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[quote][Set Name]
[Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item]
Trait: [Ability]
EVs: [EVs]
[Nature] Nature
- Move 1
- Move 2
- Move 3
- Move 4

[Description of Set][/quote]
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[Sub Dance]
[Landorus] (M/F) @ [Life Orb]
Trait: [Sand Power]
EVs: [252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Defense]
[Nature] Jolly
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
[Substitute eases prediction a lot, allowing you to deal accordingly with switches using another move, and scout. Swords Dance is absolutely monstrous in conjunction with Sand Power, OHKOing most Skarmories in sand, after Stealth Rock using Stone Edge. Earthquake is that nice, solid STAB move, and makes a great partner with Stone Edge, being resisted by few, and those few won't resist it very well if you have a Swords Dance. Jolly allows you to at least speed tie with other Landorus and Pokémon of similar speed, and Life Orb allows you to get extra power to net those KOs.]
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  • 10 months later...
(Landorus) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sand Force
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Bulk Up
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- U-turn

Sand already boosts his bat shit crazy EQ. Then Sand Force makes that shit hurt. Bad. Bulk up takes this crazy fuck to new heights, and boosts his meh defense. Rock Slide gets Sand Force boosted, and gets pretty nice coverage. U-Turn for those situations where you need to gtfo. Not to mention with Bulk Up it'll hurt pretty badly.
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So many Sand Forces, so little Sheer Forces.

Sheer Terror
[Landorus] (M) @ [Life Orb]
Trait: [Sheer Force]
EVs: [252 special Attack/ 4 Special Defense/ 252 Speed]
[Timid] Nature
- Calm Mind/ HP Ice
- Earth Power
- Focus Blast
- Psychic/ HP Ice

Landorus has such a terrifying reputation as being one of the strongest Sand Force users in the game with an appropriately terrifying movepool behind it as well. This is not one of those Sand Force sets.

Landorus is the strongest Special Attacking Sheer Force user out there, and has an amazingly limited special movepool to back it up. That being said, the moves that benefit from it are extremely powerful, such as STAB Earth Power and Focus Blast. In fact, after a Calm Mind, Focus Blast is hitting almost 50% on Blissey's massive HP and special defense. Against walls like Tentacruel and Jellicent, Landorus laughs at them with it's power, OHKOing Tentacruel unboosted with Earth Power or Psychic, and twokoing Jellicent unboosted. After a Calm Mind, it can hit Volcarona for 67-79% damage, and follow up that with surviving the Fiery Dance to hit it again with Earth Power. With Psychic, you don't have to worry about Brelloms or Gliscors (A +1 Psychic from Landorus hits Gliscor at 89-102% damage) and with HP Ice, Breloom is still gone and it takes two to knock out Virizion after a single Calm Mind. With base 115 special attack and 101 speed, it outspeeds other common OU Pokemon like Salamence, Volcarona, Haxorus, Jirachi, Hydreigon, and Genesect, more often than not, ohkoing or twokoing these Pokemon, if it can. Even Dragonite can fail against Landorus if it comes in with Stealth Rocks up. With good speed, a great special attacking stat, and an ability that increases the power of Earth Power, Focus Blast, and Psychic by a full 33.3%, Landorus shouldn't be taken lightly if you encounter one out of Sand. You'll never know if that Skarmory you're going to send out will get git by Stone Edge, or a Focus Blast.
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