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Signature Pokemon


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  On 9/16/2014 at 3:52 AM, Damage said:

Shade's signature isn't Chandelure. Look back there is a certain person he buried and pokemon he named after said person. My ace is the truest starter in this and any pokemon game. The real dragon Charizard. I would have chosen him for the playthrough but choosing a fire type starter in this game is pretty much playing on easy mode especially when Dragon Rage runs the 1st third of the battles.

The leader line-up page also shows that Shade's ace/signature is indeed Chandelure.

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So many people on this thread have Charizard or some Starter as their signature (yeah, Charizard's so overrated that he has his own spot aside from starters). Here's a hint guys: the word "signature" means it's something that identifies you, and sets you apart from others. Charizard can't be your signature when he's EVERYONE'S signature!

Edited by Eagleby18
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  On 9/14/2014 at 10:54 PM, Jaromir said:

For my playthroughs I always try to level and treat everyone evenly so I don't really have a signature pokemon.

i do this as well but reguardless of level a dragon will ALWAYS be my ace

true eagleby i dont really have charizard as mine but he is close as a dragon lover you could say that any dragon type could be my signature

Edited by sandy
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My signature ... well Eeveelutions but my favorite of them all, my Ace - Glaceon!


I always liked Eevee and his evolutions (my brother and friends totally under appreciated them in Gen 1 and 2 so that's where I got my obsession with an Eeveelution team)

Eevee is just so cute and cuddly in general

And in Gen 4 when I heard that there is an Ice-Type Eeveelution I was so happy that I shed a manly tear.

Ice being my favorite-type, and Eeveelutions my favorite = JACKPOT!

and now (after I beat Charlotte) I will grab my best Eevee from the PC and head over to that Ice-rock to get my precious ace/signature

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When I was a lad, I played through my Blue version. In the Safari Zone I came across a little snake named Dratini, the first Dragon-type I have ever met. It was mediocre, nothing to scream at, but I kept using the little guy. Then he evolved into Dragonair, and yet still nothing to sneeze at. I kept leveling him up, not knowing the potential hidden. And then it happened. My Dragonite evolved and sealed it within my heart through the generations. Like its name, my faithful warrior, my knight, will always be my signature Pokemon.

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I have different favorites from each generation

Gen 1 my signatures were Hypno and Jolteon

Gen 2 I had 4 that I loved - Crobat, Umbreon, Houndoom, Suicune,

Gen 3 It was Swampert, Flygon and Milotic(although I was usually too lazy to get myself one)

Gen 4 Garchomp

Gen 5 Scrafty, Mienshao, Chandelure

Gen 6 Delphox, Greninja, Chesnaught (favorite starters of all Gens)

As for Fern, Roserade is his obvious signature but I believe Ferrothorn better matches his annoying personality.

And as I wrote this, I realized FER(rothor)N. It all makes sence!!!

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