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P.S.S. "The Legend Of The Primal Keys"::Ch.2 b- Desolation [IC]


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Zoliver's little escape was cut short by the sound of crackling fire and snapping timbers. Up above him and his younger sisters a burning beam was knocked loose as the growing fire in town consumed a nearby building, the peice of scorching wood streaking as it fell towards them, just outside the of the dirt road leading out of town. He was so damn smug that he didn't even notice enough to look up until it was damn near too late. The sound of hissing flames and broken cobble stones filled the earth as Star Blazer, thank god for Star Blaze, valiant, a attentive and steed he was, hurled the three of them off of his back, saving them from the fate of being crushed to death along with him. He gave one last painful whinny as the thing made impact, breaking his back and setting him alight from the sheer heat of the blaze.

Zoliver landed on the street hard, hitting his head on the rough, abrasive stones of a doorstep and bleeding. The world was foggy, his mind swathed in the shroud of exquisite pain that had settled in. Yolk Van's house was visible just in the distance. Alma's scream could be heard nearby as he faded out of consciousness.

"ZOLIVER! ZOLIVER!!!" then nothing... nothing but the inky blackness of a coma.

The world fell away from the young knight, as did his sister's screams. This was the void of death... the void of oblivion. and in this void there were voices...and faces... he saw many people he had known in the town... friends, acquaintances, fellow smith apprentices... and at one point he thought he saw his own mother... the more he struggled to withstand the pull of oblivion, the stronger it became, the worse it felt on his soul.


"Wake up, Zoliver!" Yolk Van ordered, shaking the boy roughly as he held his hand up to the young man's head, trying to heal his broken skull and draw his soul back from the path to hell. A contingency of Knights and Cithal Preist knelt beside him at the boy's corpse, the knights putting their efforts into healing the physical body, the Preist into retrieving the soul before it completely left the body. "WAKE UP DAMNIT!" Van pooled his concentration and amplified his focus on the Aria of Dawn, causing an influx of light to enter his palm. Zoliver's skull corrected itself in an instant, his brain reshaping itself, repairing the concussive damage from his collision with the door step. The knights and priest mirrored Van's final push, putting everything they had into their magicks. Zoliver's body began to correct it's own injuries, his broken limbs from the beams collapse reforming, the cuts and bruises sealing and receding. The burns from the fire healing.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP BOY!" Van slapped him across the face in a tearful rage. "DON'T YOU DIE ON ME! GET THE FUCK UP, NOW!"

Zoliver had lost all sense of time in his little journey through the path of darkness. the faces had stopped a while ago. but everynow and again, the voices would keep screaming at him, ostricizing him, calling him worthless, weak, a pathetic excuse for a person. and with every insult, he felt his soul sink more and more into the maw of the wrym, into the void of hell itself... and then there came a light. a beacon in this land of shame and despair and regret. Zoliver's very being yearned towards it, clawing, grasping, gasping for air as if he were drowning and this light, this holy, ethereal light, was the sweetest air. and from this light he heard a single voice. He could not understand it, nor did he care that he couldn't understand it. for this voice was familiar to his ears... this voice was Yolk Van's... the only true father figure he had ever known.

"WAKE UP!" he heard. "WAKE THE FUCK UP BOY!" and that... is just what zoliver did. he found himself drawn to the light, pulled up faster than he ever could've moved towards the light. and then he passed through the illumination... and then he gasped for air... and air is precisely what filled his lungs as he was pulled back to the realm of the living

Van brought his hand off the boy's forehead as Zoliver gasped for oxygen and his body spasmed as the spirit found it's way back from the darkness of the pit. The knights and priest stopped their work, many of them collapsing in exhaustion from such intense focus. The Moon was just setting on the horizon. Dawn was breaking in the western sky, filling the sky with violet and magenta and dark blue. The sounds of shouting and screams could be heard in the distance... the sound of the Rojamaris Knight Corps. serving the twelve surviving Silver Bloods with capital punishment for the evil they had wrought this night, for the husbands and mothers, aunts and uncles, sons and daughters they had massacred in this tiny village. Pryes could be seen off in the distance... that was where the screaming was coming from. The Pirates were being flayed alive, their bodies burned in hell fire one by one... This was the price to pay for mass murder in Rojamaris, the price ordered by the king himself the moment he heard of the attack on Koise that night and dispatched the Corps...

