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P.S.S. "The Legend Of The Primal Keys"::Ch.2 a- The Truth [IC]


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Maximus had no interest in finding a steed. He was an Ekarder for Azuaqyar's sake! Well, if that phrase were still meaningful. But, it didn't change facts he was a highly trained Ekarder and an Ekarder rides but one beast. The Wyrm. While in training Maximus had been taught that it was disrespectful for an Ekarder to ride anything other than a wyrm. The absence of Dragons, Drakes and Wyverns from the world was the burden of the Ekarders, formerly known as the Dragoon, not the burden of the other beasts of the world.

Instead Maximus' mind was more interested in his current mission and whatever was living in that hatch under ground. After enough time had passed, the Ekarder had had enough, "Haven't we lingered here long enough?" He called to the group, "In case you've all forgotten, their is still a world to save." He then motioned inside to the scene of Rodriguez's death, "And with each passing moment innocents die."

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Trystane had a look like Blackjack just hit him square in the face. “I was surprised when I heard you talking since, you know, I never heard a horse talk before. I didn’t patronize you, but have it your way,” he said looking around. They really had to go and couldn’t effort to lose more time. He would settle this with Blackjack later. He walked over to the group of steeds and started conversation with the closest one. “Hey there, my name is Trystane, have you already partnered up with someone?”

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Right then. Octavia stood for a few moments trying to decide who she would pair up with, but quickly made up her mind to go with her gut and she approached one of the horses to her left. As she approached the steed, she certainly felt a strong pang of guilt remembering her previous interactions with other horses. Before she didn't pay much mind to them, she used them and left with minimal greetings and farewells. It wasn't that Octavia disliked horses, but she never had the patience to talk to something and invest her time and energy to what she felt would have been a once sided relationship. Apparently things are not always as they seem though, and this was her chance to make up for that.

"Hi," she said to the horse, pausing somewhat awkwardly to find her words. "What is your name? Mine is Octavia, pleasure to meet you."

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"I'm the Patriarch of this group," Whitehoove said curtly. "Obviously, I take no "partners" or "Riders", boy..."

"Just shut up and let the offensive little whelp be your rider for the time being," Blackjack scolded his elder brother from nearby. "We honestly don't have the time for your prideful and conceded nature."

Whitehoove looked at his young sibling, stamping his hoove in outrage at this irony. "This from the Steed who just flat rejected him for similar reasons of Pride!?"

"Stop this damn bitching, both of you!" Elybis roared, stopping both the brothers in their tracks before the Argument could even get underway. "We've already lost half the fucking pack, and if I have to sit by as yet another steed goes missing and has God-knows-what happen to them, because you two couldn't just be mature and just keep your god-be-damned mouths shut when the other makes a jibe..." His voice grew darker as he trailed off, a troubling intent held in his eyes.

"Fine," Whitehoove finally grumbled.He turned back to Trystane. "I quite reluctantly accept you as my rider...what is your name, human?"


"Greetings then, Octavia," the female mount answered. "They call me Aurelis, though I personally have no concern with names."

A few shouts back and forth and then an outburst from one of the elder horses in the pack echoed out just then. Whatever seemed to be going on, it was over now however. "Do not pay any mind to those two," She continued, nodding towards Blackjack and Whitehoove, both of whom were now putting distance between themselves and refusing to speak. Elybis was still glaring at them with eyes like smoldering coals. "They tend to get into squabbles from time to time, but the Aegis always manages to set them straight."

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Trystane was lost. Now the second steed he approached didn’t want to partner up with him either. He didn’t know how to respond and watched the interaction between the horses. “Trystane,” he answered Whitehoove.“ Clearly the horse didn’t pay attention to him when he introduced himself. He felt like Whitehoove had kicked him in the gut twice and sighed. “If you don’t want to partner up either; fine. Neither of you can compare to Onyx anyway so I’ll just look for someone in your pack that’s not so proud and stubborn.”

He looked around to see some of the others already paired up, but at this point he didn’t give a damn. He wasn’t interested in pairing up with a horse that didn’t show any respect or at least didn’t complain about it.

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"Enough already," Argo sighed as he walked over to the three of them, having become fed up with this nonsense. The crap he'd just seen the human's put up was nothing compared to Blackjack's and Whitehoove's petty and often ill timed squabbles. "If neither one of you wants to be mature and just shutup and pull your head out of your ass long enough for us to leave, then I'll take him as my rider..." He turned to the young hunter, walking away from the siblings. "I am called Argo, my role in this pack is the Sentry. What is your name, human?"

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“I’m Trystane,” the young Hunter replied. He felt like he introduced himself for the hundredth time today. “I’m a Hunter from the ZraZara Grass Sea and we have a lot of horses over there, but none possess the skills you have so your pack interests me…” he said studying Argo. “Forgive me for asking but what kind of breed are you?” His tone was respectful since he didn’t want to face a third fiasco like he had with the siblings.

