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Unique Trainer Tendencies


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Hey guys!

For the sake of mere discussion and to find out a little bit about how different people play one series of games and it's fan-made counterparts, I've opened this thread. In it, I'll start by listing some of my own tendencies when playing through a Pokemon game, regarding favorite pokemon of specific type to use, training methods, breeding, and anything else that may be unique to a segment of the pokemon community. Alright. Here goes.

Gen 1 Starter: Team Charmander. When I was a kid, I had the odd inclination that you always had to pick the pokemon on the box.

Gen 2 Starter: Totodile.

Gen 3: Treecko.

Gen 4: Haven't played, but I would probably go with Piplup here, due to recently finding out Empoleon's part Steel...That's just cool.

Gen 5: Snivy.

Gen 6: Chespin.

Now for the fun stuff.

I usually tend to find GROUND type pokemon a staple. Flygon, Krookodile, Golem are notable pokemon that have served me well over the years.

Unlike MOST trainers, I've LOVED Zubat since Gen 2, and Crobat is my favorite flying type Pokemon. It's advantage over Fairies only makes the good better.

I don't like Fairy type Pokemon, but I do like Gardevoir, and Gardevoir usually makes it onto my team if available.

I think starter Pokemon -for the most part- are overrated, and when the going gets tough, am not adverse to sitting your first pokemon pal in the PC in favor of an advantageous pokemon. I just bad about it afterwards.

I tend to start my Berry growing in the middle of my journey, either with Chesto berries or Sitrus berries, followed by Leppa and Lums, and finishing with EV reducers.

I am very keen on searching for Hidden Items, and try to collect all of the TMs as soon as possible.

I think most Ribbons are redundant, but recently have enjoyed getting the fully EV trained ribbons due to beginning to experiment with competitive battling. This means that I also don't care for contests all that much, despite Gen 3 being one of my favorite generations.

I tend to not use Mega Evolution.

I tend to sacrifice moveslots on multiple pokemon for HMs, as opposed to "slaving".

I ENJOY filling up the Pokedex as much as possible....post game.

I'm new to earning Battle Points, due to not needing competitive items until recently.

I -really- don't give a rip about having shiny pokemon. If I find one and can catch it - great. If I don't - whatever.

I can't stand the GTS, but did enjoy the Dream World, and things like the PokeWalker.

Wonder Trading is fun, but only after I have a dozen or so parents I can trade away.

I like to grind on re-battle-able trainers, such as your rivals or Match Call trainers, or trainers that call you on the PokeGear and what not.

I like to have my mom save some of my money back in New Bark Town, as well as getting me some cool berries with it. 'S nice, ya'know?

I battle every gym trainer I possibly can, ignoring shortcuts to the Leader.

I usually try to avoid in-game trades until the post game. The Machop before Whitney and the Farfetch'd before Viola are notable exceptions.

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My starters (First time) were as follows,

Gen 1: Squirtle

Gen 2: Chikorita

Gen 3: Treecko

Gen 4: Chimchar

Gen 5: Snivy

Gen 6: N/A (Never played, but I believe my choice would have been Fennekin)

One thing I've kept constant was to catch that region's first flying-type pokemon, which would usually be my Fly pokemon for the duration of the playthrough.

I wouldn't call myself a shiny collector/hunter. As like Hilda said, if i find one, i catch it, but i won't go out of my way to hunt one down.

I never really got into growing berries. I never really thought it to be worth remembering to go back and pick any berries I may have planted before.

I may not be competitive, but I have become increasingly aware on the differences nature, IVs and EVs make over the course of the generations. While I do recognize their potential, I don't usually fret over them too much. Nature is the only one of these I pay significant attention to.

I have not yet been able to experiment with Mega-evolutions. As i stated before, I have not played generation 6.

While I do go out of my way to battle trainers early-game, this resolve tends to deteriorate as I progress through the game.

I don't tend to make a well-built team until post-game, as I usually prioritize getting accessibility to the entire region. Of course, this isn't and could not be the case in Reborn.

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I like how this is a bit more "free" than the other "what trainer are you?" threads. I feel obliged to answer ^_^

Gen 1 starter: Bulbasaur. I'll be rocking that Leech Seed until the end of the game, no fu*ks given.

Gen 2 starter: Sneasel Totodile.

Gen 3 starter: Mudkip, until i meet May on Route 110 and she's like: "Hey vinny, lets battle. I'll use my Leaf Blade Grov-" Nope *restarts game and picks Torchic*

Gen 4 starter: WeavileTurtwig cuz Torterra

Gen 5 starter: w/e. I'm very flexible with the 5th gen starters.

Gen 6 starter: Fennekin. I actually don't like Delphox, but dat Zapdos tho!


- (I forgot this one xD) Platinum is my all time favorite MAINSTREAM pokemon game.

- I will waste as much time possible to catch every single pokemon while i'm trying to beat the game. "What's that? Surskit has 1% chance of appearing? *Gets coffee bottle* Let's do it."

- A Sneasel/Weavile will ALWAYS have space in my team. I don't care if 5 of my pokes are weak to fighting, or if i can only get Sneasel by trading Arceus. I'll do it.

- All my budews are called Amethyst. For obvious reasons.

- You can bet that i'll wait as much time needed just to find a pokemon with it's HA.

- Although Sneasel debuted in Gen II, i can't play a Gen II game for w/e reasons (That includes HG/SS). i just lose interest very quickly.

- I will catch legendaries as soon as i can access them, for the sake of a challenge.

- 99% of my pokes nicknames nowadays are related to Reborn in a way

- I WILL do all the IG trades possible, even if they are stupid. "What's that? You want a Bagon for a Horsea, that i can catch literally 5 steps outside of you house? DEAL!"

