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Ep 13 Help thread


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If you entered Calcenon and trigered any of the events (a.k.a you talked with Hardy/Cain/Saphira/Charlotte/Shelly/Anna or Noel), hmm...

yes, you f*d up ._.

Well shit... Well, I'm done with the game now.

Edited by Shadowbolt192
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Can someone post the Froakie puzzle to get Dive? I can't solve it at all :wacko:

Just check in the game`s folder, then go to "graphics", then "pictures" and finally puzzles, there they are all the images for the puzzles. Hope it helps you, good luck!

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I feel like a nubcake for asking, but where exactly is the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/Amethyst cave?

They're the ones around Route 3 that you navigate through to get around the collapsed bridge.

Although, to my knowledge, Emerald is not accessed at all. Just Ruby/Sapphire/Amethyst.

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They're the ones around Route 3 that you navigate through to get around the collapsed bridge.

Although, to my knowledge, Emerald is not accessed at all. Just Ruby/Sapphire/Amethyst.

Orly.. didn't even know they had a name lol. Thanks.

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Damn Charlotte was tough. No rain dance for me and my only high level water Pokemon being Golduck didn't offer me much solace in the fight. Went down quick. But some of my Pokemon lucked out with quick claw by attacking first and making sure i didn't get hit back. That was rough! I'm sorry ame i was cursing your name a few times. Man... Rough stuff....

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Detracting from Charlotte for a bit: I've been looking around the 3 mountains and older areas for any more of those "X" doors and have only found ones I already knew existed. Can anyone else confirm that there aren't any new ones this episode?

Did you check the cave that was in Route 1 and the cave outside of Shade's Power Plant? I could have sworn I saw a new door at one of those two locations, but I can't remember exactly where.

EDIT: There probably isn't, it's almost midnight and my mind's playing tricks on me...

Edited by Alilatias
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Detracting from Charlotte for a bit: I've been looking around the 3 mountains and older areas for any more of those "X" doors and have only found ones I already knew existed. Can anyone else confirm that there aren't any new ones this episode?

Didn't see any new one but it's not like i revisited every location, but i'm pretty sure that in the new areas there isn't one (at least in the places accessible right now)

Edited by Gaunt
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Wow I really didn't expect Charlotte to be the next gym leader. (Personally, I was almost certain that it would be Titania)

I had 2 Water types (Simipour & Greninja) but I couldn't beat Charlotte. Hence, I had to turn to the popular Rain Dance tactic - which I taught to my Meowstic. It was slower than her Typhlosion, but it managed to survive its Flamethrower (which was very surprising) - so the battle went smoothly from there (the extra boost to Noivern's Dragon Pulse and Florges's Moonblast actually helped a lot).

The fact that she did not have any healing items also helped (which was strange, because I was expecting a lot of those since its... Reborn lol). Was it like this for the other Double Battle gyms (Aya & Radomus)? I can't seem to remember...

Overall, a great episode as always. Thanks Ame!

PS I wish Saphira used a more uh... stronger(?) term than the 'world's biggest asshole' to describe Fern. Obviously, he's way more than that now.

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for those that dont have rain dance i destroyed charlote with my flygon and noivern. it helped that i remember that volcrona wasnt a flying/fire rather a bug/fire.

also now that ive beat charlote is there anything else i can do in this episode?

Edited by sandy
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for those that dont have rain dance i destroyed charlote with my flygon and noivern. it helped that i remember that volcrona wasnt a flying/fire rather a bug/fire.

also now that ive beat charlote is there anything else i can do in this episode?

Lot of events backwards and on the new areas, new pokemon & item hunting

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Surf of all things is surprisingly awesome against Charlotte. Amethyst bugged the field effect meaning every time surf hits something (as opposed to every time it is used), every pokemon loses accuracy. It hits everything one the field twice and wolla! your foes are now as blind as Zubats.

the feild isnt bugged when you hit something thats on fire with water you get steam and steam is a cloud of smoke that makes it hard for anyone to see

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Does somebody have the link of the previous episode? I recently cleaned my downloads folder. I also deleted the Pokemon Reborn folder because I know the savefile is stored elsewhere but I saved in the department store and now I'm stuck ^^

Edit: lucky me; found the old URL in my browser history.

Edited by Dovahkiin
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