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"Those of us composing this pack," Argo said, "Are know as Shadow Steeds. Doubtless that you've never heard of one before tonight... that's because the world of man has forgotten we even existed. Regardless, ours is a special kind of horse... cut from a far different cloth. As I'm sure you've already seen, our race is capable of 'shadow trotting' or merging into the worlds of the dead in order to travel far faster in this one..." To demonstrate what he meant, he melted into a pool of darkness on the ground, disappearing without a trace. The puddle reappeared directly behind Trystane less than a second later, along with Argo.

"Back before the business with the Nix, people commonly knew us as 'Hell steeds'... for obvious reasons; we do what we do by traveling on the outskirts of the pit and then reentering this world."

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It was difficult for Trystane to hide his excitement. These Shadow Steeds intrigued him and the more he learned about them, the more he wanted to ask. He refrained from asking since that would mean he would waste too much time. “You’re right. I’ve never heard about Shadow or Hell Steeds. I’ve just one more question before we leave: is this pack the last of your species?”

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Argo went eerily quiet at that question. His face held something that almost looked like sadness...and fear. "We ask ourselves that very question every single day we yet draw breath..." With that he glanced around at the remaining members of his pack. Every single day... how many times did that amount to now? How many of them had died already? had gone missing just in this past night? How long did any of them have?

"Apologies,"The horse said, quite dejectedly."but I can answer no more questions right now..."

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Maximus watched as the hunter had finally ascertained a ride. He sighed, realizing he was one of the few who had yet to get a ride. Horses were not a fit for an Ekarder, but still he would have to make due for now, lest he get left behind.

"You their," he called to the nearest horse. "I have need of a partner for the ride, would you care to be my steed?"

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Octavia nodded, turning her head away from Aurelis to look over to the horses she was gesturing to. Blackjack, Whitehoove, and Aegis. Okay.

"Good to know..." She trailed off somewhat. Octavia was looking around now, starting to study the other horses more carefully, trying to find distinguishing marks aside from pelt colour (which aside from Whitehoove and one other horse, they were all fully pitch black with no other colour difference). She had to remember the subtle differences of height, old wounds and build of all the horses so she could get it into her head that they were closer to a human than her previous idea of a horse. They were unique, and had their own personalities. She definately didn't want to accidentally mix up their names and offend them. For her though, it was hard to tell the difference between some of them because she hadn't spent enough time around horses in general to get a sense of their faces, combined with the fact that some of them looked similar. She then looked back to the horse she was talking to.

"Do you want to partner up with me?"

Edited by Snap Crackle Pop
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"I am simply known as Yelaza," Yelaza said, nodding to him.


"You seem preferable enough..." Aurelis said. "And on top of that amoung the only women in your group... Yes, I will accept you as my Rider, Octavia."

Eric and Cesealia

"You there," Eric called to Black Jack and Whitehoove as he hauled Aaron's body over, dragging him through the dirt by the back of the shirt. the boy's hands and feet were fully restrained with the odd magic the Apothecary wielded. "You two seem to be without riders..."

"No," Whitehoove said. "Absilutely not... I already told that other one, I don't take riders, I'm the lead of this pack..."

"It's not really a choice, you see..." Eric said simply, holding his palm as a seal resembling a black eagle in flight burned there. Fire began to crackle a little at his fingers as he glared at the horse. "I've got people who need saving, and there's no way in hell I'm going to let them die because you're too prideful to let me and this prisoner ride you for a little while. Got me, Friend?"

"Hmmm... well, seems your a bit gutsier than the other guy." Whitehoove looked him over for a few seconds, circling around the young man. "Alright... you interest me, little man. I think I'll make an exception just to see how this plays out. Get on." Erick did just that, tossing the prisoner onto whitehooves back and then climbing on himself.

"You have a name?" he asked the horse.

"Do you really need the name of someone you just threatened to burn?"

"Fair point..." He said, turning his attention to the others as Cesealia managed to work out her own bargain with Blackjack... he seemed to be far more accepting of her than of Trystane. "It's time to head out and get some damn answers," he said. "Does everyone have a mount now? you've all had long enough..."

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Ko'luki responded to Eric's Question, climbing onto Wind Tracer's back.

"Wind Tracer and I are ready to go."

The two of them then headed over to Eric.

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It was not long after the travelers had all mounted up that Eric gave the go ahead to Whitehoove. Within a few minutes after, they all found themselves galloping down the mountain road, quickly gaining speed as the thundered off to the north... but this was no ordinary ride. All around the them the shadows began to move and blur as they grew faster and faster, the wind whistling past them, and then not making any noise at all. The shadows lurched out and engulfed them all, blinding their vision and swallowing all of the world into darkness. The thunder of hooves and various whinneys filled the air as they noticed a strange chill, far colder than what they had experienced out in the mountain air not long ago.

