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Elite 4 Champion?


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I definitely see Bennett and Blake being part of the Elite Four. As for the other two.... I have no idea. Anna and El are possible candidates - but I doubt both of them will be part of the E4.

When escaping from Vahannen Castle, Cain outright says to El that he thinks he's an E4 member, and El doesn't deny it at all. But if he's -just- an E4 member, I don't think he can pull the strings together to get Bennett to seemingly replace Laura so quickly, at least not alone. Would hint that he's either Champion himself, or the Champion is someone also associated with Team Meteor.

nice, was he also gentle when it came to kiki?

Kiki was already dying, that could have been an act of mercy. There was really nothing stopping his Garchomp from taking out Blake too.

I'm replaying through the game now and I'm noticing some dialogue changes. Nothing that immediately sticks out to me as changing the plot much (although the Pulse Muk conversation was pretty much completely overhauled, he addresses Amaria in a more... Proper, maybe familiar way i guess? Nothing about knocking girls off pedestals anymore).

But I've been thinking about Hilda's theory, and now I feel as if Solaris might be a champion contender too. I do find it weird how he completely disappears after the events at the volcano though.

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When escaping from Vahannen Castle, Cain outright says to El that he thinks he's an E4 member, and El doesn't deny it at all. But if he's -just- an E4 member, I don't think he can pull the strings together to get Bennett to seemingly replace Laura so quickly, at least not alone. Would hint that he's either Champion himself, or the Champion is someone also associated with Team Meteor.

Ah yes, I just went through that part just now. So he may be part of the E4 after all.

What made me hesitant to put him in the E4 in the first place was the reason you have stated. Surely he couldn't just replace his fellow member of the same status (Laura). But yeah, that part kinda ticked me off. I hope I can kick his ass soon or Radomus can just hypnotize him again

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to be honnest i think if El has the power to infulance who get in to the E4 and who gets booted i'd wager that hes the leader of the leader of the E4 i highly doubt an antaganist would be the champion (N wasnt really an antaganist per say) we dont no much about lin to determine her motives

for some weird reason i beleive El is a fairy type user then we have bennet that uses bug so we still dont know the other 2

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Solaris - Solaris hasn't made an appearance in the game for quite a while. If I'm correct, his last appearance was at Pyrous Mountain. You would expect a Champion not to be out and about from the League a lot, which makes Solaris sound a bit more likely to be Champ... but he may have just been busy for a while because of his powerful position in Meteor.

It's obvious that Solaris has extremely overpowered pokemon, right now it's only known that he had a Tyranitar when we encountered him with the PULSE Muk, and he had a Lv.75 Garchomp at the time of the Apophyll incident. From the rate at which the levels of pokemon that trainers have are increasing in the game, I think it's safe to assume that by the time we finally reach the Champion, trainers in the game will have pokemon at Lv.100 - meaning that the Champion will have Lv.100 pokemon and it will be expected that the player has Lv.100 pokemon as well if we want to win the battle against the Champ. Therefore I don't think a Lv.75 (Solaris' Garchomp) is a strong enough pokemon to consider it's user - Solaris - as a possible Champion.

If that isn't reason enough to exclude Solaris as a possible Champ, perhaps Solaris was not Champion at the time that we battled him at Pyrous, but I still just don't think that makes him the guy we're looking for.

ZEL - I think we all fully understand that ZEL is just an admin for Meteor, and that's his only job xD To support that ZEL is probably the least likely Meteor member to be Champ, the levels of pokemon ZEL uses are just wayyyyyyyyy too low to even consider him. It's true you do battle him with the Lv.100 PULSE Abra (I think Ame might have lowered it's level to 75, I'm not sure. If that's true it just makes ZEL even less likely to be Champ) but tbh that wasn't his Abra, it was Meteor's.

If it's been a while since Lin stopped being Champion then whoever is the current champ must have Lv.100 pokemon, if they hadn't already had Lv.100's when they succeeded Lin (since they would've had allllllll this time to train their pokemon). If we had already met the Champ and battled them, you would assume that it would be a forced defeat because of their high-level pokes (sounds like Solaris...? but again, Solaris' Garchomp isn't Lv.100 sooo idk if this is enough to make "Solaris4Champ!♥" a thing;P) and every battle we've ever had against ZEL has expected the player to win.... sooooo ZEL is most certainly not champ xD

Sirius - Same case with Solaris and ZEL: Sirius has started appearing more in the game as we've got closer to Labradorra/Charous Mountain, which could either make him more or less likely to be champion, but I think it's more likely that it just means he has a powerful position among the admins of Team Meteor :P

Like ZEL, Sirius' pokemon are not champion-worthy - Lv.100. We've never had a battle against him where the game has been programmed as a forced-defeat either.

