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During this week of Pokenations, a ban was given out to the following users that can be found here. The reasoning behind the ban was because of a spamming on the reborn sever for a duration of 15 minutes that can be found here. The duration of each ban was based upon how many times each user spammed.

Some discussion has been brought up about the fairness of the ban. Ultimately, the users did break a rule of PokeNations has full justification in punishing the members in accordance. This petition was created in a belief that the punishments are greater than what the culprits deserves for the following reasons:

1. The following message spammed did not target or slander any users. While the following message may or may not be true, users seemed to enjoy it with some joining in as well.

2. The spamming lasted for a short period of time and was not repeated excessively from the current date of when it originally occurred.

3. While Nation members did join in, there was no link between PokeNation and the users spamming the message. It is highly unlikely PokeNations will be viewed differently because of the message.

With these reasons in mind, I believe the following punishment should not be removed, but all users who participated should be banned no longer than a week. If you agree with the following, please state your name and #2 week ban.

Note: I apologize if I offended anyone, but I feel as if something needs to be done about the issue.

Edit: Seems like people are going back and forth between one and two weeks so I'm open to either.

Edited by commander218
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Umbreown, totally agreed, couldn't have put it in better words.

Just one more thing I'd like to say: the amount of messages a member spammed means nothing. Just because certain members spammed more than others, they still joined in the spam for fun and made the same error, therefore even the ones who spammed a minimal amount of messages should get the same punishment as someone who spammed over 100.

Edited by MMM
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Glad this thread was made. I would just like to say that what happens on the server is aside from what goes on in the forums, and this minor incident which didn't harm anyone + spurred other members to join shouldn't even need a punishment. It happened 2 weeks ago for 15 minutes and nothing like that happened again afterwards. Still surprised that two weeks later they can't get over it, but that's besides the point. If the people in charge are really that stubborn then I feel 1 week would be fair at most.

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I am not affiliated with Nations, but I do want to put in my thoughts; five weeks is definitely too much. I do like the thinking of two weeks, and think it's fair from the point of view of both parties.

I was not part of the spam, and while it was definitely not okay to do, I believe a five week ban was too much.

My words carry no weight, but I wanted to share my own view.

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Like what Shadow said, seing as how each season has 15 weeks, five weeks is the same as no more nations season 1. That is ridiculous!! I'll join into what everyone else said. 2 weeks is fine. They will be able to learn from mistakes and still, :] Getcha head in tha game. oh ye I said it

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Not affiliated with nations in anyway here (and I'm not sure if I want to if this is how they handle shit)

But yeah, the ban amounts were excessive AND rather bogus because participation in any incident whether it be 6 "( ´‿ゝ`)we are men( ´‿ゝ`)" or 1

"Hello, my name is Juan Pastoroni, CEO of Copy Pasta Industries. I'd like to let you know that we've just gained copyrights on a lot of copy pastas seen in this chat. If you are using them right now, please refrain from doing so, or risk being fined under copyright infringement. Thank you, and don't be funny and copy and paste this. This is business, kid. Again, no cappuccino pasterino or you're fucking deaderino kidderino" means that the user should be punished for taking advantage of the situation.

1-2 weeks is more than an adequate punishment.

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See, this thread right here... now this... this is how you do it folks. having resonable justifications and arguments and at least trying to keep it civil. I applaud you, Commander218. now then... on to what I want to say.

I'd like to know why it took 2 weeks for any consequences to be given out. What, you couldn't have dished out punishment within a day or two of it happening? The delay with which action was taken for the penalties honestly makes me more than a little suspicious about this. And five weeks is indeed an extreme for the infraction in question.

Stratos, 2 weeks

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See, this thread right here... now this... this is how you do it folks. having resonable justifications and arguments and at least trying to keep it civil. I applaud you, Commander218. now then... on to what I want to say.

I'd like to know why it took 2 weeks for any consequences to be given out. What, you couldn't have dished out punishment within a day or two of it happening? The delay with which action was taken for the penalties honestly makes me more than a little suspicious about this. And five weeks is indeed an extreme for the infraction in question.

Stratos, 2 weeks

This past week was a PN intermission in which there were no matchups for 1 week. So it'd be pointless to ban them for 5 weeks when the first of thos five weeks would be an intermission anyways. And yeah 2 weeks is a better punishment

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