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6SS3G- 3rd Gen Shinies


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same as i posted on the forum below (srry if this is not allowed, delete if it is or respond)

6SS1- Determining Shiny Alterations

Srry to intrude on this topic and brake everyone's sanity who cares about what i'm going to say

but shouldn't the shiny sprites represend or be altered to the place of where you find the pokemon

like for a example (a bad one) Cubshoo lives in a icy area so shouldn't his shiny sprite be like

more blue/white or purple/pink and his booger/snot be iced. srry if this was stupid

Edited by Cornerman
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I suppose it depends on the pokémon? My favourite shiny sprite in the games is the muddy gloom, which is really simple but still. It reflects where it lives (Azurine Island). I caught another shiny gloom elsewhere, which was different, but when I updated the game they both changed to muddy so I don't know if the difference was intentional.

Most ice-types would probably live in an icy place though, water types in a watery place... Maybe some jungle/rainforest colours would be cool for some shinies? I'm thinking of poison dart frogs or venomous snakes I guess.

Sprites? Sprites.

Checked the first post to see if my Favourite was available, and (gasp) it was, so how could I resist?

...that I could see, anyway.

the OP has the colour for the nincada family down as "black", but I know there are a lot of black shinies already.

(Hopefully that's instructions and doesn't mean that they've been done. It's not crossed out at least...)

Still, I tried a black colour scheme to start with for them:


And then played around with a more ~ghostly~ colour scheme for shedinja:


Looks a wee bit strange on a black background, not sure if I should darken the lines.

That risks it looking less ethereal and more sickly green though, particularly on paler backgrounds.

Or maybe it looks like that already. I've been staring at them for too long.

I'm not concerned about nincada/ninjask being that pale, seeing as shedinja's a wild card.

Not sure what else would work, though. I like emerald cicadas buuut they're not exactly ninja colours.

EDIT: posted sprites at 2x size instead.

Edited by Bakerlite
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Pretty good Bakerlite and no You've done them first. But we need separate spirtes in order to include them. Can you do them in 160 x 160 x 24 ?

Do you mean 160x160? I can do that.

I just guessed where to place the sprite in the middle of the image, but if there's a particular reference sprite that people have been using then please let me know!





EDIT: I also made a couple of alternate nincada sprites.

One uses an emerald cicada colour scheme. The other is just tasty orange.

Edited by Bakerlite
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Do you mean 160x160? I can do that.

I just guessed where to place the sprite in the middle of the image, but if there's a particular reference sprite that people have been using then please let me know!


EDIT: I also made a couple of alternate nincada sprites.

One uses an emerald cicada colour scheme. The other is just tasty orange.

This one but turn down the saturation as a whole some.

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A slightly desaturated nincada:


And also surskit and masquerain.

Surskit- Masquerain color
Masquerain- Surskit color


Not too sure about masquerain's wings really, but those sprites are just a simple recolour.

Also added some extra detail on the surskit to make it more interesting, but if that looks too busy then here it is without:


EDIT: Ended up having a quick go at the kecleon as well. This is how I zone out at the end of the day apparently.

The OP says "only the stripe visible" which I think is a bit swish, but it might look better keeping the yellow detail of the face and feet as well. Not sure how it copes with different coloured backgrounds though.


...and then more gradually got added.

Whismur- Exploud

Loudred- Whismur
Exploud- Black/purple

With an alternate exploud, because hey.




Wailmer- Skitty?

Wailord- Delcatty

Couldn't resist. 2x Wailord was bigger than 160x160 though.


Edited by Bakerlite
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  • 2 weeks later...

Now we only need a,

skitty-wailmer and

delcatty-wailord, Fantastic sprites btw.

(thank you!)

Your command is my wish.

(AKA guess which nerd has returned suddenly to mess around with pixels)

Skitty- Wailmer

Delcatty- Waillord


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  • 4 weeks later...

^You monster. My record.

But in all cerealness, I don't believe Poochyena or Mightyena have been done yet. According to the OP, they're supposed to be white, but if you think something else would be better, feel free to share it.

We need to revive this!

Edited by Flux
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This looks fun, determining alternate colors for the shiny sprites? so that's where the black Absol came from

Is there one for Mightyena and Poochyena yet? I'd like to try my hand at this (but first I have to learn how to color sprites I guess).

This video will cover simple recolors

I've completely neglected this thread; sorry guys. I'll get my shinystuff back together and catch up here shortly.

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You guys know how there are different kinds of wolves? I'm planning on doing that with Mightyena... but Windows 8 Paint's paintbrush tool doesn't make little pixely marks anymore. :C

senpai has a nice voice

what was that shriek around 2:05 tho?

GraphicsGale, right? I'll check it out, hopefully I can make additional marks on Mightyena's fur since some wolves have splotches of white on their gray fur, etc...

Anyway here's my first two attempts


I attempted to give the first one an Arabian wolf's fur coloring, while the second is really more... huh, it barely looks different ._. I was thinking of a Siberian Husky, though. For the different kinds of wolves, I checked this picture out.


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