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New Egg event found


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Or Larvitar egg as some guys already said

I think the egg is way too dark to be a Larvitar egg but.. yeah who knows. And egg sprite's colors are more closer to an Axew's colors until now it can be either Axew or Larvitar.

I already found it and just stood there, staring at it and crying over it

Same... I want that egg already.

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Plus the whole idea of finding an egg in the wild rather then encountering a pokemon is something i always imagined as events for my favorites and was really never utilized so this made me scream like a little girl.
Of course my heart was crushed when i saw that we need rock climb

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Plus the whole idea of finding an egg in the wild rather then encountering a pokemon is something i always imagined as events for my favorites and was really never utilized so this made me scream like a little girl.

Of course my heart was crushed when i saw that we need rock climb

Wild eggs are a good idea.. I wish you could randomly found wild eggs around Reborn.

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Yep is an Axew egg, Etesian is right, but getting it will be tricky even when rock climb is useable, I'm sure of it. I don't think something as an axew egg will be there just for us to go like "hey, here's this egg, let's get it for free!", that's bullshit in reborn. Probably we'll have to do some crazy shit like defeat a bunch of guys or a lvl 100 dragon pokemon or another pokemon gang in order to get it.

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Most probably, yes, that should be the thing we'll have to do. Axew egg=Mad as fuck Haxorus mother.

Yeah.. But if the event is like that I'm going to feel bad to be honest I mean you're going to kill the unborn Axew's mother.. Well this is Reborn.

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Yeah.. But if the event is like that I'm going to feel bad to be honest I mean you're going to kill the unborn Axew's mother.. Well this is Reborn.

Not so fast you... remember (((((((((SPOILERS)))))))))))

the drifloon event, and the new smoochum event? In both of those your main objective is to rescue the kid and the smoochum respectively, but nothing prevents you from catching the pokemon attacking them in the first place (drifloon and beartic)

If that will apply also in this event when it is available, you will not (necesarily) have to kill the egg's mother, you can also catch her too. Which wouldn't make too much sense, I mean, why the egg if you can get the mother, but anyway killing the parent and stealing her offspring is not better than stealing them both and setting one of them in a cage AKA box. This is reborn, you said it :/

Edited by zimvader42
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Hmm... don't you guys remember the Pokemon Gang thing in the Slums?

You defeat them, and they just leave...

Calm down everyone, no poke is dying... only Kiki's Medicham. sorry

True true, that's another possibility. But why in hell did you have to remind me of that poor medicham?!? ;-;

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What if it's just a painted rock because well Ame.

Ame might have a reputation as evil, but c'mon, have you seen any rocks so far in any cave of reborn that look so perfectly shaped and coloured as an Axew egg?

I still have faith that Ame is not just going to make it so you get rock climb at the end of the game, make aaaaaall the waaaay back there, climb down to the cave, click the egg and you get a message like "it was a joke,buddy, go back home XP".

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What if it's just a painted rock because well Ame.

This...pls make it happen Ame

Probably a high level Haxorus, judging by the (probable) hint in the TV program.

The TV program is about Kangaskhan (i think)

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Hmm... don't you guys remember the Pokemon Gang thing in the Slums?

You defeat them, and they just leave...

Calm down everyone, no poke is dying... only Kiki's Medicham. sorry

But what kind of mother leaves their kid like "Oh I got my ass kicked and my child is going to get kidnapped. Better to run away."

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But what kind of mother leaves their kid like "Oh I got my ass kicked and my child is going to get kidnapped. Better to run away."

A Haxorus mother :P

Or maybe it was just a wild Haxorus that just smells the egg and wants to eat it. Some animals eat young ones of their species when there's no more food (cocodriles for example).

Well... all this, considering that indeed the axew egg events makes you fight against a haxorus, because there haven't been any confirmation outside of no poké dying as vinny said.

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A Haxorus mother :P

Or maybe it was just a wild Haxorus that just smells the egg and wants to eat it. Some animals eat young ones of their species when there's no more food (cocodriles for example).

Well... all this, considering that indeed the axew egg events makes you fight against a haxorus, because there haven't been any confirmation outside of no poké dying as vinny said.

Maybe it's not the mother but a wandering Haxorus ? ... well pokemons die either being killed or eaten by other pokemon but that kind of stuff usually stays in the pokedex.. like Swellow eats Wurmples and Pidgeot eats Magikarps... but yeah is good to hear if no pokemon is really going to "die".

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Am I the only person who likes a lot of death in storytelling...? Yes? I'll go back to my corner then.

You're not the only one, a lot of people enjoys a good death in a good story, but:

Fern's (hypotetic) death = good death

Random Haxorus mother death (when trying to protect her offspring from a trainer attempting to catch it) = bad death

Kiki's & Medicham's death (when she was ill but still climbed that damn volcano just to save victoria and the protagonist) = bad death

Anyway, since reborn is so dark, bad deaths in a dark story are justified, they help to make the already dark story even darker.

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