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Pokemon Blaze Brothers

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Welcome to a Blaziken focused story!
There is no demo version. Just story and ideas.
Warning: Contains wall of text and major spoilers 'cause Wynaut?


All is cold and quiet. It's winter time and the Blaze Brothers don't seem to like it.
Sitting inside the Blaze Mansion, the two brothers remembered their last adventures in the Delia Region.
20 books were written and hold valuable memories from the past. Are you ready to experience a whole new adventure?



- A new region: Delia Region

- 100+ pokemon have been implemented from gens 1-6

- All pokemon have perfect IVs, fixed EVs, selectable natures and selectable movesets

- Health & PP are automatically restored after battle

- All leading characters are locked at Level 100; enemies have higher levels

- Mega Evolutions and Xmas Eevee exists

- 'Bag' has been replace with 'Specials' acquiring new defensive and offensive mechanics:

Evade: Pokemon are able to evade enemy attacks more often like Diantha's Gardevoir in the anime.
Block: Reduces damage taken but lowers evasiveness. Critical hits are prevented but not status conditions.
Attack Lock: Certain attacks can pierce through or neutralize the foe's attacks but also has the possibilities
of failing. Type advantages are disregarded. (Ex: Flamethrower and Hydropump, Iron Tail and Shadow Ball, etc.)
50% chance of neutralizing the foe's attack
25% chance of piercing through the foe's attack
25% chance of the FOE piercing through YOUR attack

ME/EE: Temporarily evolves the pokemon in battle. (Requires: Mega Stone except for Eevee)

- In Season 1, 'Run' is replaced with 'Rewind'. If you lose in battle, you will rewind back before you started the battle.

- Pokemon now have 'armor' that increases Defense, Special Defense and/or granting type immunity

- Several pokemon sprites have been modified


6 Leading Characters as of Season 1

Blaziken 1 (You)


Blaziken 2






Xmas Eevee




Other Temporary Allies

Infernape & Charizard










In the Beginning...
You are a Blaziken. Select the name for you and your brother.
Then proceed to the Library where you can start your adventure.

In the Library...
20 special books sit in the library containing information from the past. Interact with one of the books to start your adventure.
Note: Skipping ahead to different books wont work unless the previous book has been completed.

Once a book is finished, you can redo the story anytime.

-------- -------- ---20 Books of the Blaze Brothers Adventure--- -------- --------

Book 1: Escaping the Water Kingdom
You and your brother have been kidnapped! Escape and burn your way out of the Water Kingdom!

Note(s): Enemy health is reduced to 1/2 and they have armor.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1
Blaziken 2

Book 2: Prison Breakthrough
After a successful escape, officers have knocked you out cold and now your in prison.
Fortunately, most of the prisoners seek freedom and are at your command.

Note(s): You gain a full team of fire power.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1
Blaziken 2
Infernape (temporary)
Charizard (temporary)

Book 3: Xmas Eevee
Most of your team successfully escaped out of prison but now you are wanted.
You are in a village that is celebrating Xmas. Avoid any suspicions from the people.

Note(s): Curiosity gets the best of you and you manage to find a present containing an Eevee.
This Eevee has been injected with special DNA to temporarily evolve similarly to Mega Evolutions.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1
Blaziken 2

Book 4: Flabébé Gardens
Not sure where to go, you and your team ended up in Flabébé Gardens.
One Flabébé took the interest of joining your team.

Note(s): Having Flabébé in your team increases your team's defense and special defense.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1
Blaziken 2
Flabébé (temporary)

Book 5: The Hunt For Blazikenite
Florges tells you that a Blazikenite exists within a ruins in a cave on top of a mountain.
After realizing that you can evolve to an even powerful Blaziken, you and your team went up the
mountain in search for the Blazikenite!

Note(s): The ruins contains several traps and obstacles.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1
Blaziken 2

Book 6: Departing Ways
The Blazikenite was a trick! The stone didn't exist at all!
Your brother is really upset about this that he doesn't want to follow you anymore.
You and your brother went separate ways leaving only Magmortar and Eevee with you.
You head towards forest trying to find food and shelter.

Note(s): Blaziken 2 and Emboar have left the team.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1

Book 7: A Cold & Snowy Winter
The weather is getting worse the further you go.
Find an alternative rout before you freeze to death!

Note(s): Gardevoir joins your team later after you battle her.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1

Book 8: Teleportaion City
You and your team arrived in a strange city. An Alakazam welcomes you and gives you
a Telecaster to help you teleport anywhere in the city.

