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A team since wayy back


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Here I am on playthrough number 4 and I want a team that is firstly involving mons I never used. I don't like grinding so a good deal of this team are early joiners. EV's and IV's will only matter for poke that i can soft reset for i.e (starter. gift, trade) Here is the team.

Greninja/Stryder (Modest/Protean) My ever so modest starter and imo the best water type since Gyrados got himself axed. I like the typing and with Protean his only weakness is me... and his piss poor defenses but he's quick and strong so no worry.

Water Pulse/ Dark Pulse/ Extrasensory/ Spikes Lick or Subsitute

Hariyama/Gutsman(Adamant/Thick Fat) My personal thing for playing any pokemon game is having a partner poke since like Sapphire. Partner was Poochyena. I think Diamond was Stoutland, been a while and I usually change each run. But the partner doesn't necessarily counter the starter's weakness it's just my thing.

Knock Off/ Belly Drum/Force Palm/ Maybe Reversal or Close Combat

Leavanny/Hedges(Adamant/Overcoat) Like Hariyama, my first time using this pokemon ever. I like the combo and I think I've been sleeping on the usefulness of bug types except Scizor who... who's just the best. But I digest heh.

Fell Stinger/ Leaf Blade/ X-Scissor/ Swords Dance

Arcanine/Justice (Serious/Intimidate) I love this puppy. I dislike solo type pokemon because in Reborn coverage matters a lot. Although he's pretty strong and his defenses aren't awful. I think all three abilities are great but I will no doubt run into a physical beast at some point and I'd like to have... a legendary yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Heat Wave/ Crunch/ Thunder Fang/ Extreme Speed

Metagross/ X (Adamant/Clear Body) The game changer. Named after the blue bomber he's a good combo and all around good stats. I can't really think of any negatives and I'm very confused as to why he's even allowed in this game. If you don't know how to get him well it's a total b%&^ and even if you do and you're like me who got to the cave only to realize you only have 3 pokeballs then you will be waiting on the number gods.

Zen Headbutt/ Meteor Mash/ Iron Defense/ Agility (Magnet rise while fighting Terra)

Open slot, looking for reccomendations. Here is my first thought.

Braviary/ Murrica (Adamant/Sheer Force) My Air force one right here is going to deliver freedom all over the place. In all honesty I hate late evos and this guy seems like a normal version of Honchcrow seeing as how you have to wait till 50+ to get the super useful move from him anyway and neither are bad pokemon but damn 54? If anyone has a better idea for a 6th pokemon let me know.

Crush Claw/ Brave Bird/ Super Power/ Hone Claws

Note most of the natures are on a best case basis. I don't have this team, this is just my aim to have. If anyone feels like this team needs rearranging I'm down to listen. This is just a team I feel counters it's weaknesses and can end fights before fights cause too much damage to recover from.

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You might want to go for an extra special attacker since so far you only have one. I would suggest an electric type to help with flying types. Galvantula maybe? it's part bug but flying does neutral.

You might also consider getting more (special)defensive pokemon as most can't take hits that well.

Edit: I just realized that if you add Galvantula, you have 3 mons weak to fire. Honestly I would drop Leavanny. Maybe put Braviary in his spot?

Edited by Chimchain
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I'm not quite sure why you have Water Pulse. If you dislike Hydro Pump's accuracy, you can get a Goldeen to level 37 (or Seaking to 40), then breed that with either Remoraid or Inkay, and then that with Greninja. that Remoraid also nets you Ice Beam. You can also get Scald along with Ice Beam, just breed Pan/Simiour>Buizel/Piplup/Wooper>Remoraid>Greninja. Ground moves could also be used against predictable Electric attacks, but that seems too situational, to me at least.

Hariyama has a lot of health, but next to no defense, might wanna scrap Belly Drum for something else. Really, even a Swanna's Brave Bird takes at least 75% of Hariyama's health. That, and it's lackluster speed make me want to tell you to get something else. Regarding moves, Close Combat is better than Reversal, but in Hariyama's case, Revenge is better than Close Combat. Hariyama is almost guaranteed to go last anyways, might as well stick with Revenge then, more PP and almost a guarantee to have the same power as Close Combat but without any debuffs. Heavy Slam is also worth mentioning. So is Bullet Punch gotten from Hitmonchan.

