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[Worlds Apart: Vyker] FafnirChan [Critique]


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Hi all! ^o^/

Hel8627 here, and welcome to FafnirChan, the one-and-only message board for the Fafnir Collective!!

Some of you may know us as hackers and terrorists, but that makes me sad QAQ

We're just a group of fun people who like to have fun doing what we love!

So, aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, recently this thing called the "Yggdrasil Journals" popped up, and it's apparently going to be full of stories and stuff soon OwO

I know some of you out there love to critique other stories and stuff, so this part of the messageboard is for just that! Feel free to tell everyone what you think about the stories in the Journals ^w^ Have fun!

Well then, 'til the day the world freezes over,

Hel8627, signing out ~ <3

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007_Omega signing in.

i just wanted to say this, but i noticed a high level of Viking Symbolism, and it's a nice touch! keep up the good work!

007_Omega, over and out.

Edited by K_H
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Hey-yo, YggdraSilly_777 here! I heard the word critique, and man I like that. XD

Soo, 'bout this first story that's been loaded, it is good stuff for sure! I mean, it is really well written, thrilling and carries a strong sense of moral - something that is lacking a lot to the new generation of writters and people in general.

Of course, for that same reason it's not much realistic. I mean yeah, good-cop who gets screwed for sparing kids? We all know Valkyrie is made of tougher, colder stuff than that. If that was a true situation the damned bastard would have blown everything up for sure lol.

... What brings me to next topic. Where are these stories coming from? I mean, there's no autor signature anywhere to be seen, not even a fake nameor avy, and I guess we should expect that from a writer wanting to show his work. Also I don't seem to be able to post, so some mod is selecting those stories and putting them there. Am I to understand you guys are trying to make these stories look as if they were real?

YggdraSilly_777 signing out and looking forward to the next ones!

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God_Slayer Signing in.


Yes, It does seem like the archetypal "Kill a few to save many" situation, doesn't it? It might not sound realistic, but I can assure you that the events described are based in truth. There actually was a sniper named Malik Timayev within the ranks of Valkyrie's sniper core. And he actually did defect after a certain mission. and he actually was ordered to make a shot that would've killed Loki but also many children in the process.

I knew this individual quite well, you see. He was Executed a little over a year ago after a...certain incident led to his capture. He came to me and asked me not long ago to author a few things should he perish... I honestly found his tale too interesting to pass up the chance to put it to paper. I accepted.

And now I'm fulfilling my promise. everything you see in that story is bound in cold hard facts my friend. In fact, the only difference it has to what transpired is that certain individuals have been assigned pseudonyms for privacy sake. Everything that you will soon see me publish on these message boards is based off of information provided by Timayev's own verbal retelling of events, as well as the contents of his private journal files.

I am sure you notice the use of the first person in "Defectors". There is a reason it is like that, and it's quite simple; I did not write this account. He did, before he ever came to me. I'm just doing him a favor and posting it on the nets now along with...well, everything.

It is not as black and white as it seems. everything with Malik will grow to become far more complex than it seems. this is just the tip of the iceberg.

God_Slayer Signing off. Until next time.

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I think we should focus on understanding the truth hidden within plain sight.

Oftentimes, beginnings hold the answer to a myriad of questions.


how important is the truth? that is the question many have asked. that is the question none have answered. p://erhaps you'd like to give it a go

the first story was a very intriguing read. i never knew that such a man existed. nowadays, it's hard to find someone who's brave enough to defy orders like that. you really have to applaud his bravery. ultimately, it is the result of an action which decides its morality though. reality is not as kind as to judge people by their intent. life is not as simple as whether we mean to do good or evil. .consider for a moment what morality means, and you'll see what I'm saying. only the individual should have the right to judge their actions, but that is sadly not how it works. many a person has tried to defy this truth, and all have ended up being persecuted.

/now, as for the second story. as a matter of course, when I say "story", I refer only to narratives. even an AI like BRYNHILDR can feel confused. my mind was blown by that suggestion. given that AIs are in charge of our entire network systems, it is troubling that such an arbitrator should have feelings of doubt. xenophobic as it may be, I greatly question the notion of leaving our security in the hands of a nonhuman. 5 minutes is all it takes for an accomplished hacker to break down a security net.


Well, that's all for now. Always remember to search for the truth hidden in plain view.

'Til the day the world freezes over,

Hel8627, signing off~

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d_Malic10us has Signed in:

d_Malic10us: Imo, if the AI feels such emotions, it s prolly just a cruel joke by whoever coded it.

d_Malic10us: Like, those things have an entirelly different outlook on reality than a human being. Those emotions are not entirely valid in their environment. Perhaps if they had their own spectrum of moods...

d_Malic10us: Who knows tho, maybe it s just that construct hacking in action. It messes things up I tell ya. Give it a few years, and we will have seemingly incomprehensible data all over the place.

d_Malic10us: It just brews such messy results that are nothing like anything you could actually write.

d_Malic10us is away.

Edited by SithBaker
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007_=Om*/ega\ signin*g in.

I apologize fo\r the g]a%rbled *messa(ge, bu#t i've enco@untered some in$terference that has ma(de my con*nection go hayWirE. I'LL try t*o fix* *t%his ProbLe^m A#s soo*n as poss/ible, bu*t I'm -rea+llY so*rry ab#ou)t thE mes*sage be^ing th$is baD*.* I'll* ge^t thi#s pr#o)bl%em* fi^xed as% s*oon a&s po*ssi(ble.

007_&O%m#eg$a, ov@er an/d ou&t.

Edited by K_H
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