- I will usually save the game before cool battles so i can appreciate them again (Like the Player&Steven vs Maxie&Tabitha in the Mossdeep Space Center in Emerald)

- With the exception of Venusaur, no Poison type joins my team while i'm playing. The reason for that, not even i can answer. It just happens.

- I WILL collect the ribbons for Contest/whatever even if that means sacrificing very useful "one time use TMs" to create a good combo for a Contest. Thank you Gen V for the infinite TMs

- I liked contests in Gen III, tried to do it in Gen IV and left the Musicals in Gen V. The movies thing was cool in B&W2 though.

- I will carry as many Hms possible, just for the sake of exploration.

- The Itemfinder/Dowsing machine is actually my favorite item in all pokemon games. For obvious reasons.

- A Delibird was part of my winning team in Pokemon HG. Don't ask.

- I will lose as much time possible to complete sidequests inside the game.

- I plant berries, and then i usually forget they exist. Even then, i didn't like how in Gen VI, all the berries are in the same place. No berry-running anymore.

- I hardly forget an event that can be repeated daily. I really liked how you could work at the Hotel in Gen VI to get more money ^_^

- I've encountered Mirage Island at least once (Yus!)

- I always try to complete everything in Frontiers. The emerald one was a favorite, and i'm hoping they bring it back. I doubt it though.

- I'd rather wait than change the time to catch a morning/day/night pokemon

- For last: Post game means a lot to me. Is the reason why Emerald/HG are some of my favourite games (Even if i get bored with HG, the post game is awesome).

- I like skies

- The above statement is false (No offence ShatteredSkys <4)

Edited by Vinny
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Gen 1: Bulbasaur or squirtle

Gen 2: chikorita or cynaquil

Gen 3 Mudkip enough said

Gen 4 Turtwig or piplup

Gen 5 I didn't like them but I would say tepig or osawatt

Gen 6 all three are great, froakie is cool

I use all pokemon available that haven't evolved in most games, but for somereason in reborn im training everysingle one of them (bringing them all to at least 69 right now)

I don't believe in slaving either I divide the skills to one HM to one pokemon, and only add the HM if I need it and forgot to bring a pokemon that hasn't learned a certain move, surf is a exeption because I think its actually pretty good in the long run.

Favorite type would be poison but they tend to be the ones with the weakest move pools, yes there is exemptions but in general

Megas are cool, I just wish they evolved pokemon instead of mega evolving them

contests did boor me aswell but I think the ribbon could be implemented a little better, maybe beating gym leaders (allow rematches) could give you ribbons special IV points that would be minor but increase a stat by one, it wouldn't be major but in somecases could be enough for people to like

I try to catch a pokemon as fast as possible game wise, if its shiny great, if not great

wonder trade could be great but they need special locks so people cant keep trading until they get what they want

trades in game and out game depend on mood, I do trade when I could get a certain pokemon in one game but not the other, but I tend to wait till I get to that point

I name all my pokemon because they are awesome

Edit: I also like turtles, and cats

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Sure why not?

Gen 1 Starter: Pikachu/Bulbasaur. I always felt the need to choose the starter on the box too. For me it was leafgreen.

Gen 3: Mudkip. Personal mascot I'd call my Pikachu.

Gen 4: Piplup. It was fun thats it.

Gen 5: Tepig This one just felt right.

-Fun fact. Whenever I play a main series game I never let any of my pokemon evolve unless they learn a new move like tepig when it gets arm thrust as pignite. My only exception was mudkip after I saved and saw the evolution marshtomp. I didn't like the look so I played through Saphire with a level 51 mudkip and entered the hall of fame with it along with a team of course. In pokemon Black I had pignite as my only evolved pokemon with blitzle, pidove, pansage, timburr, munna and sometimes whirlipede. I will say that made battling Nimbasa's electric gym leader difficult enough for me to lose at least once.

-I take forever to make decisions even with starters. Since there isn't one on the covers of black and white I was sitting there for like five minutes trying to decide which pokemon seemed to fit my idea of a "hero's partner". In the end, I felt that tepig had the right look.

-Generally I train and test out any pokemon that looks appealing with some consideration of the level to me(stunfisk no thanks). In Black I trained a lot of pokemon in preparation for each gym leader but I of course ended up rushing through the later half of the game.

-I tend to build my teams artistically with as much variety in size, color and type as possibly. So for emerald I'd have a Blaziken but I would throw in a Glalie because of its bright blue colors in contrast. Then I'd bring in Tropius and Aggron due to there potentially large sizes and I'd top it off with a Minu because of its small size, dark blue markings and overall yellow look. It gets annoying in Pokemon Black where I add too many standards like everything needing to be dual typed, different in type, and from Unova only but it looks nice when its done.

-In diamond I sometimes saved before leaving a zone where I'm partnering with another trainer like the girl who had Chansey. I don't know I just start to miss having humans in my party for an RPG.

-I never ev train unless I get completely obsessed over trying out a new pokemon combo or two. Even now if I do that I aim for perfect or close to perfect IV's unlike my younger self who learned ev training first then ev trained a Flygon in Special Attack, Defense, Special Defense, Hp, and Speed only to find out that all of its IV's were below average as well as having an Adamant nature. After 7 years I can say I beat Orre Colosseum of XD Gale of Darkness and won't do it again. -_-

-I'm getting into the Fairy type pokemon and my favorite so far is Aromatisse though I've always loved Gardevoir as my psychic type and smart/beauty contest winner in Saphire.

-I don't like grinding because it feels mindless and I can easily get trapped into doing it sometimes but I prefer training wherever my pokemon level up the fastest.

-There was a point in time where I continuously harvested berries all the time for both Sapphire and Diamond but once I stop, I stop completely.

