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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [Interest check]


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Hey guys, I’ve always wanted to write a story and create my own Pokémon region. The idea was to have a bit more realistic approach to Pokémon because let’s be honest; 10-year olds traveling around with OP monsters that can control nature and paranormal stuff? Yeah right. But this gave me an idea to start my own story, but before I realized it, I turned it into a RP. I used some things that happened in the games and anime to give Ymora Region a unique history. Aside from that most things will work differently: a unique training system, strong opponents using competitive teams, egg moves and items work differently, support moves are extra’s, all Pokémon become available during the RP (including ORAS new mega’s) with the exception of Legendary Pokémon. There are some restrictions in the beginning since Pokémon are evaluated on their nature and behavior.

And this is what I came up with so let me know if you’re interested or not:

The idea behind the RP:

Hey Diary, it’s me again! Everyone’s favorite Pokémon trainer and future professor! Haha, I’m just kidding. A failed attempt at humor, I must admit, since I’m not really in the mood for jokes.

Traveling through Johto was definitely a good idea. I’ve seen a lot while traveling other regions but what I saw today was one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. It has strengthened my resolve to do something, to change this world as we know it. Anyway, I’m drifting of. I was on my way to Goldenrod City to meet up with professor Oak, who was visiting for a radio show in the Radio Tower. I was almost there when I saw two kids having a battle. I could see that both were rookies, conquering their first league; or at least trying. I remember one kid saying he had 6 badges and the other only had 1. The kid with the 6 badges was using a Donphan and was rather skilled; the other had a Magmar out. I was fascinated. Magmar is a rather rare Pokémon and I was curious how this rookie would handle it while having a disadvantage. The outcome was clear. The rookie kept ordering for fire attacks, while Donphan easily took it and dished out some ground moves. Magmar fell after doing a rather decent job and the rookie completely lost it. I was about to go when I heard screaming. The skilled kid was lying on the ground; his face covered in flames. The rookie just stood there smiling while his Magmar obviously felt terrible about it. The look in the fire type’s eyes, I will never forget it.

Luckily I had my Slowking with me. I warned the police and brought the wounded boy to the hospital as fast as I could, only to find out the burns were too severe. The boy would have to live on with scars on his face but what was worse was the mental trauma. And the culprit, you ask? Well, the authorities couldn’t do anything. He was underage and made a ‘mistake in judgment’ and still had to learn what sportsmanship was. All the psycho had to do was say: “I’m sorry; I’ll never do it again.”

Next week I’m going back home with new convictions. Something has to change with this messed up system. During my travels I’ve seen a lot. People stealing Pokémon or robbing little kids, Pokémon going out of control and destroying everything, accidents happening because of inexperienced trainers, petty arguments about paying after losing a battle, but never ever have I seen a trainer order a direct attack on another trainer. This system has to change and I will do it. I will accept the offer to become Professor Hazel’s assistant and with his help I will make a new system that will mean something. I won’t aim for small changes like they did years ago. Politicians who knew nothing about Pokémon changed the age from 10 to 12 and what did they reach?

“I’m sorry. I ruined your life. I won’t do it again.”

My decision to travel through the regions once again was the right thing to do. Even I couldn’t predict the results I’ve come up with. It’s time for a change.


Still interested? Welcome to the Ymora Region; famous for its breeding programs, Pokémon Academy and birthplace of the Licensed Trainer System.

Ymora Region

Ymora is located South from the Hoenn region and shares a similar climate when it comes to temperature. It’s warm through the entire year with a very hot summer and frequent rain showers in the winter. Snow can only be found on Snowpeak Mountain which is 24.681 feet high. Because the mountain stands alone people offer refer to it as ‘Lonely Mountain’ or ‘Fourth Brother’. It is located on the western part. The region is almost split in half by a mountain range; Boulder Hills. This range has 3 peeks so people called it The Three Brothers. Between these mountains is Valley Road; popular for being the safest passage from north to south and many vendors along the way. Valley City is located directly in the middle and is considered the heart of the region. Directly south of the Boulder Hills lies the Southern Forest; Ymora’s biggest forest and a part of it is under the Academy’s direct supervision.

The south-east part of Ymora is famous for its natural hot springs. The waters are deep and it’s advised not to go swimming there. From the different havens tourist boats make a tour around the small islands. Under these islands is a gigantic underwater volcano that’s still active, causing steam and hot water. The volcano is connected to the natural hot springs on land.

The main attraction in the northern part is Cape Ducklett; famous for its beautiful beaches. Many tourists come here to relax and to take the Safari Tour. This tour includes visiting the Safari Park; including a swamp area for certain Pokémon species and Hippowdon Reservoir; a small desert-like area where Pokémon live.

(I’m trying to make a map in paint)


Recently a group of archeologist discovered written scrolls about history. Not every part is readable but the part that survived, tells about a dark history. The records start 120 years ago when the regions as we know them today, were divided into 43 Kingdoms. It was a dark time. The human race, who didn’t understand anything about Pokémon, used their powers to wage war with each other. Kingdom after Kingdom fell. Some surrendered, others got conquered and one even self-destructed. After 45 years of suffering only 17 remained standing.

One of these Kingdoms was the Kingdom of Greadia; located south of Boulder Hills. Greadia was considered one of the most powerful ones and many tried to make an alliance with them. But King Reynard refused. He was a young but wise King that preferred peace. The records tell that he didn’t want his children to grow up in a war, but not everyone shared his opinion. In the end he was betrayed, by whom the records don’t tell, but war threatened the Kingdom of Greadia once again for another 10 years. And then the war suddenly stopped. Records speak of a meeting of Kings held in Greadia, but no one knows the reason why. Those records were lost.