I think if anything, Sirius is just one of the highest-ranked admins in Meteor. I think there isn't enough evidence to speculate that Sirius is champion.

Lin - Lin used to be champion. There is always the possibility that she is champion again, although I think that is very unlikely. She's only ever made one appearance in the game, which goes along with the theory that a champion wouldn't be outside of the League very much, but Lin is the boss of Team Meteor. She is the busiest person in the entire organization... Of course she isn't going to make many appearances xD

[Quick Note, I think there's a small possibility that Lin and Solaris are both bosses of Team Meteor. Although Solaris is the slightly more active and operational boss and isn't seen by other Meteor members as just as threatening as Lin is, whereas Lin... well, we don't know all that much about her yet obviously but we can just say she is basically Meteor's mastermind xD At the very least, Solaris may have the most contact with Lin than any other Meteor member as both characters haven't made appearances in a while, they have similar villainous traits, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of discussion about either of the characters by other Meteors... perhaps because they're intimidated by their positions. Idk. I'm going off point now xP]

I think I recall someone saying that you can go over Level 100 in Reborn. Largely speaking, I don't think Solaris/Zel/Sirius can be ruled out as Champion candidates just because they don't have super powerful Pokemon when we battle them. I mean, look at Gary from FRLG. We battled him several times along the journey with so-called 'not champion-worthy' Pokemon - and he ended up being Champion. Same applies for N in BW. Having said that though, I definitely wouldn't consider Zel or Sirius to be Champion (that would actually surprise me). In fact, Zel hasn't made an appearance for a while now (still don't get how he/she works. Three minds fused into one body?)

I agree with you on Team Meteor being linked to the League though. Elias does seem to be part of the E4 (probably one of the higher ranks) - and I think Blake is also part of the E4 - and judging from Solaris's dialogue, he seems to be well acquainted with him. Maybe Laura got 'fired' because she was the only member of the E4 not directly linked to Meteor?

Edited by Xiri
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Well, I don't think it is possible for Anna to be the champion......

Because......after the events of Elias taking away Luna in episode 11 (which is, of course, after we defeated Radomus), if you look at the TV, Gossip Gardevior interviewed Anna because Anna become the new phychic gym leader.

Since it doesn't make sense for someone who's already the champion to become a gym leader, I think Anna couldn't be the champion of Reborn(though I wish she is)............

(sorry for bad english cuz im chinese......)

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Blue (Gary is his anime name and Blue is the in-game counterpart;P I think he's named Green in the anime as well, but it doesn't matter any ways) and N are (kind of, in N's case) rivals throughout the story of FR/LG and B/W though. Blue and N battle you sporadically throughout the game and actually follow along with the players adventure and aim to reach the pokemon league, just like the player aspires to. The rivals are different to the champions, bosses and team admins of the criminal organizations in the games though:/

N is awkward to discuss because he's kind of a rival and a boss (although he technically becomes a champion when you fight him at N's Castle as well;P but realistically Ghetsis is Team Plasma's boss as well) and there hasn't been another situation like his, but other than N there has never been a Boss/Team admin in a pokemon league before... (Well, Malva is part of Team Flare but she's not necessarily an admin... we only meet Malva after Flare has been disbanded so:P) I mean I get that Reborn is Reborn and almost anything can happen, but still.

Every Champion in all the games have at least a pseudo legendary pokemon. In the FR/LG pokedex, there's only one pseudo available and Blue doesn't even have it :P Although he does have his starter pokemon since he's your rival, so that's the reasoning behind why Blue is an exceptional champion... but N, taking into account that he is a rival, Team boss, and technically a champion all at once by the time you fight him at N's Castle, he sends out a Zekrom/Reshiram right off the bat when you battle him ._. which to me, having a legendary pokemon kinda makes up for not having a pseudo xD

N and Blue aren't the real champions of Kanto and Unova though. Before Blue became champion, Lance was in charge (and had a Dragonite, which is Kanto's only pseudo-legendary) and N fought Alder before the player (Alder has Volcarona... which is actually 50 base stats short of the definition of a pseudo legendary pokemon... although in BW2 Iris is the new Unova Champion and she has Haxorus, which is a pseudo :'))