"Zoliver," Van said, embracing the young man tearfully. "Zoliver... I'm sorry boy, the mother fuckers killed everyone... your mother... all the children in town...everyone... some of bastards escaped before we could deal justice for their crime..." he pulled away from the young man, looking him right in the eye. "Zoliver... we could find no traces of your sisters, boy...or of anyone else whose body is not among the slain...I'm sorry... they're gone... they probably were... killed and thrown into the icy waters of the bay before the remnants fled... I pray to the Sky Lord himself that it is as simple as that... that... it is all that was done to them by those whore sons..."

The screaming ended in the distance. the last prisoner had just been executed. the smell of burning flesh wafted through the air... but the smell meant nothing to Zoliver... no.. what mattered to him right now was something on the ground nearby... he had to squint for a minute in the dawn light... but he was sure of it.

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There...on the ground, covered with ash and soot and gleaming with blood... was a dragon shaped pendant he had made years ago. He could remember it so clearly... he had made two of them; one of Sterling silver with gold accents for Alma's fifteenth name day, and a smaller one with inversed colors for Aria for her fifth nameday... judging from the size of this one... and that tell tell gleam of silver...

It belonged to Alma.

He had been given one mission... his mother had told him to protect his sisters... to strike down all those who dare harm them...and he was so damn smug that he couldn't even pay enough attention to do that... and now that smugness, the arrogance... had probably cost both Alma and Aria their lives...

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"Stop the damn water works already!" Absalom finally said angrily after a good forty five minutes of this crying session between the grown ass sniper and the giant spider. "You," he said, turning to Sinbad. "You're a grown man, get over yourself! and you!" he turned to face Scrawl directly. "Yes, you were abandoned. yes, they used you and left you here to rot without a word of goodbye or thanks... but God Fucking damn it!" He pointed his finger over to his fathers now cold body in the distance.

"I lost my fucking father tonight!" he roared in disgust. "Saw him struck down right before me, and I, a boy of barely fourteen fucking years, have cried less over that then you two have over these damn trivialities." He did not mean for the sentence to sound as selfish or harsh as it came out. but in all honestly, he had a good damn point. after all... he had seen his own father cut down... and gallon for gallon, the river of tears these two had been crying for the better part of an hour far outdid the ones he shed in his grief for the loss of his parent. IT was just...just... ridiculous, especially the sniper. He could give this giant... spider thing a pass. It's entire world had just been revealed to be a lie, everything it ever knew stolen and replaced with the harsh fires of lady truth...that and the fact that Scrawl seemed to be only as developed mentally as a common six year old. but the sniper? why the hell was a grown man balling like a babe over something so damn... small... for Sky Lord's sake, you'd think he'd just come home to find his wife and children slaughtered the way he was going on!

"I'm sorry," Absalom said afterwards... "This night has just been... horrible all around and It's starting to get to me..."

"No..." Scrawl said, stopping his tears by sheer force of will. he walled back the growing depression and grief in his heart, addressing the boy with a steely tone. "No... boy right... Scrawl no cry over this. Scrawl escape from here, Scrawl live own life his own way! Scrawl show evil deceitful dead people who win in end! Scrawl help Boy and Snake men and nice sympathetic man with big Crossbow!" Scrawl reached up gently pushed Sinbad away, being sure not to touch him with any of his barbs.

"Dry tears, nice crossbow man!" Scrawl said with determination. "No one take advantage of Scrawl or betray scrawl again! Scrawl revoke old contract, revoke, Scrawl says!! Scrawl help you people heal weird man with spear!" As soon as he spoke, a decrepit looking, ancient white glyph appeared in the air before him. various cracks and fractures had spread throughout it's face, it's glow dying with every second.

