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Episode 13 Team please give your advice on what should go and what should stay


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My team as of me posting this is:

Rapidash, Hardy, Flame Body, Flame Wheel, Inferno, Fire Blast, and Flare Blitz Level 64

Noivern, Lonely, Telepathy, Air Slash, Cut (needed the HM), Hurricane, and Roost Level 64

Lumineon, Quirky, Storm Drain, Surf, Rain Dance, Dive, and Attract Level 67

Venusaur, Sassy, Overgrow, Solarbeam, Synthesis, Strength, and Petal Dance Level 64

Pangoro, Calm, Scrappy, Body Slam, Sky Uppercut, Crunch, and Hammer Arm Level 64

Donphan, Serious, Sand Veil, Rock Smash, Giga Impact, Assurance, and Earthquake Level 68

Any advice is good advice so go ahead and say what you need

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So here's my first glance thoughts of your team

rapidash:flare blitz is a good move but you need more than just fire coverage, you should add some other moves that add to your type coverage though i cant recommend much as i've never used one

noivern; you should get rid of cut as soon as possible and through the move relearner you can get some dragon stab on it

lumineon:I have no idea how to make one of these good sorry, dive is not a good move though so you should really get a hm slave

venusaur;again with the hm's though strength is a decent one, some poison stab would help with those fairy pokemon,

pangoro: replace sky uppercut with brick break for sure

donphan: ugh the tm's, i'm not a fan of giga impact either because of the rest turn and assurance is also a very weak move

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Hy dude i'm not sure where u are in game but go find yourself ralts (new event) u will need more then a lumineon for charlotte, go find the salyer of trees,ABBBBBBBK, if u know what i mean, flygon would be much better than noibern, and a marshtomp would ne awsome for your team, Also u should have some link stone, go pick a trade evolution poke (the one u like the most,all from gen 1 aviable) if u need to replace rapidash, later on, you should pick litwick Who is aviable near streat 7, if ure willing to di some hard training stuff u souls breed those pokes for better moves and IV, but i suggest u to do so in ep 12 couse is still gen 5 so u can breed tm moves on them,

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In terms of balance you have a good team. However, made your pokemons learn other moves like your rapidash, venusaur and luminion that they only have moves of their type. Its always good to have other moves of different types, against opponets that they are weak.

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