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Another brick in the wall


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I am yet another new guy to enter this place. Bet you didn't see that coming, huh?

Honestly, I'm not much of a guy for making a long introduction, but heck, I'll try anyway. I'm Valiant VII, as in Valiant 7. I did not create this name just for this site, so if you see or have seen someone with this name somewhere before, it very likely could have been me.

As of recently I have been getting back into pokemon, which I have really been getting into and out of here and there in my life, and heard of "Pokemon Reborn" recently after delving into Pokemon Zeta/Omicron, so this is my next thing to try out.

I am not exactly the most competitive gamer, so I probably won't be going to far into competitive pokemon and the like this site has built around it, but I'm also not completely out of it, so I might poke around here and there. On top of that, Pokemon isn't the only thing I do, so I won't be around all the time, which probably would be expected anyway. Though, feel free to talk with me or such, even though I'm not the most sociable person.


Put simply: Hi I'm new. What's up?

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Not much. Just trying to keep up with the post episode 13 hustle and bustle.

Welcome to reborn. This is in my opinion by far the best pokemon game in existence at the moment. If you have any questions about the site, or the game, or anything in particular feel free to ask me, Vinny, or Hilda.

If you ever feel like a bit of competitive battling, or even just getting to know people a bit better, the best way to do that is to head over to the reborn server on pokemon online. It serves as both our chatroom, and a place for us to battle.

Speaking of competitive battling, there's a competition going on at the moment called pokenations. You don't seem like the sort to want to join, but if you are interested there's a thread on the forums that will give you more info about that.

Lastly if you're at all interested in roleplaying talk to Hukuna, the local RP section mod about that. We have our own dedicated roleplaying sub forum, and all of the people there are very welcoming of newcommers.

Have fun with the game.

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< this is Hukuna Sensei. He doesn't Bite. Because Crunch has stronger base power......

Anyways, nice to met, you Sheep has covered most of everything, so I will just welcome you to Reborn. Shred that Sanity by the way, you won't need it here.

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Hai, welcome to the forum ^-^ Not into competitive stuff? Well, take a good look around, we´re not only competetive up in here. We also talk about... stuff... ^^ We talk about stuff. Right xD ....

Give me your sanity so I can destroy or eat it, cuz I´mma eat stuff. Sanity is not needed here anyway ^___^

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Hi, Valiant VII! (Can I call you Valiant?)

Nice to meet ya.

To further clarify on Pokenations, I'm also not great in the competitive realm of battling, and it's pretty fun. Don't let that stop you from trying it out if you want to.

Oh, and don't try to get honey out of a honeycomb with your bare hands.

Edited by Hilda
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