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Mael. The stuff you can get from vanguard and crucible is better than the Vault of Glass equipment now.

vangaurd and crucible armour goes to light level 33 but for the helmet and the chestplate you need a vangaurd/crucible commendation and that can be obtaind by reaching lv.3 vangaurd/crucible reputation

Edited by nevs
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, no idea. Especially since someone mentioned getting a christmas gun from bungie.

That was this morning, and it wasn't actually a present. The RNG just happened to pop out a hand cannon after like 2 months of auto rifles.

Also, I recently unlocked Vault of Glass and hit level 25. Who wants to do some grinding?

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I bought a twenty dollar playstation store card so I will be getting back into this again. I haven't played since before the big update so I need to regrind a bunch of pieces of equipment and such. I also want to know who is ready to do any raids because I stopped playing at 28 because I couldn't solo anything past that point. If anyone is interested in getting my up too speed now that I've fallen behind in the grind game I would appreciate it.

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I am down for that. I'm at 28 atm and really need to grind for better gear and ascendant materials.

And sharing this from somewhere else cuz somewhat relevant.

Auto Rifle: rapid fire smg, easy to use, misses often, no fucks being given. unless you use the good ones that reduce their fire rate for higher damage and stability (you'll see which ones if you compare their stats, but you can't go wrong with Shingen and Galahad weapons). Still hard to keep your shots trained in on a single spot. Great for PVE and mid-range PvP where you will probably get more assists than credit for outright kills. They nerfed the damage boost to autorifle crits BIG TIME. Look for the perks that give extended range when aiming or reduce fire rate but more damage per shot. autorifle impacts are good for interfering with enemy's aim

Scout Rifle: A rifle that relies on accuracy and precision, best for pvp. Works great against the Vex though. Works great on everything, awesome for hitting any and all weakspots (which is just the head for everybody but the vex) for high critical damage. It requires a marksman to use well, but not nearly as demanding as being sniper rifle qualified. My primary weapon of choice, it is great at long and medium distances where their accuracy outclasses most everything. My scout rifle is how I earned the most kills by far in our Vault of Glass Raid.

Pulse Rilfe: Fires in short bursts, gimmicky, has recoil, but that is part of what makes it good/gimmicky. Yeah, pretty decent to use all around, the burst fire likes to push rounds away from the orginal target area. Good at medium range

Hand Cannon: a hand gun, fast and powerful. Good for quick movement, but hard to use against real players. Good for dealing with swarms of enemies in pve. These things have high power but mostly accurate up to medium range, tend to have huge recoil and tend to have sights that make it hard to aim. takes practice to get acquainted with where the round will actually go. Some have really low rates of fire while others have really high rates of fire. I don't like using these at all, but there are more than a few people adept at using them in PvP. 2 or 3 headshots is all it takes to bring someone down. Fast.

Shotgun: close range weapon that is great in pvp. Super awesome for rounding corners and small rooms with, best ones to have are the ones you find with the most range among your shotguns. You'll totally get swchacked if you can't use walls/obstacles to close distances and get people into your really short kill range.

Fusion Rifle: good at mid range, gimmicky, shoots in charged bursts. Excuse Godot again, but these things are awesome. Good at short to medium range, the best ones have the fastest charge rate. Once charged, these work like shotguns, with a vertical spread that increases at distance. This gun don't give no fucks about headshots (they don't even get damage boost for headshots anyways), just aim for center of mass when it charges up for a one shot kill. Definitely outranges shotguns, and just outclasses them period, imo.

Sniper Rifle: long range, good in pve and SOMETIMES pvp. Depends on the map, and your choice of rifle and scope matter A LOT. Scopes will change how fast and what range you can acquire targets. The rifle itself will determine rate of fire and power per shot. So a slightly less impact sniper rifle can fire pretty fast with low recoil and get two/three body shots for the kill instead of a slow fire rate that may or may not kill anywhere in one hit (if legendary/exotic and maxed up) or leave them nearly dead for someone else to mop up. Low magazine size and relatively slow reloads.

Rocket launcher: BOOM! Some really rare ones lock onto targets and break into clusters. If you don't have one of those, the best ones explode on proximity- cuz if they're out in the open and there's no wall or something to explode it on behind them, they could easily dodge it and get away. Unless proximity detonation of course. Long reload times, can have perks that help with this.

Heavy Machine Gun: SHOOT ALL THE THINGS. Crazy strong, these wreck house without being out of ammo nearly as fast as rocket launchers. Really slow to reload, may have perks that really cut down on reload times though. I prefer the ones with greater stability and range, these things kill at nearly every range but gotta watch out for snipers, and shotguns/fusion rifles when going around corners.

So some people won't be confused those are the weapon types in destiny.... Also...
Tfw finally going home... To get ready to go to work... Yay responsibilities !

Amended that for you, Godot.

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I'm thinking that for the expansion I'm going to make a new guardian as I only used warlock to make things easier to solo (self revive) but I think i'll start over with a titan. I might be a bit late for the grinding party but getting to a decent level in destiny isn't too bad. The main problem is getting past around 26 so I shouldn't take too long.

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Fyi. lizard Squad is only taking credit for this. There isn't hard evidence proving that they did it... This sucks and all... But nintendo servers are still up... Sooooo *plays his 3DS and Wii U*

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Servers appear to be online and working just fine. Just got done working on some Dark Below stuff (Crota's soul killed, and I bought the urn.) Why is it that the two weapons that you get for completing storylines (Stranger's Rifle, Murmur) are both types that I never use? Why couldn't the Stranger have been a hand cannoneer?

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