Note(s): Alakazam joins your team. Use the Telecaster on violet lights to teleport.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1
Alakazam (temporary)

Book 9: Castle Heights
You teleported much higher in the city that you're on top of the castle walls!
The view seems nice but you got to get going before the people realize that you are an escaped prisoner.

Note(s): The guards have been informed. Escape the city!

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1
Alakazam (temporary)

Book 10: River Valley
While exiting the city and saying goodbye to Alakazam, you and your team stumbled across several rivers.

Note(s): Dodging enemy attacks are harder when crossing a river.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1

Book 11: Rise of the Darkness
Corrupted pokemon have been seen to attack everything.
They look more darker and threatening than shadow pokemon.
It's only a matter of time before they capture you.

Note(s): All corrupted pokemon have increased HP, Attack, Special Attack and Speed.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1

Book 12: Battle of the Brothers
Once again, you've been knocked out cold and you wake up on top of a volcano.
While you're all tied up, you find yourself that it was your brother who captured you.
He tells you that he took the Mega Stone before you entered that cave.
He frees you but battles you as he mega evolves right in front of your face!

Note(s): Good luck with whatever strategy you have.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1
Blaziken 2 (enemy)

Book 13: Reuniting Fighters
After defeating your brother, you reunite with him again.
Your full squad is ready to take on the darkness.

Note(s): Your full team is back! And you can Mega Evolve!

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1
Blaziken 2

Book 14: Volcanic Impact
Something is causing the volcano to erupt! Get out of there, quick!

Note(s): 'Timers' and 'Alerts' when two pokemon have successfully breed an egg don't exist in any pokemon games, do they?

Well get out of there as fast as you can!

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1
Blaziken 2

Book 15: Blazin' Angles
Heat strengthens your fire power.
You head down the volcano and investigate the chaos.

Note(s): The Blaze Brothers gained both Speed Boost and Blaze ability. Feeling too broken yet?

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1
Blaziken 2

Book 16: The Ultimate Boss
The source to where all the corruption lies within a mecha.
Someone or something is controlling it!
You would have to fight the mecha in order to end the chaos!

Note(s): This... thing isn't even Team Rocket's. This thing is hell.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1
Blaziken 2

Book 17: Gathering Survivors
One of Delia's officers came. He doesn't want to fight you. However, he asks you to help gather any remaining survivors.
You and your brother split up three and three in search for any remaining survivors.

Note(s): All refugees are armored for your advantage.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1
Absol (temporary)
Hawlucha (temporary)
Tyrantrum (temporary)

Book 18: Home Sweet Home
After a long journey, you and your team are no longer criminals but heroes.
You have been rewarded a home, a mansion to be specific. Your brother and Eevee are with you.
Magmortar went back to his original master, Emboar goes on a wrestling career and Gardevoir went back home with her sister.
You decided to sleep and now you're in a whole new world.

Note(s): You seem to be in a vortex with several legendary pokemon around.
Huh? You are able to swim and dive underwater by yourself!
You have armor and your health seems to regenerate 1/8 in battle.
During this time, you can't Mega Evolve.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1

Book 19: An Unexpected Guest
The Champion of Delia region, Roxie, has visited your place. What could she have in mind?

Note(s): You'll be out exploring Delia's City.
The city is large enough to hold different competitions.
Roxie has lend you one of her most prized pokemon.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1
Blaziken 2
Mewtwo (temporary)

Book 20: Battle of Champions
The time has come. Your whole team arrives moments later and are prepared to become champions.

Note(s): This championship is different. You will be fighting a series of pokemon from different regions.

Leading Characters:
Blaziken 1
Blaziken 2

-------- -------- -------- -------- --------

What happens next?
What may seem to be an end is just the beginning. After finishing up all the books,
your armor arrives shortly and you plan to adventure once more in the Delia Region!

And so the story continues in Season 2...

Extra Images




Other Notes
- Delia is one of the coldest regions in the pokemon world
- Before the Blaze Brothers arrived, their previous home has driven them out due to
all the mischief they caused.
- The Blaze Mansion is also a Fire Gym
- Sometimes you are called outside the mansion. Perhaps you'll find something of interest before you start the next book?
- The Xmas Eevee and the Eevee in Super Pokemon Eevee Edition are different
- You can Mega Evolve / Eevee Evolve two or more pokemon in a single battle
- Armors can help you tank enemies. Some provide immunities. Helpful when there's Type disadvantages.
- You can only access inventory outside of battle

Additional Notes

- I haven't created a demo but the ideas are written down. =)

- Images I made including the title screen are just ideas but I'll keep the Xmas Eevee for kawaiiness.
- Feel free to suggest things for the upcoming development in 2015.

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