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So I figured I may as well post some stuff about mah pokemans.

Current Team Lineup (Post Charlotte)

Swampert (Sassy Nature, not EV trained)

Ability: Torrent

Moves: Earthquake, Muddy Water, Mud Shot, Surf

Golem (Naughty Nature, not EV trained)

Ability: Sturdy

Moves: Earthquake, Explosion, Stealth Rock, Rock Blast (Which I favored over Stone Edge because 25*5 = 125, which is greater than Stone Edge, and I love me some good hax)

Houndoom (Calm Nature, not EV trained)

Ability: Early Bird (I know, I know)

Moves: Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Nasty Plot, Flamethrower

Accelgor (Adamant Nature, not EV trained. Like it matters.)

Ability: Sticky Hold

Moves: Bug Buzz, Yawn, U-Turn, Final Gambit (Which I'm unsure if it's broken or just terrible)

Gardevoir (Modest Nature, 252 Sp. Atk EVs, 252 Speed EVs)

Ability: Trace

Moves: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind, Teleport (To be replaced with Moonblast when the time is right. As for now, Teleport is simply mad useful, so I'm keeping it.)

(Shiny, woo) Clefable (Brave Nature, not EV trained)

Ability: Magic Guard

Moves: Minimize, Strength, Rock Blast, Moonblast (The HM Slave, as you can see. Still really useful though.)

And that's all, folks.Comment, hate, love, whatever. Gimme suggestions, too, 'cause I need 'em. Though I plan on aquiring Quagsire and Golurk and adding them to the main roster, as well as Chandelure and Jolteon. Haven't caught the first two, working on EV training the second two.

(and Lucario and Tyranitar would be nice too)

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Hy dude! I m not a "competitive player" but if u wanna read what i have to tell it might help you.

First of all i like all out att pokemon, dont know why, and i dont think moves like stealth rock or stiky web are that use full (except for doble battleds) the only pseudo in game is metagross, which is "not bad at all" then we have a few dragons, tyruturm(t-rex) Who can learn dragon dance by breading and kingdra, (not sure of still there in ep 13) then i have an alakazam couse is soo op IMO and gyrados too(but not aviable now)

Then litwick is my favorite poke, and i did bread on him energy ball, flamethrower too, but got the tm at charlotte so kinda wasted time, i like pangoro over the majoriti of fight pokes, he is just an awsome"Ass."breaker, i do have an electrivire as well but once more, he got "removed" gengar is there too but... Naahh way more cooler is chandelDUDE,

Since i ended ep 13 some time ago i had some time for funny stuff like a trick room team, Who is taking SHAPE at the moment,( just started to hatch some eggs....) i think the strategy is kinda inportant too but there was nothing i couldnt sweep whit an attakers team only...

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Wow, beating Charlotte with that team, even with Rain Dance is quite a feat. I'm not saying it's bad, it's just not all that great.

Now, that's a really odd Swampy set. I'd recommend Earthquake to stay, but everything else could go. Go back to the circus and get yourself the Dive HM (required for the next episode anyways). Muddy Water has terrible accuracy and Surf is coming off of the weaker Sp.Attack stat as well as Muddy Water, so Dive would be better than those two. Then there's Hammer Arm, a good move on Swampert considering it won't outspeed too many foes anyways. Endeavor can be situationally useful as well. Another thing worth getting from the Circus would be the Tirtouga from one of the slidey image puzzles (solutions can be found in the game's folder>Graphics>Pictures>Tile Puzzles). That Tirtouga can be used to get breed Rock Slide onto Swampert.

Honestly, there's far better stuff out there than Golem. Sure, it's attack and phys defense are nice, but that's it. Low Speed, no special defense whatsoever, many and common weaknesses and not exactly the most attractive moveset.

If you want to keep it, you should maybe get rid of Rock Blast, it only has a 16.7% chance of hitting 5 times, in all other cases it's equal to or weaker than Stone Edge. Due to STAB, Earthquake and Stone Edge have 150 Base Power, while Explosion has 250, I'd recommend something like Heavy Slam over Explosion.

Dark Pulse and Shadowball have the same Super-effective coverage, but Dark Pulse gets STAB, so instead of Shadow Ball, you could breed Sludge Bomb (via Smeargle is the fastest/easiest way) or maybe use that Hidden Power TM (HP Grass would be sweet).

Final Gambit oughta be broken still (i think). Anyways, Sleep was nerfed to last only 1-3 turns, so rather than Yawn, you could use Giga Drain. Acid Spray is also an amazing move (for support at least). Body Slam and it's 30% paralysis chance are also neat. U-Turn is really more of a competitive move, not all tha useful in-game. Although Accelgor really isn't that good. Excellent speed, good Special Attack but not enough to one-shot foes thus preventing getting one-shotted yourself, no defenses. I'd recommend switching it.

