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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Return (RP thread)


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Upon hearing the thuds echoing from below, Artemis grew worried. She knew about traps, but she was never really concerned about them since she could usually fly over them. Artemis forgot to consider her grounded teammates, since she isn't too great at socializing. "Otto? Are you okay?" she yelled down the stairs.

Instead of a reply, however, Artemis heard a foreign voice that seemed angry. Shortly afterwards, the blue bird heard more thuds and loud, violent sounds, as if there was a fight. "Damn it! Another one! MacMillan, can you go and help Otto? I'll see if I can get the items for us so that we can have the advantage!" Without waiting for his reply, she took off and flew straight down to find the items Otto mentioned before. Perhaps, with some luck, Artemis could reach the Reviver Seed and the Oran Berry so that they can escape without getting into a fight.

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Draidon quickly snapped his fiery maw around in a 180 at Ace's call for help, bringing his fangs down hard on the Zatu and ending it's mirage attack as he tossed it against the wall of the chamber like a rag doll. It was out like a light. He turned back to face Sparks again, glaring at the Jolteon.

"A now for you..." he snarled...

((Druddigon's have high amounts of physical strength... so yeah, that's how he could 1 hit KO something as small as Zatu even if it's like ten levels ahead.

Proof: (from buldbapedia)
Druddigon warms its body by taking in sunlight with its wings; if its body temperature lowers, it becomes immobile. It has savage physical strength; it nimbly chases prey around its den, using its outstretched claws to catch them. Druddigon lives in caves, and is carnivorous.))

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"Hey! I was aiming for that Natu, just before you interrupted my ThunderBolt! I would never turn on an ally like that. You had a bad experience with the rest of my typing, I can tell, but you need to let go of that ordeal, and we should focus on getting through this place in one piece." Sparks exclaimed, before motioning towards Ace, "Are you alright, Ace?" He asked, hoping that the Flying type was fine.

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It was go time, Artemis signaled. As she swooped down, Mac immediately followed, his poison curing upon reaching the new floor. The Omanyte was distanced from Otto, which game him a chance to get beside Otto and face the Omanyte.

"The Omanyte is tough," Mac said abruptly. "We combine our attacks and it will fall." He looked right at Otto, completely trusting. It was rather dumb for only so soon meeting him, but this dungeon was tricky. He prepared a Night Slash, his claws darkening. "On your call, we release the attack."

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Atton simply grumbled upon hearing Sparks explanation. It was plain on his face that he didn't believe it, despite whatever he said.

"Fine..." he mumbled. "But I'm going to be watching you like a braviary..." with that said he stomped off down the hall way leading to the next room, knocking out another Zatu with a strike with the back of his claws as he passed. In the next room he spotted the stair case... and lucky them, because it looked like it was all clear.

"Get in here!" he roared back down the corridor. "I found the stairs!"

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Otto looked at Mac and smiled. He then grabbed his Scalchop, looked back at the Omanyte, and readied a Razor Shell.


Otto then rushed at the Omanyte, who had readied a Rollout.

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"And now for my follow up!" Roy announced, his eyes glinting with joy. Fighting ike this was fun!

Roy took a step ack and gathered the same strength he had used on the bonsly before, preparing it for a more powerful foe. He began running, picking up speed as he went until he leaped into the air, hitting the ceiling and launching off of it, slamming himself down onto the parasect with superpokemon strength


The weakened Parasect fell, weakened by the unexpected assaults.

"Ta Dah!"

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Sparks rolled his eyes slightly, before rushing after Draidon, "Alright then, I won't try anything to hurt our allies." He muttered to himself as he made his way down the corridor to the stairs, taking a deep breath to calm himself from what had transpired a few minutes ago.

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Merodi was greeted by a landscape of shimmery blue crystals as she opened her eyes. Tearing her eyes from the sight, the girl checked her body. Yep. Im a chimchar now. That dream was real. And apparently we have to beat up Darkrai or something to get out of here. Gazing back at the scenery, Merodi concluded that she was in the first floor of the dungeon crystal caves. Wait a minute. Where did all that information ever come from? Oh well. The human-turned chimchar charged on through the dungeon toward the stairs, or at least in the direction her mind told her to run.


