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11th Badge Strategies


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Wow, so many strategies. I'll be truthful, I just had to tailwind with Noivern and sweep with Earthquake Diggersby. I even TRIED to be fancy, using Flash Fire Lava Plume Typhlosion, but that failed. Heck, if I didn't realized what I had in Diggersby, I'd probably be grinding Toxic Spikes Garbodor, Earthquake Shiny Rhydon, and Stealth rock Boldore/ Gigalith

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My strategy for Charlotte was using my Rapidash to use flame charge so that I outspeed everything, have Charlotte boost my fire moves thanks to the flash fire ability and then crush souls with flare blitz and fire blast.

Edited by Carzone11
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I basically started out with my Chandelure and Flygon. Chandelure spammed Minimize, while i used Flygon to do some damage with Dig (i don't have earthquake on him xD)

Then, when Chandy had 6 stacks of Minimize and Flygon had fallen, i just used Chandy to spam Shadow Ball, Flame Burst and Confuse Ray to kill the opposition while the other mons healed Chandy for any hits that came through.

The field actually worked in my favor, as it activated Chandy's Flashfire so that my Flame Burst actually did some damage when Shadow Ball ran out of PP.

Quite an easy battle, though the RNG got me a few times before I won...

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I basically started out with my Chandelure and Flygon. Chandelure spammed Minimize, while i used Flygon to do some damage with Dig (i don't have earthquake on him xD)

Then, when Chandy had 6 stacks of Minimize and Flygon had fallen, i just used Chandy to spam Shadow Ball, Flame Burst and Confuse Ray to kill the opposition while the other mons healed Chandy for any hits that came through.

The field actually worked in my favor, as it activated Chandy's Flashfire so that my Flame Burst actually did some damage when Shadow Ball ran out of PP.

Quite an easy battle, though the RNG got me a few times before I won...

YEAH! A trainer that also used a Flash Fire Pokemon! :D

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Finally beat her with my usual team after a whole night considering training my level 1 fossil-Pokemon up to level 68+ ...

Team: (everyone Level 69 except Blaziken who is 70)

Gardevoir @Quick Claw

Psychic - Moonblast - Calm Mind - Rain Dance

Swampert @Quick Claw

Earthquake - Sludgewave - Hammer Arm - Surf

Blaziken @BlackBelt

Bulk Up - Brave Bird - Sky Uppercut - Blaze Kick

Krookodile @Focus Band

Crunch - Earthquake - Strength - Outrage

Noivern @ScopeLense

Air-Slash - Cut - Dragon Pulse - Shadow Ball

(yeah Cut... you never know when you need it... -.- I never had the patience to farm Heartscales to teach it Boomburst... but it will learn it naturally at 75 :D)

Magnezone @AirBalloon

Discharge - Magnet Rise - Flash Cannon - Flash

(Magnezone didn't see any action this time)

For starters I had Gardevoir and Swampert with QuickClaws, because Charlotte would always outspeed me, and I reset until I got atleast Swamperts Quickclaw

1. round - Swampert EQ OHKOed Typhlosion and Ninetails No1 -> Charotte sends out Volcarona and Ninetails No2 (second Drought!) -> followed by Gardevoirs Rain Dance! (no more Sunny weather for you!)

2. round - Volcarona Giga Drained Swampert resulting in OHKO (go figure)... Ninetails missing with Nature Power against Gardevoir -> Psychic agains Ninetails, me sending out Blaziken.

3. round - Blaziken Sky Uppercut against Ninetails defeating it! Charotte sends out Delphox. Volcarona hits a Heat Wave defeating Gardevoir and insignificantly hurting Blaziken. I send out Noivern.

4. round - Blaziken hits Volcarona with Sky Uppercut. Noivern hits Volcarona critical with Air-Slash killing it. Delphox used Psyshock against Blaziken leaving it at 1 HP and sends out Rotom

5. round - healing up Blaziken and Air-shalshing Rotom. Rotom used Heat Wave and Delphox another Psyshcok, killing Blaziken. I send out Krookodile.

6. round - Rain stops! - Air-slashing Rotom with Noivern, EQ with Krookodile (Rotom immune through Levitate) Delphox died.

7. round - Charotte used Hyper Potion -> Noivern used Air-slash - Krookodile used Crunch -> Rotom dead -> Charlotte is beaten!

All in all I would say this was my hardest battle after Noel (pre Episode 12/13)... because I didn't expect a double battle at first and her Pokemon outspeeding mine except Blaziken and Noivern... I considerd Trick Room but then I would have to deal with Drought...

And now that I beat her... I'll go and grab my Glaceon (YAY! Thanks Ame :D)

Edited by Cepheus
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Just realized that my team is underleveled to face Charlotte (all but one are lvls 61-63), where can I grind my pokes up few levels as quickly as possible?

I grinded my lvl ~50 swampert to level 68 while i was teamed up with Aya on the way to Calcenon.

the double battles that occur are easy and grant a lot of EXP. Aya will completely heal up your Pokemon after every fight.

But this is only possible if you haven't reached the Meteor-Base yet.