"I revoke the damn contract! begone!" Scrawl shouted in a completely different voice. the thing cracked even more and then shattered right before the eyes of everyone there, sending shards of ethereal light everywhere. "It is done..." Scrawl's blue eyes blazed with something that hadn't been there before... it was intellect... it was wisdom... it was the fire of dauntlessness.

"What... what just happened?" Absalom asked.

"I recalled my true purpose," the spider said in a low growl. "Those bastards long ago did more than just manipulate me... the stole my mind, made me stupid as a child so that they could feed as many lies to me as they so please... but no more. The hex broke with the contract. I am my own being once more, cpable of fulfilling my reason to exist." as he spoke, the ground itself seemed to reverberate with power. "Do not call me Scrawl, that is the name a sorcerer bestowed on me in my induced stupidity... No... I am not a slave any longer..."

He stood on his hind legs and turned his skywards, shouting to the heavens. "I have recalled what I am! I am Anansi, Ancient bearer of all Wisdom and servant of the Lord Orphont himself!! Weaver of the fabrics of time and binder of the threads that hold together creation and it's legacy! Highest of Keepers of the realm of the eternal reward, Elise, and the White Judge of the Valiant!" a few stones fell from the ceiling from the power of his proclamation, landing near the group. His Carapace lost it's golden hue, replaced by a swirling, marble white sheen that seemed to glow. his eyes lost their cold blue color, becoming golden and reflective as his shell had been just moments ago. He returned his blazing gaze to them, getting back down on all eight of his legs and turning to Sinbad. whatever the hell had just happened, it was obviously something worth noting... apparently this spider was no simpleton...oh no, he was something much, much more... but who in the everloving fuck was this 'Orphont' guy? It didn't matter...either way, this thing was exuding an immense amount of power...so much that it felt like the three would be crushed at any moment. but this power was different from what it had felt like during the fight with Marcelos... this power did not feel as though it was actively trying to kill them... still... this feeling... it was frightening beyond all words. in fact, the god damn ground wouldn't stop shaking he exuded so much pressure.

"You all... thou art saviors to this weaver... thee hath given me the strength to break out of the trickery that trapped me all those tens of centuries ago... I am in thine debt, heroes... Tell me...what be thine names?"

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Zolivar grabbed his head with tears flowing down his face, he knew that this was a dream but he couldn't stop crying. 'Why couldn't I protect them?!' He thought to himself, 'Was it because of my arrogance!? Was I too cocky for my own good, even so it would be stupid just to not be myself! Mother and the girls would hate it if just because of their death I would live the rest of my life unhappy. My arrogance was the one of the things my mother and my sisters loved about me, and I won't loose my personality just because they gone. I WILL AVENGE THEM!' He turned to van and said, "What were the pirate gang that did this and what's their captain's name!?" He asked Van that was right beside him. "Tell me and train me with the sword so I can kill who ever was damn responsible for this!" He said with a fire in his eyes while tears flowed out.

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Gideon was dumbfounded as the ground begins to shake, the swordsman hold his ground as he ponders before answering the spider formally known as Scrawl. Anansi? i dont know whats worst, knowing a huge golden spider does exist or the fact that this 'weaver' has the same presence as Marcelos. and who in the blue hell is Lord Ophant!? The turk steps forth from a distance as he addresses Anansi.

"Your'e too kind spider, but i am no hero nor a saint. I'm just a man with a sword who tries to do the right thing, my name is Gideon Markov of the sands." Gideon said cross arms as he maintain his balances through out the earthquake.

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It took Darius several minutes to process what just happened. Even then, he shoved a large amount of it away to be considered later. Instead, he simply focused on the simple question. "Uh, I...I am Darius, Knight of Renalim" That phrase had begun to sound repetitive to him...

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"Very well then..." Van said, nodding at Slade. "I will train you in the way of the blade..." he stood, looking the young man in the eyes. "I will train you so that you can do what I can not... so that you may meet out the will of justice... Justice against the Silver Bloods." With those very words, Zoliver found himself plunged back into complete darkness like before... except this time, there was no dreadful feeling. their were no voices, no screaming, no wailing in grief.

