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Team op of reborn?!


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Hy all, im a new member, found some time for registraton after grindig, breeding, and varius explorations.

My current team is:

Umbreon lvl 67 calm 255 def eV (crustles!)


Curse subistitute moonlight baton pass

Tyrantrum 67 adamant Max att possible!

Rock head

Dragon claw earthquake dragon dance head smash

Electravire 70 adamant 255 eV 30 spd and att IV

Motor drive

Thunder punch brick break giga impact strenght

Togekiss 69 modest not yet iill eV trained good IV

Serene grace

Air slash acient power nasty plot aura sphere

Gyrados 70 adamant full att


Ice fang Aqua tail dragon dance bounce

(Killed 5 poke at last gym battle)

Metagross 70 adamant full att (almost)

Clear body

Agility zen headbutt meteor mash hammer arm

In rotation got more awsome pokes

Amphadros modest static lvl 60 good IV eV

Signal beam dragon pulse power gem discharge

Gardevoir modest full sAtt syncronize

Shadow ball moonblast calm mind psychic

Blaiziken 66 adamant bad IV couse couldnt see them earlyer...

Bulk up brave bordo HJK flare blitz

Alakazam 68 (traded) modest full sAtt good spd

Inner focus. shadow ball calm mind psychic flash

(I like more gardevoir to be onest)

Lucario lvl 53( breeaded non the treaded one)

Full att IV justified

Bone rush extreme speed sword dance close combat

Got a gastly whit sludge bomb and thunder bolt but lvl 1 and only sp att IV is good

Is there any other awsome pokes that i didnt found? Traded the herring but alredy got 2 electric pokes...have the trapinch and a mamoswine but the t-rex is the best option in my mind have a magby but no item for him to evolve.

Hope the next gim leader will be overpowered so i can see what my team can really do, what is youre "dream team" shall i train one of the 2 ghosts? Thx for any suggestion or reply ill get!

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Welp, I'm really not much of a fan of anything that isn't attack-focused, so I've got no experience with Umbreon. Eeveelotions aren't really that good in Reborn. I'd recommend you switch it with a Sylveon. Their special bulk is the same, physical bulk is weaker, but it's attack stat is actually useful. Also, Pixilate Trump Card at max has 390 base power. It can also heal itself with Wish (breed Swirlix>Pikachu/Skitty>Eevee). A set like Trump Card, Moonblast/Shadow Ball, Wish, Light Screen oughta do a good job.

Good TT. All I can point out are two items in the O.Dept Store which boost accuracy by 10% or by 20% if you're slower than the foe. With those, Head Smash's accuracy would be 88/96%.

I'd recommend to get Fire Punch from the Move Relearner (too late for Ice Punch, eh?). T.Wave and Light Screen could help your team as well. The Game Corner also has Facade, not the greatest move ever, but better than Giga Impact IMO.

Actually, considering your Ground weakness (and only one team member capable of dealing with ground super-effectively), I'd say swap it.

Put Thunder Wave onto Togekiss instead of Ancient Power (through Plusle/Minun). Serene Grace boosted Air Slash along with Paralysis leaves the foe with about a 20% to move.

No comment on Gyarados or Metagross.

Still, I'd say switch that Electivire with something else. I'd especially recommend something with Tailwind/Trick Room due to your team's low speed (if unbuffed). Braviary comes to mind first, but that would be a huge weakness to Rock and Electric on your end. In fact, almost all users of Tailwind currently in the game are weak to Rock types (or suck). Porygon2, Exeggutor, Mismagius, Bronzong, Gallade, Dusknoir (soon), Cofagrigus, Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Chandelure, Trevenant (soon), Malamar and Gourgeist are all in the game. Someone with Baton Pass and Speed Boost could also get the job done. There's Blaziken, Scolipede, Yanmega, Sharpedo and Ninjask, but only Blaziken and Sharpedo aren't weak to Rock while Blaziken is also weak to Ground. (Breed Sharpedo with Goldeen for Waterfall to get it really early, or wait for E13 for that one). You could also go for a Sticky Web use, though those are weak to Rock too.

Ampharos is also far more useful with Agility. You can breed Baton Pass onto Blaziken to pass around the speed your team needs. You can breed Lotad/Petilil>Cacnea/turne>Abra for Energy Ball, you might also be able to get a good Hidden Power. Nasty Plot Lucario is pretty good, Bone Rush is a rather unreliable move. Good Gastly.