The last scroll tells the story about the youngest son of King Reynard; Prince Edmund. The young prince was mature for someone who just turned 10 years old and he had discovered something. Pokémon bonded with people after spending time with them and they loved friendly battles. It helped them grow as both a species and an individual. So the young prince, who never left the castle because of the war, wanted to see Grealia with his own eyes while traveling with his Pokémon. The King, who was tired of arguments, agreed on one condition. He summoned some of his very best knights who gained achievements through the war. He gave them each land spread out through his Kingdom so his son could travel to them and challenge them to a battle. Only when the young prince defeated all 8 knights, he would be rewarded by fighting the Kingdoms 5 strongest warriors.

The last part on the scroll contained a summary. After the borders were open for tourists, other Kingdoms copied the system. Some saw it as a tool of training potential soldiers, while others took it even further and organized a big event where everyone could battle each other after defeating 8 knights. The very first Pokémon Leagues were being held.

But this system was all but perfect. Incidents through the entire Kingdom happened. Some Pokémon went berserk because their trainers couldn’t control them, others used them to rob innocent people and some children went missing to never be seen again. Maybe they got caught in an accident, maybe something worse happened, but no one knew. There was no media to report it, no records kept by the authorities. Years went by using this imperfect system.

Meanwhile humanity made progress. There were no wars being fought, brilliant minds started researching Pokémon and technology made progress. It was one of these inventions, radio, which was the demise of the Kingdoms. Accidents were recorded and reached the commoners ears, reports of missing children and people abusing Pokémon to rub innocents were the daily reports. The commoners begged the King to do something about it, but they did not see any change. It was then that the rats of society, power hunger people, gained influence. They started preaching about everything had to change and started working together to expand their influence, even across the borders. They came up with a new system that sounded like music to many peoples ears. 12-years olds could now start a journey under the supervision of a famous professor. In return for keeping track and giving rookie trainers a suitable Pokémon that most likely wouldn’t go berserk, they would receive extra funds from the government. They also preached about how a democracy would benefit everyone. People would have a say in what happened in the Kingdom, something that was denied to them for a long time. As a results royal families lost power and Kingdoms merged forming a Region under the ‘guidance’ of a government chosen by the commoners. Power to the people! Everything for the commoners! Hooray for the new system! It sounded pretty good 40 years ago, but it didn’t change anything.

Luckily most corrupt government officials lost power over the years. They kept playing dangerous games to increase their influence and every now and then it would backfire. It did when television and political shows came out and people noticed the trainer system hadn’t changed for the better. Things went completely wrong for said officials when evil teams appeared almost simultaneously throughout different regions. People started to panic when Hoenn almost got destroyed by Legendary powerhouses, Sinnoh was on the verge of being sucked in a different dimension, Team Flare blew an entire village up in an attempt to destroy Kalos, meanwhile Team Rocket robbed people and in Unova Team Plasma self-destructed and is still fighting one another. And all of this happened in just three years.
It was then when a certain brilliant professor released a paper he had been working on for many years. He had the support of all important professors and his contained research from professors Oak and Rowan, who vouched for it.

Professor Redwood’s LT-system gained international attention and convinced Ymora’s government. They agreed to fund the Academy that Redwood already started building. And while other Regions were still debating and arguing about what should be taught and what not, the first graduates from Ymora’s Academy participated in the League 5 years ago. What they showed was outstanding. They obliterated every non-graduate and convinced everyone; from government officials to people opposed to the idea. Pokémon battles became more popular than ever and the League attracted more public which increased the economy. Ymora blossomed under this new system.

Licensed Trainer System

The LT-system is based on professor Redwood’s paper to change the old system were 12-year olds started a journey. Now they can just go to Pre-Academy (non-mandatory) for three years. However in the year future trainers turn 15 and they still want to go on a journey, they have to follow a 3 year training program at the Academy. They learn everything about Pokémon, sportsmanship and economics. When a student graduates, he or she receives a unique Pokédex that contains the trainer license. It gives trainers the right to challenge gym leaders, participate in tournaments, contests and all other battle-related things involved Pokémon. Trainers will also receive free treatment in Pokécenters.

With the system change, the gyms changed as well. Leaders have to meet certain quota to qualify as a gym leader. Right now there are 12 different gyms located through the entire region, under the supervision of the Leagues President (previous champion). Trainers have to beat 8 of them to earn the right to compete in the Ymora League.

It works similar for coordinators. The amount of contest increased to 10 and they have to win at least 5 of them to enter the Grand Festival.

And last but not least: Breeders that graduate receive an extra Breeding License. This shows their capability and helps them to start their own Breeding Facility or work in one.

But what really made this system unique was a Pokémon Danger List. Professor Redwood included certain Pokémon that shouldn’t be trained by rookie trainers. These Pokémon include species that have a rather violent nature, pseudo-legendries and Dragons. Especially combined they’re shown to go berserk if not handled correctly.


Head: Professor Craig Redwood

Assistants: Rebecca and Brendan. They help the professor with his studies and are usually the ones to show up when he needs something. They also pass on the paperwork in his name.

Board (Is that the correct term?): I’m still working on this. I like there to be at least one person to oppose Redwood.

Programs: Trainer program, Coordinator program and Breeder program. All three are playable.
Trainer program: Everything a trainer needs to know. It varies from types to items to a Pokémon’s health. Students following this program usually aim to become a well-known trainer. They are the ones going around challenging gyms in the hope to beat the League. Some of them aim to become a gym leader, E4 member or even a Champion. Its very battle orientated.

Coordinator program: They learn the same basics as a trainer, but the battle portion is slightly less. They also have the opportunity to perform in the Contest Hall; therefore they have classes orientated on how to make a Pokémon truly shine. This includes moves and accessories.

Breeder program: This program is the least battle orientated. It’s very different from the other two as a Breeder usually decides on a certain type. Of course they learn about every type as well as how to recognize different eggs, egg moves (works different) and how to make sure they hatch properly. It’s a unique course that’s offered in Ymora. Breeders use their knowledge to their advantage in battle and aren’t to be underestimated.

Or as professor Redwood likes to say: “A true Pokémon Master has the heart of a trainer, the eye of a coordinator and the knowledge of a breeder.”

