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Elite 4 Champion?


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Guys wait. All these assumptions with the meteors has made me have a breakthrough.

Lin is 1 possibility Solaris is a 2nd. El is a 3rd. 1 meteor+1 meteor+1 meteor=3 meteor.

Halflife 3 confirmed In all Sirius-ness I've had a change of heart and am kind of hoping Solaris is the champion. Although the argument "he has lv. 75 Garchomp so he cant be champ" was brought up, that's not true. If you remember in pokemon emerald, when you fought Maxie at the space station with Steven, Steven only had a level 44. Yes i know the argument can be said, "well steven isn't champ in emerald" but he was a champion at one point, and the next time you see him, his levels go up. What's stopping Solaris from leveling his pokemon up? Aside from that, the only people i can really think of for champ are:

Solaris/Lin. That is all

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Lin isn't champion any more although we know for a fact that she was once.

I haven't read the info you're getting this from, but I think you might be getting a few things mixed up. There was once a competition run by the community on Pokemon Online called the reborn league. Lin was the champion of that competition in its first season. I'm pretty sure that's the only reborn league she's ever been confirmed to champion so far.

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damn, they figured it out, it was elliot all along

Did you see this? Now it's confirmed ^_^

I really don't know anymore, too much speculation (i still hope it's Ame, but probably not)

Edited by Gaunt
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I feel like Ame mentioned at one point that she wasn't the champion, but I could be completely wrong. I don't think it is anybody that we have faced yet. Anna is a great assumption that she is in the Elite 4. Blake and Elias are supposed member still. Laura was one until E13. I still think that Laura will be reinstated in the Elite 4 in a later episode.

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Ame - Not Champion... She's our 'Professor' and Leader of the Reborn Rebuilding Commitee (or what it was called), and most likely acts as a mayor and highest ranking Police Officer (recalling the first scen of the game where she went to interrogate a Meteor Grunt...) and kind of administrator of the Reborn-League (Charlotte said something like "Ame must have made a mistake, let's go and talk to her.")

Fern - Wasn't he supposed to be Flobots replacement, if she was retired? (I think he mentioned something that he was better than his sister and therefore he should be leader and that'S why he started his journey to proof it by becoming champion?)

speaking of which... what happened to Flobot and Julia? - What will Flobot say to Fern that he joined Team Meteor?

Meteor Admins ZEL / Taka - highly unlikely... if they were the champions why should they take orders from Solaris/Sirius/Lin?

Lin - former Champion ... out for Revenge of being defeated???

Anna - Noel wanted to reveal Anna's position but was silenced... she could be an Elite 4 or even Champion OR just the substitute Psychic-Leader (maybe Radomus get's killed, invalidating his badge and we have to battle Anna for it to be validated again...)

Now for the really interesting part...

Let us assume the following:

- El is Elite 4 (as he said he has connections for Bennet...)

- El is tied with Meteor

- Laura was fired because of El making room for Bennet

-- Laura might not be mentally strong enough to protest against this - as we see her crying and all with Charlotte after she got fired (why this is important later...)

- Bennet is under El control and therefore under Meteors control

--- 2 out 4 Meteors

- Blake is Elite 4 (Ex-Leader) and under Meteors command

--- 3 out 4 Meteors

- Anna as 4th Member, who was then put into the Orphanage after her parents died from something Team Meteor did

-- Meteor wanted her out of the way and ordered Sigmund to accidentally kill her during one of his treatments

-- Anna is mentally way stronger than Laura (as a Psychic-Trainer) and may be able to read minds, that's why Meteor wanted her out of the way because of their plans, and cannot fired from her postion as easy as Laura.

The Ultimate Question - WHO is the Champion?

- The Champion gives administrative orders to League-Administrator (Ingame-)Ame (e.g. to fire a member like Laura)

- Ingame-Ame might not know the TRUE-identity of the Champion

- The Champion must be connected to El, in regards of listening to him and fire Laura to replace her with Bennet

- Therefore the Champion is SOMEHOW connected to Meteor ... maybe just through El

- Lin is NOT the Champion, we know that!

- Solaris is most likely not the Champion... otherwise he would give Lin the orders and not the other way around (why would Lin lose to Solaris in a Champion-battle and then still order him around)

The moment Lin dies it's most likely over for Team Meteor... that way the Meteor thrat is out of the world... but one Threat remains!

El and his Arceus-Cult around the Citre Arc D'astrea(?)!

And if we look at the line-up stated above... 3 out of 5 Members seem to be connected: El himself, Bennet and the Champion!