There were screams... shouts...curses and swears. a thousand, upon a thousand more, voices calling out, condemning them for their trespassing. Then they stopped. The chill lifted, as did the shadows. And standing before them was there destination... The Castle Nix... the City that was just as much a Fortress.

The bastions of the outer wall rose high into the night air above them, some twenty five meters, at least. The walls were wrought of Slate grey Granite blocks stacked upon each other and fused together with the power of unknown ancient magic. All around them, the wall stretched, from one direction to another. That was the Strategic Bueaty of Nix... if one was on a war path, and seeked something north beyond the Cithal Range, one would have to eventually march through it, Around was not an option... and if one marched through it, then one would most likely not hold for long against the might of the Nix Guard, sovereign rulers of the technically classified City State, as well as vassals of the Church and it's (not so anymore) Holy Army.

The walls were fully manned this night, Soldiers bearing the colors of the Guard, Black and Gold and Scarlet, gazing down upon the party as they came to a halt from their ride. Not a single one of them pointed a weapon of any sort at them, however... simply all stood there, watching and conversing among themselves.

The Southern Gates stood wide open, as if they had been expected, two giant slabs of oak reinforced with countless rivets and reams of black steel and the magical metal Muinnat... and there was someone waiting there for them... A man whom Maximus and Ko'Luki would've recognized instantly...

"You're here, excellent," Rossephus said, his voice a perfect monotone ringing through the night. the light of the city behind him cast his face in partial shadow. But there was a few things to note of his person... he had no visible weapon, no sword scabbard, nothing. Nor did he wear armor as he had prior in Cithalos... simply a pale beige coat hanging open to reveal a series of bloodied bandanges wrapped around his chest, reaching down to his calfs, which were outfitted in black boots. He wore no Crown atop his aurburn hair... nor did his face or eyes hold the same cold, cruel ice they had whenceforth. For all appearances... this man seemed as though he may not even be the same man Maximus and Ko'Luki had seen before.

"Please, let yourselves in," he continued, stepping aside from where he stood in the middle of the massive door way, a gesture to let the group pass forth into his fastness.

Eric scowled at the man, riding forward a few feet on Whitehoove, careful to mind his distance though. "You have our people..." he snarled. "Where are they? Release them, then we'll decide whether we want to enter the stronghold of a monster like yourself."

"I expected you say as much, Eric..." The conqueror sighed, giving a hand signal to his men on the wall. The cleared the way at the ledge, pushing forward a certain prisoner, his hands bond in irons behind his back, the soldiers escorting him all dressed in full armor and tower shields, swords drawn on the monster. Standing there...looking down on the travelers with those pair of pitch black eyes... was the Daemon who had been waiting for them inside Ko'Luki's hut. He visibly struggled and strained against his bonds, prompting all of his guards to grip their blades even harder and go on the ready.

"I do believe this is the one who I charged with capturing your allies in my brother's employ... I apologize for his actions that went far beyond any of my orders. Specifically for the man he boiled alive into a stew... though, I honestly don't know how he managed to capture a sworn member of the Dirosi King's guard... Either way, your people are here, I assure you."

"Show me." Eric demanded, getting off of Whitehoove.

"I will," Rossephus promised. "They await you within the Castle Proper." he nodded up the slopped road behind him leading to a massive stronghold in the middle of the city. Eric took a few steps back, his hand lighting up with a mysterious light as fire danced around his palm.

"Perhaps you mistake me for a simple born man then," he growled, beginning to lose his already shaky temper. "We aren't entering into your city, where you can easily capture or kill us or worse, World Wrecker. Bring our people out to us, Or so help me, I'll torch you and every single man standing atop this damn wall without another word..."

"It amuses me that you believe you've the strength or the skill to do that, Alchemist," Rosse said, his voice flat contrary to his statement. He turned his attention to the others, walking past Eric and addresing them.

"It's obvious he's too far in a rage against me to just stop and listen," he said, gesturing with his head towards Eric, who stood there in silence now, glaring at the man as a scarlet light began to built around his clenched fist, growing brighter and brighter... though the Conqueror seemed to not care about his little theatrics. "But perhaps you all, the ones who actually matter in this conflict anyway, will be able to hear the voice of reason. Please, enter within this city and let me explain everything that has transpired this night. I know that some of us have not been off to... shall we say, a preferable foot this night.. but nothing that's happened is as it appears. Look, not even the sky bears truth in it's own color." If they looked up, they'd see that he was indeed right... the sky was black again, lit up by countless pinpoints of star light. He extended his arms out to the side, showing he bore no weapons as he continued.

