Flux Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 (edited) Sooooo... I've been bouncing this idea around in my head for a while now, and was wondering if there'd be any interest in it, if you can fit in another RP. It will be a fantasy RP, but I will be asking for a lot of input from any who are interested, even as far as construction of the world itself, since it is nowhere near finished. I want this to be a place that you want to RP in, so it is a community project in a limited sense. I will supply a few basic concepts that I think are good, then ask for feedback on those as well as any new ideas you all may have. So, without further ado, here's what I have so far.The main story will take place on two continents, connected by a small patch of land. (Much like North and South America) There is a large emphasis on magic in this RP, as the world will be in its golden age of thinking, with wizards reigning supreme. I'm thinking that for some extra flavor, warriors and other non magical classes will be less common in this world as of now (as opposed to being the most common classes in other fantasy worlds.) As far as mana goes, I'm thinking their will be different "elements" of mana, some more populous in areas than others, but most will be available everywhere.The northern continent is the hub of magic. It's capital city uses teleportation crystals as means of everyday transport. Wizards, philosophers, Sigilists, and many other intellectuals will come here to use the massive libraries and schools available. The continent is run by the Magistrate Council, stationed at the capital. They are the masters of their element of magic, some of the most powerful mages that walk the land. The western side of the continent is covered by a massive forest, home of the forest elves, with high elves taking place in the cities.In contrast to the north, the southern continent will have a large focus on machinery and artificing. They regularly salvage parts from the Wasteland, a machine graveyard situated on the equator of the world, connecting the two continents, but technically property of the southern half. Power cores are some of the most valuable items for artificers, as they are what power their creations. It is not known how cores were made; they can only be salvaged. Even the greatest minds of the age could not discover how those of the past created them, or where their power comes from. Trams run throughout the cities of the southern continent, due to the refusal to rely on magic by its people. (There is a rivalry of sorts between the two continents, deciding whether magic or machinery is superior.)So, now that I've spat all that random information at you, here are the races I have planned so far. Playable Races Reveal hidden contents Humans - I think this is pretty obvious and needs little explanation. Humans are very populous in this world as per usual, being found on both the northern and southern continents depending on preference. (There are more Nordic/Viking-like humans on a small continent above the northern continent as well. They would have had to travel by sea to reach the dual continents though.)High elves - Equally as populous as humans in the cities of the northern continent, but rarely seen in the south, being creatures of magic. Characterized by light hair tones and fair skin. Able to learn most schools of magic with fair skill, or become warriors if it is their choice. They excel the most with divine magic. Your classic haughty high elves.Forest Elves - they populate the vast forest that covers the western half of the northern continent. They rarely make themselves seen in the forest, but are occasionally seen in the city. Fair skinned, with dark hair colors, adapted to camouflage with their forest surroundings. Forest elves are masters of nature magic, having lived among nature mana for most of their life.They are also adept hunters.Moonfolk - Relatives of elves, the moonfolk are sparce in number, making their home in the twilight grove, far to the north of the northern continent. They live secluded lives, rarely being seen among civilization unless necessary. They have synchronized with the moon, so much as to be able to become invisible under it's light. This is due to generations of adaptation from the liquid they call the moonglow. It is taken directly from the moonlight, as the Moonfolk take the moon's rays straight out of the air. It is unknown to the others races as to how they do it. It is simply natural for them. The moonfolk are very pale-skinned, with dark hair, usually black, dark purple, or a midnight blue. They excel as mages and Lifebreathers. They are a strange race, and live according to their own customs.Gnomes - (I don't think these next two need a whole lot of explanation either.)Avid tinkerers, most gnomes will be found in the Wasteland and other areas of the southern continent. They enjoy working their minds, building crafty machines and tools. They excel at Artificing.Dwarves - The dwarves live in clans underneath the mountain ranges of the southern continent. They excel at blacksmithing.Gruul - The gruul are a goat-like race that lives on top of the same mountains that the dwarves call their home. They stand on two hooved legs, and their torso and