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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Return(OOC)


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Apologies for not Posting the Details earlier, i just found this Thread today.

Username: K_H

Character Name: Otto

Pokemon Species: Oshawott

Human or Pokemon?

Exploration or Rescue?

Affiliated Castle: Seacrest

If human, which Power?: Type Shifting

Appearance: his Fur is Indigo in a Tribal Pattern on his Face, Shoulders, Chest, and Arms; and his Scalchop has a slight blue tint to it, but other than that, he's normally colored.

Personality: shy at first, but quite friendly once you get to know him. Usually plans ahead, but is flexible enough to improvise.

IQ Skills: All Level 0 Skills

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Aura Sphere, Trump Card (Egg Move), Razor Shell

Team Members: ---

Team Leader: ---

Team Rank: ---

Write 3 sentences of IC: As Otto approached the Entrance to the Cave, he heard a bit of noise near it.

Huh? What in the world was that?!

He walked closer to the Cave Entrance, more cautious than before.

I'd best be careful. Who knows what might be in there...

as he got closer to the Cave, he saw what had made the noise: a few Geo Pebbles had fallen from the cliff up above, clattering as they fell.

OK, so the Cave has quite the collection of loose Stones... I might want to take note of that.

Otto then picked up the Geo Pebbles and entered the Cave.

(Yes, it's more than Three Sentences, but it just ended up becoming that long.)


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just for the record, here's what i posted in the Interest Thread:

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And I still can't believe that a Swirlix managed to kill a snorlax...

using a gun, of all things... LQTM

well... he is a gangsta...

  On 9/3/2014 at 5:49 AM, Skullkin said:

DJ Swirl floated through the woods, letting the wind carry him up to Verdance castle. Suddenly, a wild snorlax appeared! DJ Swirl took out his glock and shot the snorlax dead, then carried on up to the castle while whistlin' a merry tune.
(Idk, not feeling very creative at the moment. x____X)

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  On 9/4/2014 at 1:30 AM, Absol-lutelty awesome! said:

Oh that's good. At least I don't have to handle 3 crazy girls. A crazy guy is something I can coop with.

Crazy has no meaning around here...

because Crazy is what we call "Normal"

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  On 9/4/2014 at 2:32 AM, Absol-lutelty awesome! said:

So, I'm not normal round here. Well then.

no no no, my friend. trust me, you cray cray, just like the rest of us...

and I just contradicted my previous statement... that just testifies to the insanity.

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Two things: Y'all are getting too much fluff in this thread. Focus on the topic of this thread, which is to reference our characters and discuss their attributes solely.
And two, that might be a bit overkill to return 25 HP back. I think restoring Hunger after reaching a new floor would be fair.

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  On 9/4/2014 at 3:18 AM, personwithbanana9870 said:

Can the banana's around Tropius's neck be considered a type of food for healing in dungeons?

... sure.

  On 9/4/2014 at 3:19 AM, Absol-lutelty awesome! said:

Maybe harvest ability in mystery dungeon could be after x steps ur team gets 10 hunger and 25 hp back.

I want that. At least in destiny tower.

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Yeah sorry didn't have the time to finish this yesterday.

Username: Chimchain
Character name: Scorpio (+1 for originality)
Pokemon species: Skorupi (M)
Pokemon or Human? Pokemon
Exploration or Rescue? Exploration
Affiliated Castle: Mystique
If pokemon, which trinket? Uhm? What?
Appearance: Like any other Skorupi, but his claws and fangs are sharper.
Personality: Straightforward, curious, easily to provoke, ‘attack first, question later’ type, aggressive

IQ skills: Leaving this blank for now
Level: 5
Moves: Leer, Knock Off, Poison Sting, Bite, Agility
Team members: Idk
Team leader: Idk
Team rank: Idk
Write 3 sentences of IC: Scorpio digged into the sand, waiting for an opportunity to strike. That Pikachu was foolish to insult him and acting like it was high and mighty. That ugly yellow thing messed with the wrong species this time and Scorpio would prove it. If only that Pikachu came a little closer…

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