Sutoratosu Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 Draidon fell from the tree as the massive burst of sound hit him like a tauros's charge. He lay on the ground near the tree's base, his whole body refusing to respond to him. The Adrenaline was gone now, knocked away by the fall... he was beyond the limit now. I will never forget this... he silently vowed in his mind as he lay on the ground immobile. I will never forget any of this... or what roles you all played just now...someday...I'll tear you all apart... But that day... isn't today... I need more strength before that can happen... and I WILL FIND IT, ARCEUS HELP ME, I WILL F*CKING FIND IT. Then he simply lay there, staring up at the tree's highest branches, basking in the infuriating irony of how close he'd come... then he let out a grunt as one of the branches, having been weakened by the tailows attack, snapped and fell on top of his chest... he could do nothing to move it off or partake of the healing fruit that bloomed upon the branch. Great...even more irony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 Ace walked toward the fallen Dragon-type. "Are you going to stop acting like a bloody idiot and trying to murder your team? If so, you can have these." He picked the branch up in his beak and moved the fruit to where Draidon could get to it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparky Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 "I've gotta agree with Ace, you let your past grudges enrage you way too easily." He claimed, before making his way towards the little Timburr, hoping he was alright after putting up a brave fight with Draidon, "Hey, are you alright, kid?" He asked, still unaware of his name. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted September 13, 2014 Support Squad Share Posted September 13, 2014 Roy woke from the momentary unconciousness he had fell into and rose, wincing in pain as he felt hs stomach wound hurt. it didn't seem deep, but it hurt like a motherF*cker. He was also a little dizzy. He barely heard Sparkys words before his nose picked up the scent of some fruit. Roy stood, shakily making his way over to the food, and taking a small part of it, eating it to satisfy his ailing stomach. It didn't matter if it had a hole in it, it made Roy feel better anyway. Upon eating, Roy felt drowzy once more, and sauntered over to Draidon, where he immediately grabed the dragons arm and promptly fell asleep, head resting on his blue scales, snoring lightly, content in whre he was. ((Roy is NOT gonna unattach from Draidon. Whne asleep, his actions have moer power than his superpower, so his hold on Draidon is gonna last til he wakes up, and that's not happenin' anytime soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 When Scorpio reached the next room he immediately spotted the Espurr from before. She appeared to be in a hurry to reach the stairs. Scorpio started to pursuit her, remembering she took something from the Cranidos, when he heard something rumble around. The Skorupi hesitated for a moment to see what caused the noise, only to be hit in the face by a rock. “WHO THE F*CK DID THAT?” he asked angry. The rock had done a reasonable amount of damage. Blood sipped through a wound above his right eye. Scorpio only heard a smirk and was about to retaliate when he saw a Graveler blocking the path to the stairs. (Yeah, Scorpio could use some help right now) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 So the Skorupi was still around, and the Graveler had recovered. Already a step or two down the stairs, Pulse considered her options again. The stairs were open for her and the four-armed rock was distracted by the poisonous bug. This way she was free to take the lower floors for herself. On the other hand, there were even more foes on the next floor, she was sure. That bug wouldn't really stand much of a chance; goodness, was he bleeding? But in what way would helping him benefit her? A chance to take down the annoying Rock-type that continuously knocked her down, probably. That was a good enough reason. Coming back up the stairs she threw another psychic wave at the Graveler, hoping to confuse it momentarily as she concentrated her resentment towards the Graveler in that attack. It reeled, tottering a bit from the attack, but held its senses, and turned to the feline. The bug could wait later, he appeared to decide, after a sideways glance at the badly damaged Bug-type. Another flurry of rocks could smash it down quick. Smugly, he grunted at Pulse, as though challenging her to attack again. Pulse returned the stare, with big, blue velvet eyes that seemed to snap and flash at her opponent. It seemed to make her more intimidating, especially for a Pokemon of her stature. Somehow, it unnerved the Graveler, but that didn't raise any qualms about attacking. It fired rocks in Pulse's direction, who jumped out of the way and retaliated with another telekinetic wave. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 ((oh great... we got a clinger...)) Draidon ate the Sitrus Berry Ace had put near his mouth, deciding that he'd have to bide his time... that the day for vengence would come, but for now he would not act any further... but he vowed that he would never forget his new goal...and as he took a bite, the effects of the healing fruit were nigh. it felt better, sure... but after the beating he just took from that boomburst? his entire body was still hurting like Groudon had just break-danced using him as the freaking floor. At this point, a Sitrus berry had about as little use as putting a tiny bandage on a gunshot wound. and so it was that, having been pushed far beyond his limit, the Dragon faded into unconsciousness soon after, Not even awake to realize that the Timburr, the very one he'd been trying to kill in the first place, was now clinging to his arm. Underneath Draidon's body pulsed a light blue light... little did anyone know that the Orb he had found earlier had been shattered upon his impact with the ground.. and little did anyone know that if they didn't get clear in a few seconds, the now activated effects of the Escape orb would send them all back to town... Reveal hidden contents ((I ain't forget about our little trip to town plan... and besides, now we have a legit reason... Sitrus berries won't cut it...this fool needs a reviver seed. oh, and about the money, as of Explorers of Sky, you started to only lose half your cash from being defeated in dungeons... but half of infinity... is infinity, just like half of Zero, is zero.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 The Graveler turned his attention towards the attacking Espurr, after glancing at Scorpio. Apparently it decided Scorpio was done for or it could easily take him down afterwards. Nothing pissed the Skorupi more off then others thinking he’s not worth their time. Instead of doing the smart thing and retreating, he raised his speed and jumped on Graveler’s back, while it was being hit by the telekinetic wave. Scorpio’s tail started dripping with poison while he stung his enemy multiple times. It didn’t do much damage, but the poison took effect. Graveler started to get annoyed when he couldn’t throw the bug-type of his back, so it formed a ball and started rolling violently, launching Scorpio into the ground. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 (edited) What's he thinking? He could've just... Pulse frowned as the Graveler tried to run the bug into the floor. That was going to hurt badly-- she had to throw the rolling rock off course, preferably to land on its belly. Circling around, she charged blindly-- curling up into a furry ball of force and slamming into the Graveler, re-routing it and thus slamming into the wall, face-first-- if the Skorupi wasn't hanging on tightly enough, the force of impact on the wall could've knocked him off the stony back. Although dizzy from the poison and having its initial momentum thrown out, it only seemed to get angrier and frustrated, evidently wanting to crush both enemies at once. It rose its heavy, rugged foot, and stamped, sending shockwaves throughout the room. Pulse, not used to rolling herself around and thus having gotten wobbly from the roll, fell over again. That did it. The Espurr's eyes glowed again as an odd wind seemed to blow over her grey fur. She'd had it with this stupid rock pushing her around. Gathering what psychic energy she had, she began adding feelings of resentment and irritation into the mixture-- and threw it in hard hitting, vertiginous waves at the stone golem. *BOOM!* The dust cleared, revealing the Graveler near-unconscious, shaky and faint, as it stumbled across the floor. It wasn't down yet, but it certainly was discombobulated. Edited September 13, 2014 by ZephyrEnyalios Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 ((Disco what? xD)) Scorpio was hurt badly and crashed hard on the ground. He limbed a bit when he tried to escape towards the stairs. Fighting rock types never was a good idea, but the Graveler seemed to be in a similar state as him. “I’m getting out of here,” he said to the Espurr when reaching the stairs. He was unsure why she helped him but it wasn’t in his nature to thank anyone. Without waiting for an answer he ascended the staircase, hoping he wouldn’t run into too many rock types along the way. And maybe, just maybe, it would be smart to keep Pulse around. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 ((discombobulated. Like, uncoordinated, dizzy... something like that XD)) An Oran Berry flew his way. Pulse guessed that he didn't have a healing berry on him as he didn't make a move to ingest one. Then she faced the Graveler, finishing it off with another psychic wave. Good, she'd had enough. After picking up the Power Band and Pecha Berry, she followed the Skorupi down the stairs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 Scorpio munched the Oran Berry down. He was grateful or it, but again, thanking someone wasn’t in his nature. After all, he didn’t ask for it. If he thought about it he hadn’t really thought things through. When he received his assignment he just rushed to the Crystal Cave without thinking about items he might need. He just assumed he would find treasure in here but so far he only managed to find an apple. When Scorpio reached the next floor he was on guard. He raised his stinger while looking through the, as far as he could tell, empty room. In the far corner he spotted some Silver Spikes; the way they stood against the wall looked like someone had put them there. An new enemy perhaps? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 Nothing but Silver Spikes in the room. Oh well. Right after helping out the Skorupi, Pulse felt there wasn't really a need to stick around and started for a way out of the room. Hard to believe it was only the second floor down; the first floor had been a challenge, and she considered returning to town to stock up on Reviver Seeds and Max Elixirs. She looked annoyed with herself for not having prepared adequately. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 After a few seconds, the glow became brighter and stronger, engulfing draidon in a teal light that shot up to the ceiling, wisking both him and roy off somewhere. By now the others in the group could probably figure out what was happening; they were being evacuated by the Escape Orb... but it was too late to do anything about it, as the others found themselves engulfed in small, golden lights, engulfing them and forming a cocoon like glow before they were lifted off their feet and shot up towards the ceiling just like Draidon.... But they didn't hit the ceiling, as one might think that they logically would. instead they passed right through it, into the second floor,then the thrid, and so on and so forth until they were finally clear of the mountain, passing through the summit and able to see Tempest Castle at the peak, along with Draidon and Roy floating nearby... except they couldn't move or try to get to either the castle or to them... Instead, the lights enveloping them shot off to the north east, towards a small settlement... Crash!! the group members all slammed face first into the ground on the outskirts of Tempest town. The landing certainly didn't help Draidon's condition. The glows faded gradually a few seconds later. a voice could be heard nearby. "Oh my F*cking Arceus!" The Raichu who had wrecked Draidon earlier shouted in fury. "YOU again!? You Motherf*cker, You put my little sister Thames into a Coma, ya know!" "Hey man, whoa, whoa..." The Manectric standing beside him said, trying to hold back his friend. "C'mon man, he's not worth it.. c'mon, everyone's waiting for us, brah... let's walk away from this and get the medicine to them. I'm sure you wanna check on Thames, right?" Sparks hissed and flew off of Raichu's body as he looked at Draidon on the ground... then he gradually willed himself to calm a little, though just enough to get his electricity under control. He was still very much pissed. "Fine..." he grumpled. "Fine, you're right... let's just get this medicine back to everyone at the cave..." he then turned his attention to the others who had crashed along with Draidon. "But you all..." he snarled. "Tell that f*cking dragon on the ground this; he don got lucky dis time because ma buddy Manny is here to hold me back, But I'ma find his a*s after this... and ain't even Palkia or Dialga or the Dark Lord Garitina, or even Lord Arceus himself gonna be able to help him when I do!" with that said, the Raichu scooped up the crate he had put down. it was noticebly filled with oran and sitrus berries, as well as reviver seeds spilling out of the top, and began walking towards the exit of town. As Raichu walked by Draidon's unconscious form, he tripped on a stone in the path and nearly fell, managing to balance himself in the nick of time. he glanced down and looked at the dragon type, thinking him to have tried something just now. "Oh..." he snarled. "So you wanna go now? alright!" he prepared to unleash thunder, only for Manny to again hold him back with words. "Hey man, Whoa, whoooaaa," he said. "It was a rock, brah, a rock is what you tripped on, alright? see, this ugly lizard is still knocked the hell out brah. C'mon, let's get back." "tell his a*s he don got lucky twice!" the