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Hi, I've made a few posts and topics, but never really considered introducing myself (I tend to be the lurk-y sort), but I've really enjoyed Reborn, you seem like a great bunch of people, so I figured the least I could do is introduce myself!

So, I'm Marcel and... well I don't really know what else to say, I'm bad at introductions. Glad to be here, though!

Edited by Mumpelfink
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Hello, person! Since I'm the first person to post, let me give you some Reborn guidelines:

1. Burn your sanity. That's number one. Everyone does that here, don't worry.

2. If you have questions, spam Hilda, Vinny or Sheep with them.

3. If you don't have Pokemon Online yet, you should download it. We have a server called 'Pokemon Reborn' which is kind of the chat of the Reborn community.

Well, that's all I have for you right now. Welcome to Reborn, enjoy your stay, and never leave!

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Heyo and welcome to Reborn! I am Hukuna Sensei, and I run the RP sub-forums on Reborn. If you are ever interested feel free to drop on by, we would be happy to have you even if you are just reading along. You can shoot me a PM if you have any questions. Enjoy your stay here at Reborn, Hukuna Sensei out~

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Howdy, Marcel!

The fruit of the Gods touched on some great points, but I'll elaborate on them because I feel like it.

1. You definitely should look into Pokemon Online and join us in the Reborn Server. The place serves as the site's chatroom, and it's a good way to meet people.

2. After looking into Pokemon Online, if you are interested in competitive battling (doesn't matter your skill level) you should sign up for PokeNations, a unique team based challenge that will experience varied tiers, and restrictions each week, as well as national restrictions enforced by each nation. The battles are unique, and force you to work with different types of Pokemon than you usually would, and the teamwork involved is a fantastic way to make friends.

3. If you're into role-playing, the man in the post above me is your guy. Talk to him, Be you (or someone/thing else). Hukuna is the illustrious RP Forum Mod Ninja who will fill you in on all you need to know before you jump in.

4. The game CAN be difficult and you may not be able to find everything/one easily. Don't be afraid to A) make a thread and ask for assistance from one of the many patrons of Reborn or b ) Personally message Vinny, Sheep, or myself. Between the three of us, you will have your answer in response, or we will work hard to find it for you.

5. In the event that the breathing masks are deployed from above you, be sure to breathe before you serve your children. Thank you so much for flying, Have a nice trip!

Edited by Hilda
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Thanks everyone! I've taken a look at Pokenations and it does seem interesting, but I'm well aware I'm not a particularly good player, but if you say skill level doesn't matter, I'll certainly consider it! (Although just going back to school, I have no idea how much free time I'm gonna have yet, so I don't wanna hastily sign up and then realise I need to drop out.) Anyway, thanks again for all of your introductions and help!

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The only thing I would -worry- about missing would be extensive conversations with your team. You can always touch base with your opponent in advance on when a good time for the actual battle would take place that week. The nationwide meetings however may be difficult to make, but it would indeed help if you make your leader aware of what you would need to know whenever you can.

The thing we've all learned about Nations is that communication is key. Talk to your Leader and your teammates, and they most likely will understand.

I'm not particularly skilled at battling myself, and I think it's a blast, having lost both of my matches at this point. If it's fun even in defeat, it's worth recommending in my eyes.

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Uh, welcome to the forums.

Looks like Hilda's doing my job for me, so I can take it easy for once.

One other thing I'd add is that there's a guy on the forums called DobbytheElf. He's got a lets play of reborn on his channel, so if you get stuck on a puzzle, watching him go through it may be the best way to get through it yourself.

Have fun.

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So, enough people have given you the stereotypical "leave your sanity"

What you need to know is that I will be your ruler, you will heed my orders and you will be off fine...

On a serious note, basically just have fun and be yourself, the place is full of different personalities whether you like it or not and I'm sure you'll fit in one way or another. I'm usually open to chat myself if you'd like, and could answer any questions you may have, so don't be afraid to PM me for stuffs.

Another thing you can do to really solidify a home for you here is to sign up for PokeNations, this will give you a chance to really get to know some people, and just have a blast on the server, competitive or not.

Except if you get placed into Apophyll ;)

I guess I stress that you should really take part on the different events we have here, whether it be tournaments, the PokeNations, a fap contest, you name it. It's really your best bet into the ideal Reborn experience.....trademark

Bottom Line, don't be afraid to have fun

Edited by ~Misora~
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