Now... we know El has a Level 100 Ditto that Transforms into Arceus... WHY can this Ditto transform into Arceus? a Ditto needs to see something to transform into it - There must be an Arceus around!

The Champion is Arceus! - who poses as a 'normal' person to not be discovers and has Pokemon to fight under his control like Mewtwo in the first Pokemon-Movie!

But Arceus is weakened, not imprisoned in the citre arc d'Astrea and El, as an Elite 4 discoverd it!

Both (El and Arceus) use the Ditto to act like a normal Person in terms of being the Champion, and Arceus uses El to give orders in form of writing etc.

That is why El wants to get the 4 Gems to give Arceus his power back!

That is why he joined forces with Team Meteor -> to get the Gems!

That is why he wants to get rid of non Meteor/Arceus-cultist Elite 4 Members, they could discover his secret!

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Ame - Not Champion... She's our 'Professor' and Leader of the Reborn Rebuilding Commitee (or what it was called), and most likely acts as a mayor and highest ranking Police Officer (recalling the first scen of the game where she went to interrogate a Meteor Grunt...) and kind of administrator of the Reborn-League (Charlotte said something like "Ame must have made a mistake, let's go and talk to her.")

Fern - Wasn't he supposed to be Flobots replacement, if she was retired? (I think he mentioned something that he was better than his sister and therefore he should be leader and that'S why he started his journey to proof it by becoming champion?)

speaking of which... what happened to Flobot and Julia? - What will Flobot say to Fern that he joined Team Meteor?

Meteor Admins ZEL / Taka - highly unlikely... if they were the champions why should they take orders from Solaris/Sirius/Lin?

Lin - former Champion ... out for Revenge of being defeated???

Anna - Noel wanted to reveal Anna's position but was silenced... she could be an Elite 4 or even Champion OR just the substitute Psychic-Leader (maybe Radomus get's killed, invalidating his badge and we have to battle Anna for it to be validated again...)

Now for the really interesting part...

Let us assume the following:

- El is Elite 4 (as he said he has connections for Bennet...)

- El is tied with Meteor

- Laura was fired because of El making room for Bennet

-- Laura might not be mentally strong enough to protest against this - as we see her crying and all with Charlotte after she got fired (why this is important later...)

- Bennet is under El control and therefore under Meteors control

--- 2 out 4 Meteors

- Blake is Elite 4 (Ex-Leader) and under Meteors command

--- 3 out 4 Meteors

- Anna as 4th Member, who was then put into the Orphanage after her parents died from something Team Meteor did

-- Meteor wanted her out of the way and ordered Sigmund to accidentally kill her during one of his treatments

-- Anna is mentally way stronger than Laura (as a Psychic-Trainer) and may be able to read minds, that's why Meteor wanted her out of the way because of their plans, and cannot fired from her postion as easy as Laura.

The Ultimate Question - WHO is the Champion?

- The Champion gives administrative orders to League-Administrator (Ingame-)Ame (e.g. to fire a member like Laura)

- Ingame-Ame might not know the TRUE-identity of the Champion

- The Champion must be connected to El, in regards of listening to him and fire Laura to replace her with Bennet

- Therefore the Champion is SOMEHOW connected to Meteor ... maybe just through El

- Lin is NOT the Champion, we know that!

- Solaris is most likely not the Champion... otherwise he would give Lin the orders and not the other way around (why would Lin lose to Solaris in a Champion-battle and then still order him around)

The moment Lin dies it's most likely over for Team Meteor... that way the Meteor thrat is out of the world... but one Threat remains!

El and his Arceus-Cult around the Citre Arc D'astrea(?)!

And if we look at the line-up stated above... 3 out of 5 Members seem to be connected: El himself, Bennet and the Champion!

Now... we know El has a Level 100 Ditto that Transforms into Arceus... WHY can this Ditto transform into Arceus? a Ditto needs to see something to transform into it - There must be an Arceus around!

The Champion is Arceus! - who poses as a 'normal' person to not be discovers and has Pokemon to fight under his control like Mewtwo in the first Pokemon-Movie!

But Arceus is weakened, not imprisoned in the citre arc d'Astrea and El, as an Elite 4 discoverd it!

Both (El and Arceus) use the Ditto to act like a normal Person in terms of being the Champion, and Arceus uses El to give orders in form of writing etc.

That is why El wants to get the 4 Gems to give Arceus his power back!

That is why he joined forces with Team Meteor -> to get the Gems!

That is why he wants to get rid of non Meteor/Arceus-cultist Elite 4 Members, they could discover his secret!