arms are humanoid with a goat-like head (horns and all). Their body is covered in a thin coat of fur, ranging over a variety of colors. They believe the color of one's coat to determine their prowess as a warrior, decided at birth. Most common is a brown coat, seen as average. Golden coats are seen as the most desirable by males, believed to be a reflection of great strength. Black coats are seen as a bad omen, while white is considered weak. However, white is the most desired color for females, being a beautiful color. They excel as melee classes, being naturally strong. They do not have much talent for magic. I think that's all I had for playable races right now. Here are some unplayable races that may be encountered. Unplayable Races Reveal hidden contents (Most of these need no explanation) The Fallen - Elves that have been corrupted by and embrace the spreading black mana. They have access to dark magic and the use of black mana, unavailable to other races. Their skin has greyed in color, with their hair usually being either white or black. Their body is covered in black marks, a further sign that they have accepted corruption. Most lose their sanity upon corruption, though some have held on, ruling over the rest. They are heavily populous on the eastern side of the northern continent, where the corruption first started. (The corruption is a spread of black mana, slowly moving across the land. Trees and grass die as it reaches them, turning black in color. It moves very slowly, so it is not a major threat at this point in the story, but there will be a noticeable line marking its edge if you were to get close enough.) They excel at necromancy and dark magic.Angels - (These will be extremely rare, due to their power.) Demons - Also more rare OgresGoblins Shardminds - Crystalline beings born naturally from the mana of the world.Fungrals - Fungrals are plantlike humanoids. The first fungrals were created from humans that were contaminated by the spores of a large mushroom classified as sporifus madra. When its spores are inhaled, or if they make skin contact for a long enough time, a human will be infected and slowly begin the transformation into a fungral.Fungrals have no eyes, but have developed razor sharp teeth and claws. Oftentimes one limb will have grown into a weaponlike appendage, resembling a sword. Their entire body is covered in a sinewy green skin that fits tight aroung their form. Their backs are covered with spores that they can release, just like the mother fungus. This makes them extremely dangerous foes, as simply breathing a spore will spell the end of your humanity. (I'm thinking only humans will be affected though... Not sure on that yet.) Luckily, fungrals are an extremely rare species, due to short lifespans after conversion and the rarity of the mother fungi.There are probably more races I haven't listed, but these are some major ones. Now, as for classes... I'll make a list, but only explain the ones that I don't think are obvious. Classes Reveal hidden contents WarriorHunterMage - (specialize in an element)Priest(ess)PaladinElemental Knight - (Wield a weapon and an element. Will be less skilled in their element than a mage.)Lifebreather - Lifebreathers are a class that I created myself. (Unless they exist somewhere else, you never know.) They basically create a creature-like semblance out of materials (be it bark, metal, wood, whatever.) and then "breathe" life into it with magic. The being will basically have a life of its own from there on out, though it will have obedience and respect for its creator. They start with little to no knowledge, learning about the world the longer they are there. There are limitations to this "life" though. Creating a being that can speak is nearly impossible and has never been done. (They can make noises though.) Also, a lifebreather must literally store a portion of their own life into any creation they make. If that creation is destroyed, well, they'll feel it, and suffer the consequences, potentially dying if enough life was stored. Bigger creations require more of their life, with beings that are slightly larger than humans being the largest possible (safe) creation. As long as the creation lives, there is no consequence to the lifebreather. They can also, remove the "life" from their creation and return it to themselves with no consequence, but this will take time (So you can't do it as your creation's about to die in battle.)Artificer - Artificers are those who create machines. The exploring kind tend to create a minion to fight for them, backing it up with their own combat. Artificers are not usually skilled fighters themselves, having devoted their time to learning artificing. They require power cores for their mechanical minions, larger cores being necessary for larger creations. (You will start with one medium-small core and minion, but finding other cores will be left to my discretion due to their rarity. You will also have a weapon for yourself, though realize that you will not be as skilled with it as a warrior would.)Druid - Shapeshift into animal formsMonk - FistfightersRogues - Stealthy backstabbers, hiding in the shadows and waiting for the opportunity to strike. Best with dual knives/daggers/short swords.That's