Teachers / Staff

-Devin ‘Drake’ Cadmus. Classes: Dragon Types and Pokémon Habitats
-Phoebe Arlyn. Classes: Water Types and Items & Berries
-Tyron Silva. Classes: Gym / P.E., handyman, supervisor male dorms.

-Others yet to make (minor characters). Some of them might make an appearance or will only be mentioned. (Some teachers and of course Redwood’s secretary and assistants)



-NPC’s. I have a few ideas for some small characters. This includes some girls since most here are males or play male characters.

Academy ground and buildings

The Academy Grounds are massive, including the forest. The borders are drawn by a stone wall of 8 feet in height and 2 feet thick. (2.5m by 1m)
The grounds mainly consist of large grassy fields with trees and some flower patches. In the summer students like to hang out at the various wooden tables that can be found. There are also 20 battle fields spread throughout the grounds. All of them are found either in pairs or in groups of 3. The northern border is made of caves based on the bottom of Boulder Hills.

Main building: When you enter the terrain, you’ll immediately see a massive building made out of white stone. It contains 7 floors; including the entry hall, a large gym at the back, a cafeteria on the 1st floor and a healing center on the 4th floor. The Academy’s Pokémon are also kept in the Professor’s Lab which contains the entire 7th floor.

Contest Hall: Students following the Coordinator Program use this all the time. It’s made out of the some stone as the main building. It has a big stage and some really crafty equipment to change the background and even the stage. Students can perform for an audience of over 300 people. Professor Redwood also uses it to hold the graduation ceremony and to welcome new students at the beginning of the year.

Arena: It is built with the idea of hosting the tournaments finals in here. Students have the opportunity to show the entire school what they got and aim to battle here. There is room for 500 spectators.

Training Facility: It’s the newest building and the pride and joy of the academy. It contains the newest equipment for improving a Pokémon’s individual skills. You can compare it to EV training or the Battle Club that was shown in the Black and White Series. If you look at it from above, it resembles a turtle.

Dormitories: Since the academy is internationally famous and students from all the different regions come here, there are large dormitories available. Students usually share a room with one other person from the same year and program. First years get the first floors and so on. The boys dormitory is located next to the forest, while the girls dormitory is in the south-east corner of the grounds.

Academy Forest

(Still trying to make a map)

The forest is located at the base of Boulder Hills and is a part of the much bigger Southern Forest.
Natural rock formations form the borders in both east and west while a fence keeps it separated from the Academy in the south. Students can’t leave the forest and that’s one of the reasons of the Academy’s location. A lot of Pokémon types are found here with the most common ones being Bug, Flying, Grass, Normal and Poison types. Other types can be found due to the small human alterations. There are also 4 incredibly powerful Pokémon living here, but only 3 of them occasionally leave the forest.

In the east there’s a bit of a sandy area where Ground types and others species you’ll find in a Desert environment are common. It’s also the main place to find Fire types, but some of them roam around free through the woods. In the rocky areas, which make up the northern border of the forest, you’ll find Rock, Ground and Steel types along those species that like to live in mountains. The caves are only partial open to students since it’s a real maze in there and it can be a bit dangerous.

Almost in the middle of the forest, located at the mountainside, you’ll find a natural lake. It’s rather big but most part lays hidden in a cave in the mountain. A lot of Water Pokémon can be found here, but if you want to enter the cave you’ll have to take a swim or go around and take a path in the mountains. There are also 4 human made streams that run through the entire forest in different directions that are connected to the lake. It’s easy to find different types of Pokémon along the streams.

In the western part there’s a cold cave, again altered by humans, where Ice types are found. They usually stay in the cave where snow machines keep a consistent amount of snow and when temperature threatens to rise, it blows cold winds. It doesn’t activate too much since the Ice types can keep it pretty damn cold themselves. This cave can be easily entered but be sure to dress warm.
At night Ghost and Dark types become more active and are found through the entire woods, but it’s strongly advised not to go at night for certain reasons mentioned below.

Even though the forest contains many different Pokémon and types, some are harder to find. Unless they have a common second typing, students have to look harder if they want to catch a Fighting, Psychic or Electric type.
Dragon and Fairy types are super rare. There aren’t many Fairy types to begin with and most don’t live in a forest, unless they have a common secondary typing. Others may not be found in the forest. Same goes for Dragons; there aren’t many Dragons around and most live in secluded areas. Over the years they have a rather ‘hard to tame reputation’ so only three Dragon evolution lines can be found: Flygon, Altaria and Noivern.

4 OP uncatchable Pokémon
With all those Pokémon and students wanting to catch them, there are 4 Pokémon keeping the balance and peace in the forest. They are often referred to as the 4 guardians.
Steelix: Often referred to as King of the Hill or King of the Mountain by students. He’s the oldest, biggest (even for a Steelix) and strongest Pokémon around. He lives in the mountains and is rarely seen by students. He can basically be anywhere in the entire mountain range. He’s not very friendly do to things happening in the past, but he intends to ignore students. The only humans he respects are Devin and Professor Redwood. If a student threatens a Pokémon or nature, Steelix will throw them out of the mountain and attack when he sees them again.
Lapras: She’s the only female of the 4 guardians. She can be found at the lake, but usually resides in the part that’s covered by a cave. She’s friendly and has no problems with students as long as they are respectful. Out of all the 4 guardians she’s the easiest to spot since she rarely leaves the lake. Despite her friendly appearance she’s strong and shouldn’t be messed around with. Out of all the humans to visit her, Phoebe is the one she’s close to. Lapras is the only one that has no interest in leaving the forest.
Sawsbuck: Also known as the Forest Prince. He shares the same past as Steelix, but isn’t that old. He has the habit of glaring at students that pass by. If he thinks they disrespect Pokémon or the forest, he will attack and drive them out of the forest. He lives in a herd more and can mostly be found in the eastern part, but will protect the entire forest. Just like Steelix he only has respect for Devin and Professor Redwood. He’s also the reason why catching a Deerling is one of the toughest challenges for students. Sawsbuck leaves the forest from time to time to keep an eye out in the much bigger part of the forest.
Trevenant: An upcoming rookie who likes to challenge Sawsbuck authority. He’s more active at night and tends to wander around the western parts. He also likes to show whose boss by grabbing students by the ankles and hang them into trees. He’s the reason why students are advised to avoid the forest at night. Despite being a ghost type and being active at night, he’s easily to spot since he’s the only white Trevenant around. He’s also the only one to enter Academy grounds (hence why the fence was installed) and becomes active during the day when Sawsbuck isn’t around.

