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Elite 4 Champion?


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I just realized a character has been missing for quite a while now: the human/creature/girl thing whatever whose shadow shows up on the game before you press start:


Last time she showed up (not 100% sure if it was really her but, I mean, who/what else could it have been) was on ep11 iirc, when she asks you to come play with her sometime again. If she holds an important role in the game it's likely it'll be linked with the 4 pendants... although, she's still a mysterious character and I think we should consider her as a potential champion too.

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plz, god no, just dont go there

usualy the champ has a say in whos in and not in the E4 so who ever fired laura is the champ

You forget that Ame's in game counter part is the manager of the Reborn league, ergo, she probably manages the hiring and firing of it's members... which makes this theory a bit moot since she apparently has stated in the past that she is not the champion.

Knowing reborn... it's probably gonna be someone who makes even Lin seem like a scared child in terms of power... and even if that isn't it, I don't think it's likely that we've encountered the champion yet.

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Tbh, I don't think we've seen someone who fits the regality and composure of a Champion. I say this, because each character has been placed where they are because they fit the scene just as the scene fits them. For example, where else would Terra be, but a circus, and Corey in such a dismal town?

Radomus is a close contender, but he isn't as stalwart in his morals as an Ideal champion should be, and He is eliminated fo obvious reasons.

Each of the characters are wonderfully unique in their own way, which likely speaks of how the people were when they were present for league, but this same unique portion of their personas bars them from being entitled to the esteemed title of a champion. Whilst Anna certainly has the wisdom to be a champion, she doesn't have the maturity of a champion. Lin does not have the integrity or, in my opinion, right to be champion. Same ges for all the meteors. I think that, whoever it is, we haven't met them yet at all, or had any contact with them at all. No one ever said that the champion was in the rotation of characters in the intro scene.

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I feel one thing to take into consideration regarding the speculation of Lin being the champion, is that just because you beat the champion, that doesn't mean the game will end, meaning Lin could die AFTER you beat her

I thought the game ends when the Champion is defeated?

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I had originally intended to remove myself from the game since I was only in for the necessity of having a 'professor-esque' character, and I feel like it's trite and mary-sue-ish to have one's own character play any role at all, much less an important one.

That said, I also hate lose ends, and having a character like that who disappears from the story after an notable presence at the start is an example of poor writing.

So either way, it's awkward for me in the end. My logic becomes, which course of action, exclusion or inclusion, is going to produce the better story? As much as I hate to give myself more of a spotlight, I'm leaning towards the latter now and made some rewrites accordingly.

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I thought the game ends when the Champion is defeated?

In official games, technically yes. But there's no reason for Reborn to need to follow that logic. Regardless, I don't know what's planned for the story, but I definitely don't see the story ending with a champion battle as a necessity.

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I never really thought Ame might be the champ. Remember, waaay back when we fought Florinia, she said she would go to Jasper herself, but couldn't because of her status at the Onyx Trainer School and Gym Leader. Because she's a gym leader, even if the entire town is falling apart, she can't wander off too far. And then there's Ame travelling god-knows-where just to meet new league challengers who may rage-quit at even the first gym.

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Funny... I was thinking of posting a new thread based on the Elite4/Champion last night, and I see this xD

I definitely see Bennett and Blake being part of the Elite Four. As for the other two.... I have no idea. Anna and El are possible candidates - but I doubt both of them will be part of the E4.

I don't really see Team Meteor being part of the League. Sure, they might infiltrate the league like in BW, but I don't think its quite original enough for Reborn. The Gym Leaders are mostly not connected to Team Meteor (except Corey... and Titania (Plot Twist: She was just talking to Radomus in the Meteor disguise)). I guess Solaris knows of Blake based on the event on Pyrous Mountain... gah too much speculation leads to brain freeze

I really hope Fern is not the Champion.

