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Signature Pokemon


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Mine would've been Milotic, if... well, you know... SHE WAS ACTUALLY IN THE F&$%ING GAME!

Until then, I'll just go with my shiny Gardevoir. But remember Gardevoir, you're only temporary! Once Feebas is gettable, you're being replaced!

Edited by Eagleby18
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Solaris Garchomp

Sirius Manetric

As for me I would say my ace would be my Meganium, even though its movepool sucks compared to other grass types and its fallen behind pretty hard in the past its always pulled back and proved to be huge help in a ton of fights like in the Aster and Eclipse fight where it pretty much tanked everything. I probably couldv"e replaced it with a much better pokemon but it was with me from that start, its going with me to the end.

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For my playthroughs I always try to level and treat everyone evenly so I don't really have a signature pokemon.

In my Reborn run all members got their moment of glory and not a single one of them let me down.

But if I had to choose someone, then Blaziken, as my starter would be one.

Edited by Jaromir
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My ace huh? Well on the server its usually my Absol but for Reborn. I may have to go with Aromatisse. Its slow yet dependable for boss battles if I can pull off the calm minds and misty terrain, heal up with draining kiss then finish them off with a moonblast Long live Fairy Tail!!!

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My ace would be Feraligart, the first game of pokemon that i played was silver and obviously i choose totodile. Help me a lot and now it also helps me a lot in Reborn!!

I wonder if he would have a mega-evolution in the future which is pretty possible.

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Umbreon has been my ace through most of my playthroughs, and when I stop being lazy I'll do the side quest for eevee in reborn to get it. Other pokemon that I consider my aces are Kingdra and Primeape

Well you can only access it on nights of a certain weather (windy), so I'd say the next windy night is the perfect time to stop being lazy.

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Well...my signature pokemon would be Sableye......until it got an mega evolution which I really don't like............

And since I'm currenty using a monosteel team, my signature pokemon gradually become Klinklang...


So this is kind of the list that i have accumulated so far from the awesome help i got from you guys.

Julia- Electrode

Fern- Roserade

Florinia- Cradily


Shelley- Volbeat



Kiki- Medicham

Cal- Magmortar

Heather- Salamence

Radomus- Gardevoir

Cain- Nidoking

Aya- Dragalge

Noel- Clefable

Amaria- Lapras

Solaris- Garchomp

Taka- Chatot

Saphira- Dragonite

Lin- Hydreigon



Charlotte- Ninetales

Luna- Umbreon

Serra- Froslass

Bennett- Yanmega

Laura- Lilligant

Anna- ???


Zel- Eeveelutions










I think Anna=Gothitelle, Hardy=Gigalith, Blake=Cloyster(or maybe Walrein?), and Victoria's signature pokemon should be Gallade instead of Emboar(probably)

(sorry for bad English)

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Diggersby has done so much for me, it's just crazy. Corey? Nothing. Shade? Normal type, just Earthquake all his ghosts! (Except for those with levitate, that Mighthyena took care of em) Aya? Pushover. Serra? Strengh OP. Radomus? Strengh OP again. Luna? Hammer Arm mu way out. Charlotte? Rain dance Ludicolo then Earthquake till doom.

Diggersby tho?

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Shade's signature isn't Chandelure. Look back there is a certain person he buried and pokemon he named after said person. My ace is the truest starter in this and any pokemon game. The real dragon Charizard. I would have chosen him for the playthrough but choosing a fire type starter in this game is pretty much playing on easy mode especially when Dragon Rage runs the 1st third of the battles.

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Shade's signature isn't Chandelure. Look back there is a certain person he buried and pokemon he named after said person.

I'm pretty sure it is Chandelure. I highly doubt his ace would be something he picked up one Episode before we get to fight him.

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