-I loved battle frontier when I started it. Hated it before I gave it up. I tried but I never liked the idea of starting all over and battling random trainers who didn't really have anything interesting to say in ALL CAPS. I enjoyed and played my hardest at the Battle Dome, Battle Factory, and the Battle Pike. The Dome is where I went all out planning my team before entering and after not to mention I felt that it should have been implemented as the pokemon league but that's just my preference. The other's I couldn't do so much and the Battle Palace I won't even give the time of day after my first try even with a guide.

-I hate to delete moves so I tend to take about five minutes deciding on what I want to keep usually mid-game.

-I don't like naming my pokemon but when I do it means that I really don't wanna stop using it.

-Last thing, whenever I choose pokemon in my team I consider a possible story it might tell about my character in relation to the other main characters such as in Black. If I could see a story behind my trainer using stunfisk I'd use it right away.

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This looks like fun!

Gen 1 starter: Bulbasaur

Gen 2 starter: Cyndaquil

Gen 3 starter: Mudkip

Gen 4 starter: Chimchar

Gen 5 starter: Snivy

Gen 6 starter: Chespin

-I started playing pokemon in gen 1, and stopped after gen 2 because I didn’t have enough money to afford a Gameboy Advanced. I got back into pokemon in gen 4 when my older brother showed me emulators, and I’ve started supporting the franchise again by buying actual copies of the games with gen 6. Mainly because I already had a 3DS for Fire Emblem Awakening.

-Because I never played gen 3 as a kid, gen 3 is perhaps my least favourite generation of pokemon. There’s still a lot from gen 3 that I haven’t used, and I only recently played one of the games for the first time in order to see what all of the fuss was about.

-Despite Heracross being my favourite pokemon since gen 2 I never used one until gen 4. The reason for this is I could never figure out how to get one. With my re-introduction to pokemon in gen 4 I discovered something called the internet, and quickly realized that a google search held the key to finding this most anticipated of pokemon.

-Tyranitar is my favourite pseudo-legendary pokemon. What can I say? I like dinosaurs.

-I don’t like having two of the same type of pokemon on my team. The only exception to this is normal/flying dual types, then I can have another normal type without feeling guilty.

-Contrary to Vinny, Heracross doesn’t always have a spot on my team. This is in part because I like to have balanced teams, and also in part because I put a lot of emphasis on trying new pokemon with each run I do. (Except the starters, they generally stay the same)

-With every pokemon game sans reborn to date I’ve adopted a very Fire Emblem esque mindset with my teams. I’ll only give experience to the 6 that I’m planning on using, and I don’t change that team all game. This means that the starter I pick at the beginning of the game stays.

-Speaking in general, bug type pokemon are a fairly large staple part of my team. I usually have one on each in game team I use, and they always do work. This wasn’t always the case though, I only realized my fascination with the whole type (and not just a particular member of that type) around 5th gen.

-I will unashamedly HM slave a pokemon or two in order to keep my main team as battle ready as possible. Times that I’m forced into fighting an important boss battle with only 5 of my 6 intended pokemon present really annoy me though, because it feels like the prep work I did in choosing my team doesn’t really matter.

-I tend not to use items in game. Not just healing items and status restoring items (I never use items like that) but also held items. This is because the AI doesn’t use held items and it feels like I’m getting an unfair advantage.

-I always play any pokemon game on set mode. Screw free switches, that makes the game way too easy.

-I don’t use shiny pokemon. This is mainly because I’m used to their normal colouration and anything else looks weird, but also partly because I don’t like my pokemon to be too different from anyone else’s (aesthetically).

-I always nickname the pokemon I use for in game. I also won’t feel comfortable with a nickname unless it’s one that I would feel comfortable giving to a pet as a name. This means a lot of my pokemon are called stuff like “Terry”.

-I avoid in game trade NPCs and instead prefer to catch and train my own pokemon without exception.

-I also don’t like catching pokemon that are past their first stage of evolution, because I like the feeling that I’m raising this team from scratch. I’m looking at you XY Staravia.

-In reborn when I replace a pokemon I’d been using on my team with a new one, I always grind the new pokemon up to the level of my old one, because I don’t like wasting story given experience.

-I always fight every available trainer I can find. That’s the point of this game right? Why would you want to skip it?

-I don’t like using legendary pokemon for in game, and that tendency carries across quite heavily into my competitive teams. For this reason (and because Talonflame) I don’t play OU at all anymore, and only very infrequently even play UU. At the moment I’m playing a lot of PU in what free time I can find, and my team is doing great.

-That being said my favourite legendary is Giratina.

-I don't participate much in post game stuff. It just doesn't seem as fun as the main story.

-I will intentionally try to go the wrong way when entering a new area in order to explore the entire map.

Enough? I think so.

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Of all official games I only ever played Leaf Green, but regarding faves:

Gen 1: They all suck Squirtle, I guess

Gen 2: Chikorita

Gen 3: Mudkipz

Gen 4: Piplup

Gen 5: Oshawott (or Snivy if Contrary is a thing)

Gen 6: Fennekin

Whatever I do, I must have a Grass type somewhere. if I don't have anything green, my team just looks "ugly" or something, I can't quite describe it.

The highlight of my Pokemon "career" was defeating Watson's level 100 team with a level 30-ish team in Snakewood.

I never "cripple" my main team with HMs/Field Moves. It's one of the things I really liked about Zeta, HM items.

I always focus much, much more on attack stats and attack type variety than anything else. It's like Pokemon like Archeops and Durant are made for me. The only non-attacking moves I'd ever consider using instead of any actual attacks are Swords Dance, Nasty Plot and Agility, whatever get's a sweep going basically.

Even though I always go for as many attack types as possible, I'm almost guaranteed to end up without any Fire Attacks. It just...happens.

I never cared much for "optional" stuff beside TM acquisition and (since Reborn) breeding. Completing the Pokedex, berries, contests- nope. I just finish the game, unless there's some event which is either really awesome/fun or I get a good reward, like a good Pokemon or a really good TM or something. I don't even care about shinies. I'll explore every corner in every area, but only for hidden items.