"I'm stand before you all completely unarmed," he said. "As do all my men up on the wall, save for those guarding the fiend I was foolish enough to trust not to fall back into his old ways." to prove the words of their lord, all the soldiers followed his example, showing they had no armaments with them. everyone of their scabbards was empty. "None of us bare you any ill will or malice, I swear it. Now... will you enter?"

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Maximus was baffled by the sight of it all. A fortress fully guarded by unarmed men. The bane of all existence welcoming his greatest enemies in with open arms. It wouldn't take a smart man to see that this is a trap. But, Maximus had long believed that his life was forfeit. If he could save just one man, take down one monster, then it was all worth it. He wasn't a coward and he would show that now.

The Ekarder didn't wait for his compatriots to act. He didn't discuss anything with the rest of the group. He placed a hand on his lance, the Steele Splinter, ready to draw it at any sign of trouble, and charged inside.

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"I don't know if he;s simple, or just plain stupid..." Eric muttered under his breath as he watched Maximus charge past him into the city outskirts. He honestly expected for the man to be struck down any moment by a sudden sword swung from around a street corner, or perhaps even a sniper's bolt...Like he himself had so kindly been awarded to the shoulder while trying to be a stupid, head sick hero earlier. But nothing came. The Ekarder had gotten a few meters in now, and was still completely unscathed.

"We might as well follow him..." Cesealia sighed, dreading the foolishness she had a feeling they were about to walk into. She glanced down at Eric as Blackjack trotted past, the mare taking in the surroundings like an architecture critique. "Even if it's a trap, it was already too late for us the moment we rode up to the gates. He could've easily just had his men kill us the moment we were spotted, but instead he came out here and was waiting for us without a single personal guard. Either he's so arrogant it's disgusting, or he genuinely means whatever he's spouting on about." She and blackjack began to head off after the Ekarder. "Either way, though, We should at least try to see what it is He wants with us." Then she was gone, heading up the street.

Eric sighed, looking at Trystane, Octavia, Matrim, and Ko'Luki as they sat their with their mounts still. "So I guess your going to go ignoring the fact that this is most likely a trap and just waltz on in as well?" there was some venom in his voice, though whether it was just his anger at the situation, or actually directed at the three of them, it was very hard to tell.

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"It wouldn't make sense to go all the way here and then stop and walk away because it may be a trap. I thought that we already accepted that to be a possibility from the beginning," Octavia said, a slight frown on her face in thought. She shifted slightly, still hesitant to go inside, but she drew her scythe- ready to get going. "I don't think we know enough to really get a plan made either..."

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"well... I have to admit, you're right in that we can't turn back, all things considered. But just walking in probably isn't the smartest decision..." Eric sighed in response to Octavia, walking up to Rossephus and clasping his hand on the mans shoulder, gripping tightly as his hand began to blaze with light. The conqueror only cast a sideways glance at the act.

"What are you doing, boy?"

"Getting a bit of insurance so that we don't get slaughtered." Eric's hand burst with a dim glow, burning a strange glyph into the man's flesh. It was shaped exactly in the same pattern as the seal upon his palm; a black eagle made of mad Caligraphy, in flight with talons outstretched to catch prey. Rossephus seemed not to care about the pain or the smoke rising from the wound.

"That's a Life Link, monster," Eric explained, taking his hand off him. "The two of us are bonded from now until I say otherwise. Here's how it's going to work, we'll enter your city... not like we have that many other options, and hear what you have to say. But here's the catch, you try anything against any of my people, and I mean Anything, and I'll give up my own life and take you with me. You understand these terms, Monster?"

"I never pegged you as the suicidal one in the group..." Was all the auburn haired man had to say.

"I'm not suicidal. I just value my own life a little less than some others. Now get walking, and remember, anything at all, and we're both going straight to hell." There was silence between the two for a moment... then a scoff came from Rossephus, followed by a smirk.

"Alright. Your gusto impresses me, Eric. fine, We'll play by your rules. Come." He turned and began walking up the street.

"Well, we have a plan now..." The Apothecary said, turning back to face those still standing there. His face became solemn for a moment though. "And one thing; that Life Link I just made... If that fiend is actually planning to do something while we're in there, now he's going to definitely try to detain me before he makes a move. I have but one request of you all... if it becomes obvious that he's moving in to take us out, or you see an unusual number of guards beginning to cluster around me... then kill me right then and there without hesitation, or at the very least grab me and threaten to slit my throat and actually mean it. He might be telling the truth, or he might be lying through his teeth about everything, but either way, He's not going to get away with fucking us other if he tries it, not if I've anything to say." with that said, the apparently somewhat suicidal Eric turned away and made his way through the gates, leaving them there alone but confident they wouldn't be assaulted.

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Trystane, still on Argo’s back, tried to count how many enemies there were. Halfway through the count he decided to keep it at ‘too many’ and followed Eric inside. He didn’t say a word but kept his guard up, glancing at every corner he saw. His spear was resting in his hand just in case.

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