Available Pokémon / Evolutions / Moves / Battle Strength / Items & Training

Available Pokémon: Since the Ymora region is famous for its breeders all Pokémon from gen 1 up to 6 can be found. Most are available for a starting trainer with a few exceptions:
- Most Dragon types are considered too difficult to handle at first, so they aren’t available. PC’s have the opportunity to catch one a bit further into the storyline. Flygon, Altaria and Noivern are available early on. (At least their evo line)
- Pseudo-legendries aren’t allowed as a starter. Most have a pretty violent nature and are considered dangerous and should be handled with care. The only exceptions are Metagross and Goodra. Dragonite balances on the edge of being considered dangerous. Yet again, most are available a bit further down the story. And since pseudo’s are rare; every PC can have up to 1 of them.
- Fossils are also rare but obtainable, with the exception of Tyrantrum. They are available early on in the story and can be found in the Academy’s forest.
- Legendary Pokémon are not obtainable. They are super rare and barely show themselves.

Evolutions: Professor Rowan had a break through with his studies. He discovered that certain Pokémon need the outside influence of an item (you all know the list) extra energy that’s released when another Pokémon evolves (Pokémon you need to trade but don’t need items), or the influence of another species (Shelmet and Karrablast). Professor Rowan managed to build a prototype machine that will meet every expectation listed. Aside the one he has in his lab, he donated one to the Academy for usage. This means you don’t need to find someone else for an evolution trade. All you need to do when a Pokémon is ready, usually 10 levels after he last evolved, is to bring the required item, if any, and go to professor Redwood.

Evolutions based on happiness still work the same. If you choose a starter that evolves this way, its happiness is already high but the body can’t keep up. Usually it happens around level 20-25. (Or not if you want to keep Eevee or something around)

Pokémon moves: They also work a bit different. I’ve split them up in amount of attacks, HM’s & TM’s and egg moves.
- Recent study results showed that a Pokémon reaches his true potential when he only knows 4 attacks and 2 support moves, making a total of 6. The support moves are things as Swords Dance or Spikes, but you can be original about it. Rapid Spin, if not used as an attack, can count as a protective move (like Gary did in the anime). Aside from spinning hazards away it will deflect attacks (watch out in doubles) and reduce the damage. Other moves can count as well but be creative with it and keep in mind they don’t damage your opponent.
- Egg moves are a bit special. Since Ymora is famous for its breeders, it only makes sense to allow egg moves. However, a Pokémon still needs to grow. So a Chimchar with Mach Punch, Close Combat, Flare Blitz and Thunder Punch isn’t allowed. Every Pokémon can know 2 egg moves at the start if they are stab with max base power 75 and accuracy 100. If the accuracy is 90% or less, the power can be increased to 85. So a Chimchar with Blaze Kick and Double Kick would be allowed. No coverage moves yet, since they will be obtainable through rigorous training. Support moves are allowed.
- HM & TM don’t exist. You can’t go around shoving discs in Pokémon. Pokémon will learn these attacks (if they are able to) through special training or level up.

Leveling system: This is also split in 2 sections.
- Moves learned by level up: I don’t care about the levels that are used in game. As long as a Pokémon can learn it by level up, feel free to use it. I just want to see some growth as it isn’t all that fun to start with a perfect move set. Coverage moves, other egg moves and HM’s & TM’s are learned in the Training Facility.
- Actual level system: This works just like in game. The higher your level, the more effort you need to put in. In the beginning it will go rather fast, so I’ll keep this updated. But at the start it’s 2 battles and 1 training session as soon as your Pokémon hits level fifteen. (Or 2 intense training sessions and one high level battle)

Battle Strength: Basically every Pokémon has its own strength and weaknesses. You can turn an Aggron in a tank which is capable of taking hits while having a Greninja that’s superfast and can dish out while being somewhat frail. But like in the anime; sometimes there are OP Pokémon. It depends on the trainer and how you do things, but keep this in mind: Cynthia sweeping Paul 6-0? It will happen. All in 1 hit if you go around challenging Devin or any other teacher if you aren’t careful. Or remember Flint’s Infernape being able to take hits by using his arms as a shield? It will happen. It’s not as effective on the strongest Pokémon, but some characters are on a completely different level so you can’t fight them head on. There are ways to beat them if you can figure it out. And don’t worry; you’ll reach that level someday.

Battle tactics and items: In battles items and berries aren’t allowed. It keeps battles much more fun since who wants to see a Greninja only being capable of using Dark Pulse while out-speeding everything? Aside from that you’re pretty much free to build your team and use whatever tactic you like. There are trainers that use weather to their advantaged and some other things you can find competitive. Since every Pokémon can learn 2 support moves the possibilities are endless. Weather works the same as in competitive and monotype teams are common in Ymora, so learn to deal with your weaknesses. You’ll also have opportunities for double battles and team battles. So go nuts with finding your own style!

Items & Training: Still wondering how you’re going to take those strong characters on? Well, by doing the right training of course! Ymora Academy has a training building where you can more or less EV train (EV’s and IV’s don’t exist though). Here you can focus on what your Pokémon needs or its strengths. Different machines are there to help you, just like an entire bunch of items. Besides being able to train a Pokémon stat, here’s the place to try and learn certain moves; especially those that cover your weaknesses. Some training methods are still unorthodox but training methods are still developing every day.

