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6SS3G- 3rd Gen Shinies


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Ok Ive seen the requirements now but I thought I still might a variation with dark red as well



hope these are better

Now the white part is too bright. I keep bitchin´, I´m sorry :/ I´m couldn´t do it that much better anyway, and I really luv that first one you did. But I´m like that one gurl who´s never quite satisfied about how that one dude goes about his business, if you know what I mean ;)


One little thought about this: Something metallic like the bell can be made bright, but you should also have some "shine", if you know what I mean. Look like it´s freshly polished and some light´s shining on it. And that part has to be bright enough to be noticed.

Please don´t get mad about me being like this, I just wanna help you so you can help us ;3

Now, as my personal opinion, I think the blue-red one was the best. But that´s just my opinion, and I´m just some random guy on the internetzzz ^-^

Well... I tried something:



hope these are ok

Dunno why, but I always think something is missing with this one. I´d like to give it an aura or something, to make it look like a psychic-accessory-thing, but I dunno if this would be too much >____>

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I liek dis Aggron. And since there´s no Backsprite and nothing to its prevolutions, I´ll take good care of it ^o^ I changed the colors an iddy, bitty, but otherwise it´s the same. I also used the sprite from the game-folder, because this aggron has another pose (unless that´s what you intended, then call me a "pretty princess" and tell me I dun goof´d)

You used the right pose. I just used that one because I deleted the original pose and replaced it with that, so I didn't have access to it. And it's a better sprite imo. I will keep bringing this up.

I was going to take a shot at Aron, but I didn't know which color scheme Ame was using for Aggron and Lairon. Is this the one she meant?

They look good though. ;) Just something about their eye color seems off...

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You used the right pose. I just used that one because I deleted the original pose and replaced it with that, so I didn't have access to it. And it's a better sprite imo. I will keep bringing this up.

I was going to take a shot at Aron, but I didn't know which color scheme Ame was using for Aggron and Lairon. Is this the one she meant?

They look good though. ;) Just something about their eye color seems off...

Just something about their eye color seems off...

Shoot! He noticed! >___> I liked yellow, makes it look kinda lizard-y, dunno.

Well, she said match Aggron, which I did, so I hope that´ll be alright.

Alright-o, how about this? Green eyes and all :D

Pose from Game folder:

But I gotta agree with you on that pose. It pretty much says: "COME AT ME BRO! FITE ME 1v1!" :3

About chimecho:

How about this one? ^-^

Spooky chime with psychic aura ;3

I like this chimecho the most. But in the end it´s up to Ame. Maybe my taste in style ain´t that good and she´ll pick one of the other two ^^

Well, I tried a barboach whishcash, but it didn´t look so pretty. So I did another one. Isn´t whishcash based on Namazu, that japanese legend about the fish that can sense or cause earthquakes? Anyway, I googled that and saw only black and brown fishes.

And since we got enough black I tried a brown whishcash.

Could still get the one based on barboach if someone wants, but I dun liek it so much xD

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Well, I didn't necessarily mean that the eyes had to be green, just that the yellowish color didn't quite look right (in my opinion.) It's up to Ame in the end though. I'm still not sure, is this the color scheme she wanted to use for Aggron, or did she have something else?

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UnproAm, is there anything from the list of that last page you have yet to complete?


Look at previous pages, you´ll see some sprites, but not all formes were done and not all are complete

Lotad + Evolutions

Someone did MinorB-style Ludicolo, but it´s not quite done yet and the afro could look a bit better. Prevolutions in a similiar style to Ludicolo


White, as far as I know. On one of the previous pages, someone did Mightyena based on a white wolf, which looked alright to me. Anyway, the suggestion page said "White"

Wingull + Pelipper

Nobody has tried that one yet. It´s a polluted bird, at least that´s what I can imagine from the suggestion page. Makes me think about some dark-blue where the white part is, with some really dirty parts on the bird here ´n there. If you know how birds from oil-polluted areas look, then you could try to make it look a bit slimy like that oil.


"Darker colors; maybe foam sport fan hand, lolll" is whatthe suggestion page says. Uhm.. Make of that what you want, I´m too tired to think of anything here.

I´d love to see something imposing, something tough, maybe with that ridiculous sport fan hand? :D

Linoone - Black and white

The GOONS! Well, give it black ´n white stripes like the old prisoners used to have. Either that or like skunks. I dunno. Black and white!

