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I like To Zanarkand (FFX)

I also like the Hymn of the Faith (FFX) so much so that I learned how to play it on piano.

And the victory fanfare from final fantasy III, also in my piano repertoire.

AND THE CHOCOBO RACE THEME!!!! it's in a bunch of games and it's so upbeat!

Edited by Hutch333
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Dat kingdom hearts style gameplay.

FFXV looks really cool.... I actually like that battle style and it doesn't really seem weird like in the some games.. I still miss the turn-based combat... but I actually like that the characters start to limp when they have low HP haha.

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There is a bit of controversy regarding ff15 surrounding the "every character in the main party will be doodz" aspect of the game.

Judging this by the story, I personally feel that a female party member would feel awk or look out of place. So in the end I am not against the all Dood party aspect. From what I read, the story is about a bunch of bros going on a road trip to attend a political events and help the main bro, Noctis, to meet his dream girl. sounds like the movie Eurotrip


Some say it will appeal to the female fanbase. Some say "what's the harm?" While others say ff15 is being sexist. What are your guy's opinion.

In terms of gameplay, it is hard for me to judge it. I am a huge fan of action and back and slash games, but this one seems to have a bit of a weird flow to it. I need to try the game for myself before I give my full opinions.

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Oh my god JonTron really is from the future. During his rant on ff XIII, he said that they would make a FF game with a bunch of metro sexual Jonas brothers, and he was right. The combat looks like something from Xenoblade, which is good because that combat system was amazing. I really wish Square Enix would give the fans a nice through back final fantasy, kinda of like what 9 did, but I can tell that is not going to happen. FFXV is bag of mix feelings for me right now, lets hope the story and music are good.

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There is a bit of controversy regarding ff15 surrounding the "every character in the main party will be doodz" aspect of the game.

Judging this by the story, I personally feel that a female party member would feel awk or look out of place. So in the end I am not against the all Dood party aspect. From what I read, the story is about a bunch of bros going on a road trip to attend a political events and help the main bro, Noctis, to meet his dream girl. sounds like the movie Eurotrip


But Eurotrip had a female as one of the protagonists ^_^

Imo FFXV should do the same, one female (maybe "boyish") well either way is ok with me i just hope it will (finally) be good

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FF8 all the way for me. It is my favorite game of all time. Best soundtracks (along with FFXIV ones), amazing dialogues,amazing cutscenes, amazing characters. The game is very difficult to beat though and you need to know what you're doing while you're progressing. Kinda goes along with pokemon reborn doesn't it? ;)

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did someone ask for favorite FF tracks? where's my 3dds and theatrhythm when i need em?

ZZanarkand- X

MMan with the machine gun- X

Melodies of Life- 6? I forget which.

Suteki da ne?- X

Starry Moonlit Night- CCrystal CChronicles

TTheme of Love- IV

The Darkness of Eternity- IX

TTerra's theme- 6

EEyes on Me- VIII

Waltz for the Moon. VIII

BBeyond the door- IX

Celes' theme- VI

The Rebel Army- II

SSomething to protect- IX

JJenova- VII

Judgement day- VII

Fight with Seymour- X

AAerith's theme- VII

EElia, the Maiden of Water- III

i'm sure there's plenty more I missed.

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There is a bit of controversy regarding ff15 surrounding the "every character in the main party will be doodz" aspect of the game.

Judging this by the story, I personally feel that a female party member would feel awk or look out of place. So in the end I am not against the all Dood party aspect. From what I read, the story is about a bunch of bros going on a road trip to attend a political events and help the main bro, Noctis, to meet his dream girl. sounds like the movie Eurotrip


Some say it will appeal to the female fanbase. Some say "what's the harm?" While others say ff15 is being sexist. What are your guy's opinion.

In terms of gameplay, it is hard for me to judge it. I am a huge fan of action and back and slash games, but this one seems to have a bit of a weird flow to it. I need to try the game for myself before I give my full opinions.

I'm not as versed in Final Fantasy as y'all, but I feel I can at least discuss this.

I'd say I'm all for the all dudes approach. If it takes a "Broheim" approach to things, I know I'll have fun with it simply because an all male PC cast is pretty freaking rare. Also, no more Lightning/Serra, pls. They let down the Gals of FF so much. Also, I'm glad that they seem to have dropped the restriction of the basic turn based system, maybe it's a sign the series will grow? Aso, dat Cloud clone.

