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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Return (RP thread)


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Sparks nodded in agreement with Draidon as he followed after him, "Yeah, we should stock up, before going back in there again. Proper preparation will be of great use for us." He remarked, glancing back at the others, "Best to get things done, rather than beat around the bush." He added.

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Artemis nodded; she was glad MacMillan got the same vibe from Torrent that she felt before. And Otto does not seem to be the type to harm her, so she felt safe.

"MacMillan, to be honest, I am not really used the idea of working in teams. However, seeing that you also caught onto Torrent's weird behavior made me reconsider." With that, Artemis offered her wing to accept. "I also do have 100 in cash and some items to sell if need be. Let's go~"

Edited by DarkLight
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Jory jumped toward the Cherrim tail-first and hit it with a Tail Slap, managing to land four hits before the Cherrim recovered enough to force him away with a basic attack. Jory winced as he was hit and rolled backward a couple of yards and recovered, panting as he moved back toward the fray.

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"Jory, NO!"

Jake slowly turned to the cherrim, breathing heavily with his head down.

"You... Will pay for that... You monster..."

The cherrim looked around for a monster, but didn't see one anywhere. It looked back at Jake and began to charge a solarbeam.

"I'll never forgive you! TAKE THIS!"

Jake exploded forward off his back legs and his claws burst into a black and purple flame, he raised it above his head, and slashed the cherrim, dropping it like a bad habit from a critical hit night slash attack.

He ran over to Jory as soon as he calmed himself down.

"Jory! You ok? I got this oran berry if you want it!"

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What none of the three knew was that Torrent had freaking excellent hearing, which was deceptive, since he didn't have any visible ears. he could pick up their entire conversation just now, even as far away as they were from each other

"Well..." he sighed. the group on the other hand, could hear nothing he said from this distance. "Looks like they're not going to help... but Liar? they call me a liar? what the hell have I lied about so far? Now, I am a lazy guy who just doesn't won't to work, but a Liar? ME?" He huffed out his chest pridefully.

"Well, I'd never..."

Up ahead of Mac, Otto, and Artemis, there was a bit of a scene going down at the Kecleon shop. it seemed that everyone near by had stopped to watch.

  Reveal hidden contents

"What do you mean '8000 poke'!?" an angry Machamp shouted. "Yesterday you had them priced at 800 each!"

"Sir, Please, Calm down!" one of the brothers placated.

"Yes, please!" the other chimed in. "It's an honest mistake, really. We simply accidentally added another ze-"

"I will not calm down, Damnit!!" the fighting type roared, using seismic toss to send the merchant's stand flying off into the distance.

"Eep!" one of them cried in shock.

"Listen, you con artist!" the Machamp began, pointing his finger in one of the brothers face. "Yesterday when I came and asked you how much Reviver seeds were, you said 800! I said 'alright I'll be back for some tomorrow' Well, what do I see today when I come out to buy? You marked the damn price up Tenfold!"

"No sir, Please!" one of them wailed in fear. in his defense, this particular angry customer was very intimidating. "We didn't mean to mark up anything; it was a mistake!"

"Yeah, sounds like something a con man would say in his defense" he roared. "But you know what, if you were gonna try to trick me, I'd at least appreciate it if you owned up to what you were doing." He cracked all four of his knuckles menacingly.

"If there's one thing I hate more than con artist... it's con artist who get caught in the act and don't even have the guts to tell the truth!" things looked like they were about escalate... the pokemon watching all looked like they wanted to intervene, but they all had such a fearful look in their eyes...

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Jory took the Oran gratefully and began to munch on it, pondering the other Pokemon's question. "Hmm... I really don't know what we should do. But my dad always said, 'Always go left, except at toll booths. So let's go that way!" he said, pointing toward the path to their left.

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*does the legs up in the air anime fall* "your Dad sounds like he's got some good ones up his sleeve... Anyways, let's get moving..."

Jake ran off down the lush left route hoping that Jory chose the right route to head down. Upon entering, there wasn't an enemy around this time, but there lie the stairs. Jake walked up and was warped again, sending him to a small room with two gummies, one a grayish color, (normal), and the other a blackish color (dark). By common sense Jake ate the black gummy and waited for Jory.

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Jory was warped to the next floor and grinned goofily at Jake. "I guess we have my dad to thank for that one." He then turned and noticed the gray gummy. He picked it up and inspected it. "What does this do?"

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"I heard if you eat these things, it raises your alertness, and makes your reactions to situations a little better. They also are quite filling, must be protein filled. go ahead and eat it!"

jake turned around looking for an exit from the room and found a small pathway, he treaded down it a bit while carefully looking about, and came across a detour, and a way they could keep running down. He waited for Jory before he went any further.

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"I've gone through here once before, but not very far. I just hid from some thugs that have been chasing me for a good month now... I didn't even go to the second floor. But from what I can tell, it seems pretty thick for a forest..."

he thought carefully, and ran down the middle aisle, but came up with nothing there but a ralts, he quickly dispatched of it with a sucker punch, and when it got close enough, a play rough. He ran back to Jory, and then led the group down the second hall-like bush. He came upon a small, empty room, but it had another pass in it. Finally, after some more searching around, they came across a final room. there was the stairs, but an extremely tough looking vespiquen was guarding it.

"Jory... This might be tougher than the other goons around here!"

he threw a sucker punch, and the enemy came closer, and Jake used his leer.

"we can do this Jory!"

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Jory gave a battlecry and used Tail Slap on the Vespiquen, hitting it four times. He adroitly bounced off of and away from the opponent, not taking any damage in the process. "Let's just keep hammering away at it!"

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Through sheer luck, Alistair managed to make his way through two more floors of this bloody cave, he escaped from most foes but the last one he actually managed to beat, buut... To be fair, the seel just now had stepped on a trap that spun him around and confused him, allowing for the axew to get a good number of hits on him without attaining more damage. Which also allowed for him to actually play around with his abilities. Most notably, he could actually focus energy to his claws for a more efficient attack rather than just a scratch. This did significantly more damage, and he was feeling rather proud of himself, now that he was getting a hang for things. Along the way he had picked up an apple, a small red berry and what he presumed to be money- 100P.

Although.... He had completely lost those other poke that he was tailing earlier, that was likely his fault for waiting too long before passing onto the next floor, but he didn't want to actually seem like he was following them. Regardless, what is done is done, he could keep going without allies for now. Alistair walked through one end of the room to the stairs and proceeded on.


1. Dragon claw

2. Scratch

3. Cheri Berrie

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Otto noticed a large crowd nearby.

"Huh? Guys, I'll go and see what's going on over there."

Otto then headed over to the crowd, and when he looked past the crowd, he saw what seemed to be the start of a fight between the Kecleon Brothers and a Machamp at the Kecleon Shop. Startled after seeing this, he quickly ran back to Artemis, Mac, and Torrent.

"Guys, we'd best hurry over. It seems like the Kecleon Brothers are in trouble!"

Otto then rushed over to the crowd, and tried to head through it to the Kecleon Shop.

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"Alright! Let's do this!"

Jake began using repetitive night slashes, occasionally landing a crit. Eventually, after a great deal of attacking from the two, the vespiqueen went down.

*pant pant* "there's the stairs! Let's go before anything else shows up!"

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