Barboach (?)

Illumise (?)

Aron (?)

Chimecho (?)

Well, the ones with (?) were done by me or someone else, but since I´ve heard no approval or disapproval, it´s not totally sure those are finished. So those have a (?) so someone can still post something if he has any better ideas. If you got any ideas, go right ahead ^^

Everything else has to be done.

Well, I didn't necessarily mean that the eyes had to be green, just that the yellowish color didn't quite look right (in my opinion.) It's up to Ame in the end though. I'm still not sure, is this the color scheme she wanted to use for Aggron, or did she have something else?

Weeeell, I thought the yellow part was alright. But I´m tired, so my opinion is invalid ;3
Well, nothing has been confirmed. But I read teal/black, which it is. It looks awesome anyway, which is the reason why I even picked your frontsprite and why I hope it´ll be alright like this.
Earlier posts with unfinished shinies:


(Yeah, that one is finished alright. STILL posting it here, because its part of formeo...)

Formeo seems to have shinies that have something to do with pollution. At least that´s what it says on the early posts and

what it looks like from this poisonous water-formeo ^^



I think the smoke is a bit too weird. It looks like an afro or hair, I dunno. Does someone have any ideas? Something that is like sun+global warming, that´s what they wanted to do.


Afro could be a bit better, also colors and shading could be a bit better. I personally don´t like the skin-color, but it should be MinorB-inspired.

But could at least someone try a different skin color? ^-^


I like the right one, but still a bit too dark. I mean the black part. Can someone try making a white one? If it ends up being ugly or a bit too weird, then think of something else for the black part.

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Okay back and hopefully fixed. Their all 160^2 or 192^2 and dimmer/darker in green except for Mudkip as it is lighter in color. Also, i used the Gen 4 front sprite from game folder where its fins are blue while the back is black. I made a shiny with both blue fins and black, whatever is fine for you.




Fudge the eyes turned into invisible instead of white... this is what i get for using MS paint

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Okay back and hopefully fixed. Their all 160^2 or 192^2 and dimmer/darker in green except for Mudkip as it is lighter in color. Also, i used the Gen 4 front sprite from game folder where its fins are blue while the back is black. I made a shiny with both blue fins and black, whatever is fine for you.

attachicon.gif141733191967281 (2).gifattachicon.gif141733191967281.gif

attachicon.gif141733191967281 (1).gifattachicon.gif141733191967281 (3).gif

attachicon.gif141733191967281 (4).gifattachicon.gifp-trans.gifattachicon.gifp-trans (1).gif

Fudge the eyes turned into invisible instead of white... this is what i get for using MS paint

MS-Paint? Try using Gimp. That´s also freeware and helps if you wanna color multiple dark-green-spots at the same time. Also easier and more comfy to use, and if you wann do a few more, then it´s the better choice.

Make black fins, they clearly look better with it. The bright blue parts look to out of place. Dunno about the belly, but could you at least make one frontsprite where I can see the belly in a similiar color as the fins? Like, a darker one.

Just curious, wanna compare them and see if it´d look better then ^^

But either way, I think it is fine, I like it. I liek Mudkipz. Well done ^-^

It´s not a problem to use another source if there is no difference between this sprite and the one from the game folder.

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Well, I tried to do a white Mightyena, but I couldn't get anything that looked even halfway decent to put here, so I ended up making this.


In hindsight, it's kind of Zoroark themed, which might not be a bad idea if Ame doesn't mind switching from white.

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I like the right one, but still a bit too dark. I mean the black part. Can someone try making a white one? If it ends up being ugly or a bit too weird, then think of something else for the black part.

Yep, that was me. I actually thought of doing multiple Mightyena shinies based off of different kinds of wolves: the left one was based off of an... Arabian wolf iirc, and the right is based off of a Siberian Husky cause huskies <3

Here's an Arabian Wolf for reference... though in hindsight, my Mightyena's too yellow, so... >>


I also wanted to do something with the fur like draw some color splotches on them, but unfortunately Windows 8's Paint lost its pixel brush... >> I'll try redoing the sprites now that I've got Photoshop, but less time which I should be developing to schoolwork, but screw schoolwork jk, I need to get through college ;u ;

Well, I tried to do a white Mightyena, but I couldn't get anything that looked even halfway decent to put here, so I ended up making this.


In hindsight, it's kind of Zoroark themed, which might not be a bad idea if Ame doesn't mind switching from white.

