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Yo, guyz and galz, I'm Bfroger, your new local sadist psycho!


Yeah, I'm not too good with jokes, haha (only the applause part was an actual joke, the sadistic part is the truth). Anyhow, I started playing Pokemon Reborn a while back and today I decided to check if there was a new update which came out while I was gone. What do you say! There was an update! I started the download and decided to browse the site in search of some info about how to patch the game, but I ended up discovering that Reborn thingy you're doing on Pokemon Online and decided I'd like to join, so I registered myself to these forums ~

Enuff about that tho, I should introduce myself properly.

Hi, I'm Bfroger, a 17 year old dude from Croatia (where is that? XD). I'm obsessed with Pokemon games and recently got into playing fan made ones too. I discovered they are sometimes even better than the actual Pokemon games ~

I like turtles, Cyndaquil, and have a dog, a great dane. He's a big 15 months old guy weighing around 70 kg, which is more than I weigh. (yay) I'm also slightly sadistic as I enjoy watching the pain of others, most prominently torture, both physical and mental. I hope that fact won't pose a problem >o< I'm rather antisocial in real life, and I find chatting on the internet much easier than actually talking. I don't like either girls or boys, so that means I'm asexual, right? :P I like to keep almost everything I do a secret from other people, so nobody from my family actually knows I watch anime or like Pokemon so much. (technically, you all already know much more about me than my parents, which is kinda funny and sad at the same time)

Oh, I should mention I'm a nuzlocker and I always play Pokemon games as nuzlockes. I'm also working to improve my drawing skills (which are meh at the moment) so I can draw a nuzlocke comic ~

My other obsession/hobby is watching anime. I particularly took a liking at several shows, including Madoka Magica, Shinsekai Yori, Mirai Nikki (lolz) and Noragami, which I hope will get a second season sometime in the future ^_^

I hope we'll get alng just fine, and I look forward to being a part of this community :3

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Hey Bfroger, nice to meet you. I'm pretty new here myself, only being a member here for a few days.

Since I seem to be the first one to greet you, let me see if I can tell you what the others tell everyone else.

Welcome to Reborn, not many people here seem to think sanity is needed, but I've kept mine anyways. You already seem to know about the server and have played the game, so I don't think I need to tell you much about those. There's quite a few people to ask if you have any questions or concerns, a few notable people would include Vinny and Sheep, but I'll also try to help as well.

I'm not a competitive battler myself, but if you are, feel free to check out the Hall of Nations subforum, which can be found above the Grand Hall.

There's also a section for Roleplaying down near the bottom. Hakuna is the one you want to talk to for that.

As for anything else, feel free to explore the forums yourself and join in the community.

There, that's all I can think of at the moment, if I missed anything someone else will come in and mention it. Enjoy your stay.

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Hello! Just about the only thing I can comment on is Asexuals....are cool. #Sweg.

Obligatory statements.......*shuffles and searches through paperwork*........OH! Here they are. don't hurt me.

1. Questions are fine. You may go about asking them in two ways.

  • You may make a thread, and leave the question open to the entire community (If regarding the game for example, Reborn City's the place to go on the site.)
  • You may message Vinny, Sheep, or myself in private, and the three of us will work as hard as we can to get you your answer.

2. Yeah, you definitely should drop by Reborn on PO and chat. Most of us are nice people, and the server serves as this sites primary chat center.

3. Hakuna is the guy to see if you're interesting in Role-playing. He'll get you all squared away in that regard.

4. If you're remotely interested in PokeNations, or some of our Tours after visiting PO, I'll second Valiant in pointing you to the HoN sub-forum.

5. I'd say leave your sanity at the door here, but um, well, I won't equate sadistic to insanity here. Leave your sanity at the door. DONT HURT ME.


...and finally. Enjoy your stay. Oh! and don't use a gun to conduct your murderous deeds. They die faster.

Edited by Hilda
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Hey and welcome to Reborn you sadistic motherf... is that a Cyndaquil wearing a Mismagius thing? d'aaaw

Anyway, i can't read, but i'd trust what Hilda said, don't believe Valiant, i'm half-asleep and have no idea what i'm typing.

Hope you enjoy your stay in hell


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Haha, I'm not insane yet and I certainly won't harm any of you yet so don't worry :3

I was never a fan of guns anyways, Hilda. I prefer knives. Especially kitchen knives. They're so much fun o3o

But srsly, thanks for the advice :) I still have much to learn about these forums, but I have time. I'll start by downloading the PO and that Reborn pack which I gotta install along with it ~

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Welcome to the forums, Hilda did a great job explaining what it's like here. Enjoy your time here. Use scissors as a weapon, at least then it could be disguised until last second and betrayal... psychopathic thoughts over. Most people here don't bite too much so you'll fit around here fine.

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Hilda and Val.....it is Hukuna....not Hakuna. Can't be sending them to the wrong place now!

Anyway, welcome to Reborn, feel free to pm me if you have any questions regarding the RP forum. ((I don't bite, mostly because Crunch has higher base power.))

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Yo, guyz and galz, I'm Bfroger, your new local sadist psycho!

I hope we'll get alng just fine, and I look forward to being a part of this community :3



Welcome to your doom the Pit of the Abyss Armageddon Reborn. All obligatory comments have been made, so I'll just reiterate this one thing:

Kill your sanity now pls

hope you stick around you won't have a choice anyway and have fun~

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