I have gotten through a lot of fan-made Pokemon games, but whenever a Legendary is available, I'd either avoid it altogether, kill it or if I have to catch it, do so and never use it. Pokemon Zeta was a bloodbath.

I always play with some sort of location guide to not accidentally miss that one really good Pokemon.

If TMs are one-time things, I'll most likely hold onto them until the last couple of trainers in the entire game.

I always try to adhere to 2 rules: 1.No team changes for only one foe, be it team members or their moves, no "crutches". No Drought Vulpix for Serra, no Escavalier for Noel, no Rain Dance for Charlotte, etc. Only ever broke this rule on my Poison Mono against Noel, when I took back my level 40 Arbok only to use Sludge Wave on the field.

2.If something takes more than 5 serious tries (perfectionism resets don't count), restart the game. Once I'm past 5, but have a chance to still win, I'll do so and then restart. I only ever had to do this with Serra and Shade in Reborn (maybe Sigmund on the first run, don't remember) and Roxie in Blaze Black 2. Again, only Noel made me break this rule, on that same Mono.

How much I like a Pokemon depends entirely on performance in combat, don't care what it looks like. The only exceptions are Meganium (I just love those worthless bastards <3), Blaziken in combat because it's broken (some Baton Pass set like S.Dance, Bulk Up, Protect and Baton Pass or something is fine) and Togekiss. To hell with Togekiss.

If I nickname my team, which rarely happens, it's due to the Pokemon's (or it's "weapon's") resemblance to bosses in MGRR. I just adore that game. (My name here is something like that too).

If I don't get an "honorable" win due to skills, I redo the fight, unless it's something like Solaris Garchomp, where you're supposed to


Favourite Legendary is Genesect.

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Jac up to the plate.

Gen 1 starter: Pikachu (awww yeeeee)

Gen 2: Cyndaquil, I think. Remember Bugsy being easy.

Gen 3: Mudkip. I literally cannot complete the game on another starter.

Gen 4: Turtwig looked the coolest, though I now regret not picking chimchar.

Gen 5: Snivy = Grass Snape

Gen 6: Froakie. repping frog since day.

Other facts:

  • I will try and catch every pokemon I can on the way - adds more variety.
  • I build my team around different types, but if I find an old favourite (Gardevoir) I will change my team for it.
  • Sidequests are fun - pre e4.
  • I give my pokemon actual names, because it makes them more friendly. Certain pokemon will always a have a nickname, due to famaliarity.
  • Trading is harrrrrrrrd
  • I like having HMs on pokemon. Don't judge me.
  • It's easier to catch than evolve.
  • I will always, ALWAYS, try to get a Flygon in the Hall of Fame. That or the regional Flying-type.
  • I rarely find competitive battling fun. Kinda makes the post-game boring though...
  • I do not know how to breed for the life of me send help
  • I want to make friends with my pokemon.
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Ah screw it, let's do this.

Gen 1: Charmander (it's a freaking dragon, sort of, for the love of Arceus) vs. Bulbasaur (all the status effect spam)

Gen 2: Cyndaquil (cutest one huehue)

Gen 3: Treecko (Leaf Blade) vs. Mudkip (I liek Mudkipz)

Gen 4: Piplup (cause penguin)

Gen 5: (haven't played)

Gen 6: (haven't played)

>Eeveelutions tend to become my mascots in the team, particularly Umbreon or Glaceon. I don't care what people say about them being horrible stat-wise.

>I don't really HM slave. Although, I'll go through the trouble of deleting the HM move via Move Deleter and just put it back on if necessary (this requires trips to the Move Tutor though...)

>Gotta catch em all (TMs)!

>Since I play Pokemon on my Android (I don't have a DS of my own, and I've given my GBA away), I've figured out how to trade with myself. Which means all three starters and multiple TM and Limited Item copies huehuehue

>Fairy types annoy me for the most part, mostly because it nerfs two of my favorite types: Dragon and Dark

> Used to like Gardevoir, and if I were to be practical I'd have that OP spellcaster on my team. But if I can, I'll steer away from Gardevoir cause now it's too mainstream and it's part Fairy ._.

>No shortcuts to the Gym Leader. I like to get as much training in before getting to the boss.

>Victory Road is fun... until you've cleared it entirely cause you can't rematch the trainers there. Which I really hate.

>Contrary to the popular standings for Gen 3, it's my least favorite cause you can't get an Eevee without trading, the rematch system is hard to work with in contrast to VS Seekers. Though, I like it cause it introduced Berry Planting (if I'm not mistaken) and the Contests were fun cause you got to diss people. And the post-game gameplay was fun too.

>Just like Jacze I actually want to be friends with my Pokemon-- it pisses me off when my Pokemon get beaten cause they faint, for one thing, and if someone in-game's like "u n00b my team bettur than urs" I can't help feeling the obligation to kick his/her ass, burn it over fire, shove it onto a stick and serve it to them on a platter with a side of bitch please.

>Contrarily to the above, I'd probably be a total scrub in an actual competition or competitive play. Just looking at all the item combinations, EV stats, IV levels makes my head spin. Life Orb, what? Can you eat one?

>Although I've got my favorite types to work with, I tend to balance out my team, like, here's one to beat electric types, here's the one to back that guy up, here's my critical sweepers, my awesome dragon, and here's my mascot! ... Okay, maybe it's not too balanced, but...

>I will always nickname my Pokemon; some Pokemon will always have a certain name. For example, my starter's nickname will always be "Ignition" if it's a fire-type, and I always name my Trapinch "Pancake".

>In tandem with berry planting I usually make patches and fields of Leppa Berry, in case I can't find any more Elixirs or PP restoration items.