That's a pretty intimidating Mightyena.

I friggin love it.

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Well, I tried to do a white Mightyena, but I couldn't get anything that looked even halfway decent to put here, so I ended up making this.


In hindsight, it's kind of Zoroark themed, which might not be a bad idea if Ame doesn't mind switching from white.

Looks alpha as fuck, but I actually hoped someone would do a white mightyena, and if the white/white doesn´t work, there´d be white/somethingelse, because we already got a dark one, the original ^^ But seriously, this one looks alpha as fuck. Still awesome.




edited one more time I made the bell have darker underside

Those look alright too, but quite honestly, I prefer the blue one. I even gave him this little aura thing a few posts ago, to make him look more like some kind of dark, mystic wind-chime ^^ You can keep trying with this one, I won´t and can´t stop you. But on my personal preference, the blue one looks too awesome :D

Upper one looks a tad bit too dark, second one is a bit weird. Well, that´s how I see it. My opinion is highly overrated anyway xD One thought: How about switching the black and white part on the second one.

But I like the first chimecho you made, it looks good, so please don´t be angry because I don´t like the other two as much ^^

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It sure looks better now, because the face is visible and the smile isn´t a white thing in the dark (Sure looks spooky, but also a bit weird). I like this one too. Bell on top is dark, and looks alright I think, eyes look cute ´n evul. It´s ok ^^ That´s what the suggestion said, black and white, and that´s how it looks now.

I dunno now. We still got this one:

post-46705-0-97916800-1417445907.png post-46705-0-75756400-1417445908.png

I need some help here, because my preferences are weird anyway, so maybe some people who are lurking in this thread could share their opinion about those two chimecho ^^

I like how I can see you´re trying your best and you wanna do that perfect chimecho.

I like that, Smeargletail ^_____^

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I think the black and white one is intresting. While the glow is cool the one with te aura has colors that are similar to regular chimecho and doesn't look as "shiny" as one with alternate colors would. I don't know just my two cents.

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I think the black and white one is intresting. While the glow is cool the one with te aura has colors that are similar to regular chimecho and doesn't look as "shiny" as one with alternate colors would. I don't know just my two cents.

Well, the aura was added by me. Hey, it´s a psychic wind-chime, not seeing one every day. Better make it special xD

And I liked the darker colors a little, dunno why. But yeah, it kinda seems to be a (much, much, much) darker version of regular chimecho. It´s a spooky-chime.

Black/white seems a bit boring on my personal opinion, but as I sometimes say: My opinion might be overrated, so I ask what people think because my sanity is beyond help xD

If one of the alternates is what everybody wants, we´ll go with that. I just like the blue one ^-^

....Or we´ll wait ´till Ame-sama comes by and says something about those chimechos :D

...I don´t believe we´re taking this long with a Chimecho, but that might be

Mr.wants-every-shiny-to-be-top-so-how-about-another-version-Amateur´s fault .____.

I tell you, that´s why you shouldn´t listen when asians like me evalutate something.

"B" aint´good enough, you need to get "A". Damn, I hate/love that I fit into that stereotype xD

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I like the retouched blue-red Chimecho that was posted before, but with no aura-glow. I think the aura should be saved for certain Pokemon, your previous suggestion of Lucario definitely being among them.

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I like the retouched blue-red Chimecho that was posted before, but with no aura-glow. I think the aura should be saved for certain Pokemon, your previous suggestion of Lucario definitely being among them.

Dawww... Alright, without aura it is then:

Now, if there´s nothing against the other shinies that where done up to now, only those few are left:


Lotad + Evolutions


Wingull + Pelipper

Makuhita + Hariyama

Linoone + Zigzagoon - Black and white

Those are the few that are still missing. Castform and Lotad might be a bit more difficult, because there we´d have pollution and minorb-style. But I´m sure they´ll look awesome once they´re done. I might help with those too if necessary (Though I prefer only one person to do a shiny, otherwise another one starts and wastes time by doing the same while the other posts the finishes shiny and its evolutions. That wouldn´t be cool for the one who was late.

Flux, can you please continue with that Mightyena? ^^ Do backsprite and poochyena too, that´d be awesome ;)


I don´t know why, but looking at it makes me think of some kind of bloody were-beast that turns back into a human :D

I´m going to give Ludicolo a shot.