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So far, ive played through VI, VII, and parts of X and XIII. VII, while good, got quite confusing at times just due to all the side games and whatnot. X, I played for about an hour and a half and got to the island. And then I realized that I really didn't like Tidus and quit. XIII just....just really didn't live up to expectations. My favorite by far would have to be VI. All of the characters got a lot of development time and there were none that I disliked at all. Kefka was a great villain, and probably one of my favorite characters throughout the series. The gameplay never felt dull or got old, and it never got TOO frustrating. Speaking of VI, for everyone who has played it, do you know Kefka's backstory....as in to why he is who he is? Unfortunately we never got it in English because the developers felt we wouldn't understand it, but it is expanded upon in the Japanese version. It's probably one of my favorite villain backstories in gaming as a whole so I would recommend looking for it. If you cant find it, message me, but I wont post it here because it spoils a few things in the game.

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It's a 20 year old game, and as such spoiling it wouldn't really matter. As it is, it's not even an important part of the story, other than to give him some more depth. The only real confirmed true part is that he was a prototype Magitek Knight.

There was some rumors of him being from an abusive family, but those were confirmed to be false, and honestly I think that would take away from his character more than add anything of value.

I ued to want more about him and his past but I don't think it would really matter much. While I d like him a lot, what story they gave him was more than fitting. If anything give us a spinoff game about the War of the Magi.

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He is also not a clown or court fool. A friend of mine gets pissed if you call him one. He is a "royal advisor". And has a very harlequin feel to him. He wears makeup to cover scars on his face.

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  • 2 months later...

Let's see: (haven't played X-2, XI, XIV)

Best: VIII, X, XI

Meh: VI, VII, IV, V


Worst: II, I, XIII-2

So yeah, my favourite is VIII. Basically because I felt so identified with Squall. The rest of the characters or the music are not THAT good (there are better), but the main character and the story really absorbed me.

Then X. I like almost everything from that game. Music, plot, environments, amazing cinematics, characters (except Tidus and Wakka). I really think that this is the masterpiece here. But I prefer VIII over it because of the reasons explained above...

IX. Really good. The last "classical" Final Fantasy that combines everything good from the previous games. At first it may seem childish, but the story soon changes to a very different perspective.

Final Fantasy VI and VII are quite even. I loved the music from VI (and the story, though predictable). VII, on the other hand, has a really unpredictable story, full of plot twists (and hard to understand until you have beated the game like... 3 times at least -that's its weak point).

V has a really good OST, but apart from that, I didn't find that the story was remarkable in any way. III is the same but without such a good OST (still nice though).

XIII and XII have a battle system that I don't precisely like. But the music is generally pretty good...

II and I are, for me, very tedious and repetitive... and XIII-2 is just STUPID.

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II and I are, for me, very tedious and repetitive... and XIII-2 is just STUPID.

II is actually my favorite in terms of leveling, if you know how, you can get stupid powerful before the first major boss, also flair is very broken in that game, but I can see the frustration though. I really can't disagree with you on disliking the 13 series, they were mostly bad.

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FFVII is my favorite and the story is beyond perfect i dont really dislike any of them but a friend of mine always puts down 7 saying 8 is the best but he never played 7 to give it a chance. :feelsgn:

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Well, I haven't played too many of the main games, (Only X and VII) but I have played a few spin-offs, such as Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus, Dissidia and Dissidia Duodecim, and Theatrhythm/Curtain Call. Beyond that, I've watched my siblings play portions of IV, V, VI, VIII, IX, XII, and XIII. Overall, I can say that X is definitely my favorite. The characters are all great, the areas are very pleasing aesthetically, and the story is absolutely amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed VII, and while some may say that it does not live up to its hype, I'd personally argue that it does. It's story is great and the characters are some of my favorites. I enjoyed it enough to play through Crisis Core (Which is even better than VII imo) and Dirge of Cerberus, and I also had to watch Advent Children after playing through VII. The graphics are old, but really, who cares about them? The story's what you're after in a Final Fantasy game.

From what I've played, I'd have to rank my Final Fantasy games like this:

1. FFX

2. Crisis Core


4. Dissidia/Dissidia: Duodecim (Much better for replay value, but the others have a better story.)

5. FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus

6. Theatrhythm/Curtain Call (No real story, but a great game if you enjoy the music of Final Fantasy.)

And my top 5 favorite characters:

1. Jecht

2. Vincent

3. Gabranth

4. Tidus (Feel like I'm the only one who likes this guy)


And as a final note, I'm really excited for FFXV. It's the first Final Fantasy game in the main series that I've actually wanted to play in a long time. The problem is, I don't have a next gen console. :(

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