all I can think of now, though I might have missed some. I may or may not allow a secondary skill such as:BlacksmithingEnchanting (temporary effect, but can be cast mid battle)Sigilcrafting (permanent effect, but requires time, due to it being a writing/carving skill)TrackingYou get the idea... Types of magic Reveal hidden contents Elemental Fire Water Earth Wind Nature Thunder Ice Non-elementalDivine - reserved for priests/paladinsBlack magic/Necromancy - Unique to the Fallen. Unavailable to PCsConjuration - The summoning of creatures from another dimension, such as spirits, elementals, etc.Illusion - messes with the enemies perceptions. Includes invisibility, false visions, etc.Abjuration - (I'd never heard of this before Hukuna brought it up, so here it is straight from the D and D wiki.) Abjurations are protective spells. They create physical or magical barriers, negate magical or physical abilities, harm trespassers, or even banish the subject of the spell to another plane of existence. I haven't decided on a story yet, and this time around, I'd like to have everything planned in advance. It will make the actual RP more fun for everyone involved, as well as allowing me to reply more quickly, so realize that there will be quite a bit of time before this comes around if there's interest. So, I'd like to know what you all think of this. I know I pretty much just spat a bunch of info at you all, but that's why this is still in the development stages. What do you like? What don't you like? What should be added? Are you interested? Finally... those of you who are members of my RP Aervana, please vote on whether you'd like to pursue this project or continue Aervana. I'd prefer to only run two RPs at a time, especially with these two being so similar. Your votes will mean a lot here, and if you don't want to post it, you can pm me. Thanks! List of those currently involved in the project: Reveal hidden contents Hukuna Exlink32 rustytengo Notus Snap Crackle Pop Acquiescence Jory K_H King Murdoc Edited October 8, 2014 by Flux Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 I mean, I am all for this. It is interesting to have RPs that are more shaped by a multitude of people, rather than just a host. Races, there is a nice variety and none are too similar. Some of the Unique races are very interesting and add a Unique spice to this world, that may not be found in others. There is kinda a formatting issue, as there is an abrupt transition to the classes from the Unplayable races section, makes it a bit of a weird read. I know you said classes are lacking right now, but there does need to be some more, also, I kinda think you should cut one of the 2 Pet Classes you have currently. The Lifebreathers and the Artificer's while different thematicaly are very similar classes in they both use pets as a primary form of combat. Other than superficial differences I feel they overlap a bit too much as Artificers could really just be Lifebreathers that have put life into a machine. There is the fact that yes, the Artificer's lifeforce isn't attached to his creation, but I don't think this makes them different enough. They are both unique classes, but I don't think both can exist and have them feel like they are different classes. Secondary Abilites: I dunno how to feel about these. Most times in tandem with a Class system these rarely get used, why? Because they kinda are just power creep, giving characters access to something they wouldn't normally have. The biggest problem is that if they have no combat use and there are ones that do, the others will never get used. You have to make situations where they can be used, otherwise they won't be. ((because if we are in a city, what use is Tracking, or hunting, or any other wilderness type Secondary skill for that matter?)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted August 29, 2014 Author Share Posted August 29, 2014 On 8/29/2014 at 9:14 PM, Hukuna said: There is kinda a formatting issue, as there is an abrupt transition to the classes from the Unplayable races section, makes it a bit of a weird read. Well, it was a quick fix, but I edited and hopefully that helped at least a little. On 8/29/2014 at 9:14 PM, Hukuna said: I know you said classes are lacking right now, but there does need to be some more, also, I kinda think you should cut one of the 2 Pet Classes you have currently. The Lifebreathers and the Artificer's while different thematicaly are very similar classes in they both use pets as a primary form of combat. Other than superficial differences I feel they overlap a bit too much as Artificers could really just be Lifebreathers that have put life into a machine. There is the fact that yes, the Artificer's lifeforce isn't attached to his creation, but I don't think this makes them different enough. They are both unique classes, but I don't think both can exist and have them feel like they are different classes. Any suggestions for other classes? I just quickly went through a list of basics in my head when writing this up, but it's definitely open to suggestions. As for pet classes, I'd most likely cut Artificers if I had to choose one. They were both there for some flavor involving the "magic continent" and the "machine