Well... I guess it would be nice to see him cry and whine when I kick his ass in the Champion Battle nevertheless xD

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I agree with Hilda that Solaris is most likely champ. Although even still I don't know if we've met champ since we've only just hit the halfway mark gym wise a little while ago. Also I have no proof Solaris is "evil". He's bad, definitely but he hasn't proven what he's done to be for personal gain. He has a goal and he doesn't go around spouting the I want all the power or to destroy the world. In fact his only focus is the piss poor area of Reborn. His little screen time says that there is infinitely more to him. So if the champ has been shown then he's highest on my list with Anna being a far second since I don't at all think it's her.

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If there's one thing that i've noticed, is that... well...

Have you ever seen any mentions of a champion in the game? I think there might be something in the Grand Hall/TV about it, but apart from that... nothing. I don't recall a single trainer/useless NPC that says something about the Reborn champion.

If this person is so mysterious, i'm inclined to agree that maybe we haven't met the champion yet.

Although we have to consider that reaching Victory Road is not exactly the easiest thing in the world. I only think it's a bit weird how no one mentions anything... maybe a hint would spoil it too much? Hmm...

either that or i'm not paying attention.

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Just a bit of context for y'all, the roles of the gym leaders/elite 4 in game mirror that of the leaders from the reborn league across all 3 seasons.

Now I wasn't here for all 3 seasons, and maybe someone who was can clear this up with us, but from what I know the trainers that are not in game gym leaders, that served on the reborn league in any season are:

Heather, Blake, Anna, Bennett, Laura, DJ Arclight, El, Cain, Victoria, Fern, Sigmund, Lin, and I think Cal as well. I don't know whether Solaris or Sirius served on the league at all, or where their characters even come from but it is reasonable to assume that the champion will be chosen from that list (plus whoever I've missed) seeing as every single gym leader thus far has been a part of the league.

Something else to consider is that of those individuals, the only one who ever played the role of the reborn league champion is Lin. I think.

Garchomp most definitely is a Pokemon used in the OverUsed tier competitively, is Sinnoh's pseudo-legendary, and in the games is notably used by Sinnoh "Champion" Cynthia. Another Pokemon that we know Solaris has is Tyranitar, which is Johto's pseudo-legend and is ALSO used often in OU.

I know that this will lead some to believe that I'm implying that Solaris has a type theme, but another Champion that did have said type theme was Steven, of Hoenn.

Uh, Tyranitar isn't ground type. I know Larvitar and Pupitar are, but that's not really enough of a link to associate Solaris with the ground type at all. It's probably more reasonable to say that he's going to have a team of exceedingly powerful pokemon with high BSTs like Gyarados and Volcarona.

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Amaria was the champion in the 2nd season also. Only when Adrienn showed up that they decide to do the block thing, with 3 champions.

Also, Tyranitar and Garchomp? I can see a sand team.

Which is pretty surprising, considering that if Solaris really has a sand team, he held his own against a water type gym leader.

Solaris might be way better than what i expected... hmm.

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Amaria was the champion in the 2nd season also. Only when Adrienn showed up that they decide to do the block thing, with 3 champions.

Yes, but Amaria wasn't on the list I provided because we already know she's a gym leader. Lern 2 reed scrub.

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Heather, Blake, Anna, Bennett, Laura, DJ Arclight, El, Cain, Victoria, Fern, Sigmund, Lin, and I think Cal as well. I don't know whether Solaris or Sirius served on the league at all, or where their characters even come from but it is reasonable to assume that the champion will be chosen from that list (plus whoever I've missed) seeing as every single gym leader thus far has been a part of the league.

Out of those I would automatically exclude Heather (idk, i just cant see her as the champion), Bennett (E4), Laura (ex E4), DJ Arclight (pretty sure his only role will be in the after game, namely in the night club), El (E4), Cain (doubt it's him, it's already been mentioned that he was supposed to be the next poison gym leader), Victoria (she was trying to collect badges, so nopeee), Fern (BECAUSE I CAN) and Sigmund (no).