But I'd say swap it. Scrafty's pretty great (especially with Fire,Ice and/or Thunder Punch (Hitmonchan>Buneary>Scraggy)) and Mienshao is making a return. Mienshao has an even better attack stat (barely), it gets better moves than Hariyama too, and has enough speed to actually do something before going down. Just by breeding it with a Farfetch'd, you can get Poison Jab, Knock Off, Swords Dance and Acrobatics. It also learn High Jump Kick, U-Turn, Fake Out and Bounce by level-up. I'd recommend a set with High Jump Kick, Acrobatics, Knock Off and Poison Jab. It's abilities are also great (well, 2 of them). Regenerator heals you for 33% of your health when you switch out. Reckless boosts HJK's power by another 20%. It doesn't have much health, so Reckless would be the better ability I guess.

I think it'll be time to train a new Leavanny when E13 comes out. Right now, in E12, Sticky Web is broken and Sewaddle doesn't learn SW at 31 like it's supposed to, but both of those issues are fixed for E13. Keep in mind, Sewaddle learns SW, if you want it, wait with evolving it. Fell Stinger is also broken due to an issue with essentials, and I don't know whether that will be fixed for E13. Considering how many Physical Attackers you have, Screech would be great. Maybe Baton Pass if you decide to keep Swords Dance, but I wouldn't recommend it because it's speed prevents it from sweeping and it doesn't have a stellar defensive typing. Other than that, Dustox can get Light Screen onto Leavanny.

Thunder Fang on Arcanine is not as great as it may sound, base 65 power is too low to kill most Water types. I'd say Outrage and Close Combat would be better than Thunder Fang and Crunch. Also, if you use Agility, you'll outspeed any unbuffed foe anyways, so Extreme Speed wouldn't be necessary.

I'd say Iron Defense is too situational, especially because most Fire and Ghost attacks are special anyways. Hammer Arm would be better IMO.

As for a 6th, I'd recommend a couple:

Archeops (Corsola>Wooper>Archen for Earthquake)

Durant with Hustle ability (Dwebble>Durant for Rock Slide)

Drapion (Ninjask>Skorupi for Swords Dance)

Scolipede with Speed Boost (Beedrill/Forretress/Skorupi>Venipede for Toxic Spikes, Forretress>Venipede for regular Spikes, Beedrill>Venipede for Poison Jab)

Gengar (Grimer>Stunfisk>Gastly for Sludge Bomb and Thunderbolt)

Crustle with Weak Armor and Shell Smash (Geodude>Dwebble for Earthquake)

Cofagrigus (Spiritomb>Yamask for Nasty Plot and/or Memento)


Galvantula (Petilil/Lotad>Paras>Joltik for Energy Ball)

PS:Keep in mind, all the TM moves I said you can get through breeding cannot be gotten through breeding from E13 onwards.

PPS:You don't really need Sp.Attackers. The first row of my sig is a fully-physical team which had no problems in the game, no gym took more than 2 tries.

Edited by Etesian
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I considered Electric but I already brough Ampharos with me last round and Raichu is a tad troublesome to raise since Pichu needs happiness and that makes two happy based to raise. If I replace Leavanny which I'd rather not do I need an early rider to join in his place.

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Gengar is my ghost of choice butttt he requires some breeding to get the moves he needs to do well. Archeops is a good choice and while he has the 3rd worst ability in the game behind Slow Start and Truant I was never really hindered by Defeatist. Drapion is a poke that I've never used so if I choose any I think I'd roll with him. Considering now I have no flying or dragon slayers and it looks like Salamance and Dragonite are joining the enemy roster soon. It looks like I may need something along those lines but you're right Etesian I have no special attacks or defenses.

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Every time I've tried to use Noivern since his debut I've had no luck with him. Just... just the worst I've used in the poke world. If it existed I'd feed it to dogs. But I've heard good things so I understand why reccomend. Been thinking about Embroar but if I added him that would mean no Arcanine so I'm not too sure who would replace pokeman's best friend.

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Hy damege, u could get am amphadros by breeding arcanine and trade him or u can get a tynamo trading whit carnivire, also ralts is aviable from ep 13, if u re looking for something BIGGER get a swinub and breed for icicle spear, or a damn t -tex whit dragon dance, debbugged from ep 12, have fun and play whit the poke u like the most a good trainer will always pull trough

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