About those items: these are mainly the ones used in competitive battling. They help with increasing stats.
- Choice Band: strengthens a Pokémon’s muscles by sending pulses to hit harder.
- Choice Scarf: you can alter the Scarf’s weight and let your Pokémon run around with it. After a while, its base speed will increase when you remove the Scarf.
- Choice Specs: sends pulses to the inner organs to gather more strength to use special attacks.
- Leftovers are to train stamina.
- Life Orb is for doing a lot of damage while having low stamina.
These are just a few examples to give the general idea. Every item does, more or less, the same thing as in competitive. You can also use them while using a certain move to get used to it.

Major Characters

Name: Professor Craig Redwood
Age: 37
Appearance: He’s 5’9” with slicked back black hair and brown eyes. He’s slender build and keeps up his shape by exercising and running. When he’s working he always wears a white lab coat.
Personality: He’s a true genius but doesn’t brag about it. He’s friendly, caring and helpful. He has a hard time refusing requests even if he has a busy schedule. He’s a quick thinker and resolved many problems in the blink of an eye only using his brains and friendly personality. People around him are quick to trust him.
Profession: He specializes on the behavior and mentality of both trainer and Pokémon. He works closely together with Samuel Oak as their specialty overlaps on certain parts. He’s famous for scientific articles he worked on with Oak and he’s the founder of the Licensed Trainer System. He has close contact with Professors Rowan and Sycamore in case he needs their opinion on evolution and how it relates to a Pokémon’s mental condition.
Pokémon Type: He uses all types of Pokémon. Most of the time he uses them in battle to research something or to demonstrate to students, but don’t underestimate his skills.
History: He started his journey like any other kid back in the day. He was pretty good at battling, above average skills, but was more interested in Pokémon’s behavior and their thoughts. He traveled through many different regions, exploring new Pokémon and learning from the best Professors. They were all impressed by his brain and years later he’s still on good terms with all of them. He implemented the Licensed Trainer System.
Extra: He passes all the paperwork onto his secretary and other staff while he’s busy with his own studies, thus making him head of the Academy only in name.

Name: Devin ‘Drake’ Cadmus.
Age: 48
Appearance: A tall man (6’2”) with short red hear and small beard and grey eyes. He has a strong jawline. His arms and chest are muscular which gives him an intimidating look. He wears grey pants along with a white shirt.
Personality: Devin is a strict trainer without going overboard. He likes to let his Pokémon roam around free because he trusts them. Aside from that he’s calm, friendly and doesn’t hesitate to help people. He’s overall well-liked by people and his Pokémon. He won’t stand for mistreating your Pokémon.
Profession: Teacher and E4 Member.
Pokémon Type: Dragon
E4 Team: He as every dragon type (apart from the legendries) and has been seen using all of them. Mega Charizard and Mega Ampharos are not included.
History: The oldest and most powerful member of the Elite Four. Devin doesn’t like the spotlight and to be referred to as ‘E4 Drake’. When the Academy was build, he didn’t hesitate to take up a position as teacher. He’s good friends with Professor Redwood.
Extra: He owns a mansion which he entirely built out of wood, despite earning enough money from past tournaments he won. Instead he spent all of it on a big garden which he decorated so his Dragons feel at home.

Name: Phoebe Arlyn
Age: 23
Appearance: Light blond hair that reaches her neck and brown eyes. She’s 5’3” making her the youngest and shortest teacher. She usually wears a blue shirt and ripped jeans.
Personality: Outgoing and wild. She tries her best to put her students first and act like a teacher, but fails from time to time. She loves teasing males, (mainly Devin), and has a sense of humor. Students often refer to her as Phoebe as if she’s one of them.
Profession: Teacher and her free time she helps out in a Water Type Breeding Facility back home.
Pokémon Type: Water
History: Phoebe is the youngest of three siblings. Her parents are well known for breeding water Pokémon so she grew up with them. Her older sister (older sibling as well) is the current water Gym Leader.
She won the Ymora League twice. The first time she won it on her first attempt at a young age. After that she traveled some other regions, mainly to discover more about water types, but she didn’t compete in any other League. She came back a few years ago when the LT-System was implemented. Even though the competitors were of much higher skill, she dominated the league and won. She went on and challenged Devin, but lost 3-0. Many people thought she would take over the gym, but two years ago she took a job as teacher.
Extra: Rumor has it her skills are on par with the Elite Four.
Her brother (second child) is a bit of a rebel and is the only one in the family that trains electric types. He’s currently traveling through Sinnoh.

Name: Tyron Silva
Age: 28
Appearance: Spiky brown hair. He’s 5’7” and as a bit of an athletic look. He’s always wearing something sportive and sweaty.
Personality: Tyron is very loud. When he teaches; he yells and laughs. When he’s doing chores; he’s either playing loud music or whistling. He’s always busy and likes to makes his students sweat. He takes his job as head of the male dorms serious and believes he’s responsible for them.
Profession: Gym / P.E. teacher. He’s also the handyman and has a room in the male dormitory. If one of his chores takes too long, he spends the night there. He’s also the head of the male dorms.
Pokémon Type: Mainly fighting types with some steel ones that are extra weak to fighting; including Aggron and Bisharp. His ace is a Mienshao that’s always out of its Pokéball. As long as it’s bipedal and can dish out, he likes it.
History: Born and raised in Hoenn. His father, Sherman, owned a building company and came in contact with Redwood through Professor Birch. Redwood was looking for a company to build the Academy, while Sherman was looking for an opportunity to expend to the Ymora Region. After visiting and spending a holiday in Ymora, Tyron’s family decided to stay. After traveling for a while, Tyron came back when his father fell ill. Unfortunately the man died and to honor him Tyron asked for a job in the Academy his father built. That was 4 years ago, one year after the results of the first generation LT-system graduates.
Extra: He truly believes his Mienshao will one day mega evolve.