Well, yeah, Moonblast>Teleport, but not much else to say. You could get Thunderbolt via Stunfisk.

There's better. Especially if you use a set like that.

Since you said you want suggestions and you have rotation team members, I'll just copy-paste a complete list of stuff I consider to be very useful in Reborn (i do a lot of these team showcase threads):

Nidoking (Ice Beam and Thunderbolt via Smeargle, Flamethrower via TM)

Arcanine (Close Combat via Primeape/Zangoose)

Gengar (Sludge Bomb and Thunderbolt via Stunfisk>Grimer>Gengar)

Kingdra (Dragon Scales are randomly found on Horsea) (Ice Beam via Remoraid)

Crobat (Physical with Zen Headbutt via Hoothoot or U-Turn via Archeops; or Special with Nasty Plot via Honchkrow)

Ampharos (Agility via Growlithe/Buneary/Buizel/ a lot more)

Azumarill (Belly Drum via Poliwag and Aqua Jet via Golduck/Seel/Tirtouga/Buizel)

Heracross (Earhtquake and Rock Slide via Geodude>Crustle>Heracross)

Sharpedo with Speed Boost (Waterfall and Destiny Bond via Goldeen>Qwilfish>Carvanha)(Protect, Waterfall and Destiny Bond via Tirtouga>Remoraid>Goldeen>Qwilfish>Carvanha)

Walrein (Signal Beam via Mareep/Remoraid/Seel)

Empoleon (Ice Beam, Scald and Agility via Smeargle)

Staraptor (U-Turn via Archeops)

Roserade (with Technician for a 90 BP Hidden Power) (Sludge Bomb via Muk>Stunfisk>Wooper>Snubbull>Roselia (not Budew))

Mismagius (Thunderbolt and Psychic via Stunfisk>Ralts>Misdreavus)


Drapion (Swords Dance and X-Scissor via Ninjask)


Yanmega (Psychic via Venomoth)

Mamoswine (Rock Tomb via Smeargle, Rock Slide via Camerupt/Drilbur/Smeargle)



Excadrill (Poison Jab and X-Scissor via Smeargle)

Leavanny (Sticky Web is learned at level 31 by Sewaddle and not by Swadloon/Leavanny)

Darmanitan (Rock Slide via Camerupt/Drilbur/Smeargle, Dig via Diglett/Smeargle)

Krookodile (Stone Edge via Rhyhorn/Smeargle, Rock Tomb via Smeargle, Rock Slide via Camerupt/Drilbur/Smeargle)

Scolipede (Poison Jab and Protect via Pineco/Dustox/Burmy/Swadloon>Beedrill/Ariados>Venipede)

Scrafty (Elemental Punches via Hitmonchan>Buneary>Scraggy, Dragon Dance via Altaria/Horsea)

Acrheops (Earthquake via Wooper>Corsola>Archen)

Cofagrigus (Psychic via Ralts, Nasty Plot and Memento via Spiritomb)

Escavalier (Knock Off via Skorupi)


Gothitelle (Energy Ball and Dark Pulse via Petilil/Lotad>Cacturne>Gothita)

Galvantula (Energy Ball via Petilil/Lotad>Paras>Joltik)

Chandelure (Energy Ball and Flamethrower via Growlithe/Vulpix>Snubbull>Swirlix>Castform>Litwick)

Stunfisk (Earth Power via Corsola, Sludge Bomb via Grimer or Scald via Panpour>Psyduck/Wooper/Piplup/Buizel>Stunfisk)

Bouffalant (Earhtquake, Rock moves, Poison Jab, Wild Charge via Smeargle)

Bisharp (Sucker Punch via Cacturne/Spinda/Toxicroak, Psycho Cut via Alakazam)

Durant (Rock Slide via Dwebble)


Bulky Chesnaught (Leech Seed, Spiky Shield, Synthesis (Gogoat/Seedot), Body Slam)



Sylveon (Wish via Slurpuff>Pikachu/Skitty>Eevee)



EDIT: Oh, by the way passing on TMs no longer works since E12, so you'd have to go back to that. Should you need any breeding help, feel free to PM me.

Edited by Etesian
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@Etesian wow. Thanks? I'll see what I can do, but there are a few things that need to be said.

First, Golem's Explosion is there because of mad synergy with Sturdy. Even if Golem gets hit by an Energy Ball, he'll stick around to blow himself up (and can then be brought back with cotton candy). Efficient? Not really, but I creamed Noel with that strategy and that strategy alone. (And Quick Claw Golem is the jankiest thing ever.)

As for coverage moves, I think the only type(s) I don't have supereffective coverage with are Water and Fairy. I used to have Volt Charge Meowstic but replaced that with Gardevoir, maybe I should forgo Shadow Ball on Gardevoir for Volt Charge? And as for Fairy, well. I DO have a Durant, I may swap it with Accelor.

