seemed a little too purple. "Ok, this is not going to work. "Roy, we're going to have to battle our way out of this...again."

"That was my foooooooood!" the Parasect screamed. "Now I will have to feed on youuuuuuuuu!"

"Oh my Arceus!" Vincent exclaimed. He quickly jumped and slammed on the Parasect, deftly dodging the claws that it raked at him. One had hit him though, and Vincent landed rather hard on the ground. "Some help please."

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Roy saw the battle continue, and the small voice from before informed him that his superpower wouldn't work too well on the bug type. Wondering what to do, Roy popped a seed in his mouth, hoping that eating would help him think. Before he knew it, his mouth grew fiery with spice... and literal fire. Roy belched, sending a blast of flame towards the parasect. the flames exploded on contact, launching it away.

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Otto blushed when Artemis gave him the compliment.

"Gee, thanks, Artemis."

Then, Otto responded to Mac's question, and headed over to join Artemis and Mac.

"I agree. let's continue onwards."

Otto then headed down the Staircase to the Third Floor. upon entering, he noticed a Reviver Seed in one Corner of the Room and an Oran Berry in another Corner. Otto then spoke up the staircase to Artemis and Mac.

"Guys, i just found another Reviver Seed, and there's also an Oran Berry in this Room!"

Otto then started to head over to the Reviver Seed, only to step on a Trap almost immediately.


Otto looked up just in time to notice some Chestnuts fall towards him.


He then raised his Scalchop above him as a sort of umbrella, shielding him from the Damage. The sound of Chestnuts bouncing off of his Scalchop resonated back up the staircase.


After looking around for a few seconds (and seeing that there were more Traps scattered around the room), he spoke up the staircase to Artemis and Mac.

"Watch your step, guys, there's Traps down here!"

Otto then heard a Voice come from the Corridor.

"Well, well, if it isn't a visitor who's come to try and defeat me."

Otto looked at where the Voice came from, only to see that it was an Omanyte.

"Listen, All i want is to get through this Dungeon."

"Oh, Sure, try to fool me with that innocent demeanor of yours. I'm seeing right through your facade. You want to take my Reviver Seed!"

the Omanyte then curled into its' Shell, and rolled at Otto (Rollout). Otto sidestepped, and used Aura Sphere right at the side of its' Shell, knocking its stamina down quite a bit, as well as flipping the Omanyte into the Air, and it landed on another Chestnut Trap. The sound of Chestnuts falling onto the Omanyte reverberated up the staircase.



"What, did you not know that Chestnuts hurt when they fall on you?"

"I knew that, it's the entire reason i installed these Traps in the first place!"

Edited by K_H
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Draidon climbed the stair case and entered onto the first floor... just in time to see the Jolteon from earlier unleash a thunderbolt at someone... well no, not someone, but rather at the Tailow from earlier... at least, from where Draidon was by the stair well, that's what it certainly seemed like. He couldn't believe it... this guy had told him that not Electric types were bad, and yet here he was, firing off lightning at someone he was supposed to be working with, and even worse, who had a serious vulnerability to it... well, actually... no, he could believe it... He could beleive it very, very much... and had been believing just this for a long time, and he'd only been proven right by his sight of the other pokemon's action.

"Lie to ME, will ya!?" he roared at the electric type as the arc of electricity shot towards it's target (though Draidon didn't know the fact that it wasn't intended for the tailow...) and brandished his claws. they erupted in a bright blue glow and he charged off towards the Jolteon, slashing wildly, leaving wide claw marks in the walls and floor... "you said that not all of you were bad, but you LIED! ATTACKING AN ALLY LIKE THAT...TAKE THIS, TRAITOR!!!"

((Yeah... I should probably mention that Loyalty is a big thing to him... he doesn't take kindly when he sees someone going after an ally or a friend... though boy, what a misunderstanding here XD...))

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Sparks stopped his Thunderbolt as it had struck the wild Natu, "Hey! Watch where you are swinging those things, you lunatic!" He yelled, managing to strafe out of the way of Draidon's Dragon Claw, "Maybe you should look ahead of you, instead of taking your anger out on me!" He added as he continued to dodge the oncoming Dragon Claw's.

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"You calling me a Lunatic!?" Draidon roared. "You're the one who just tried to fry that Ace with that Thunderbolt!" he sharpened his claws against his skin, then his mouth erupted in flames as he continued, lashing out repeatedly with his fangs and trying the bite Sparks with his fiery maw.

"If there's two thing's I hate in this world..." he said as he continued his advance. "It's lying traitors and Lightning-wielders! And you're both of those!"

((Sorry... but I can't exactly just make it so that he'll Sparks... that would be far too easy and boring.))

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((I can understand it. Work for the goal.))

"I was the only one that came to your aid, when you got paralyzed by that Raichu." He retorted, managing to dodge Draidon's Fire Fang as best as he could, hoping that Ace could intervene to try and cease their scuffle, "You've got to tire out sooner or later, tough guy!" He added.

Edited by Sparky
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