Champion and E4

Name: Unknown. He keeps his identity hidden. There are only a few people who know who he is and they respect his secret.
Age: Unknown. Rumor goes from late twenties to early fifties.
Appearance: Again there is not much to say. He’s average height and always hides his face under a hoody and scarf. Not even his hair color is known. He doesn’t appear much in public as far as people can tell.
Team: Over the past years the Champion used different Pokémon. His ace is a Mega Tyranitar.
History: When the Ymora League switched to the Licensed Trainer System, the previous Champion organized a tournament to celebrate this event. The prize for winning was a place amongst the Elite Four as he planned to step down. There were many strong competitors, however one stood out. He covered his face with a scarf and hoody and he still battles that way. This man proved to be far stronger than the rest of the competition and was given the chance to join the Elite Four and battle them for the new top spot by using a playoff system. Many expected Drake to win, but in the end even he lost. The only words Drake spoke were ‘I should’ve known’ before bursting out into laughter.
Extra: His T-tar swept his opponent 6-0 in the tournament finals. This was before mega evolving was discovered.

Elite 4
E4 members don’t have a set team. They tend to switch around between 8-10 Pokémon.
Name: Devin ‘Drake’ Cadmus. See Major Characters section.

Other E4 Members
I’m planning to let all the E4 members make an appearance. Some might get a bigger role; I’m not sure about that exactly. Anyway I’m still working on them.
So far I’m thinking about a Dark type trainer (because I like Dark) and either two of the following types: Ground / Electric / Flying / Fire. Or I might go for 3 of these instead of Dark since it’s not very original.
Ground since I really like it and it’s a strong mono; Fire because it can easily counter its weaknesses and it’s a cool type; Electric because it’s unique; Flying because it’s unique and it can be OP as hell. (Well, in my monotype experience on PS anyway)

(Still working on these guys)

Team Universe / Apocalypse: (for now, I might change the name if I can come up with something better). It’s a secret organization that isn’t known yet. They are behind some events that happened in the past and will reveal themselves somewhere in chapter one or two. (I’m still working on the plot). I have yet to develop the characters, but I’ve got a general idea.
Leader: Unknown. Even his own goons don’t know his real identity. They simple refer to him as ‘Boss’ or ‘Leader’. Only his admins know his identity.
Admins: There are 3 of them. (3 separate or 2 + Doc; not sure yet). They use full weather based teams and are too much for students to handle when fighting seriously. They also use codenames.
Scientist: Known as Doc. He’s one of the three admins and second in command. He used to work for Professor Sycamore, but only Boss knows about this. He secretly copied everything Sycamore had on mega evolutions.
Uniform: Unlike in the games and anime where they all wear the same uniform, these guys don’t have that. Instead they have an electronic badge containing their information. It’s also used to ‘greet’ a colleague when they meet each other for the first time. Each badge looks different by rank and they all have the same symbol of infinite. (That 8 thing that’s lying down)
Goal: Yeah, I’m not going to tell this part.

Extra: I might add some ranks. It’s mostly based the community interest and which plot you choose. (See my questions for more information.) Some of them won’t hesitate to attack the opposing trainer directly when losing.

Playable characters:

- First year students! This mean you’ll be 15. (Or 14 if your PC’s birthday is after September 1st. Older 1st years need a reason) Keep in mind you can be from any region as Ymora Region’s Academy is pretty popular and has the best educational system. You can have one starter already at lvl 8 before Academy starts. And you can choose between the Programs.

- I may or may not allow you to be an assistant of professor Redwood. This means a higher leveled team and more Pokémon but I’ll have to look at it. I’m not all that keen on this but if people want it… It just takes some extra time to figure out how to keep these PC’s in the story. Also Redwood only has 2 assistants. And some colleagues but they don’t count.

- Antagonists! Basically I’ll give you missions to complete to rise through the ranks of Team Apocalypse. I have some ideas about this, but in the question section below this I’m covering this by asking for your input.

Okay, so now I’ve done all this and looked back, it’s a lot to take in. I just wanted to make it more realistic and challenging at the same time and, well, yeah you see the results above. I might’ve gone overboard with it but you can mention that in the questions below.

Questions from me:

Since this is my first RP, I like to hear opinions. I’ve prepared some questions about things I’m not certain about. Most are some details and I want to know what you guys (and girls) would like to see.

1. Are you interested in this?

2. Do you have a better name for the Antagonist team? xD

3. What type would you like to see for an E4 member? (I gave the options I was thinking about but feel free to add your own)

4. Would you prefer the option to play as a member of Team Apocalypse? If there’s interest in this I need some extra time to come up with a storyline for them. (and I can use a co-host with this)

5. If question 3 is used, should I use a separate thread for students and antagonists?

6. Any questions / remarks?

I’m still working on the plot. I would like to do all three years through the Academy but that might be a bit much. But how else will you be able to defeat the bad guys?

Oh and sorry for the layout if this turns out bad with all the spoilers but, yeah, it’s my first time doing this and I didn’t want to overwhelm everyone with a wall of text. (And I tend to include everything I have (especially details). It’s just something I’ve always done.)

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This looks very interesting.

For the antagonists name, the "Team" shtick is a staple in pokemon, but why not take a step away from that? It certainly opens up more possibilities for you to expand on the organisation.

For E4 types, probably Normal. Dunno why.

Morality choices are always a good idea in a story on the whole, and more so in an RP from what i've gathered. It allows people to create more characters than just the good guys.

yes, keep the threads seperate, you could do what Strat is planning, and act as a relay between the 2 groups whenever they encounter each other.

For a remark, please, please, please condense this somehow. It's a fuckton to remember, and that opens up the possibilities for bugger upsand misunnderstandings.

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1. I'd say I'm interested in this. Seems really well thought out so far in my opinion.

2. I'll definitely say something if I come up with a better one.

3. I'd love to see an electric and fire one.

4. I don't care as I think playing as a student sounds more interesting to me.

5. Probably yes

6. Are you saying that we can choose any pokemon and have it available to us from the start as long as it's not pseudo (exception being goomy and beldum) and dragons, etc.?

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1. Yes.