I am also a God of voltorb flip, so I'm STRONGLY considering Baton Pass Ninjask as I have the Substitute TM. Just because Fast Golem/Swampert = dead opponent.

As for the team I want:

Quagsire in place of Swampert. With Unaware and I'm thinking Waterfall, Earthquake, Curse and something else.

Golurk in place of something, probably Golem. With Iron Fist and likely Earthquake, Shadow Punch (Which would be replaced by Phantom Force later), Hammer Arm, and something else. It may instead replace Clefable.

Jolteon in place of Accelgor, probably. Volt Absorb with Thunder Wave, Discharge, Thunder and Shadow Ball.

Chandelure in place of probably Houndoom. No idea what the ability will be, but the set will be something like Houndoom's sans Nasty Plot.

Is there any way to slap Thunderpunch on Golurk in Reborn? Move Tutor, perhaps? I don't know. The only thing I would be lacking would be a Pokemon that could take a hit, though. Well, except for Quagsire, but Fern curbstomps Quagsire. And that's bad...

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Pfft, that's one creative way to handle Noel :)

Your current team doesn't have attacks of the following types: electric, grass, ice, fighting, poison, flying, dragon and steel.

If by "Volt Charge" you mean "Charge Beam", sure. Kinda makes Calm Mind obsolete (IMO), so you might actually swap CM with Charge Beam, rather than Shadow Ball, but that's your call.

Fast *insert name of a ton of different Pokemon* = dead opponents. I'd say go for it. If you want your Speed booster to be more bulky, there's Scolipde, which can fight on it's own too. But it doesn't get Swords Dance like Ninjask does. On the other hand, you certainly won't have an easy time finding opportunities to use Swords Dance on something that frail. Your call.

Quagsire compared to Swampert has barely less health and phys defense, a fair bit less Special Defense, a fair bit less physical attack power. Swampy learns Curse the same way Quagsire does and generally has moves of equal or lower value. It gets Recover, sure, but that's pointless since we have potions.

If you go for Golurk, I'd actually recommend No Guard to be it's ability. That way you could effectively use Dynamic Punch (100% Confusion Chance). I'd say go for Dynamic Punch, Earthquake and Rock Slide/Heavy Slam/Phantom Force (2 of those 3). No T.Punch in Reborn, sadly.

Eeveelotions really aren't too good in Reborn except for Sylveon (dat 390 BP Trump Card). Get something else. Galvantula would be a better Electric type if that's what you're after.

Chandelure's best set would (imo) be Energy Ball, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball and HP Fighting. Nothing resists all 4 moves, while 533 foes are hit super-effectively by at least one move on that set. (I forgot we have TM Flamethrower, so breeding Energy Ball is just Swirlix>Castform>Litwick) If you pass a Speed Boost onto this guy, you win the game.

I'd say you don't need any tanks, or specific roles in general. I'm going all-out on offense and no gym took me more than 3 tries. Even beat Charlotte without Rain Dance on the 3rd try. There's also the fact that many great attackers also have superb defense, like Scrafty, Drapion, Metagross, etc.

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@Etesian: actually i don't think ALL the chain breeding you post above can work really (still very happy when someone like breeding in-game). It's too long to write all down. But I can get an example: Golett (and Golurk too) CANNOT learn any move via breeding (the only pkm it can breed with is...ditto), or Mamoswine CANNOT learn Stone Edge via breeding- because Swinub CANNOT LEARN IT. (very simple, when you breed to get new moves, you have to make sure THE BABY CAN LEARN IT, NOT A FULL-EVOLVED ONE). Like Swinub can only learn Rock Slide, so you can't breed Stone Edge for it. The same with Scolipede: you can't breed Earthquake to it, because Venipede (the egg) cannot learn it.
YOu should check all other things in your list if you got time ^_^

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@Etesian: actually i don't think ALL the chain breeding you post above can work really (still very happy when someone like breeding in-game). It's too long to write all down. But I can get an example: Golett (and Golurk too) CANNOT learn any move via breeding (the only pkm it can breed with is...ditto), or Mamoswine CANNOT learn Stone Edge via breeding- because Swinub CANNOT LEARN IT. (very simple, when you breed to get new moves, you have to make sure THE BABY CAN LEARN IT, NOT A FULL-EVOLVED ONE). Like Swinub can only learn Rock Slide, so you can't breed Stone Edge for it. The same with Scolipede: you can't breed Earthquake to it, because Venipede (the egg) cannot learn it.

YOu should check all other things in your list if you got time ^_^

Whoops, my bad. Yeah, I already knew about the baby-must-be-compatible thing, but I made some careless mistakes, I wasn't really taking my time when writing all that. Just checked/corrected and everything else should be fine. I think.

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