>I'll tend to check out Walkthroughs just to make sure I don't miss anything.

>I can't do a Nuzlocke; I don't like losing Pokemon.

>Giratina is probably the only Legendary that I would use in-game. Okay fine, maybe Lugia or Suicune. But as much as possible I avoid using legendaries.

>I'll hang around places with the best BGMs for a while just to listen to the music.

Well, that's all I can think of for now, maybe I'll add some more if I remember any

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Ok, here we go.


Gen1: Squirtle

Gen 2: Totodile (Feraligatr is just too cool to ignore)

Gen 3: MUDKIPz for life!!!

Gen 4: Turtwig (tried a change of pace there)

Gen 5 & 6: never played

- As you can see above, my favourite type is Water. I'll always pick the water starter, unless I'm willing to test something different.

-My trainer life can be divided in pre-Reborn and post-Reborn. Before I used to get two-three pokés and a HM slave and power through the game relying on levels. My best playthrough like this was my first Emerald one, with Swampert and Breloom destroying everything without a single loss. Later i added Altaria to the team for the Battle Frontier, but it was too much at the time and I couldn't beat a single Brain.

-Post Reborn: Full team Water Monotype in Emerald. A thing of beauty. Undefeated through the story, beating Wallace on the last pokémon with the same monotype as him, beat the Frontier with only one loss (Damn that Shedinja) and explored a lot more than in my last playthrough. Yep, Reborn does that to people. XD

-As you can see I always focused on beating the league and finishing the story as fast as possible, but after Reborn things changed quite a lot and now I enjoy exploring everything.

-Swampert rules.

-You NPC faint my Swampert and YOU'RE IN FOR A BEATING.

-Also no shortcuts to the leader. Gym trainers are great training!

-No patience nor knowledge for breeding, but lately in Reborn I've been paying attention to EV training, natures and move sets.

-I alway feel involved with the game characters. Jeez, some are so good that they feel real.

-Favourite rival(main games): May. I prefer the friendly rivals than the grasshole type.

-Favourite rival over all: Cain. Just too much fun having this guy around.

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I don't feel like putting a million things, but the only starters I care about are Mudkip and Fennekin. Unfortunately, I don't really like either of their evolutions (Braixen is still cute, but Delphox is too bleh...)

I value Pokemon extremely superficially. I almost exclusively like 'occult' type pokemon (psychic/dark/ghost/fairy), with some water/ice thrown in. I really dislike mineral types (ground/rock/steel) and usually will not touch them.

I get compulsive about keeping levels even. Like Sheep, I always try to avoid going where I'm supposed to.

I also used to get compulsive about planning out a team and only using things relevant to that team in the end-game, even if that meant running through the first four gyms with only a starter until I found something I would use in the end. To counteract that, I now generally only play 'softlockes' (can only catch first encountered Pokemon per area, but don't have to release on death)

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Gen 1: Charmander

Gen 2: Totodile

Gen 3: Torchic

Gen 4: Piplup

Gen 5: Snivy

Gen 6: Froakie

I generally like to keep my teams as balanced, type wise, as possible. Trying to cover weaknesses of my own and opponents' pokemon.

I generally like to get as competitive with my movesets as possible without requiring any breeding.

I am completely perfect with how I want my levels. Everything must be even except for major boss fights (gyms, team admins, etc.). If I know that a certain pokemon will sweep through their team, I leave them a level or two behind so afterwards, they end up even.

I generally lean towards having a pokemon of the starter typing trio (Water, Fire, Grass), and having at least one steel, dragon, or fighting type to try to cover everything. Steel, is always a necessity for me, and I often find myself having more than one steel type on my team. Mainly due to my expertise in that monotype when it comes to competitive battling, I find steel types to be a nice touch.

I always try to vary what pokemon I use. So let's say I use lucario in 4th gen, I try my hardest to stay away from using it in 5th/6th gen.

I tend to over buy items once I get to the top tier (Hyper Potions, Ultra Balls, Etc.)

I generally don't catch many pokemon aside from the ones I end up using on my team.

I usually get a pokemon with the same typing as the signature legendary so its an easy transition to the legendary which leads me to my next fact.

I want to destroy my opponents, sweep them. That's why I generally use the legendaries, for extra sweeping power.

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Ok let's do this:


Gen 1 first Bulbasaur (i liked the sprite at the time) then always Charmender

Gen 2 first Cyndaquil then Totodile (i like both)

Gen 3 first Treecko then Torchic (never liked Mudkips)

Gen 4 Piplup

Gen 5 Snivy

Gen 6 Froakie (but i like Chespin too)


My favorite types are Dragon and Steel (pretty "original" right?) so i usually have at least one of those by the end of the game

I hate Fairy Pokemon except for VERY few exeptions (like Gardevoir), in part that is because most of them are ugly as hell and well i like Dragons (fairy OP ban ban ^_^)

Usually (if it's not a Nuzlocke) i carry my starter trough the full game (and then box him to EV&IV train other)

Never liked berry's so i never plant/use them

Before the E4 i usually stop to collect all the possible item's to that point (hidden ones too) and then sell (almost) everything

Never did the Contest/Musical thing in Pokemon, like really i'm a Trainer not a performer

HM slaves for ever

I catch every 'new" Pokemon i encounter but completion of the Pokedex is post game for me

I like Shiny Pokemon but i don't hunt for them (btw if i see one it's MINE!)