The young Knight opened his eyes, his vision blurry and his head swimming with throbbing pain. The back of his head felt strange, as if something were coating it... he realized it was dried blood. Someone had been kind enough to seal the wound with stitches though...

Off in the distance Zoliver could see the others... gathered around some giant, white glowing spider. For some reason the ground itself was shaking...a powerful voice called out to him from the area

"ah, another one...What is thine name?"


"And you boy," Anansi said, turning his attention to Absalom, the only one who hadn't spoken. "what is thine name?" The child looked at him hesitantly for a moment before deciding it was best to just answer... no telling what this thing might be capable of.

"Absalom," he said simply. The spider looked at him expectantly, prompting him to finish. "I have no Surname to give you...if that's what you want now."

"Very well then..." Anansi said. Then he noticed the other man on the ground in the distance. he seemed to have just awaken. "Ah, another one... What is thine name?"

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"Uh..." Zolivar sat there trying to make sense of the situation, 'Why is there a giant glowing spider,' He thought to himself, 'and why does it want to know my name? Eh, I don't see whats the problem with telling him my name.' He stood up and said, "The name is Zolivar Nix!" then he did an over the top salute with his pointer and middle finger, and with the rest of his fingers tucked in. He then began to limp down to the group. He must have hurt his leg was the building fell on him.

Edited by EXLink32
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The moment that the Quartet had all answered the White Judge's question, the sound of a body being thrown to the ground hard came from behind them. The Naga's had tossed Stratos' unconscious form aside and retrieved all their weapons from the street. A makeshift phalanx formed in front of Anansi and the travelers, all of the Snake men hissing contemptuously.

"You!" The Leader roared. "Then the legends were true... the elder told no lies to us all those years ago..."

Anansi turned slowly to face the armed fang faces, the glow of his carapace intensifying. The ground shoke even harder, sending more stones toppling down from the ceiling. "And then there is still the matter of you..." He said. "I had well thought that after my intervention all those years ago, you reptiles would've all inbred and died out after a few decades down here... you deserved no better fate, given the things you did."

"The thingsss we did!?" Sir Fangsalot ((Yes, that's how I'm going to refer to the leader for now..)) hissed. "That wasss centuriess upon centuriess ago! and what man did to our kind during the war made our own actionsss look like a friendly conversation in comparison! they raped, murdered, beat and slaughtered usss by the whole sssale!"

"Only after you yourselves Beat men, raped women and young girls alike, took hostages and slaves, pissed on sacred ground, slaughtered and ate hundreds of captives, destroyed the land and made the Diros plains into the dessert it is now." Anansi turned to Sinbad and his men. "Noble Sinbad... I would destroy these savage beasts myself, but in my current state, I'd end up losing control and killing you all in the process... ergo..." The Judge easily scaled a nearby building, getting out of the way and giving Sinbad and the others a clear view of the Naga warriors, still assembled into a Phalanx.

"Have at these monstrosities!"

Sir Fangsalot glared at the group, being the only one not in the phalanx. he hefted his weighty sword, bringing it to the ready."We will desstroy you right along with him if you dare ssstand againssst uss! Think about what you are about to do!"

Meanwhile, all Absalom could do was tuck himself into a nearby door way, kneeling down and keeping an eye on the escalating situation. He had no weapons on him... and quite honestly, didn't much feel like getting stuck in the middle of what he anticipated to become a massive battle royal and the chaos sure to come with it...

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Darius was beginning to associate introductions with violence. Meet new people, slaughter new people. After Gideons little confrontation, he knew the man would be quick to fight. Darius took this moment to speak up himself. "So, Anansi? Are you judging these beings on the actions on their ancestors decisions? Whilst I don't agree with it, you may as well slaughter us too, because the fact that law keepers such as myself and Zollivar are required to be here, now, shows that mankind isn't pure themselves. I cannot bear arms against them based on that alone, I'm sorry if this angers you, but that is the case."

