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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Return (RP thread)


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Alistair took the Gengar's hand and stood up now, giving a nod of thanks while he still was taking in his surroundings and he was already feeling a lot better. He checked out the other individuals that were accompanying them, a Marill, Wartortle and a Piplup, two of which were knocked out and the other one asked a somewhat awkward question.

"How'd you get out here anyway?" Torrent spoke up "What, you run into trouble in the cave or something?"

Uhh.... He remained silent as he tried to give a proper explanation for why he was even at Brine Cave without sounding like a complete whack job, but he then realized that the Piplup probably meant out "here" as in outside of the cave. That's what he was hoping, anyway.

"Oh.. Yeah, I ran into some... trouble," he said in a naturally quiet voice. "I took a pretty heavy beating and -um-" how did he get out of here in the first place anyway? Was it that orb that shattered or something else? He found a similar thing before that he threw at an attacker and it made him teleport to another room on the floor.

"I think it was a blue orb I broke that got me out of there."

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There was silence in the room. Then Mercury started chuckling, followed by bursting into full laughter.

"That...that is simply ridiculous!" he cried out in his amusement, before finally managing to get a hold of himself. "I'm sorry, but did you honestly hear yourself just now? Darkrai's back? yeah, sure, and so is the Dark Lord Garitina. Maybe next you'll go spouting on about some holy Pidgeot or omnipotent Omastar?" he glanced up to Mira as he began hopping over to the group, meaning to usher them out, still chuckling a tad. "Terribly sorry about this, Mira," he said. "It seems these three actually turned out to be nothing but crazy."

"No, Mercury..." Mira said, halting the Duke.


"It sounds crazy, yes... but we shouldn't go dismissing it so easily, if what he's saying is true... well, no world, no more money, and we can't possibly allow that, now can we? We should at least try to verify what he claims to be going on."

"Um...very well then, my lady..." Mercury sighed, disappointed that his sister was actually going to heed the nonsense that otto had just spouted.

"Good to see we're on the same page then," she chimed. "Now, go summon Fractal, this is a job best suited for him."

"As you wish..." with that Mercury hoped back over to the Waterfall and plunged through again, disappearing from the chamber. Mira looked down at Otto.

"So," she began. "You claim to be a human...?"


"Well..." Torrent looked Alistair over, seeing no obvious sign of any particular affiliation. "Are you part of a team or something? A castle? or are you a rouge like Mr.Kage here?"


The House was gradually thinning out as the team kept up their offensive, Ace and Vincent managing to widen the circle around them while Draidon was busy covering Roy, who had, in his reckless abandon, been hit with a Parasect's stun spore and was now stiff as a board. The crowd around the dragon was a bit weary of attacking, know having knowledge of his Fire Fang attack which had taken down most of those who had engaged him.

Meanwhile, around Sparks, several Ariados were closing in following his dispatching of the Natu's two on the ground, crawling at him and unleashing String Shots, while another scurried along the ceiling of the room, letting out a Poison Sting from above... it was somewhat Obvious that they were working in tandem.

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"Well can you offer any proof?" Mira pressed. "Anything at all? I need to see some hard evidence from your story. Understand, I have to take a castle member out of his assigned position in order to send him to go find a reliable source to verify what you've said, which will doubtlessly gunk up the smooth workings of this castle and result in a slight drop in quality of work, thus leading to a downturn in the monthly profit margin. Before I send him out, I need to see something from you that can support your claims, to know that I'm not wasting my time with you, but am instead just undergoing a small loss now to prevent far bigger ones in the future."

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Otto sighed.

"I'm left with no other option, then. you want proof?"

Otto pulled out his Crystal Orb, speaking as he gazed into it.

"See for yourself."

And with that, Otto Changed into a Human.

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Just at that Moment, Mercury burst back through the water, this time in the company of a Glaceon.

"You summoned for me, Lady m- Dear Arceus!!!!" Fractal leapt back in surprise, nearly going back through the waterfall as a result. He recovered and began pacing around Otto's human form, examining him like he was some old scroll, obviously intrigued... "So... Mercury wasn't lying, there's a human here?"

"Indeed there apparently is..." Mira sighed, disappointed she'd have to actually lose a bit of money this month. she had honestly hoped the Oshawott was a complete loon.