GTS is evil incarnate why can't we have all the Pokemon in one game? Yeah i know because GameFreak is greedy

Wonder Trade is one of (if not the only) cool new mechanic in Pokemon (3D doesn't count, they could do it AGES ago)

I hate grinding on wild Pokemon but i'm ok with Trainers (and i battle every single one of them)

I name my Pokemon only when they reach they full potential (aka lv 100 and EV/IV training) before that they're just scrubs (this rule doesn't count for my E4 team)

I got into EV and IV only around Gen 5 before that i spammed the strongest attack move my Pokemon could learn and won the game (in Reborn that wouldn't work)

I'm a completionist so i try to complete as much of the game as possible before moving to the next one

I never use items in game (apart from hold ones and pokeballs) because they're useless really, if you have a good team/strategy/moveset/luck/perseverance you never use them

I always keep my team even leveled, ALWAYS!

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This seems fun !


1. Charmander

2. Totodile

3. Mudkip

4. Piplup

5. Snivy

6. Fennekin


1. My favourite types are Dragon and Water, but my all time favourite pokemon is Arcanine.

2. I started playing when I was like 6 and I didn't know any English and I just played the game.. and my starter always ended to be like level 70 while my other pokemons were like level 30.

3. I got into IV/EV training really late..... I just started to look my pokemons EV's and IV's.

4. I have never battled competitively mostly because I didn't have a WiFi in my old DS game consoles. Does anyone remember those WiFi sticks ? I never bought one so I missed all the event things in gen. 4... and 5.

5. I like completing the pokedex and first time ever I completed the pokedex in X/Y. Gotta catch 'em all haha.

6. I dislike fighting types.. I don't know why but I don't really like them.. expect Lucario, Blaziken and Breloom.

7. I have really bad luck with shinies.. even shiny charm boosted Masuda Method doesn't help me.

8. I like grinding, but only if it's fun.. I mean I really hate to grind when the opponent has like 20 levels more than my comrades and the best grinding areas give too less exp... aka Crystal.. man I hate grinding in Crystal.

9. My favourite gens are 2, 3 and 5.

10. Okay this kind of off-topic but about year ago I had a dream I and I got my first pokemon.. and it was Vanilluxe, I was so pissed off and disappointed in my dream about my first pokemon.. but when other people got jealous about my pokemon it didn't really matter. I have wtf dreams a lot.

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1. Squirtle

2. Chikorita

3. Mudkip or Treeko

4. Piplup

5. Snivy

6. Froakie

-Somehow I beat Master Cool Rank with my Sceptile in Ruby(and i have no idea where it is now rip in peace)

-My favorite types are as followed: Ice (personality test here), Rock (my first mono team), Flying (Xatu, Hawlucha, Tropius), and Psychic (Xatu, Slowking, EGG).

-I love battling competitively but I'm too nervous/scared too

-I love making my own sets for competitive pokemon

-I nickname every pokemon now, sometimes because I always name the Pokemon that nickname

-I always get the burst of energy to make random competitive pokemon even if I don't use them

-Whenever I do a new run I always use pokemon I've never used before

-I always plan out a team before playing excluding some challenges (i tried not doing this in XD once, it was a complete mess)

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  • Veterans


Gen 1 :Charmander

Gen 2: Totodile

Gen 3: Mudkipz

Gen 4:Chimchar <My favorite pokemon

Gen 5 :Oshawott/Snivy

Gen 6 Froakie < Can't hate on Greninja

I just catch whatever cool pokemon strikes my fancy

I ussually use at least 1 ghost or Dark type on my team

Absol is my favorite Gen 3 Pokemon

Lance is the hardest champion for me personally

You can Never Hoard enough Money


Zubat OP

Dragon's are usefull

Bibarel=Best Hm Slave

if you Face Garchomp better have Ice

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Gen 1: Bulbasaur or Squirtle. I still can't decide.

Gen 2: Totodile

Gen 3: Mudkip. Seriously I never liked Torchic and maybe used it once. It's just a chickenhead on legs. Chicken nuggets.

Gen 4: Chimchar.

Gen 5: I don't care. Probably Snivy.

Gen 6: Never played. I would choose Froakie.


- Gen 1 and 4 are the hardest for me to decide on a starter since I like them all.

- Gen 5 is the only time I bank my starter. (Might keep Snivy from time to time)

- I never had a gameboy or anything. The first time I played Pokémon it was a rom on the pc. It took me literally an hour to decide between Charmander / Bulbasaur / Squirtle. I restarted every single time because I changed my mind. In the end I went with Venusaur.

- I never played X/Y or BW2. I refuse to play Yellow because Pikachu sucks.

- I ALWAYS have room for Vaporeon. I don't care if I already have a water type or not.

- Eeveelutions are awesome. I try to switch between them but I have a hard time not to use a water stone.

- I don't care about shinies. I will kill them.

- I never traded a Pokémon to evolve it. If I can't have it evolved I won't catch it. Until I discovered the randomizer. When I had the option to let those Pokémon evolve normally, I had a full team with them.

- I waste spots with HM and TM moves because I don't care.

- I tend to take on the elite four and champion with only 5 Pokémon because I'm too lazy to train the sixth

- My team always has these types: water, fire, dark, fighting, ground, dragon, steel or psychic. I will rarely use one that isn't one of these types.

- Grass types (unless starters) or Flying types almost never make the team.

- I always look at the Pokédex to plan a team, only to find out most of them are late in the game and I use others anyway. (Hence why I only use 5 Pokémon.

- I never uses a Legendary. I either ignore them or bank them. Only exception was Cobalion because I was too lazy to grind. It was completely useless.

- My lowest 6th Pokémon that was in the hall of fame was a lvl 36 Tyrogue.

- I never EV train. But since I can see them in Reborn I try to do it. Unfortunately I don't have the patience for it.

- I used to don't care about abilities / nature. Now I look for neutral / positive ones.

- I never do post game.

- Gen 5 made me feel the bad guy. N is friggin right!

- Gyarados sweeps, Water types are awesome and Togekiss sucks. It's annoying as hell. (especially paraflinch competitively)

- Once I tried competitive and got annoyed by a certain Pokémon (usually Togekiss), I completely ignore them in game or enjoy it way too much when I kill it.