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"I have to agree with Sir Darius here.Both of our races had their flaws in the past, we both committed grave acts of violence and hatred to each other. If we continue, we have learned nothing from those, we would only carry on the legacy of hatred and violence from our forebearers. We need to forge our own paths, find our own ways. The past is something we are meant to learn from, but not wallow in. These Naga, while they may have ulterior motives, they have not attacked us. I think they would at least try to repair the terribly broken bounds between Man and Naga. Anansi, A true Noble man would try to solve this conflict between all of us without the need of violence. So, Naga, while I don't know your names, I would like to. Would you lay down your arms? Would you lay them down so we can talk as equals, rather than cut each other down?" Sinbad said. He then stooped down placing Bianca on the ground, placing his foot on top of her. He then placed his hands on his hips and gave a huge beaming smile. "Well, what do you say friends?"

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Sir Fangsalot looked at the Sniper hesitantly, maintaining his fighting stance. But his eyes showed he was slowly considering the offer. As did the eyes of his subordinates.

"You put down your weapons and help us," Absalom called from the door way. "And I'm fairly certain that no one will be able to bitch and moan about what happened between mankind and the Nagas over thousands of year in the past... mostly because the majority of people have no idea you even exist at all."

The was the final push that Fangsalot and his fellow serpents needed; for the second time that night, they lay down their weapons on the street, breaking out of formation and into a loose line. the boy emerged from his hiding place a little, fairly certain that the looming slaughter fest had just been avoided.

"Fine..." the Naga said. A loud series of claps echoed from the nearby roof top. Anansi was sitting there, grinning bright as day. a pair of pure white, spindly arms and hands had emerged from his two fore legs, which was what the clapping sound was.

"Excellent," He said approvingly, his applause continuing. "most excellent indeed... yes, I definitely see that you are worthy of my company. Faced with the prospect of slaying those who until then had been your allies, you chose to lay down your weapons and negotiate rather than engage in mutual genocide." The applause stopped. the pair of arms retracted back into the Judge's body. "This twas a trial, Sinbad, Darius of Renalim... to see whether you are truly the types that are needed in this era." He began to descend the building, climbing down it's face as easily as he had climbed up. "I've no doubt now... you truly have the stuff of heroes. I should know; tis my job to determine those who do from those who do not, and of those who do."

Fangsalot had a vexed look on his face, crossing his arms in confusion. "Then what you sssaid jussst a few momentsss ago..."

"All nothing but empty words," Anansi confirmed. "I judge individuals based solely on their own actions, not that of their fore fathers... and besides, even if I did, you'd all be going straight to the pit. Mankind and the Nagas were absolutely horrible to one another; it matters not who drew first blood, only the fact that blood was drawn at all. The only way I could stop you from killing each other off completely was by leaving Elise in order to force you both to negotiate truce..." with that he turned to Sinbad.

"As for the situation at hand, you require a way out of this place, do you not?"

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"A way out would be nice," Zolivar said finally reaching the group. "Though, not to be rude, if there is a way will it take just as long as the way we came in because I don't think I have the strength to go back up." he said giving a depressed chuckle before sitting down, his leg's pain overwhelming. He didn't even think of going back up before now, worst It'll be up hill the whole way if we walked back up. Hopefully there's another way up, if he keeps using this leg he might not have it.

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Gideon was all tense up and was ready to fight whoever fires the first shot from both sides,but just before Gideon can react. the knight Darius and the pirate Sinbad step forth to become the voice of reason and all twas was a hoax to prove themselves worthy to the spider.

"What all this was was a test?" he said under his breath. Maybe there is a peaceful way to settle our differences, if only humanity can learn from these creatures. Gideon sighed a breath of relief.

The Turk turns his attention to the injured knight. "Maybe we should amputate it" Gideon jokingly said to Zolivar. "but yes a way out would be nice"

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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"Then follow closely," Anansi ordered, walking over off towards the bridge that the group had used to get from the cliff face to the city outskirts. He leapt the massive gap in a single bound, landing on the other side and turning back to face the warriors. He raised one of his front legs, a white spindly arm growing out of the joint and waving it's hand in a beckoning motion to the travelers.