Alina watched from underwater as a mincchino slapped its tail on the exeggutor that was chasing her. Catching the moment when it was stunned, she exited the water and stomped her feet on the ground, creating a shockwave that dropped tons of ice from seemingly out of thin air. (avalanche)

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"Now!" Otto had shouted. Mac grinned, glad with his the Oshawott's enthusiasm.

He leaped at the Omanyte, which was troubled by two foes attacking at once. Mac released his attack, feeling his claws crack the left part of the shell (Omanyte's right). If Otto followed through with the same intensity, then the Omanyte should be defeated, he thought.

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Holding her head, Pulse stepped into the next room. The first thing she saw was a set of stairs, and the loot on the ground, being what looked like a Power Band, and a Pecha Berry to the side. Now to just pick them u-- *RUMBLE RUMBLE* And Pulse fell over. The second thing she saw was a Graveler, grinning after it had caused the minor quake that had knocked her off her feet. The Espurr got up, looking annoyed; she was getting tired of being tossed around. Her ears raised a little bit... "No, no, that wouldn't be fair, now would it?" she said to herself, miffed. Considering her options, she looked at the Power Band and the berry, then the stairs. Or, she could just try to duke it out with this four-armed stone golem.

Which could just knock her down from a distance again whilst she try to grab the items or make a mad dash for the stairs.

Option number three it was. Running towards the Graveler, she mentally charged her energy for a psychic attack...

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Jory continued slapping the Exeggutor's heads. The tree Pokemon yelled its own name plaintively, attempting to shake the smaller Pokemon off of itself. Suddenly, it seemed to have had enough. It shook its fronds more lightly, releasing a green powder into the air. As he darted around the Exeggutor's many faces, he began to feel sleepy. He then proceeded to fall off of the Pokemon and onto the ground near it, snoring gently in the middle of the battlefield.

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Scorpio raised his speed barely in time to dodge another tackle from the Wormadam. He retaliated with covering his stinger in poison and trying to hit it, when he noticed it had a sandy-cloak. Not that his poison tail did much damage since he ran into a protective barrier head first.

“You’re going to regret that. Your species is useless to begin with,” Scorpio said in an attempt to anger his opponent.

The Wormadam didn’t fell for it and only glanced at something at its right, before going for another tackle. Scorpio, who followed the glance, was sent flying but now he knew at least why he was being attacked. Two apples and a persim band were waiting for him.

Scorpio raised his speed once again and easily outran the Wormadam, but he was sloppy and only managed to grab one apple. When he turned around for a second try, the Wormadam was covering the remaining items and put up a barrier again.

Scorpio sighed. This was taking too much trouble for an item he wasn’t really interested in, so he ran for the exit to reach the next room.

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Rocks flew at the psychic feline, slamming into her delicate and small body. They hit her hard as unfortunately, her type never was good with defense and really could bear more against mental rather than physical damage. Grunting, Pulse got up once more after being pelted by boulders. This was starting to become ridiculous to her as she just kept getting knocked down. At this moment she just wanted to get away from this floor, from this stupid, sentient rock and get the mission over with, uncover that mystery. Using a move at random, her head appeared to harden and she flung herself at her opponent. Stunned more than hurt, the Graveler fell over, cringing with pain. Well, that was a lucky shot.

Now that the rock was momentarily decommissioned, Pulse made a break for the stairs.

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Otto sliced at the Omanyte, his Scalchop cutting through the Right part of the Shell (Omanyte's left) multiple times.

the damage dealt by Otto and Mac was enough to knock out the Omanyte, as well as break apart it's Shell.

"Nicely done, Mac!"

Otto then started to head towards the Oran Berry, but stepped on a Trap in the process.



Otto fell through the floor, having activated the Pitfall Trap that he'd stepped on, leaving a hole in the floor in the process.


Otto hit the ground, and the sound echoed back up to the Floor above.



