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My Team as of Episode 13


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So as you may all know me (or not because i'm boring and i haven't been on in months) but I used to be pretty active so i kind of "caught" up to the recent episode and i just wanted to know how my team is because I'm done with episode 13 as of now.


Froggeh Lvl 71 (Greninja)

Ability: Timid


-Dark Pulse


-Rock Smash


Beauty Lvl 67 (Gardevoir)

Ability: Modest






Batman Lvl 70 (Crobat)

Ability: Bashful






Maco Lvl 62 (Sawk)

Ability: Careful






Venu Lvl 61 (Venusaur)

Ability: Docile






Legend Lvl 63 (Arcanine)

Ability: Hardy





So I guess that is my team and I also guess i have some explaining to do....well about the "Rain Dancing Sawk" well you see i figured if i used rain dance in the Charlotte gym battle it will all work out and it did and plus i didn't know who else to put it on because well idk it worked ok :/....oh yea! About Venu...well he has strength because i needed that for something (I forgot) but i remember i was far away from a PC so i was like "what the heck Venusaur is pretty big and strong". And taking a look at my team i have a big psychic weakness so yea that is a thing......also....um....well the reason they are so low leveled is because i used to just fight with Gardevoir, Geninja, and Crobat but then I realized i needed more mons but it was too late in the game so i just went through some pokemon (Camerupt, Aggron, Magmar,Electrode, Manetric, Scrafty,and Clefable) but none of them just "fit me" so i need some help and that is where you guys come in so give me them suggestions :D pretty please?? with a little ice on top....maybe a few scoops of vanilla ice cream? ^_^ ^_^^_^

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other with the leveling up i dont see much problem here since we have alredy delt wiht the psycic gym the next leader is speculated to be flying and yo have nothing on your team for that im not sure what back ups you have also i have reason to beleive we will need dive next episode so i think you may be visiting the move deleter

just read the last paragraph again you have 2 electrics swap them for swak and venasaur

ps i have a full team and a full team of backups id say get them all between 68 and 70 im planning to get mine all to 70

Edited by sandy
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Just a few notes

- Get an hm slave(s) and don't waste moveslots on your main pokes

- Consider Spikes for Greninja instead of Rock Smash

- Consider Haze on Crobat instead of Bite

- Give Sawk Retaliate or Counter to replace Rain Dance

- Give Venusaur Leech Seed and Sleep Powder, forget strength and Nature Power

- Give Arcanine Thunder Fang, Extreemspeed.

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