Raichu shouted at the others again. "And tell him that he better thank ma homie Manny before I 86 his a*s!" with that said, the two of them walked off out of town and into the woods not far down the trail. Draidon chuckled on the ground as he opened his eyes. it wasn't clear as to how long ago he had regained consciousness, but he had obviously regained it. "Dumb a*s..." he sneered. he reached his arm over and took hold of the rock he had positioned in the middle of the road to trip the bastard, then tossed it off into the distance. he was noticeably wincing as he did so though. "Oh yeah... I'ma thank your friend Manny... woulda never worked without him..." it soon became obvious what he was talking about. on the ground next to his head were four reviver seeds that had spilled out of the crate as the other pokemon had tripped on the carefully placed rock. Draidon forced his neck to turn to the side, opening his mouth a reaching out with his tongue, managing to snag one of the healing seeds and draw it into his maw. He chewed and swallowed, finding his wounds good as new and sitting bolt upright a few seconds later... he looked at Ace and Sparks, as well as a strange Lillipup sleeping on the ground nearby. "Sorry about that...whole 'I'm gonna kill you' thing..." he lied, though one wouldn't be able to tell that he was being deceptive. Honestly, he wasn't sorry in the least bit about it, infact, he intended damn well to try again someday... and he would NOT fail when that time came... "Anyways, where the heck are we..." he looked over at Lilipup nearby. "And who's the kid over there?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparky Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 Sparks had steadily got back onto his feet, only to see that Draidon was sitting upright, "From what i can see, it looks like we're in a town, but i'm not sure as to which." He claimed, before glancing at the sleeping Lillipup, "Beats me, i never saw it in that dungeon." He retorted as he glanced at the three remaining Reviver Seeds, "Give one of those to that Timburr at your side." He remarked, pointing his left foreleg towards the incapacitated Timburr that laid on his left side. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 Draidon didn't allow himself to hesitate. Things would probably go alot easier and smoother if he just acted like he was past what had happened and that everything was fine. and so that's what he was gonna do. He was gonna put on a show for these bunch of rabble. Silent, He reached over and picked up a reviver seed, shoving it into Roy's mouth. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ojama Yellow Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 Vincent woke up slowly. Wha...what the hell happened? He remembered Roy and the Druddigon battling, a Taillow and a Jolteon intervening. But when the Druddigon used the...orb, or whatever it was, he lost conciousness. He had been standing quietly on the sidelines in the battle between Roy and the Druddigon, because he was sick of keeping the Timburr out of trouble. Roy seemed to attract it anyway. He stood up slowly and looked around. "What...where are we?" Then he saw a castle in the distance. "Is that Castle Tempest?! How did we get here?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted September 14, 2014 Support Squad Share Posted September 14, 2014 Roy had been slowly coming to his senses when Draidon shoved the reviver seed into Roys mouth. He nearly choked on the reviver seed. After the initial shock of the power coursing through him, revitalising his body, he gathered his bearings. He summed up the whole whole experience with a succinct "The F*ck?" Shocked, he turned to Draidon. "Dude, I know you're pissed, but you don't have to go shoving stuff down my throat. You've almost killed me enough times today" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grasssnake485 Posted September 14, 2014 Author Share Posted September 14, 2014 Merodi charged through the rooms and corridors, with only the "implanted" objective in mind: stairs. Along the way, she managed to grab two oran berries, a handful of silver spikes, and some poke, and scuffled with every single pokemon she encountered. After a riolu, absol, and beldum, the chimchar was pretty beat. The final room along the hall has the stairs. Upon entering the room the girl watched in silence the last shreds of the battle between an espurr, graveler, and skorupi. The skorupi looked a bit unfriendly as it headed up the stairs, so Merodi thought it would be wisest to try to team up with the espurr. As strong as she was in the human world, unfortunately that characteristic didnt seem to carry over to the pokemon world. But before she had a chance to say hi, the espurr slipped down the