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Hello forum,

Im Leico, kinda really new and really scrubish.

basically imma big gay otaku nerd.

I love anime and manga (cough cough I've probably watched it if you name it)

Nintendo junkie, legend of zelda ftw (cough cough last story if anyone knows it)

i also play LoL (hence ze fiora icon)

I'm notorious for wearing animal onsies (dino and panda)


and deres not really much else to say

Swiggity Swag

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Was in da bag?

You already know me. (Too lazy to introduce irl)

Welcome to Reborn! A land where sanity is sooooo 2001 and insanity is the new black. You will come to realize that most of us our not your average people and we all pretty swaggity. 'Cept for Tempest. Always blame Tempest. #BlameTempest

We got roleplay and league, and music, and selfies, and deep political shit, and our own game and swag.

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Welcome. You've already proved yourself to be a more intelligent individual that our buddy Taqps by not putting a typo in your name.

If you have any questions about how anything works you'll probably ask Taqps, but I'll let you know that you can ask myself, Vinny, or Tempest as well. 'Cause lets be honest, who'd want to ask Taqps?

If you're into competitive battling then check out pokenations. It's a competition that puts you into one of 6 teams when you sign up, and then you take part in weekly challenges representing your team.

If you're interested in roleplaying at all be sure to talk to Hukuna. He's the local RP section mod, and everyone there is really friendly.

I feel like I'm forgetting something, but eh. Who cares.

See you round.

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Taqps > Tacos

You'll never live that down in infamy. Welcome to the site. If you are so good for Anime then...


Unbreakable-Machine Doll



You have 24 hours to respond. And no cheating and looking it up in google. :c

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I liked the concept of Akuma no Riddle but it was kind of disappointing for execution. I hear the manga did better. Surprise.

But the Fiora avatar is adorbz, zuli is the best. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine here.

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Obligatory destroy sanity joke. Obligatory spam Tempest, Vinny and Sheep with questions. And Tacos is Taqps forever. Sheep do you still have those rupees Since you play LoL and watch anime, I'm sure you'll fit here quite good. So welcome, and enjoy your stay because you'll never leave huehuehuehuehue

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"Interests:being hella cool, sweg" Yeah, um, Tacos? You can take her back. just kidding

Hope you enjoy your stay! Should you want any advice for your in-game team, feel free to make a topic in the Team Showcase section. Or you could PM me if you'd prefer that.

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