Which leaves us with Anna, Blake, Cal and Lin. I'd also exclude Cal since we've already fought his team and... I'm pretty sure a champion should be stronger than that. I'd exclude Blake too just because he's Cal's brother and he acted like a dickhead in the ep 14 spoiler 8D. So it's either Anna, Lin or a character we don't know about yet (CREEPY GIRL FROM CITAE D'ARCNSGINFASDN CONFIRMED).

Edited by MMM
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I still don't think think this will be a elite four then champion, I think you, fern, cain, ame and a few others will get there about the same time and you will have to do a little tournament to see who can advance, the elite four will be electric, grass, bug, and ghost, (first four gyms, I think this is why we see them first) with the champion just doing strong pokemon (not having a exact type) what would be funny is you get to the champions room and battle someone who claims to be the champion but its just a sibling/family member and the real deal comes out laughing at the others lies. But Ame if you need a random crappy trainer you can use me just give me a weird them, Cat pokemon, turtle pokemon, Monkey pokemon, or the cactus pokemon,

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Plot twist the player is the champion suffering from amnesia. Ame sent all the leaders to return him/her to glory.

Pretty sure we arrived to Reborn from another region (it says so at the beginning of the game) so noope!

Also....megaultrahyper plot twist: Trainer Red is the Champion and all of his Pokemon will be PULSE (even the Pikachu)

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Eh, here are some of my thoughts about each character and the possibility of them for being the Champion/E4 Members. Spoilers, obviously.

Anna – My guess is that she’s likely a member of the E4 or even the champion. It’s pretty obvious that something is odd with her, and Shade even knows that she’s not an average girl. Plus, so far she hasn’t revealed much about her position in the Reborn League, especially how the scene in the orphanage feels as if Anna's position was being intentionally hidden. So I’d wager that she’s ranked pretty highly as all Gym Leaders have been revealed at this point.

Cain, Fern, and Victoria – I’d rule out Victoria since she’s Kiki’s replacement at the academy, so she doesn't really have time to finish the badge quest. Cain’s out as he’s right behind the protagonist (Cainisim intended), so I doubt that he’ll manage to challenge the champion before we do. Fern is ahead of the protagonist in the badge quest, but aside from trolling us there is pretty much no reason why he’d be made the champion.

Heather – Earlier on, I’d say it would be likely, especially having a Salamence as her main. Though it doesn't really seem that she is the champion anymore. She may be a member of the E4, but that chance is pretty low.

Blake and Cal – Not much info about them is given, though Cal doesn't seem as he holds a high position in the League. Blake on the other hand seems to have some sort of power there, so I’d say that he’s indeed a member of the E4, or even the champion.

Ame – She’s more of an administrator rather a trainer. Plus, self-inserting yourself as a someone as a champion is generally frowned upon and considered bad writing, so I doubt the real Ame would pull something like this.

Sigmund – Highly unlikely. He seems to be an antagonist. Plus the player can already battle him, so I honestly doubt if he may become a member of the E4 in the future.

Laura – According to Charlotte, she was removed from the position in EP 13. I have a theory that it may have been through El’s interference to move Bennett up in ranks, which leads us to…

El and Bennett – El has some power in the Reborn League to promise Bennett a position in the E4, so he may as well be one of them. Laura’s sudden dismissal coinciding with El’s promise hints that he may have kept his promise all along.

Arclight – Possibly. We only know that he’s in charge of the Reborn Nightclub, nothing else.

Lin – Lin already plays a major part being the leader of Team Meteor, not to mention that she was once the champion, so I doubt she’s still in the League anymore. Plus, if Shade’s someone to go by she’ll probably die before the finale is reached.

Solaris and Sirius – Doubt it. They are already holding the villain card pretty tightly, so it wouldn’t make much sense to give them a second part in the story.

Silhouetted Girl – There’s still at least one character that has yet to be revealed. Considering how late in the storyline we are, she will likely be holding a very strong presence in the main story.

So my guess for the E4+Champion is: Blake, Benett, Anna, Silhouetted Girl, and either El or Arclight. Maybe Laura instead of one of the above if the story twists again. Likely with Anna or the Silhouetted Girl being the Champion.

Edited by Sarun
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