What you said about Laura leaving the Elite 4 I agree with though. I'm not entirely sure if it's that reason alone, since I assumed that she was kicked out of the league because Elias promised to get Bennet into the E4, but it is definitely Meteors doing regardless. I wouldn't be surprised if Bennett started doing work for Team Meteor soon (whether he is naive enough to not know he's helping them or not)

I still don't see why the Meteor Admins/Semi-Leaders(?) cannot be Champion candidates though. Alright, let's exclude Blue and N out of the frame for the moment. In all the Pokemon games, we fight the evil team leaders multiple times - and their levels increase from battle to battle, which means that Solaris (I'm just going to say Solaris here, because I'm pretty sure Zel or Sirius can be ruled out... or can they?) could still be the Champion. He does have a pseudo (that friggin Garchomp) - which I think is what you believe a Champion should have (by the way, Haxorus is not a pseudo. It is commonly mistaken for one though). Also, Wallace doesn't have a pseudo in his team either (he's still a Champion xD)

I wonder who has the 'power' to kick someone off the Elite Four. Obviously, El is involved in this - but I doubt he could have done it alone.

EDIT: Ninja'd

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It's okey all that about El, Solaris and Meteor involving on the Championship but the question is how in game Ame approve something like that with Laura. Or is complete secret the background of El/Solaris/Lin as Meteor members or some plot hole?

Anw what I think about is

El (Meteor Member),

Bennet (Under El's control is like under Meteor control),

Anna (Maybe will follow Laura's fate soon as Anna is someone who opposite Meteor so El can do something about that as he do with Laura wich also is/was opposite Meteor. Anna like Laura have connections with the 4 keys and Meteor don't want her around)

Heather (Low chanche but I think is like Anna and Laura and maybe she will have the same fate or El was about to do that but you (as hero/heroeine) will be on E4 before she fired from E4. Heather like Anna and Laura also have connections with the 4 keys and I think Meteor don't want her too. Also on the Jungle Taka and Zel said something like "You know who she is" (Well she was Corey's daugther who was a Meteor member so maybe they mean that)

Champion Lin/Solaris/Fern

I will explain about Fern. First I'm with the above posts about Lin/Solaris. Lin can be Champion and the "new one who emerges" can be either Solaris either Fern or you the hero. Lin as all know will die. She can die before you battle her or after. In every case either Solaris/Fern can be Champion for a while until you take the spot or even you can take it from Lin after she die

This can be with Solaris or Fern as well

Also Ex E4 members

Arclight (for me he can always be a E4 Member or Champion), Laura, Anna (Maybe soon), Heather (also maybe soon)

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@Xiri Out of all the Meteor leaders we currently know about, Solaris in my opinion is most likely to be champion (and then just before/just after we battle Solaris in the league, something with Taka happens, idk - Solaris' Tyranitar is a pseudo as well btw :')). Most of the champions have a pseudo legendary pokemon at the very least. Lance (the champion before Blue-then Red-whooped him) has a Dragonite/Blue only has his starter but I've already explained that/Red is a champion... but he technically isn't at the same time xD because Kanto and Johto share the Indigo Plateau as their league, and Lance is the champion there, +Red is the only playable character in the entire series of games that becomes an NPC and we get to battle, and whether Red becomes/became champion or not in R/B/Y/FR/LG is decided by the player beating Blue. In the Johto games and PWT it's never actually stated whether the player from R/B/Y/FR/LG beats Blue, but it is hinted (although that's not enough to confirm it:P) But anyways, Lance has Dragonite, Blue/Red are exceptions, Steven has Metagross, ...hmm, good point. Wallace doesn't have a pseudo... but Wallace isn't actually officially a Champion though, he's a Gym Leader. In Emerald he's only holding the role of Champion because Steven isn't available at the time... Ugh idk though, I don't know everything about Hoenn because truth be told I've never finished Sapphire/Emerald because the game I have is a pirate copy and it corrupts each time I beat the champion and the credits end ;-; ..but anyway:P Cynthia has a Garchomp, Alder retires and Iris becomes the new champion, and she has a Hydreigon (whereas Wallace was only substituting the champion role for Steven if I'm correct...?) and Diantha has a Goodra

...That's my opinion on the Meteor Leaders though. Ultimately, I'm certain the champion is someone with links to Team Meteor, but the identity of the champion...

