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Abandoned Gyms


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So, Reborn has approximately four or five abandoned gyms (according to the map). One in Lapis (which is assumed to be occupied by Shelly), the Abandoned Power Plant, where Shade resides, the Beryl Abandoned Gym, the Agate Abandoned Gym, and the Labradorra Abandoned Gym.

What happened to all these gyms? We can see with Corey's old gym what can happen, but as for some of the others, we don't have a clue. As food for thought, what could have occurred to the leaders or the occupants of said gyms?

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Keep in mind that map was made wayyy before the game was a thing, and was done mostly in between seasons 1 and 2 of our league. The map was planned out with reference to certain leaders who left us at that time which is why some of those gyms were marked as abandoned.

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Would that imply that the Reborn League took place in this map's vicinity? And in that case, considering that the game wasn't yet created (or idealized), was this map to be a complete layout for the Reborn region? A considerable amount of forethought seems placed in the geometry of the map, so I assume most landmarks (barring the abandoned gyms) on this would be created in-game.

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I'm not 100% I'm understanding your questions correctly, but I think the answers are yes and yes. To be honest, I kind of drew it with the thought 'what if it were a game' in mind, but I had no plans of it actually becoming one. And then part-way through its creation we gained like 11 new leaders I had to cram in there.

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