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I hit 32 on my warlock shortly after Mael's did. I was literally lacking a few materials, and I farmed them as soon as mael logged off for the night.

Bloodborne just came out and mael is going to be MIA for 2-3 weeks. So I will most likely be less active on his game.

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I hit level 4, decided the shader and the autorifle weren't worth spending glimmer on and earned enough glimmer so that I now own 3 Joldur's Hammers.

1- default banner store perks: kills reduce grenade cooldown, more accurate the longer it is fired

2- hip fire accuracy and kills boost damage

3- reloads faster when the clip is empty, kills boost reload speed.

Gheleon's Demise- Aiming increases range, reduced recoil

Felwinter's Lie- Aiming increases range, slide distance increased. <- is so OP. For the first time in a long time, I was earning buckshot bruisers

And maybe hunter's aren't so bad in PvE after all. That stability increase and reload speed for critical kills is working wonders for Badger CCL and heavy machine guns and I can only imagine using it some of my good pistols (thorn, last word, and word of crota). Godot is right- using the throwing knife to headshot minor minions is easy and getting it back after landing one feels good.

Getting golden gun in PvE a lot sooner than I expected lately too.

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  On 3/24/2015 at 11:46 AM, Sir_Bagel said:

bungie nerfs shotgun range......releases shotgun with so much impact it ignores the nerf. I hate felwinter's, doesn't help you can also roll it for the best shotgun perks in the game.

No, this shotgun has ridiculous range for a shotgun, ignoring the nerf for other shotguns.

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you should have rerolled one of those hammers to get Field Scout or something, hip fire is bad. Gheleon's Demise also doesn't need rangefinder since you're pretty much never going to be engaging outside of its normal range. (I believe it has the longest range in the entire game for a scout rifle.

also running max intellect on Hunters is a must

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I only had so many so many motes of light, especially after trading enough to get two engrams from xur. I didn't want to get stuck with a worse one until the next iron banner event. Besides, with the way it already kills things, I can deal with just the damage boost.

Yeah, double checked my gear and I'm at 100% intellect for my hunter. Figures. I gotta remember to use it more often now. Too used to dealing without for so long as a fireborn sunsinger.

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Xur really has the goods this weekend.

1. Mida Multitool- I just got my second one from a VoG drop and I recommend it to anyone who doesn't own one yet.

2. Obsidian mind- looks like a great option for every voidwalker. Plus, it just looks badass.

3. Ruin Wings- for titan, gets you more heavy ammo drops with more ammo in them, special weapons reload. I want this.

4. Achylophage symbiote- 4 shots for golden gun.

Just bought obsidian mind and ruin wings. Tempted to buy the multitool and have a full set, but I have Gheleon's Demise and Badger CCL.

And it makes me sad to think that it's cheaper (strange coin wise) to buy the symbiote for 13 coins and break down my old 300 cap one for the exotic shard to upgrade it rather than spend 14 coins (and 7177 glimmer) on the two exotic shards to upgrade the old one to 331 and then have a shard to finish the process. Stupid bungie. >>

Edit: used motes to get the exotic gauntlet engram- it was a set of ruin wings. >> but the strength boost wasn't nearly as high, so now I have an exotic shard for when I finish upgrading it.

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Thanks bungie for the least fun strike and the least fun nightfall I have ever done. Valus isn't that hard, but he's a huge bullet sponge and the moment you get careless, it's a rocket to the face and you're dead. Or you run into a minion at a bad time and ... lights out. Ain't nobody got time for going back into orbit for that shit.

When you have to play that conservatively to do tiny bits of damage at a time to minor enemies, it's a battle of tedium.

It's a challenge, sure. Just not an enjoyable one. Like watching a freshly painted room dry without blinking until it's done.

Sure, the hp for the tank and talus were noticeably decreased. That doesn't fix how terrible the strike is AT ALL.

The real boss of the strike is every single goddam phalanx.

On a lighter, funnier note:


Favorite comment:

In America, you cheese Crota.

In Soviet Hellmouth, Crota cheeses you.

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indd it does bcuz you wont get your ammo back at some time

so my combo was:

black hammer with ghorn

and ice breaker as back up when my ammo runs dry

as primary:

word of crota and vision of confluence

then you have every thing coverd but its way harder with hunter than titan or warlock

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Yeah, I put on my word of crota and a void joldur's hammer for the psions and wrecked shields with icebreaker.

I just find it hard to actually pull off three shots with black hammer before he turns to face me and throws off my aim with his minigun. Or I have to leap away from a lethal volley of rockets.

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