I think the identity of the champion is either Solaris or Fern. More likely to be Solaris since Lin being succeeded by Solaris sounds more likely since they're both Meteors... but for Fern I think he'll reach Charous Mountain's summit before the player and he gets to battle the champion (Solaris?) and when Fern wins he becomes champion... (Lin succeeded by Solaris... Solaris succeeded by Fern... it would all go well in Meteors plans since all three characters help Meteor) ...but it's short lived until the player comes along and beats him down

But I'm still not sure about the Fern idea... because that's practically copying Blue/N since they reached the league before the player in R/B/Y/FR/LG and B/W and I know Ame wouldn't implement that into the game because that would be unoriginal:/ I'm really not sure now, my brain hurts x_x

This amount of speculation is getting me excited for the upcoming episodes so much xD. I'm really curious on how everything will work out in the end.

Yes I agree that Solaris has the highest chance to become the Champion out of the Meteor Leaders. Can't really describe it logically, but I can just see him as Champion. Lin's gonna die soon, according to Shade's Gym (although I have a different theory on this too) - so I don't think she's going to be the Champion

Urgh Fern becoming the Champion... that makes sense but its disgusting xD

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Oh forgot this

Explore the vast Reborn Region, from the faltering metropolis, to the Tourmaline Desert where people and trains alike seem to disappear in thin air, and finally the peaks of the Carnelian mountains where the mysterious champion awaits...

But what few know is that the fate of the region actually rests in the hands of a few young girls...

One who's lost her mind,

One who's lost her family,

One who's lost her memory,

And one who's lost reality...

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Luna - Emerald

Heather - Ruby

Amaria - Sapphire

Anna - Amethyst


erm i just got a weird feeling that its el cain just says that hes one of the elite not neccearly 1 of the elite4 and we have no idea what level of pokemon he has or what his tean is comprised of so the jury is still open on him

also i realy dont think that if el was in the e4 he'd be in any position to offer bennet a place in the E4

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erm i just got a weird feeling that its el cain just says that hes one of the elite not neccearly 1 of the elite4 and we have no idea what level of pokemon he has or what his tean is comprised of so the jury is still open on him

huh, wut r u talking about O_O?

also, iirc you could battle El at one point, episode 8 I think

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huh, wut r u talking about O_O?

also, iirc you could battle El at one point, episode 8 I think

he uses 1 ditto to mimic arceus but that says nothing remember our tag battal with laura back in the tezan cove? also wasnt that a easter egg or somthing? i didnt play back then

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huh, wut r u talking about O_O?

also, iirc you could battle El at one point, episode 8 I think

Level 65 Snorlax, easter egg before Bennett iirc

But just like Amaria, those levels are probably not exactly accurate in the future.

don't care though, will still believe that Lin is the champion.

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I looked through some old league battle-logs and noticed that Elias used to be a normal-leader in the online league. So I guess we´ll encounter one tough normal-type team in the elite four? I kinda like the thought. Normal is pretty underrated ;)

I think the elite four will have two types each, be arclight (electric,rock) mysterious person (grass, water) , bennet (bug,flying), ame (ghost, dark) the champion will have a variety of pokemon

I don´t think this will happen. Arclight probably won´t play a huge role in this game until you beat the league, then you can enter the reborn nightclub and probably fight him. In the online league he was the electric-leader btw, so no sign of rock-types and no reason for him to have them here.

Bennet has some Bug-Types that have no secondary flying but no pokemon that have no bug type, so I consider his team as Bug-Monotype. He´s a bug-expert anyway, not a flying-trainer.

Amethyst herself won´t be in the elite four. She herself said that she won´t play a huge role in this game, so I don´t think she´ll appear with a ghost and/or dark team in the elite four. She´s only an admin, registring people into the league and doing all that stuff like assigning new leaders if old one can´t be leader anymore.

Dunno what to think of "mysterious person". You all mean that one person who talked to you when you exit that one place with Arceus, right? I don´t think it´s a member of the elite four, it´s some kind of entity, I dunno.

My guess is: Blake for Ice-Type Elite and Anna for Psychic-Type Elite. But maybe Blake is simply an ex-leader? This could also be the case. I think Anna is an elite though, because when Noel tried to tell us something about Anna, she instantly interrupted him. Could´ve been like "Then you might as well tell him that Anna is a member of the elite four" or something. Who knows? Well, only Ame does ._____.

Champ is going to be Elliot, though. That´s pretty obvious.

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Isn't he that Youngster with the Lv.20 Gothita and Lv.60 Luxray on Route 1? (Idk if his pokémon have changed since Episode 10)

Yup, that's the one. His Pokemon are the same as they were at the end of the quiz, they shouldn't have changed at any point.

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