I guess that's about it.

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Awesome. I enjoy this thread's popularity. Thought of a few new things based off of tendencies you guys listed.

- If for whatever reason (like Pokemon Reborn for me) I -have- to use an HM slave, It ALWAYS has to be a normal type, because that pokemon will still get just as much experience as the rest of the team. If your going to use Strength, it better be a nice and powerful STAB Strength.

- I tend to loathe fishing and the aquatic Pokemon that you cannot obtain any other way usually are found at the end of my Pokedex quests. Generation 3's mechanics (and Reborn's) regarding fishing rods are too timing intensive for me, and other fishing mechanics are boring to sit through.

- I play the game in Shift. Shameless. I enjoy the ability to switch train weaker pokemon, and Set doesn't allow for that to happen.

- I'm very indifferent when it comes to nicknaming pokemon. If I feel like it during the run, every pokemon gets a name eventually, but if not, nobody gets one.

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Here goes nothing.

Gen I starter: Bulbasaur. Charmander and Squirtle are cool too, but Bulbasaur is just my favourite. Of all possible starters in all games. Screw Pikachu though.

Gen II starter: Totodile. I hate the two others.

Gen III starter: They are all cool. Mudkip and Torchic are the coolest though.

Gen IV starter: Chimchar. Same thing as I posted on the gen II starters applies to Piplup and Turtwig.

Gen V starter: None. I hate them all. what do you mean I have to choose? Oshawott then.

Gen VI starter: You mean that game I haven't played?

- I used to decide the team I would do my run with before the run actually started. Used to, because now the only thing I do is nuzlockes.

- I mostly don't do contests, Pokestar studios, etc before I beat the League once. Musicals I hated though, they can go to hell.

- EVs? IVs? Natures? Lolno. I just go with what I get.

- I sometimes bred Pokemon for no reason. I didn't even try to make them have good IVs/natures.

- The first time I bred Pokemon was with a Ninetales and a Girafarig. They said it wasn't possible. I proved them wrong.

- In nuzlockes, I mostly put the dupes clause off. I also don't switch around team members unless I had to for certain HMs. That made me have a Rattasquad of 3 Rattata in HG, but my Rival solved that ;-;

- I used to absolutely hate the Koffing line. Now I've got one in my Black 2 nuzlocke and I love it.

- Planting berries? What's that?

- Pokedex? Huh?

- I used to never nickname my Pokemon. Now that I do nuzlockes, I nickname 'em all.

- Oh yeah, following this, I did nickname some Pokemon previously. It were the Vulpix I bred with Girafarig and Ninetales. All of their names were like Pulvix, Livpux or Xulvip. Anagrams, indeed.

- I used to hate Normal types. Then I actually started using them and I fell in love with Raticate, Linoone, Bibarel, Stoutland and Watchog. Not Furret though, he's bad.

- My first ever lv 100 was a Machoke. I wanted to make him evolve, because I saw Machamp and I loved the four arms. I didn't know how though. So I started grinding him. He didn't evolve and I was sad. By the way, this was before I battled Groudon in Ruby. So I practically grinded him against Pokemon around lv 30-40. Don't ask how or why I did that; I can't even remember. And I 1-hitted Groudon too.

- Speaking of 1-hitting, my lv 100 Swellow did the same to the travelling Latios on the same save. He killed the Latios with Peck. One Peck.

- Yes, my Swellow still had Peck. Machoke still had Karate Chop at 100 too, and my Blaziken had Double Kick/Blaze Kick/Strength/Ember. Yeah, my movesets sucked.

- I never HM slaved anyone. Not even in my nuzlockes.

- When I did a run of FRLG, there was always room for the free Eevee in my party.

- Shinies? GIMME. I seem to encounter them the most on unsavable runs though.

- My favourite mainstream game was Platinum. Can't help it. I also love some non-core Pokemon games: more in detail, Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Conquest and most importantly: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

- Speaking of Mystery Dungeon, my first ever partner was a Cyndaquil, and my partner a Totodile. That was back in the time I didn't hate the gen II starters.

- In the second series of Mystery Dungeon, I went with Munchlax as a hero and Treecko as a partner. I seriously think that Munchlax was way too OP, because he 1-hit KO'd about everything, including the Rhyperior.

- I tend to abandon runs and nuzlockes. I'm a terrible person.

- In my first ever Fire Red run, I only used a Blastoise. Pretty ironical looking back now, because I like him the least of the three starters right now. Then again, I still like him more than any of the gen II, IV or V starters.

- I don't always buy items, but when I do, I make sure it's overly much and end up with 500 more Ultra Balls or Full Restores.

- Weavile should be about the only Pokemon I love that I have never even used in any game.

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Let's see, uh...

Gen I starter: Charmander. Pretty sure it was my first one, too, although not entirely.

Gen II starter: Totodile. I chose Cyndaquil first, and that was my first ever starter, incidentally, but I used Totodile once and discovered that it was entirely too awesome to pass up. Ironically I have both of them on my "main" team for G/S/C/HG/SS, and that is also the only team I have two starters on.

Gen III starter: Treecko. Torchic was my first, and for a long time my favourite, but I got tired of using it. And Mudkip, much as I liek love the little guy... I always have such a hard time training it. I dunno why.

Gen IV starter: Chimchar. Turtwig is the only one I haven't used actively... hey, I need to rectify that... Torterra is pretty awesome...

Gen V starter: Oshawott.

Gen VI starter: I don't own a 3DS. Chespin would be my choice, though- such a cutie.

-Nickname all the things I intend on using, no matter how stupid the nicknames are. And even some of the things I don't. Sometimes.

**That's probably why I don't use traded Pokemon, too, because I can't nickname them what I want to. The boosted experience doesn't help much either, because...