Otto then looked around, and noticed a Piplup lying unconscious on the ground next to him. When he noticed that it had a Wonder Badge like the ones that the others from Seacrest had, he nudged the Piplup with his foot, trying to wake it, but had no success. He then yelled up to Artemis and Mac.

"Get me that Reviver Seed, we've got a fallen comrade down here!"

Edited by K_H
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Draidon was tired of waiting... screw it, He'd just catch them after they came to the second floor.

"Hurry it up already," He called. "I'm heading to the next floor!" and he was doing just that even as he said it... but something on the ground caught his eyes, it was to the side of the stairs and gleamed with a light blue color... an orb

"Well..." He said, descending back down the stairs and picking up the sphere in his palms. He could see his reflection in the globe... but he honestly had no idea what it did. He never could understand how it was that some people always seemed to know a Sphere's purpose without having to actually use it first... must have been some secret art to it or something...

"Hey!" he continued hollering down the hall, holding up the object for Ace and Sparky to see. "I just found something!"

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((Sorry Bibs, couldn't think of how to explain the small time gap. Sorry if you don't like the bunnying))

Roy and Vincent had been resting for a while since encountering the parasect, and time was slowly whittling away at Roys already limited attention span. Furthermore, the loss of Roys branch left him with an itch to try and attain a new "accessory"

"Grrrrrr, I need to do something." with that, Roy looked around the area until he spotted a medium sized tree. Judging it appropriate, Roy took a breath and began slamming into the tree in an attempt to knock it over. Unfortunately it would not budge, and so he repeated this, again and again and again, using his failures as fuel for his fiery determination.

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Sparks steadily climbed the steps, before glancing up towards where Draidon was, "Hmm? What's an orb like this doing here?" He questioned, "Maybe we should hold onto it, if we need to make use of whatever it does." He added, before motioning a paw towards the next floor, "Let's get moving." He remarked as he resumed climbing the stairs to the second floor.

Edited by Sparky
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"Fine..." Draidon Grumpled. he stepped back onto the stair case... then stopped. there was some sound coming from nearby... like a bunch of Tree leaves rustling... if he didn't know any better, he would've thought someone were actually foolish enough to punch a tree in an attempt to get wood from it... he waited for a few moments, then looked up at Sparks.

"You hear that?" he asked rather curtly. "That rustling sound over there."

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"Hey everyone! Look what I--" Artemis was surprised to find only MacMillan in the room she left them in. While the Zangoose and Oshawott were battling the Omanyte, Artemis had gone off to see if she could find any more items that could help them reach the bottom of this dungeon. Although she was a bit beaten up by childish Seel, she did managed to find herself 100P, a Slumber Orb, and an X-Eye Seed.

"Get me that Reviver Seed, we've got a fallen comrade down here!"

"Otto?" Artemis flew over to grab the Reviver Seed and the Oran Berry before joining MacMillan's side, which was right next to a hole. She looked at the fallen Omanyte with the broken shell, then her teammates, then the traps and, finally, down at Otto with an unconscious Piplup.

"One Reviver Seed coming! Let's go down through here, MacMillan, we could avoid the other traps that Omanyte probably had." Artemis flew down the hole and placed the Reviver Seed in the Piplup's mouth. Judging by the Water type's equipment, Otto was right on him being a comrade. If she remembered correctly, the Piplup's name was Torrent. With that, she settled herself in like she did with Otto before, feeling her energy creeping back to her ever so slowly.

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Sparks' ears twitched lightly at the sound of rustling leaves that Draidon had mentioned, "Yeah, i hear it as well. There's either others that wandered in here, or a battle going on." He answered as his curiusity was reaching a peak, "Let's go see what is making that noise." He chimed as he quickened his pace up the stairs.

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"why are you going up the stairs?" Draidon asked, can't helping but have a bit of suspicion in his tone. "The sounds coming from over here." with that, he walked off towards the noise, exiting the room and into another corridor... the sound was growing louder as he made his way. it was definitely coming from down here.

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