2. Team Pandemic

3. As far as I know there hasn't been a Fairy-type, Normal-type, Flying-type, Grass-type, or Rock-type. That being said, those types tend to be underpowered.

4. Playing as a student

5. You meant question 4. And I don't really care, lol.

6. Is there a system in place to keep everything neat as far as chronological order goes?

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1. Are you interested in this?

Hell yes, man! this sounds just so... wow. I gotta say, I'm impressed.

2. Do you have a better name for the Antagonist team? xD

I'd shorten it to something cryptic, like "Novus" or something like that, and drop the "Team" part of the name. like dobby already said, This would open up a lot more opportunity for the development of it as an actual organization instead of just the stereotypical team of terrorists that Pokemon has kinda made a tradition by now.

3. What type would you like to see for an E4 member? (I gave the options I was thinking about but feel free to add your own)

How about a Grass type? or a Flying type or electric type... or even... a fairy type? I honestly think that Grass, flying, and Electric tends to get glossed over pretty damn hard during the late game stages in most Pokemon games... so, why not?

4. Would you prefer the option to play as a member of Team Apocalypse? If there’s interest in this I need some extra time to come up with a storyline for them. (and I can use a co-host with this)

Hmm... interesting Offer... I don't really know. but whatever you decide to do, just make sure you don't kill yourself with the work load.

5. If question 4 is used, should I use a separate thread for students and antagonists?

Yes, this would probably be a good idea to keep it from getting tangled and jumbled together.

6. Any questions / remarks?

Damn man... I'm impressed... just... wow. That's all I have to say about this....just... wow.

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Well, this certainly sounds interesting. I can't say I've read the entire thing yet as it's so long, but I think I have the gist of it. I'd like to try to fit this in to my overloaded schedule if possible, but will see when the actual thread comes out. As for the questions...

1. Are you interested in this?

As I've said, yes.

2. Do you have a better name for the Antagonist team?

Not particularly, though as Dobby said, I think it'd be interesting to get away from the whole "Team" thing for this. Even just "Apocalypse" sounds better to me.

3. What type would you like to see for an E4 member? (I gave the options I was thinking about but feel free to add your own)

I don't really have a preference on this.

4. Would you prefer the option to play as a member of Team Apocalypse? If there’s interest in this I need some extra time to come up with a storyline for them. (and I can use a co-host with this)

Definitely yes. Even if I was the only one, I think this is definitely where I'd like to RP if I join.

5. If question 3 is used, should I use a separate thread for students and antagonists?

That's up to you. Though personally, I've seen that splitting up groups tends not to work. (As seen in my closed Aervana thread and Acquie's Aftermath. Both slowly faded away...)

6. Any questions / remarks?

Maybe when I finish reading it all, but for now, nothing other than well done.

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1. Are you interested in this?

Yeah, very much so.
2. Do you have a better name for the Antagonist team? xD

Apocalypse is awesome lol. Or Chaos.

3. What type would you like to see for an E4 member? (I gave the options I was thinking about but feel free to add your own)

dragon Dark, dark is fun. But yeah a Normal type E4 member-- now that I've got to see lol

4. Would you prefer the option to play as a member of Team Apocalypse? If there’s interest in this I need some extra time to come up with a storyline for them. (and I can use a co-host with this)

Everyone remembers the villain. Why the heck not? XD but yeah like Stratos said, don't overwork yourself though.

5. If question 3 is used, should I use a separate thread for students and antagonists?

Maybe not, just to keep things compressed. Sensei's done something like this without creating separate threads and it's been going fine lol

6. Any questions / remarks?

where does meat come from in Pokemon you should put this into the world XD I'll get back to this again since I wasn't able to read everything just yet, things are pilling up for me with regards to schoolwork

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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1. Are you interested in this?


2. Do you have a better name for the Antagonist team? xD\\


3. What type would you like to see for an E4 member? (I gave the options I was thinking about but feel free to add your own)

any type

4. Would you prefer the option to play as a member of Team Apocalypse? If there’s interest in this I need some extra time to come up with a storyline for them. (and I can use a co-host with this)


5. If question 4 is used, should I use a separate thread for students and antagonists?


6. Any questions / remarks?

sorry if its just yes and no's but that sums up my feelings in one word. BTW I'ma joining. That is if you'll let me.

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1. Are you interested in this?

Of course.

2. Do you have a better name for the Antagonist team? xD

Not sure, but it should be only one or two syllables.

3. What type would you like to see for an E4 member? (I gave the options I was thinking about but feel free to add your own)

Dragon, Dark, Steel, and Fairy, bc Dragon and Dark are almost obligatory and the second two are uncommon.

4. Would you prefer the option to play as a member of Team Apocalypse? If there’s interest in this I need some extra time to come up with a storyline for them. (and I can use a co-host with this)

There should be an option and I could help you a bit.

5. If question 3 is used, should I use a separate thread for students and antagonists?

No, unless they're in different locations.

6. Any questions / remarks?

I still think it'd be neat to get a legendary at some point. Not as a permanent party member, but more of a friendship sort of thing.

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For a remark, please, please, please condense this somehow. It's a fuckton to remember, and that opens up the possibilities for bugger upsand misunnderstandings.

Yeah, sorry about that, it's a habit of mine. Basically everything I posted is to show how this world works and / or related to the story somehow. I probably could do a better job with the training / items and moveset part though.

Only thing you need to remember at the start: movesets. Even though this is the breeder region I want to see some growth. All the rest (training / items) is something extra to show you can do more then just level a Pokémon up.

6. Are you saying that we can choose any pokemon and have it available to us from the start as long as it's not pseudo (exception being goomy and beldum) and dragons, etc.?

Pseudo's are very rare and not easy to train and so are dragons. They are the only ones you can't start with (they will become available) Apart from those: yes, you can pick any Pokémon. And since monotype teams are common: for those that want a dragon mono: Trapinch, Noibat and Swablu are allowed.