continent". Like I said, I want this to be good and enjoyable for all involved, so suggestions will be taken. That being said, unless someone speaks for them, we have 1 vote for a pet class being cut. On 8/29/2014 at 9:14 PM, Hukuna said: Secondary Abilites: I dunno how to feel about these. Most times in tandem with a Class system these rarely get used, why? Because they kinda are just power creep, giving characters access to something they wouldn't normally have. The biggest problem is that if they have no combat use and there are ones that do, the others will never get used. You have to make situations where they can be used, otherwise they won't be. ((because if we are in a city, what use is Tracking, or hunting, or any other wilderness type Secondary skill for that matter?)) This is basically what I was thinking, hence why I said I may or may not allow them. I'm torn on the issue as well, so I suppose I'll wait for some more feedback before making a final decision. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 I'm not that familiar with all those types of magic, so what excatly is divine magic? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 A few classes that could be added -Druid ((more of the Shapeshifter type than the Priest one)) -Ranger ((the survivalist type thing. Can be a partial pet class with an Animal Companion, but they are more proficient at combat etc...where as the pet isn't as strong as the Lifebreather type ones.)) -other types of mage, as you have it listed as elements only right now from what I see. ((in a world with high magic, Mages would definitely know more than elemental based spells, or just evocation. It would be nice to be an Abjurer or something of the like.)) Also, I tend to use Mage as a word for a generalist Wizard, who does not specialize in a school. -Monk ((the fantasy version, a.k.a that guy who fights with his fists.)) -Rogues Also I am just going to say cutting Secondary Skills would be best for Clarity's sake, and it leaves less to worry about, but I will leave that ultimately up to you good sir. @Chim, Divine magic is any magic that comes from a Deity or, a god. Arcane Magic comes from latnet enrgy in the world, what that latent energy is varies from world to world. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 This RP seems to be a mixture of "Tales of Vesperia", "Fairy Tale", and "The Last of Us" If you dont know what they are T of V and The Last of Us are video games and Fairy Tale is an anime. Overall I really like the RP in general though the Paladin and Elemental Knight are like the same class if you choose to have light and dark as an element but i digress, I myself would love to join this. Here are just a few Q's 1. What are the elements 2. Is the rest of the unspecified land of the continents just one big plains or just smaller biomass 3. Dose the corruption turn you mad 4. Do the people on the southern continent use magic or rely too Sorry if it seems like i'm picking holes in your idea. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 Not sure if you read Graterras Ex, but the Elemental Knights are pretty much my Templars. Paladins also use Divine Magic, where as the Elemental Knight uses Arcane Magic, so they are different. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 It is looking really nice Flux, but I'll wait a bit to see how my time will be filled after Ethic's RP starts. If I feel it's ok, then I'm all for joining! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 you talking about Exodus, Notus? Cause I think that one is awhile out too. ((though it will probably see the light of day before this, but I dunno.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted August 29, 2014 Author Share Posted August 29, 2014 (edited) On 8/29/2014 at 9:33 PM, Chimchain said: I'm not that familiar with all those types of magic, so what excatly is divine magic? Basically what Hukuna said. It is based around the idea of having faith in a god or gods, and they grant you the power in return. It's generally your healing magic as well as spells to turn away undead and such. On 8/29/2014 at 9:36 PM, Hukuna said: A few classes that could be added -Druid ((more of the Shapeshifter type than the Priest one)) -Ranger ((the survivalist type thing. Can be a partial pet class with an Animal Companion, but they are more proficient at combat etc...where as the pet isn't as strong as the Lifebreather type ones.)) -other types of mage, as you have it listed as elements only right now from what I see. ((in a world with high magic, Mages would definitely know more than elemental based spells, or just evocation. It would be nice to be an Abjurer or something of the like.)) Also, I tend to use Mage as a word for a generalist Wizard, who does not specialize in a school. -Monk ((the fantasy version, a.k.a that guy who fights with his fists.)) -Rogues Also I am just going to say cutting Secondary Skills would be best for Clarity's sake, and it leaves less to worry about, but I will leave that ultimately up to you good sir. @Chim, Divine magic is any magic that comes from a Deity or, a god. Arcane Magic comes from latnet enrgy in the world, what that latent energy is varies from world to world. I'll work on editing those classes in. I