"Gone on," she sighed again, looking at Otto. "Tell Fractal everything you told Mercury and I..."

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Otto spoke up.

"As i told Lady Mira earlier, the world is in grave peril yet again due to Darkrai's return. it is because of this that Arceus has brought six Humans to this Realm, myself being one of them. He gave each of us a Bag with three things in it: A Crystal Orb that switches our form between Human and Pokemon, a Wonder Map, and a blank Wonder Badge. He then told us that He would confer with Palkia about the matter, seeing how they'd only recently noticed the effects of Darkrai's tampering with both the Temporal Tower and the Temple of Space."

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"hmm, amazing... simply amazing..." Fractal said, accepting the items and examining each one carefully, especially the orb. "why, in fact, this seems to nothing more than a common Escape orb or something similar... and yet with what you claim, and your form right now..."

"that's precisely why I summoned for you, Fractal," Mira spoke up, breaking the Scholar out of his intrigue. "It seems he is telling nothing but the truth from this evidence. I need you to go..." she paused for a moment, as if dreading what she were about to ask. "Go...find Michael."

"Michael?" Mercury looked questioningly at his sister. "Him? after the massive falling out all those yea-"

"Ah, yes, Michael," Fractal chimed, cutting off Mercury. "Now he was an intellectual peer and rival whom I could actually respect... shame about the conflict of views though. Very well, My Lady, I shall get right on it starting now. First I'll check the city." with that said he handed the items back to Otto and then rushed through the falls, disappearing from the scene as quickly as he had entered.

"Well, I guess that's that for the time being..." Mira said, then looking to Otto. "You should probably change back now... the other castle members will panic if they see like this when you introduce yourself later."

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He tried to move after being strung up from the String Shots, in order to avoid the Poison Sting, barely getting out of the way, but not without taking a few hits from the Poison Sting, "Figured this wouldn't be easy..." He muttered to himself as he aimed a Thunderbolt at the Ariados on the ceiling, before charging as fast as he could into one of the two Ariados' on the floor with a Tackle.

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The ariados which Sparky was targeting seemed to be laughing as the Electric type came at him, as if the attack was the funniest thing he had ever seen.

"That's right," He called tauntingly. "Come at me... yes..." with that said, the Ariados leapt off the ground and right towards the Jolteon as he charged, thrusting out his front fore legs and aiming for Sparks' stomach...

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Otto spoke up, putting his Items into his Bag.

"Lady Mira, that is precisely why I should remain Human, because the Orbs have limited uses. It would be best to show everyone in the Castle what I really am, so they can get the shock out of the way quickly, preventing further... nasty surprises when another Human turns up, as I am confident will happen eventually. Arceus did bring six Humans to this Realm, after all."

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Sparks hadn't thought about the trio being much stronger than he was, before his Tackle had been cut off by the Ariados' Sucker Punch, "S-should've thought a bit more.." He muttered as he staggered heavily from the Sucker Punch, trying to recollect himself, knowing that he was in over his head, before charging up a thunderbolt to try and ward them off as best as he could.

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Team? Castle? Where does that.... Didn't Arceus mention something of a castle? He had to pause to think back to the words that the pokemon god had said, something among the lines of "leaving them in the care of castle leaders," so is that what what the Piplup meant? He really hoped so.

"No, I was just exploring the cave, I'm," Alistair paused to phrase the words correctly, hopefully he didn't seem like a complete idiot right now, "new, to this area. I was actually hoping to join a castle," I think.

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"Fine," Mira said. "But do not say no one warned you..." With that she gave a wave of her regal tail, signaling for the team to exit. "Away with you," She continued. "Go, get this new member settled in and then all of you get back to work!"


Sparks bolt hit true, sending the Ariados who had just struck him sprawling backwards, fully paralyzed. But the other two were still coming for him, and fast. The one from the ceiling had even dropped down to take his disabled comrade's place.

"Oh, you gonna get it now, sucka!" The one who had been on the ceiling said, his voice surprisingly deep and brawny. With that he lifted up his leg and rushed forward, the end glowing an Eerie purple... only for Ace to intercept him by using Peck, knocking the Spider away from Sparks at the last minute.