The nagas cast weary glances at their commander, curious as to how to proceed.

"The truce ssstill sstandsss firm," he said, picking up Stratos, once again, and slinging the Legend over his back effortlessly as he started off after Anansi. The rest of his troop followed behind silently, soon leaving the four men and Absalom standing there alone. They'd have to hurry if they didn't want to be left behind.

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Zolivar then noticed the giant chasm the spider leaped across. 'What!' Zolivar thought to himself, 'When was there a giant cliff there.' He shuddered at the thought of crossing the bridge again. 'Out all times for there to be a cliff why now.' He sat in front off the bridge for a moment, 'I can't cross that! What if the bridge breaks, or if I fall off. Worse it could be an endless pit, god why now!' Then an idea came into his head. 'What if I crawl across, that way I couldn't fall off and there will be a smaller chance for the bridge to crumble!' With that he started to military crawl across the bridge over the chasm, luckily the guard walls of the bridge blocked any sight looking downward.

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Darius listened to Zollivar speculate on his course of action and sighed. He walked over and picked the man up into a firemans lift, despite any protests he made, and walked over to the other side, depositing him on the solid ground. "There, now you don't have to crawl" Darius said simply as he caught up to the nagas.

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Gideon shrugs as Darius carries the injured Zolivar throughout the bridge, maybe the knight was really badly hurt to an extend he has to crawl or maybe it was just fear?neither way its all done now.Gideon follows the knight as he gives a nod to Sinbad and Absalom to follow the rest.

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He began to crawl across the bridge when suddenly Darius began to pick him up, "Whoa!" Zolivar said in shock, "wha-wha-wha what are you doing?" Zolivar stuttered before being plopped on the other side of the bridge. It seems Darius might have heard his plot to cross the bridge, "Um... thank you?" He said hoping it was just a kind gesture. He picked himself back up and slowly was able to catch up with them, even with his hurt leg.

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Absalom stood where he was as the others made their way across the bridge. His eyes were fixed on his father's body not far in the distance. "I will find him..." he muttered to himself. with that single promise made, he began to make his way over to where Anansi had gone off to.

Sinbad was the only person left there in the city. He'd have to get moving quickly if he didn't want to be left behind by his own company... though, he could've sworn that he heard someone calling his name. Someone who sounded very familiar.

"Sin..." It was like a whisper, fainter than a weak breeze. But The Sniper was sure of it...this was the voice... of Boho. His glasses and cloak still lay on the ground not far away.

Exlink, Dobby, and Typhlosion

Not far from the bridge, the entrance to the cavern was visible to the three warriors, a torch still burning on the ground where Absalom's now dead father had left it. And there was something visible in the light of the flickering fire... remnants of a rope. They all recalled how Boho had taken some time to tie up Lucian when they had arrived here. If even with several broken ribs, the man could manage to work himself out of such a tight binding....then...

This...might be very bad.

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As they emerged and saw what remained of Lucians bindings, he sighed. He had forgotten about the time being, but he wasn't particularly thrilled with the idea of being on guard against the criminal, then again, the man also had no reason to actually do them any harm. In fact, after a few moments, Darius recalled the fact that Lucian wished to be hired by Stratos, for some unfathomable reason. "Well, I'd be worried that the man escaped, but, I can't think of any reason for him to do us any harm." Darius though aloud. The possibility that the man may still have been nearby ocurred to Darius, who wasted no time checking this. "Hey, Lucian, was it? Are you still lurking here?"

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Darius received a bullet whizzing by his ear in answer to his question, the thing had only missed him by about a centimeter or two. Either he had just gotten lucky, or whoever had fired the shoot was very, very good.

"Oh, I'm here alright..." Lucian panted from behind them all. He stood on the outskirts of the bridge, clutching his side with one hand and clenching a fusil in the other. His eyes were wild with fury as his face grimaced in pain with every breath, obviously still troubled by his injuries. "Drag my ass through the dessert as your prisoner, will you?" He loaded another round into the gun effortlessly, the product of years of experience. The thing was kept aimed at the Knight's heart. "All of you, get down on the ground!"