knew there were some obvious ones I forgot, and I'm really kicking myself for forgetting conjuring, Illusion, etc. Especially since I play an Illusionist in your RP. Should I just make a list of "types of magic" then? It would include all the elements I was thinking of as well as the other types. On 8/29/2014 at 9:47 PM, EXLink32 said: This RP seems to be a mixture of "Tales of Vesperia", "Fairy Tale", and "The Last of Us" If you dont know what they are T of V and The Last of Us are video games and Fairy Tale is an anime. Overall I really like the RP in general though the Paladin and Elemental Knight are like the same class if you choose to have light and dark as an element but i digress, I myself would love to join this. Here are just a few Q's 1. What are the elements 2. Is the rest of the unspecified land of the continents just one big plains or just smaller biomass 3. Dose the corruption turn you mad 4. Do the people on the southern continent use magic or rely too Sorry if it seems like i'm picking holes in your idea. 1. The main elements I had planned are Fire, water, earth, nature (more the life side of the earth, plants, wildlife, etc. while earth is rocks and dirt), wind, ice, and thunder. There is also divine magic, though that is not technically an element and wont be available for a class like wizards and elemental knights, and dark magic, which is not available for PCs at all. 2. It isn't all plains, I just haven't completely decided on everything yet. Hopefully when this is all done, I'll have a very detailed description of all the biomes on the continents. 3. Yes, usually. I believe I said this under the Fallen somewhere, but most are turned mad by it. Those with stronger wills have resisted complete madness, though they are few in number, and their minds are... darker than they used to be and more malicious. However, you won't have to worry about that, as PCs will not become corrupted, nor are the Fallen playable. The Fallen became corrupted because they wanted to, for a chance at power and black magic. It will not simply catch you off guard unless you spent a lot of time there. 4. For the most part, no. The southern continent largely follows the idea that artificing and machinery is the reliable way to go. There will still be mages there, but they are nowhere near as numerous as the northern continent. And don't worry about picking holes. This is going to have a large amount of input from the community, so questions are encouraged. And Notus, you'll have plenty of time to see if it will fit in. This will be a long time coming I think, so no worries. Edited August 29, 2014 by Flux Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 Yeah that's what I thought. Anyway, I'll at least try to help with what I can in the develepment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted August 29, 2014 Author Share Posted August 29, 2014 I've edited in the other classes with a brief description. I didn't put ranger in, as that's basically what I had planned for hunter. (Unless you think it can work differently. If so, please feel free to share thoughts.) I'll work on that magic list some other time, as I have to leave for a bit now. It's also likely that secondary skills will be cut. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 It should be noted, Divine Magic varies heavily due to the deity that is giving it to you. Such as some of the Gods in Graterras not being able to give Healing spells to their priests. ((though it depends on how in-depth we want to get with Gods and the powers they give to those that follow them.)) All those elements seem pretty interesting as well, though Wizard's rarely do have power over nature due to magic being more energy based. It isn't too far-fetched though, so it is cool. ((also Ice and Lightning are elements in Graterras, they are just parts of other elements, as Lightning is Fire and Air combined, but is Dominantly an Air element. Ice is Water and Air, dominantly a Water element.)) Also, I didn't notice Hunter on the list the first time....so sorry about that, they would be the same class, just a different name. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted August 30, 2014 Author Share Posted August 30, 2014 (edited) On 8/29/2014 at 10:30 PM, Hukuna said: It should be noted, Divine Magic varies heavily due to the deity that is giving it to you. Such as some of the Gods in Graterras not being able to give Healing spells to their priests. ((though it depends on how in-depth we want to get with Gods and the powers they give to those that follow them.)) True. I haven't really done anything as far as gods and goddesses yet, so they're open for suggestions. On 8/29/2014 at 10:30 PM, Hukuna said: All those elements seem pretty interesting as well, though Wizard's rarely do have power over nature due to magic being more energy based. Hmm. Perhaps nature magic could be left uniquely to forest elves? It would make them a bit more unique that way, and would also somewhat solve the issue with mages. What do you think? Edited August 30, 2014 by Flux Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 30, 2014 Share Posted August 30, 2014 Aye, maybe. Elves tend to be more in-tune with Nature then other races. Though Nature Gods also are a common thing in Fantasy worlds, and their priests utilize this magic as well, so maybe the Wizard type should be left for the Elves, but Nature Priests remain open to all etc....This is if a full on Nature god is made, however, that is totally up to you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted August 30, 2014 Author Share Posted August 30, 2014 That's an interesting idea. If enough people confirm interest, I'll start breaking down everything into categories that we can talk about as a community. (Starting with finalizing races, classes, etc. and moving towards gods and locations). Also, I've edited in a list of the types of magic. Did I miss anything important? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code: PIRULUK Posted August 30, 2014 Share Posted August 30, 2014 Is it just me, or do I spot a couple mtg references in there? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted August 30, 2014 Author Share Posted August 30, 2014 (edited) On 8/30/2014 at 2:24 AM, Acquiescence said: Is it just me, or do I spot a couple mtg references in there? Well, I have played the game occasionally. It's definitely possible I subconsciously put something in there. What exactly were you thinking of? Edit: Thinking back, MTG has probably had a lot more impact on my vision of fantasy than I had originally thought. There are a few similarities that I see, though I'm still curious as to what stood out to you. On that note, the MTG universe would make a rather interesting place to RP, though I don't know a whole lot about it. (I've only played casually here and there and haven't dug too deep into the lore behind it other than Mirrodin.) But that's a story for another time. Edited August 30, 2014 by Flux Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted August 30, 2014 Share Posted August 30, 2014 i agree with the nature magic with the forest elves exclusive. <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rustytengo Posted August 30, 2014 Share Posted August 30, 2014 well this sounds interesting and i would be up for it. i don't really think given how inactive i was in the Aervana my vote shouldn't really matter but i would be fine with either. and sorry about not posting in Aervana i was unable to come up with anything to post and i just didn't have the time to do it.(i have been working a lot of late) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code: PIRULUK Posted August 30, 2014 Share Posted August 30, 2014 On 8/30/2014 at 2:27 AM, Flux said: Well, I have played the game occasionally. It's definitely possible I subconsciously put something in there. What exactly were you thinking of? Edit: Thinking back, MTG has probably had a lot more impact on my vision of fantasy than I had originally thought. There are a few similarities that I see, though I'm still curious as to what stood out to you. On that note, the MTG universe would make a rather interesting place to RP, though I don't know a whole lot about it. (I've only played casually here and there and haven't dug too deep into the lore behind it other than Mirrodin.) But that's a story for another time. Words that caught my eye "Gruul" and "artificer" But it's probably just coincidence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted August 30, 2014 Author Share Posted August 30, 2014 (edited) On 8/30/2014 at 3:47 AM, Acquiescence said: Words that caught my eye "Gruul" and "artificer" But it's probably just coincidence. Never knew Gruul was a MTG term... but a quick Google search shows that it is! They can always be renamed if need be... As for artificers, they are in MTG, but they've been around in other areas including D and D as well, so I put them in with my own take on them. At this point they seem likely to be removed as a playable class, though they'll remain in the world as the non-combat version, unless that ends up being changed as well. (Basically just a cooler word for the engineers) Aaaand I'm just going to recap here. So far, we have these people confirmed for interest. (By interest, I mean helping develop the RP at this point. Once this is done, I'll likely repost a revised thread asking about interest in actually RPing.) Hukuna Exlink32 rustytengo Notus Snap Crackle Pop Acquiescence Jory Are there any others? Edited September 1, 2014 by Flux Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted August 30, 2014 Share Posted August 30, 2014 I just though of an idea for a story line, The to main continents are at war (reason unknown) and behind the scenes people are trying to corrupt the whole world. eh? : D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted August 30, 2014 Share Posted August 30, 2014 (edited) I'd be sad to see Aervana go. That being said, there seems to be little (if any) interest in actively pursuing that RP, as that entire last bossfight was a back-and-forth between Flux and myself (featuring Marissa). I'd be more interested in this if it weren't the death sentence for Aervana. Edited August 30, 2014 by Jory Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snap Crackle Pop Posted August 30, 2014 Share Posted August 30, 2014 Add me to the list ~! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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