Radomus won't die because he didn't die but something went down between him and El over Luna I believe. Plus Shade's gym would've shown Radomus die if it did happen.

The Arceus thing can be explained. 1. El has studied Arceus a long time so would've known loads about it. 2.The place where the ditto transformed is filled with 'holy' energy since it would be near to where the meteor or whatever lays behind that door rests. Bennett is a member of the E4 because of what El promised him back at Serra's house and evidence to back this up is what happens in Charlotte's gym.

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Radomus won't die because he didn't die but something went down between him and El over Luna I believe. Plus Shade's gym would've shown Radomus die if it did happen.

The Arceus thing can be explained. 1. El has studied Arceus a long time so would've known loads about it. 2.The place where the ditto transformed is filled with 'holy' energy since it would be near to where the meteor or whatever lays behind that door rests. Bennett is a member of the E4 because of what El promised him back at Serra's house and evidence to back this up is what happens in Charlotte's gym.

But Shade's Gym didn't portray Eclipse's death - so Radomus's death is still a possibility (but I don't want it to happen though)

The Champion being Arceus itself... wow that I never thought of.

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Let's go over the people that were "killed" in Shade's gym

Kiki - gym leader

Amaria - gym leader

Corey - gym leader

Lin - ???

I don't know if that has anything to do with anything, but I think it has to be either Lin, Heather or El.

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The moment Lin dies it's most likely over for Team Meteor... that way the Meteor thrat is out of the world... but one Threat remains!

El and his Arceus-Cult around the Citre Arc D'astrea(?)!

And if we look at the line-up stated above... 3 out of 5 Members seem to be connected: El himself, Bennet and the Champion!

Now... we know El has a Level 100 Ditto that Transforms into Arceus... WHY can this Ditto transform into Arceus? a Ditto needs to see something to transform into it - There must be an Arceus around!

The Champion is Arceus! - who poses as a 'normal' person to not be discovers and has Pokemon to fight under his control like Mewtwo in the first Pokemon-Movie!

But Arceus is weakened, not imprisoned in the citre arc d'Astrea and El, as an Elite 4 discoverd it!

Both (El and Arceus) use the Ditto to act like a normal Person in terms of being the Champion, and Arceus uses El to give orders in form of writing etc.

That is why El wants to get the 4 Gems to give Arceus his power back!

That is why he joined forces with Team Meteor -> to get the Gems!

That is why he wants to get rid of non Meteor/Arceus-cultist Elite 4 Members, they could discover his secret!

I always thought that the voice in the Citre-watumacallit was Arceus him/her/it/xeself who had decided to orchestrate the events of reborn for the sake of entertainment. El may well be in for a rude awakening.

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But Shade's Gym didn't portray Eclipse's death - so Radomus's death is still a possibility (but I don't want it to happen though)

The Champion being Arceus itself... wow that I never thought of.

But Eclipse is a minor character compared to Radomus. It didn't show Tara's or other meteor grunts deaths either, Ame isn't going to kill Radomus since he isn't dead.

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There's also the fact that unlike the IRL Kiki and Corey who died from unfortunate circumstances, Radomus left Reborn for personal reasons and is still living. And since Ame is basing off the game from what happened in the League then I doubt that she'd just kill Radomus off out of the sudden.

Edited by Sarun
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But Eclipse is a minor character compared to Radomus. It didn't show Tara's or other meteor grunts deaths either, Ame isn't going to kill Radomus since he isn't dead.

I never said Radomus will die. It was just speculation. But you do have a good point. I forgot that the leaders were based off of real people - so you're probably right.

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I found 2 interesting trainer sprites one the folder characters

Trainer046 and Trainer047 so maybe the rest of E4?

I'm pretty sure Trainer046 is an Ace Trainer (can't really remember the exact name). She was one of the Gym Trainers in Charlotte's Gym.

I think Trainer047 is also an Ace Trainer, and was also present in Charlotte's gym (although I'm not too sure on him)

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I'm pretty sure Trainer046 is an Ace Trainer (can't really remember the exact name). She was one of the Gym Trainers in Charlotte's Gym.

I think Trainer047 is also an Ace Trainer, and was also present in Charlotte's gym (although I'm not too sure on him)

I don't even remember how they look :P

But those Reborn theme colors on their clothes and white hair looked suspicious to me

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I found 2 interesting trainer sprites one the folder characters

Trainer046 and Trainer047 so maybe the rest of E4?

Probably the new ace trainer sprites, as he above said. I've tried peeking at the graphics folder just to see if there were any unused graphics and I've had no luck. Ame doesn't seem to have put anything for future episodes in the game itself.

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