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Ep 13 Help thread


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A lot of people had that problem (should be fixed in 13.1) I don't know how you could get back in the right order though....

Actually not possibly fixed in 13.1 according to Ame, assuming I understood what she was talking about.

If you're reading this Ame... Maybe to prevent this from happening at all, either have Titania hold the Surf HM and throw it to the player right as she's about to jump after Amaria, or have the waterfall cutscene trigger at a point where it's impossible for the player to run off and surf to Calcenon without seeing it.

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Wow....charlotte was surprisingly easy.....maybe because i prefer water pokemon.....oh god....the water gym battle is going to be hell for me because my Gardavoir is the only one on the team who has grass and electric moves. Oh balls!

Anyway, my team is rather odd since i got one of them through a facebook event and i would rather not piss you all off.....so i will keep it a secret.

Delphox(Kurama) lvl 70



Shadow Ball


Gyarados(Sea Queen) lvl 69. Yes, i had to get her through an older episode since i kept them all since 9

Ice Fang

Surf(I have no idea WHY i took Aqua Tail out for surf because it made my queen of the sea useless through out this fight)

Dark Pulse

Dragon Rage

Gardavoir(Aphrodite) lvl 69

Charge Beam

Shadow Ball

Magical Leaf


Aggron(Grimms) lvl 69....he was basically canon fodder for this fight...

Iron Head(Now Flamethrower)

Heavy Slam

Strength(My next HM slave...)

Iron Tail

And now my stars of the battle

Facebook pokemon at lvl 69

Outrage(now Flamethrower)

Dragon Rush

Wing Attack

Aqua Tail(My lifesaver)

Flygon(Hermes) lvl 69


Earth PowerMy lifesaver)

Dragon Claw

Dragon Breath(Now flamethrower)

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Wow....charlotte was surprisingly easy.....maybe because i prefer water pokemon.....oh god....the water gym battle is going to be hell for me because my Gardavoir is the only one on the team who has grass and electric moves. Oh balls!

Assuming Amaria is as strong as I think she is, we won't be battling her for a good minute.

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I assume you mean chase them down the waterfall? In that case then eventually yes. However, obviously you don't have waterfall at the moment, and even if you did you couldn't use it, so right now there's not a lot you can do.

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Wow....charlotte was surprisingly easy.....maybe because i prefer water pokemon.....oh god....the water gym battle is going to be hell for me because my Gardavoir is the only one on the team who has grass and electric moves. Oh balls!

Anyway, my team is rather odd since i got one of them through a facebook event and i would rather not piss you all off.....so i will keep it a secret.

Delphox(Kurama) lvl 70



Shadow Ball


Gyarados(Sea Queen) lvl 69. Yes, i had to get her through an older episode since i kept them all since 9

Ice Fang

Surf(I have no idea WHY i took Aqua Tail out for surf because it made my queen of the sea useless through out this fight)

Dark Pulse

Dragon Rage

Gardavoir(Aphrodite) lvl 69

Charge Beam

Shadow Ball

Magical Leaf


Aggron(Grimms) lvl 69....he was basically canon fodder for this fight...

Iron Head(Now Flamethrower)

Heavy Slam

Strength(My next HM slave...)

Iron Tail

And now my stars of the battle

Facebook pokemon at lvl 69

Outrage(now Flamethrower)

Dragon Rush

Wing Attack

Aqua Tail(My lifesaver)

Flygon(Hermes) lvl 69


Earth PowerMy lifesaver)

Dragon Claw

Dragon Breath(Now flamethrower)

I assume the Facebook Pokemon is Dragonite? Cuz Wing Attack

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LOL with all those problems with charlotte. This is Reborn. You should probably start some EV training and moveset breeding. I swept him with 3 pokemons without even resorting to headsmash or surf. Heck my Surf was not even taught to a main but to my pickup+hm slave linoone.

For those with problems, I'll get you a good list you can use

Said earlier:

Eruption flash fire thyplosion

head smash tyrantum

rain dancers



whichever earthquake/rockslide+ levitate combo (flygon+archeops is your best bet. Breed EQ)

1 shot hard hitter with relevant plates like hjk mienshao/blaziken/hawlucha, brave bird reckless staraptor, dd gyarados etc

Just bear in mind that without raindance/surf, don't go for water attacks. Sun and field makes water less effective than a neutral shot

P/S: I personally used superpower malamar+ hjk blaziken, followed by EQ crunch flygon when blazi is dead

Edited by jrookie
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See, I dont want to breed for perfect pokemon though, that would make it too easy, I like the challenge rather than the grind.
I ended up beating charlotte using my whole team xD, last one alive was alakazam.
My team is as follows:

Gigalith level 66:

Rock Blast
Rock Slide


Mud Slap

Arcanine level 66:

Heat Wave
Flare Blitz
Rock Smash

Gyarados level 68:

Ice Fang


Aqua Tail


Sceptile level 66

Leaf Blade


Quick Attack

(He needs some reforming on his moves ;-; )

Scrafty level 68

High Jump Kick

Low Kick



Alakazam level 67


Miracle Eye


Wasn't extremely hard, did take a few tries though

Still waiting for an end game Mewtwo.

Still waiting for a PULSE Mewtwo

I like Mewtwo

Edited by Mortally Divine
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go back to route 2 and enter the cave at the top left. surf across the river and cross the ice puzzle to meet up with cain aya and hardy

When I try pushing a crustle into a spot to get into the cave, it won't let me. The Crustle emerges from its nest, but I can't interact with it whatsoever

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Got it! Using an earlier save (Been saving when noticing things or before buggy areas. Dont know if it will help.) I went straight to hardy when is between the calcenon and route 4 talked to him first. Then talked to him in front of the barrier with saphira. Then went into the house with cain and gang and was able to proceed normally after the charlotte encounter. Doesnt help you much... Sorry about that :( but at least we know the sequence to get around the bug.

So I messed up the order of the episdoed previously and Ame was able to fix it at least right up until this point it looks like. I can talk to Hardy right before you enter the city and I can do the event where Charlotte leaves her gym. However after that when I go to the left of the city where Hardy and Saphira are they proceed like I've talked to them already. It is the same as going into the building with Shelly and Cain. They tell me good luck. I tried going to everyone in different orders, but I get the same thing. :( So here is my my save file. It starts right before you talk to Hardy in between the city and the route.


Edited by Stryx
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So I messed up the order of the episdoed previously and Ame was able to fix it at least right up until this point it looks like. I can talk to Hardy right before you enter the city and I can do the event where Charlotte leaves her gym. However after that when I go to the left of the city where Hardy and Saphira are they proceed like I've talked to them already. It is the same as going into the building with Shelly and Cain. They tell me good luck. I tried going to everyone in different orders, but I get the same thing. :( So here is my my save file. It starts right before you talk to Hardy in between the city and the route.

Fixed it for you.

1.Talk to Saph

2. Go to b/t route 4 and Calc

3. Head to gym


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