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Hello Reborn


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So, whenever i roam the forums, i allways see a ton of introduction threads, specially on the Main Hall, so i decided to try it myself, thus, i'll give you some info about myself:

I'm a 17 year old male, about 1.5m tall that lives in that country sandwiched between Spain and the Atlantic? (I'm not really good with geography) ocean that nobody knows about.

I haven't cut my hair in about a year and a half because i dislike people touching me with razors and such, and even tho i'm probably the last person i know that would care about his appearence, i'd like to have a goatee, but unfurtunatly, as i dont want to shave and get rid of my mustache, i can't grow one.

And now i'm done with my appearence, i'd post a picture on the "what do you look like" thread, but the newest one i got is about 5 years old, and it isnt even digital.

About my personality, i think i'm split between my IRL personality and my Internet one, as i behave differently:

During the former (that means the first right?) phase, i rarely talk, and i dont leave my house, i've been indoors for 3 months now, but the school days are coming again, so i'm screwed :( (Don't dare you call me shy, i dispise these kinds of people :P )

Talking about school, i'm an 11th grader now, studying science, but i failed once during the 10th grade and i had to repeat it, thats because i never studied, as in, ever in my life, i havn't touched a book at home :/ i'm considering changing that now, but i feel like studying is like grinding, it feels cheap, as if i was cheating.

When it comes to pokemon, i feel like i'm an above average battler :) i'm a proud member of Ruin nation and i have a 100% win rate.

my favorite gen is gen 3, and my least favorites are 4 and 2.

Overall i can be a dislikeable guy, but i'm aware of everything i say.

Anyway, i've talked enough about myself, furthermore, this took way too long, as in just as i'm typing this, i finished a tournament on the server where i almost beat Kaminagod (lost only because i missed sleep powder, so i'm proud of that :) proud enough to type it right here right now, i kinda look up to kamina, but the douche allways picks up the most annoying pokemon)

Shout out to Kamina, and Azery, you're a scub ;)

PS: sorry if my text is confusing to read :/ i still have some problems with my english.

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....I want to ask you like countless of questions but I'm the kind of person that doesn't really get care about anyone's personal life online....reading your introduction just made me feel....pity? nah that isn't the word I'm looking for. It just your intro shocked me, but them again, this is the first forum I ever join and probably there is lot's of people like you in forums. (I apologize in advance if this offended you in anyway)

Nonetheless, nice knowing ya :)

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For a split second I hoped you were from Gibraltar.

Oh well.

Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay here. I've already seen you on the server so that's all well and good.

Portugal is cool too, though.

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Oh hey, you're portuguese? Mate, I love your country, I've been there with my father and sis for 5 months in 2011 (1 in the Azores, 4 in the continent.) and basically all my father's family is from there. It's true it's not a place you hear about too often, but it was cool enough to make us give up on going to Spain and France. ^_^

Also, not really my business to say this but... Think of studyng as grinding for Online Battles. Everybody else will be at Lv.100, so there's no way you can beat them if you are not in the same level. Really, I know it is boring as hell, but it's needed.

Hope we can talk more in the server!

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thanks everyone, the reason i decided to make this topic was to see your reaction to an introdoctory thread this late :P

on the case of studying, i feel like if anyone studies, they can be successfull easily, and that just doesnt seem right, its like, the diference between: i'm gonna beat the league with these lvl 40 pokemon, and: i'm gonna grind my charizard to lvl 100 and stomp them. the problem is that i tried to do that, i never grinded, but i failed at the champion, i had to repeat the 10th grade because of that.

another reason may be just because i never needed to, i never studied since i started school, and i never had any problems exept for now.

i dont even understand my reasons very well, so it makes it hard to explain.

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