"You alright?" the Taillow asked the Jolteon. Roy wasn't too far behind him.

Snap Crackle Pop

Torrent turned away from a moment, pondering for a moment. "Hmmm... he wants to join a castle, huh? Well, just someone else who I can get to do my work load from now on... Yeah, I'll think I'll offer. But I gotta make it sound awesome..."

​ "Well then, why don't you come over to Seacrest, man?" Torrent asked enthusiastically, giving a fist pump for effect in his zealous act."We're an Exploration Castle, and the best there ever was, no doubt about it!"

Kage, meanwhile, simply rolled his eyes and started to head off back for town with a sigh.

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Sparks took a deep breath, glancing up at the Taillow, "Yeah, I'm alright, just extensively sore from that slight error.." He remarked, "Seems like you two managed to thin out enough to save me?" He questioned as he slowly got back to a vertical base as Roy was making his way over.

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"He uh... he can't quite talk right now..." Ace sighed. And soon sparks could see why, Roy's mouth had been bound shut tight by a string shot attack, long, strong strands of silk still wrapped around his head from it. The Timburr tried to speak, but not a word of it was decipherable from the muffling. "I don't have any idea where the hot blooded Lizard or Vincent headed off to though... but either way-" The tailow broke off for a minute, going in for another peck attack on the remaining Ariados that was approaching, sending it sprawling on the floor next to it's companion.

"We managed to beat the crowd, just take a look" If Sparks took a gander around the area, he'd see what his team mate was talking about. the Floor had been cleaned with the mobs of the monster house, each and every one of them lying KO'ed, some with bruises from Roy, others with Burns from Draidon, a few with disheveled appearances from Ace himself, and a couple with electric burns that looked similar to the ones Draidon had left, albeit smaller in size and not as deep in puncturing...

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Sparks did as Ace had suggested, surveying the carnage they had induced, "I guess we should get to finding Vince and Draidon, right?" He questioned, gazing at the two sets of burns marks; One being from Draidon, but the other was only one possibility; It had to have been Vincent's, "Should we try and get that String shot off of him?" He asked, shifting his gaze towards Roy.

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"I thought Darkrai had been banished, his memory removed and everything..."

"According to Arceus, he said Darkrai was back or something. Which most likely means he recovered his memory somehow!" Merodi exclaimed at that realization, not realizing that it was a pretty obvious fact.



Alina stared, a bit creeped out at what she just saw. "Ooooh-kay, so, lets go?" The mudkip started towards the nearest corridor. It was quite short, and she could see the stairs just beyond.

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"Er... Well, yes, that would be the only logical conclusion," Pulse murmured. "But if that's true, then we should tell Lady Llumi about this." Hopping up, as though suddenly reinvigorated, the Espurr gestured to the stairs. "Come on; we can go to Castle Mystique after we beat this dungeon!"

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Alistair would have raised an eyebrow if he had one to raise, but instead just nodded. This guy must really like his job... What, does he get paid to advertise or something?

"Seacrest it is then," he said, deciding to follow the Gengar.to where he assumed to be the direction to said castle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

((Short updates, yes, I know. More will come next time though, Children))


"Why" Ace asked. "This is the first time the entire day when he's actually been quiet, do you really want to make this time any shorter than it's going to be?"


"sounds like a plan," Mac agreed, taking a few steps back before charging through the falls just as he had before, disappearing behind the other side with a splash.


Perfect, Torrent thought to himself pridefully, chuckling at his latest bout of manipulation. Another guy around to help me win my meal ticket on easy street... noice!

Kage meanwhile said nothing in regards to the Axews decision, though he honestly thought that joining Seacrest would just end up in the kid being burned... it was the boy's choice, afterall, everyone's entitled to it. And everyone's entitled to their own mistakes as. Even though he and Michael and Rodric had made a mistake in siding with the castle, didn't mean that it would play out the same for this recruit. and so it was that the Gengar witheld all comment on the matter, simply carrying The still unconscious Wartortle and Pixi under his arms

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"I agree with Mac. let's go."

Otto then dove through the Waterfall, this time feeling the coldness of the Water. He landed on the other side, stopping his forward momentum with a somersault.

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