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E13 new mates


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Welcome to gen VI breeding mechanic !! After 1 hour playing to finish ep 13.1 (beleive it or not, Charlotte cannot even lay ONE-SINGLE-HIT to my teamates....maybe i can named my team is "fast and furious"), i spend another couple of hours to...breeding (again -_-), and here's some advices for some new-mates to "abuse" this critical-changes from gen V to gen VI breeding mechanic
1, Conkeldurr


finally. Some good uses from this beast. Mach Punch + Drain Punch + Iron fist. The idea of using this little monster is simple: EVs spread to increase Sp.def bulk, while Bulk up as many as you think it can to get more physical buff (both power and bulk). After that: Drain Punch to heal off the damage when set up- and Mach Punch to fast kill. Simple. And Stone edge for Ghost and Flying type. We don't have Assault Vest yet, and of course we all know that Ame is not "angelic" enough to give us elemental punch or Knock Off move tutor----> so this is definitely the best set for Conkel. IMO, Guts is better (when Guts actives, Conkel's Mach Punch is even more power than Technician Mach from Breloom), but THIS is not competitive. The AIs almost always attack you more than spread status around, and we don't have Status Orb yet.

2, Azumarill



Belly drum and Aqua jet. It's too famous. Just send this Azumarill in the "right moment" (something cannot take away more than half of your gigantic HP), then Belly Drum.... Trust me, in competitive, when you see "that" happen, you know that you will have to do something really quick before this little fairy wreck your team. But we are talking about AIs.... (i have never got a chance to test this monster when facing any gym leaders- but in the future i'll try at least each leader facing this monster SOLO 1 vs 6, and we'll see what happen :)))
p/s: except the EVs for atk, I just spread some speed EVs for personal interested (112), not some strategies at all

3, and these are some new member for my team (of course i'm still working on it, and i'll update it when i got more time while working and....looking after my baby :(

Critical _kingdra (with Ice beam + Focus energy + Surf + Dragon Pulse moveset already. 100% critical hit with 225% power will be more than enough)

A beautiful Chinese lady (a totally Life Orb + Regenarator competitive moveset)


And finally an alien (even he'll miss Knock Off and Defiant is still not working, Sword Dance and Sucker Punch is still too much...)


there you go. Tks for reading :)))). And if you got some new mates to your team by ep13, fell free to show it in here (and if you can tell about how to use them, it'll be nice too)

Edited by gutten_tag
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Wow. Amazing as alway Gutten_Tag. That Azumarill is just the same as used in competitive play, the AI won't stand a chance. XD

tks mate ^_^. I hope my first gym leader got wrecked by my little blue-fairy princess is Terra (still remember the times when i got trolled by her). But I reallllllly hope that Ame will give Terra a defensive Tank Unaware Quagsire, because even i want to crush her with 1vs6 battle, i still don't want to ruin the fun (and that Quagsire can stop every Moxie Gyarados like hell)

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Einen guten Tag, Guten_Tag ^^"

I´d love to use Azumarill, but I´m too lazy to get one with the right nature and ability (And too lazy to train and change, lol). Maybe if I get one on my second file I´ll take it instead of magikarp which isn´t there anymore, because we can´t have nice things.

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Einen guten Tag, Guten_Tag ^^"

I´d love to use Azumarill, but I´m too lazy to get one with the right nature and ability (And too lazy to train and change, lol). Maybe if I get one on my second file I´ll take it instead of magikarp which isn´t there anymore, because we can´t have nice things.

ok, so do you know about DBan's trading service?? i got 2 Azumarill (one for Choice Band user, and one is above- actually it's mother-daughter line :)))))), so if you want i can give you one of these two, they got very likely IVs, same nature, same ability, and well-trained already. If you got interested with this, just PM DBan, and when he's ready he will confirm with me

EDIT: and i think that we CAN have nice things. Just have to give a little bit working on things you like (maybe that's the true meaning of Ame's "evilness")

Edited by gutten_tag
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ok, so do you know about DBan's trading service?? i got 2 Azumarill (one for Choice Band user, and one is above- actually it's mother-daughter line :)))))), so if you want i can give you one of these two, they got very likely IVs, same nature, same ability, and well-trained already. If you got interested with this, just PM DBan, and when he's ready he will confirm with me

EDIT: and i think that we CAN have nice things. Just have to give a little bit working on things you like (maybe that's the true meaning of Ame's "evilness")

Naaah, not necessary. I´ll make myself one if I got the time ^-^ I just prefer to have team-mates I raised myself :D

Ame is doing it all for teh evulz.

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Naaah, not necessary. I´ll make myself one if I got the time ^-^ I just prefer to have team-mates I raised myself :D

Ame is doing it all for teh evulz.

well, as i can see your red giant lizard....maybe you don't even need another water type at all :v :v (but seriously you still need a Surf slave -_-)

and i love Ame's evilness as always :))))

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