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My Team -- In the making


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I've just finished Episode 13 and decided to swap my team around, using the same pokes, but with different Evs and such, as i feel that my old pokes are rather useless... :(

What i Plan on getting for my New Team

Greninja -- Lvl 75 decent iv in SpA and Spe, 4Hp/252SpA/252Spe Hasty(to be changed to Timid) Protean

-Ice Beam (Bred in e12)


-Dark Pulse


Diggersby -- L75 Adamant yet to ev train (to be 252Atk/252Spe/4Hp) Huge Power

-Swords Dance


-Hammer Arm

-Bounce (might change to return if i know how [if there is that tm])

Noivern (Shiny) -- L54 Bold(to be changed to timid or modest) soon to be (252SpA/252Spe/4Hp) frisk


-Dragon Pulse

-Air Slash

- Sth Else (Suggest Pls)

Metagross L48 Lonely To be (252Atk/252Spe/4Hp) Clear Body

-Zen Headbutt

-Bullet Punch

-Meteor Mash

-Hammer Arm (to change to eq when it comes out)

Galvantula L75 Hardy (to be changed) 252SpA/252Spe/4Hp Compoundeyes

-Sticky Web


-Bug Buzz

-Charge Beam

Gonna Hatch Soon

Gardevoir -- Lvl 0 252SpA/252Spe/4Spd? Rash(to be changed to modest) Trace

-Hyper voice (when her mega evo comes out)


-Shadow Ball


Scrafty -- Lvl 0 252Atk/252Spe/4Def Bold(might change to adamant) Moxie

-DD (to be bred)

-Drain Punch(to be bred)


-Rock Climb

Wondering to Train or Not to Train

Gengar L45 Mild Nature

Pyroar L69 Moxie Hardy

Darumaka L1 Sheer Force Adamant

Hawlucha L70 Unburden

Smeargle L36 Technician Timid

-Sketch (if i find out how to sketch Transform)

-Sticky Web


-Aqua Ring/King's Shield

Comments and Suggestions Are Appreciated. Pls help me build my team!!! XDXD

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well, i think mostly your teamates are fine, but seriously, all atker should have 252 atk/spatk EVs but NOT always 252 speed EVs. Metagross even with 252 EVs speed will not let it move first in gym battles (trust me, i throw my first metagross to a "useless box" and breed a new one because of that reason). Especially when you got Bullet Punch to revenge killing and Hammer Arm will lower your speed, invest EVs to speed is USELESS (of course it can still kill something- i mean, all semi-legends can do that, but basically a waste). Use last 252 EVs to bulk (HP for leftover item or at least 160 EVs to sp.def for Assaul Vest in the future are best ways to pick). And Diggersby is the same. 252 EVs speed for that thing is- damn- big waste. I got 200 HP- 252 ATK and 58 DEF and it's really good. One of the most important move for him is missing- it's Quick Attack. Trust me, when max speed cannot let it go first when dealing with some fast pokemon (base 90 speed and above, example- Charlotte's Typhlosion), and Hammer Arm (again) will lower your speed, Quick Attack is the key. Remember how Aqua Jet exists on EVERY AZUMARILL in OU? Quick Attack is basically the same. When you got Sword dance once, QA can kill almost every-not-tanking pkms around. (and if you ask me, Return can be breeded through male Lopunny).

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