I´m not that good when it comes to spriting or doing stuff that is out-of-sprite for that particular pokemon, but it´ll eventually work out. I hope so ^^

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... Oh no anyways I'll throw the snorunt sprite i did up here anyways to see what you guys think... Also here is Swampert with a black stomach

Snorunt and Glalie are already done though. But I think that Glalie looks good, even though the light at some parts of the black armor is too strong, and the black part below the mouth doesn´t look so good (Trust me, it doesnt´look so awesome in white too). I don´t know. It´s pretty similiar to mine anyway, so I gues it won´t make much of a difference.


And as comparison to the new swampert got this one. I personally think this one looks better, with the brighter stomach and that.

Sorry, I was just curious if a dark swampert would look more menacing, but this one with the bright belly looks awesome. But can you please fix those green pixel I see at the chin? I think that´d be more like a dark-blue or something, matching the belly-skin. Well, what I want to say is that I can see green pixel at places where it shouldn´t have any green.

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is the afro preferential or just the color scheme



sorry if thats a dumb question

Uhm, actually.. I wanted to do the whole Lotad-Line by myself ^^

I said Ludicolo, but I meant the whole evolution-line, since I´m doing the colors and that and

it´d be easier if one does everything, so they all end up matching each other, if you know what I mean ;3 Yeah, I guess they all should have an afro. I think it´d be more awesome this way.

First one is mine ^^

I am not quite done yet. I still have to do some shading at the afro and maybe I´ll try to make it an actual afro, not some kind of weird hat.

Would be cool if I could make it ^^ I´ll also try to change the clothes. I removed the stripes in order to have this purple thing as base. It´s alright, so if I don´t do what I wanted to do, it´s still okay I guess.

I´d also like to give it some kind of scarf like the one MinorB has. I have my doubts, but I´ll try my best ^-^

...I´m far from being done... and it´s a pain in the ass, because I want actual 2x2 pixels, which the original poster forgot. Had to re-shape the afro ^^

wingull line:





Mhh, it looks alright ^^

I don´t wanna bitch and moan again, because I´m just a pretty lady an amateur who doesn´t know any better. But I always hoped it could have some kind of brown-ish, oily skin. Like those birds you see in those pictures. It´s not in the suggestion, so I might try to myself tomorrow or at wednesday ;) Maybe I´ll be able to make a polluted bird that reflects the light in a way similiar to oil. Well, before I do that, I should get that damn ludicolo done ^^

If I got time, I should play around and try to make oily-looking, shiny black feather-parts. Or you do. Well, I´m not forcing you. And you´ve done what you´ve been asked to. And I don´t want anyone to be angry at me because I´m the only one who wants to improve everything until it´s too much... ^^

There is something wrong with me. I´m always aiming for something too high. I mean this sprite is nice, yet all I do is complain .___.

Hahahaha ^^ I shouldn´t criticise too much, I got enough work on my hands and it´s not even close to being completed >___>

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Ggg, sorry about the Sun Castform, I really have no clue how to fix that. :( The tire smoke idea was really cool..

Anyways, while trying to come up with a better color combo than white/red/blue for Seviper, I did do a 'white' Mighteyena to see if this might get some ideas going? The Zoroark themed one was hella cool, though, and I really really like it.


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Ggg, sorry about the Sun Castform, I really have no clue how to fix that. :( The tire smoke idea was really cool..

Anyways, while trying to come up with a better color combo than white/red/blue for Seviper, I did do a 'white' Mighteyena to see if this might get some ideas going? The Zoroark themed one was hella cool, though, and I really really like it.


-whoops the nose is still yellow. I'll fix that in a sec!

Try playing around with that castform. I really dig that idea and if you could think of something for it, it´d be super-awesome.

How about one leak where you get like only a little bit of smoke coming out, but it stays above Castform as some kind of cloud or halo out of clouds or that and seems to collect itself above it, I dunno ^^

Has snow castform been done yet? You could try to make it look totally frozen, like it´s fresh outta the ice age (the age, not the movie) or something ^^

I like the Zoroark one too, but we gotta look at multiple possibilities, so keep going with this one too. In the end we´ll see which one is better ^^ So hair is white, pretty much albino. But why a yellow nose and yellow claws? I think you should give the nose the same colors as the skin, and the claws should be left as they were. Sometimes RuleOfCool applies and claws have a different color, but I don´t really like the yellow claws, so either leave them as they were or try darker claws ;3

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