Some really good ones (considering your teams sizable weakness to Ground and Rock) (some of which aren't all that great outside of Trick Room) would be Durant, Mienshao, Heracross/Pinsir, Gengar, Exeggutor, Mismagius, Mamoswine, Medicham, Roserade, Shiftry, Empoleon, Bronzong, Gallade, Conkeldurr, Krookodile, Scrafty, Cofagrigus, Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Escavalier, Eelektros, Chesnaught, Diggersby, Gogoat, Cacturne, Gourgeist,and Trevenant. Should you be curious about what movesets these could have, comment here or PM me or something.

Edited by Etesian
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First of all, Thx for the suggestions.

I never played whit trick room or stiky web or spikes couse i never played on competitive levels so for me that stuff was usless, but it looks like reborn is more competitive than i tough.

Honestly i got that umbreon couz i have no poke for stall and an earlyer toge was trained to baton pass nasty plot acient power for set up but umbreon fill the role better, to me sylveon looks like dressed cat and i really disapprove that ( dont know why, no need for a specific reason) Also i would like one more water poke but... I could get on of the 2 starters i have in my box ( pinplup or mudkip) but i heared kingdra will be unleashed soon, will found out, got a mamoswine whit ice spear and earthquake but once again i dislike a lot the back sprite ( whit tha fat legs lol) im not sure yet if go whit gastly or breead litwick for energy ball, or i can even whitdrow that nice budew i have in the box since the early game,

Onestly i would love a feebas but Who know...

Gogoat is kinda nice ill think of it, must check his moovepool (never played 6 gen) i Also have a zorua but whit no tm his moovepool is so limitaded, i kinda never use bliziken, only for early game, never had a starter when i challenged the league in previus version (except for charizard in pokemon gold i was 12/13 and that poke was the only one high lvl) next time ill see banette ill bully him and set fire to all his pokes that are note on fire alredy and take the remaining one :)

After ill clear ep 13 ( like 12 hours after publication) ill start breeding again for more moves and betters IV( that is really frustating)

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i fyour looking for water types, three imediatley come to mind, azumaril, and if you wait till ep 13, then you can breed belly drum alongside aqua jet. an azumarills aqua jet after a belly drum with huge power and mystic water has approximately 60% more power than an adamant, life orb lucarios close combat. yeah its that good. the next are two that you already have, my personal favorite is swampert, which compliments your weaknesses, give it waterfall( ep 13) or dive and breed for avalanche with aurorus. then theres empoleon, bred for agility, ice beam, and scald ( not sure of chain but its definitely possible, search the forums and youll find the chain) those are the top water types imo

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Actually, Kingdra's pre-evos will be in the game, but not Kingdra itself.

Also, regarding Water types, I agree with RR up there, Empoleon is a beast. Just breed Smeargle with Scald and Ice Beam>Buizel with Agility>Piplup.

Roserade can get Sludge Bomb via the chain: Muk>Stunfisk>Wooper>Snubull>Roselia.

Chandelure can have both Energy Ball and Flamethrower like this: Growlithe/Vulpix/anything with Flamethrower in the Field egg group>Snubbull->Swirlix (level up for Energy Ball) ->Castform ->Litwick

Gogoat's pretty good, no breeding required to make it so.

ALSO, keep in mind, any TM moves I listed for breeding cannot be passed on as of E13. Egg moves can be passed on by both parents from now on, but no more TM moves. (although nothing is preventing you from going back to E12 and breeding there).

Edited by Etesian
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Why can't TMs be bred anymore? Is it just Ame making it harder for us/being sadistic? Or is there a specific reason?

It's because they don't pass down in Gen VI anymore- just a consistency thing. You could think of it as her making things harder too, I suppose, since it most certainly will.

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I got that litwick moves, waiting for good IV, i actualy noticed that there is a forum for trade so i might be abile to get a froakie, not bad at all,

And btw u think is easy theach smargle ice beam? Im not sure how (or where) to do this lol

Maybe ill breead bulbasaur but i like more rosenrade, that azumerill IS huge never had one and never know the hidden ability, is like the medichan's one. I only might dream of giving one of those ability to gallade or something really BIG.

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You could think of it as her making things harder too, I suppose, since it most certainly will.

Unfortunately, I think one side effect of it will be to increase the number of people looking for earlier episodes. Hopefully I'm wrong though.

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It's because they don't pass down in Gen VI anymore- just a consistency thing. You could think of it as her making things harder too, I suppose, since it most certainly will.

Yeah, this is basically the reason why I removed them -- I was already updating everything else to gen 6 so it seemed a natural thing to do.

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