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Hey, so seeing Murdoc's aTfaT got me thinking about an idea.

Similar to how Murdoc's idea was to give prompts for the community to write stories, I intend to do something similar by creating a catalyst for the writing of others.

Of course, this will be be strictly non-competitive, and will simply be an opportunity for people to practice their writing skills and for the community to grow closer as a whole through the miracle of fiction.

So, my idea: Every once in a while (maybe like 2-3 months or so), I will post up a world. Yes. A developed world, complete with its own mythos, history and conflicts. The idea is to write stories based on the world proposed. Anything, from short stories to poems to multi-chapter epics are welcome. Naturally, the entire community would be welcome to post critique, both positive and critical, about the stories posted.

As for how the worlds will be developed, while each world of the project is being explored, the community as a whole can simultaneously work to develop the next world, by brainstorming genres, setting, factions, etc. until a world's skeleton is constructed. I will then flesh out the result and post up the world as the prompt for the next rotation.

I will be creating several threads for each world, one for discussion and critique, one for posting stories and anecdotes in the context of the world, and one as a sort of encyclopedia for the mythos of the world, which will be targeted at those writers who would like to practice writing in an academic and/or factual style.

The first world I propose would most likely be an extension of the cyberpunk world I had posted on this forum earlier; some of you might remember it. You can read about it at http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8474

So, I would like to ask the community, would there be interest in participating in this project? If I can get enough interested parties, I could even hopefully arm-wring a mod into creating a subsection just for this project, to keep it more organised. This project is intended to be a long-running project, and I would require the support of the community to keep it going.

With that in mind...

Any takers?

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Interesting, I like the idea, and it should be a more long term sort of thing. I would probably contribute every now and again lol. ((Also, Acquie I can get them to get the Sub-Forum up, as not only this I may try and use it for other writing stuff, that is more in general Creative Writing. It would be nice to have a Sub-forum for it, and to keep it to that forum if possible this way people aren't too confused with it being an RP or not.))

Hopefully, we see some interest in this as I really want to have something like it for the those of the RP Forum for us to all improve in our writing skills and to have something to do when the updates on the RPs get slow, since they do every once and awhile. ((I may host some competitive stuff as well, all for good fun of course.)). I believe this a good first step to gettin ghtis stuff into the forums, and I would love to see it.

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I'm not quite a creative writer, but I can critique well, I'd like to think. And in a friendly way, at that.

So, I would not partake in the original writing and designing, simply the commentating and advice searching/ criticism reception.

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No one says you have to be good to write :D it's all in good fun anyway. So, 10 people are interested... Hmmm... Not sure if it's enough to make this project a success, thwprldt's comforting that a lot of the respondents are regulars here.

also, I had a really cool idea regarding this Worlds Apart concept, but I realised it would have been really hard to implement given that the idea is to keep creating new worlds :/ basically the idea was to have the worlds be constantly evolving; I.e. there qould be major changes which occur over time. E.g. Nation A declares war on Nation F, which would be cool to direct the flow of stories and provide constantly changing stimuli to writers. However, like I said, hard to implement, so OH WELL :/

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