stairs. ~~~ Green powder incoming. It looked pretty dangerous to Alina, so for safe measure, she retreated a step back into the water. She guessed right, since a moment later the mincchino next to her fell asleep. I'd better keep my distance then, she thought. The exegguttor took another step toward her, closing the distance, but there was more room behind her in the water, while the enemy couldnt get any closer in deep water. None of her offensive moves would be able to hit from this distance, but at least she could weaken it with growl until the others woke up. Alina took a deep breath, and gave it the loudest, most ferocious growl it could muster. //Last PC post for my characters, from now until.. later, they will be NPCS. I'll stick around to update jobs and shops daily.// Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted September 15, 2014 Share Posted September 15, 2014 Scorpio was unsure what to do. Should he leave the Espurr? She had been proven useful and in the state he was in he could use some help. Not that he would actually ask for it. On the other hand she seemed to have a similar goal and the cave appeared to be filled with annoying opponents and rock types. “You don’t seem to live here either. What is your goal?” ((I’m busy with a little project of my own so I’m going to let you take the lead in this. You seem to know more about these dungeons anyway xD)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted September 16, 2014 Share Posted September 16, 2014 ((Oh okay lol also I should focus on my studies... but... studies XD also although I've played through Explorers of Sky multiple times, I've forgotten most of the layout, the Pokemon and items found inside, so I just go Google stuff)) Turning sideways from the corridor so as to avoid a surprise attack from the shadowy halls, Pulse answered, "I was assigned to gather data about this dungeon and to investigate its depths." She paused for a while and continued, since, well, she figured there'd be no harm in telling him. "Lady Llumi of Castle Mystique sent me here. but I'm considering returning to town to gather more supplies. These caves are proving more challenging than I'd expected." By this time she'd fully turned around now, looking the Skorupi over. Honestly she wondered if she should leave him be, what with all the sturdy rock and steel types that wandered the floors. If the first floor was difficult, how long could they keep on descending? The Espurr reconsidered and said, "Perhaps, if you'd like, we can team up for the time being. Otherwise, I'll be returning to town to gather more supplies." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparky Posted September 16, 2014 Share Posted September 16, 2014 Sparks had taken a moment to to think, before speaking up, "Well, it only seems fair that we get to know each other's names, before we go anywhere, or do anything." He claimed, glancing back at the Lillipup, "Let's start with you, little one." He remarked with a soft smile forming onto his muzzle as he sat back on his haunches, awaiting the Lillipup's response. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ojama Yellow Posted September 17, 2014 Share Posted September 17, 2014 At least the Jolteon seemed to be friendly. "I am Vincent. I was currently travelling over Mt. Horn to get to Castle Tempest. You see, I aspire to be a rescue team member. Also..." Vincent abruptly shut up. Maybe he shouldn't tell them that he found Roy while passing through Mt. Horn. Maybe he shouldn't tell them that he didn't even know where he was. If someone had to tell them, it would be Roy himself. "...And I forgot what I wanted to say too." Vincent put up his innocent smile. At moment like this he was happy to be a Lillipup, because if there would be one Pokemon that could use puppy-eyes... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparky Posted September 17, 2014 Share Posted September 17, 2014 Sparks chuckled softly, "Vincent huh? The name is Sparks." He remarked with a warm smile, "Glad to meet you Vincent, or shall i just call you Vince?" He questioned, before shrugging the question off, "You say you were heading to Castle Tempest huh? It's funny, since me and the other two over there were doing the same thing, but as we all saw the scuffle between those two." He chimed, glancing at Draidon, Roy and Ace. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted September 17, 2014 Support Squad Share Posted September 17, 2014 "Pfffft, that wasn't a scuffle, it was a clash between two titans of awesomeness! Or, at least one titan of awesomeness."Roy said, a grin plastered on his dumb face. "So, that big*ss place up there was Castle Tempest huh?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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