-I like keeping my team evenly leveled. Meaning, if I have a team full of level 45-46s, then the 46s won't be used anymore until the level 45s are all level 46, too.

**A recent exception to this rule is that my "signature" Pokemon (usually my starter, with some exceptions) is one level above the others. So if everyone else is level 46, then that "signature" is level 47.

-I use HM slaves, but I detest that term. I wish there were a better one. Things like Surf and Fly I don't mind so much, but Rock Smash and Cut, for instance, are really, really terrible moves. I could easily use that moveslot for something better.

**Amusingly, I'm seriously using Rock Smash on something for a recent Dark mono, but that's only because Liepard apparently can't dig holes to hit Steel-types. (No I don't know why.)

-If I have control over IVs/EVs, I'll bother with them, but only to an extent. Otherwise, well, I can't really care. Natures are the same, although I'll at least try to get one that's not detrimental.

-I like to plan out my team beforehand. Namely, I must always have a Fire-type, something that can learn Surf, and something that can learn Fly. That last one I very rarely do away with, if I don't feel like taking along a Flying-type that can benefit from Fly. I usually like having a Dark-type on board, too, which can't be surprising as it's my favourite type.

**I don't typically use Grass or Ice-types, on the other end of the spectrum. For the former, I'll make an exception if my chosen starter is Grass-type, but the latter I rarely ever make exceptions for.

-A mono-type run rule: I am required to catch every Pokemon of that type within a region's regional 'dex.

**I don't really like bothering with the Pokedex, aside from that. I'll just catch what I intend to use. And maybe things I really like, for good measure, whether I intend to add them to my team or not. Old habits die hard~

***I also prefer sticking to things that are from the region I'm playing, eg. not using anything but Gen IV Pokemon in Sinnoh, but sometimes I can't do that. I'm looking at you, Platinum.

-I'll buy and use items as I please. I mean, that's why they're there. Why wouldn't I?

**I don't really use the X items, though. Guard Spec. once in a blue moon, but otherwise, not really. I also don't use Ethers and such, but that's usually because you can't buy those, so I'm terrified of running out of them.

-Shinies are nice, but not if they're neon green. GF pls

-I pretty much duo-ran my first ever run of Sapphire with a Blaziken and a Breloom. Younger me could not get past Winona for the life of her because of this. (If I tried this again nowadays, something tells me I would curb-stomp her despite the type disadvantage.)

-I've never done a nuzlocke run because I am too attached to my pixels and losing even one of them would literally murder me. Yes. I know I'm a dork okay.

-I am still incredibly frustrated about Stunky not being able to learn Poison Jab. I need to make a list of learnset decisions that frustrate me, actually, because there are several of them.

-I don't like using recoil moves. Flare Blitz is the only exception because it's badass.

-I also don't like using moves with really low accuracy because my luck sucks and I am guaranteed to miss at the worst of moments. There are a few exceptions here too, but this is why I intend to forgo, for example, Stone Edge for Rock Slide.

**One of those exceptions is the move Thunder, which I always like having on my team. I think it's mainly because its animation in Gen III has stuck with me for a really long time.

-My favourite pseudo-legendary is Dragonite. It's also my favourite Dragon-type. And if it's available, I'll often use one as part of my team. Although I've never actually used it in a game where it could have Multiscale... though I really do want to, at some point.

Oh, and I don't mind using a legendary on a team, but usually I go out of my way to avoid using more than one. My favourite is Raikou.

That is a long ass post son

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Oh, this looks interesting.

Gen 1: Squirtle, the Squirtle Squad on the anime won my heart.

Gen 2: Chikorita, I always thought it was adorable.

Gen 3: Mudkip, I liked the idea of a Water/Ground typing.

Gen 4: I stopped playing the actual games at this point, but I'd choose Turtwig. Turtles are nice.

Gen 5: I originally chose Snivy for Pokemon Reborn, but I kind of regret it. I ended up swapping it out for an adorable Mincinno.

Gen 6: Fennekin all the way. I mean, it has a wand! How can I not?

Now for some tidbits about me:

- I never use potions or things like them. I hoard them through Pickup and say I'll use them, but in the end, they're always just sitting there untouched. It's like when you save an item to beat a final boss but end up beating the boss without it anyways. Kind of disappointing..

- I've only nicknamed my two pokemon in my entire time playing pokemon, except when I tried a nuzlocke. One was by mistake and he was named ccccc. The other was my Magikarp. I will forever miss you, Timmy the Gyarados.

- Before Pokemon Reborn, I never used a pokemon specifically as my HM mule. I would distribute them throughout my team on the pokemon I thought was best. but now, Bibarel is my bestie. It learns almost everything, I swear. One day, it'll fly.

- Actually, I guess in Gen II that wasn't quite so true, as I used Furret to learn most of the HM needed. However, I always considered it an equal part of the team. I loved having Ice Punch on it to punch out Lance's Dragonites, and I probably enjoyed it a bit too much. But picturing a little Furrest punching dragons is just hilarious.

-About teams, I dislike having one pokemon far outstrip the rest in terms of levels. I try my best to keep them evenly leveled except when it happens in big story-related battles. It's your team after all; shouldn't they work together?

- I have never gotten a pokemon to level 100. Post game, I just liked to explore and look around, so I was never one for grinding them on those under-leveled wild pokemon.

- Also, before Pokemon Reborn, I never really bothered with a pokemon's IVs, EVs, or nature. Then, with Reborn, it kind of started to matter.

- I kill shiny pokemon on sight.

- I don't really favor any type, but I try to have a diverse team. However, whenever they're available, I do my best to get some favorites, such as Ampharos. So much love for my cuddly hairless sheep.

- Until 3rd gen, I always thought that boosting moves sucked. I never realized how good setting up was when I was a kid, but even now, I try to avoid those types of strategies like Shell Smash Cloyster and such.

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