If you are already at Calcenon... well... you could stick with Route 3/4 or go back to Route 2 and farm the Crustle-Nests

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I grinded my lvl ~50 swampert to level 68 while i was teamed up with Aya on the way to Calcenon.

the double battles that occur are easy and grant a lot of EXP. Aya will completely heal up your Pokemon after every fight.

But this is only possible if you haven't reached the Meteor-Base yet.

If you are already at Calcenon... well... you could stick with Route 3/4 or go back to Route 2 and farm the Crustle-Nests

I reached Calcenon already, and battled pretty much all the trainers there. I'm looking for more trainers (wishful thinking) and pokemon that yield high exp.

Oh and my swampert is lvl 66, those battles you mentioned helped level it up from lvl 58.

EDIT: Route 4 it is then...

Edited by garchomp550
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I led with Scout the Braviary and Spirit the Flygon. Scout started with Tailwind, giving both him and his partner the ability to outspeed everything Charlotte had. Earthquake and Thrash spam proceeded to sweep all but one of her Pokemon: Rotom, since it had levitate.

I then switched out Spirit for Powerhouse the Gyrados, but the stupid thing predicted me and used Volt Switch for the OHKO. But by that point, I had an almost full team vs a single Pokemon. I had pretty much won already.

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I don't have a flygon. Only have swampert, blaziken, porygon2, gardevoir, magnezone and scrafty.

I could get one but grinding would be time consuming. Just wasted 6 hrs raising my team to acceptable levels only to get curbstomped.

Should've seen it coming as the last few gym leaders were easy...

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The battle was really hard and fun for me, I choose a non sweeping strategy, to make the battle more fun, My Pokémon are unstoppable though. against anybody. My charizard destroyed most of her team some how.

Edited by Yoshi
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For those of you who don't have the Rain Dance TM and see no other way to beat Charolette, go back to Ametrine Mountain and start surfing. The Lumineon learn Rain Dance naturally, although you will need a Heart Scale to teach it back at the Circus as it's an early level up move.

Of course, I have no idea if the Lumineon can actually survive their first turn...

Edited by Alilatias
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I actually just stumbled onto a way to completely sweep her team. I had no intention of using the method, and I really had no idea it was even a thing.

I very seldomly defeat a leader on the first try, just because I go into each battle completely blind as to what the Pokemon and field effects are. Same was with Charlotte, and I quickly found out after a single Eruption/Confuse Ray combo from that Typhlosion and Ninetales that I would have to negate the field effects somehow. It was kind of like Corey, who I had no chance of beating without using Gust to get rid of the poison field.

I remembered that I had a Rain Dance TM, and that seemed like the obvious way to get a bit more odds in my favor. But my only main-team Pokemon that could learn it was Genar, which was actually good since I was sure that, at level 69, my Gengar would outspeed everything and get it up. So I led with both it and my Noivern, hoping to use Air Slash on the Ninetales to get a lucky finch to avoid the Confuse Ray. Unfortunately the Typhlosion was still faster than Gengar (was it scarfed? either that or my IVs are terrible), but it went for Hidden Power on Noivern instead of Eruption (I think it was Rock maybe, not enough damage for Ice).

So my Gengar survives to get a Rain Dance up... and then the rainbow. I didn't know that was a thing at all, but I was just glad that the fire-field was gone. Then I thought "..you know, Boomburst would be awesome right now, since Gengar is immue." So I used Boomburst with Noivern, and the rainbow STRENGTHED the attack! So I had a Noivern that outsped everything and had a boosted Boomburst that Gengar was completely immune to. So I just spammed Boomburst in conjunction with Shadow Ball/Dark Pulse, and the whole thing was over before I knew it.

I've never stumbled upon victory in any scenario in Reborn, but this was pretty neat to me.

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Just defeated Charlotte again. I don't usually defeat Gym Leaders in my first attempt (it takes about 5~6 tries for me), so I was really surprised.

I lead with Chesnaught and Gardevoir - the latter with Rain Dance (imo it would have been impossible to win without it). Her Typhlosion and Ninetales both targeted my Chesnaught using Flamethrower - so I switched him out for a Flash Fire Houndoom. The extra boost he got from those Flamethrowers and one Nasty Plot was able to make him the star of this battle. He OHKOed Typhlosion, Volcarona, Delphox and the higher leveled Ninetales.

Gardevoir would have shined too.. as I was setting up using Calm Mind - but an unlucky critical hit got her... so she fainted before she could do any damage to Charlotte. Flygon then came, and finished her other two Pokemon with Rock Slide.

It's quite interesting how you could use the weather to turn the advantage Charlotte had against her. If I didn't see all the Rain Dance strategies posted here, I probably would have been stuck for ages.

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I think sticky web helped a lot in this battle espicially when i had a galvantula with quick claw that SW 1st turn, then got ko by flamethrower but my diggersby's eq just ohko the 1st 2. then my hawlucha ohkoed the delphox with a sky attack, and eq just wrecked the pokemon. when it came to the last 2, my greninja used smack down. lol then eq just wrecked....

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