"You're doing something quite unwise, Gunman," Anansi said, seemingly amused by Lucian's actions. "You hold no power to make demands, Lucian. Do you know who I am?"

Another shot fired, this one pinging off of the spider's carapace. Anansi moved closer to the man, moving Darius aside with a spindly arm. "I will take that as a no..." He smiled, a tad ominously. "So I will apprise thee of such. I am Anansi, the White Judge and keeper of the realm of Elise."

"I don't give a dusty fuck!" Lucian snarled, bringing up his gun again, only for Anansi to slap it out of his hand with the unnaturally long arm sprouting from his leg joint. He got even closer... Lucian backed up a little. The Judge's body was beginning to burn white.

"Ah yes..." he said. "I can see the things you've done in this life... you were never given a fair chance, were you? Mother raped and murder when you were a boy, Father a drunk who did the raping and killing. And in the end, you were left all by your lonesome, weren't you?"

"How do you know of my mother...?" Lucian snarled, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I know many things...I see many things...I hear many things. None may escape my web; for it is the web by which all others are woven from." Then the White Judge turned to Darius. "I shall ask thee, Darius, Gideon. What will you two do with this man?"

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A well placed bolt whizzed by Lucian's head, just like the bullet had passed by Daruis's. "Now you know I could have killed you if I wanted, even before you fired that shot." said Sinbad, a grim look on his face. He was still rather far back, but they could hear him he made sure of it. "I let you live, if you choose to wallow in sorrow I can't stop you, if you have a deathwish go ahead and try and kill my friends. I am not losing anymore today, there has been enough blood today Gunman." Sinbad's words rung true, he wasn't playing. Any sense of his more lax self was gone for the moment. People he was in charge of were in danger, as he saw with his Sniper's eye from far away. No one in his charge would die of his mistakes ever again. She would never forgive him if he let another one slip from his grasp.

((basically, I just jumped forward. Sinbad wouldn't have been far behind the group, I just hadn't checked the thread since busy. If you want me to change it I am fine with that, but SInbad had no reason to check out Boho's voice, he doesn't dwell on the dead.)

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Reassured by Sinbads actions, Darius took the moment to ponder the thought. He could tell that this man had done questionable things, just as Darius assumed Sinbad had. (He had tried not to dwell on his companions possible pasts, not wanting to follow that rabbit hole to it's unfortunate end.) Darius considered the man, wondering what to do. He wished to make this man face justice for whatever he had done, but he had no idea what this would entail. He had first become a knight with hopes and dreams of bringing justice to all the horrific criminals in the world, but now, faced with this single man, not knowing the full extent of his supposed crimes but knowing what set him on that path forced a conundrum upon him. Lucian could not go free, that was the one absolute Darius held in his mind, but what to do with him after...? Death felt too extreme an option, especially after these thoughts. It would be akin to cold blooded murder in Darius' eyes. Eventually, Darius came to a hesitant decision. "I say we give this man a chance for redemption. It seems somewhat hypocritical when we fought and killed some Bandits what seems like an eternity ago, but I don't think I could bring myself to execute this man in cold blood"

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"And what of you, Gideon?" Anansi asked. "What would do with this man? Sinbad and Darius have already made their choices clear" as he spoke however, he picked up the fusil he had slapped out of Lucian's hands discretely, beyond the notice of any of the warriors. he had already seen how this might play out. This Gunman was one soul who had only ever been taught by force, Violence, and action since he had been a boy. Not words. But the judge was ready if it came to what he felt it would... There was only one fear that Lucian had ever responded to...

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Gideon extend his arm and just give a thumbs down to Anansi. but then he heavily sighed. something change his mind as Sinbad and Darius shows compasion to the Gunslinger. "i suppose we chould spare him" gideon ponders for a moment and question himself why the hell did i say that? before continuing his statement. "i dont know... cut his own nuts or something... i dont care, as long as he stays out of our way" Gideon said with a wry look on his face and leans on his sword like a cane and stays quiet thinking...have ive gone soft hanging with this guys?

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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