5. You meant question 4. And I don't really care, lol.

6. Is there a system in place to keep everything neat as far as chronological order goes?

Oops. You're right. I had another question that I can't remember and solved already so I didn't fix it xD

About that system: I'm still working on it. So far I have a few events planned and I'm seeing as to what happens when. (This is a lot easier for the evil team xD)

5. If question 3 is used, should I use a separate thread for students and antagonists?

No, unless they're in different locations.

6. Any questions / remarks?

I still think it'd be neat to get a legendary at some point. Not as a permanent party member, but more of a friendship sort of thing.

They are in a different location. Students will explore Ymora, antagonist carry out missions in other regions as well.

And I'll consider the option to befriend a legendary. I didn't think of that one.

Uhm something went wrong quoting Murdoc and I get an entire blank thingy. Anyway: Attempt number 2:

Extra remarks:

- Option to play as an assistent is scratched.

- E4 members: Dark is replaced with Electric. Other options are Flying / Grass / Normal and Fairy. I'm tempted to go with the first 2. (Dragon is already set)

- Separate threads will depend on how many people play as antagonist.

- 'Team' will be scratched. I might go for something as Apocalypse or New Age or something.


Gogoat, Miltank, Tauros, Bouffalant, ... xD

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Noted. I try to keep most advice in mind and use this topic as an update. Right now I'm working on the time schedule and maps. I suck at making maps.

I'll keep this topic for a few more days before opening up a sign up thread. I think there is enough interest to make it work, but I can think of a few others that might want to give their opinion. (If they are interested)

And I'm waiting for Hukuna to get his mojo back. I want to be sure I didn't jump the gun with the story and his questions usually are a great help.

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What's the verdict on Axew as a starter?

Redwood's paper: part about dragons:

Furthermore during my studies I’ve discovered that many dragons are the cause for destruction. Inexperienced trainers are almost certain to lose control when they reach full evolution. Most dragons have the power to lay waste to an entire village if not treated with care. Most dangerous ones are Salamence, Hydreigon, Garchomp, Haxorus. While the latter can be kind; if it feels threatened it becomes one of the most dangerous species.

The only exceptions to this are Flygon, Altaria, Noivern and Goodra (last is a pseudo so it is extremely rare and doesn’t make sense to be a starter). All the others depend a lot on the personality of the individual Pokémon.

Conclusion: Rookie trainers need to learn about dragons first before I believe they can handle it. Only exceptions to this are Flygon, Altaria and Noivern. In my plans to start the Academy I will foresee the opportunity for first years to learn and obtain about the other species. All of this will happen in a safe environment and under the close watch of my good friend Devin Jones, E4 member and future teacher.


Professor Craig Redwood.

In short: Axew (if you still want it) will be available as your 3rd or 4th Pokémon. I don’t want to spoil much but it will happen soon.

In the end most PC’s will end up with 6-10 Pokémon based on the decisions you make. And no; you don’t catch all of them.

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What about Dragalge, Dragonite, Druddigon, and Kingdra? Dragalge and Druddigon are implied to be violent but they aren't pseudos, Kingdra is strong and somwhat predatory but not particularly aggressive, and Dragonite is said to have a kind, caring nature.

also i wanna do a dragon mono sometime dammit

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1. Are you interested in this?


2. Do you have a better name for the Antagonist team? xD


3. What type would you like to see for an E4 member? (I gave the options I was thinking about but feel free to add your own)

I don't think Grass has been done before, that may be interesting. Poison type would also be cool, same with Electric or Ground, like you mentioned.

4. Would you prefer the option to play as a member of Team Apocalypse? If there’s interest in this I need some extra time to come up with a storyline for them. (and I can use a co-host with this)

I think that would be cool, and if you need a co-host with this I wouldn't mind helping.

5. If question 3 is used, should I use a separate thread for students and antagonists?

I guess that would be more organized, so yeah.

6. Any questions / remarks?

I like it~ Good job pretty much sums up my thoughts

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1. Are you interested?

You bet i am!

2. Do you have a better name for the Antagonists?


3. What type would you like to see as an E4 member?

Electric for sure.

4. Would you like to be able to play as a member of Apocalypse?

It might be nice.

5. If question 4 is used, should i have different Threads for the Students and Antagonists?


6. Any questions/remarks?

Is Lucario counted as a Pseudo-legend? I hope not, but it's up to you. Also, are Shiny Pokemon Allowed?

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What about Dragalge, Dragonite, Druddigon, and Kingdra? Dragalge and Druddigon are implied to be violent but they aren't pseudos, Kingdra is strong and somwhat predatory but not particularly aggressive, and Dragonite is said to have a kind, caring nature.

also i wanna do a dragon mono sometime dammit

Dragonite depends a lot on the individual Pokémon. But he's counted as a pseudo so won't be available at the start. I have plans to encounter Dragalge and Druddigon. And I forgot to include Kingdra... Horsea is fine. Kingdra won't be available until Seadra hits lvl 42 anyway. (10 levels after his last evolution)

You can still do a mono dragon. There is more than 1 way to obtain them and they can be catched a few times later in the story.

@K_H: Lucario isn't counted as a pseudo and Shiny Pokémon exist but are rare. (There is a shiny Trevenant running around in the forest and I got something planned with that one xD)

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edited my post lolol

I wanna do a Dragon team too :c by the way, what exactly is special training, or how is it done?

The special training is something extra I added because I don't want people to start with a perfect moveset. (Breeder region and all xD)

Special training can be divided into 2 parts:

- Moves: Every move a Pokémon can learn (but not by the leveling up system) can be learned in the Training Facility. There are machines to do it and some unorthodox ways.

-Stat training: I included this so there is more then just leveling up a Pokémon. And I used the items to do it. They do the same thing as in competitive play, but work in a slightly different way. Take Choice Scarf for example: Play around with its weight and let your Pokémon run with it as fast as it can. Results -> faster Pokémon.

You can get creative with items and machinery (or I can do it), but you can just mention it. Unless the PC's decide to do a training session or something in the Facility, it's just something extra. It's all up to the players, this is pretty much free to use as you see fit as long as it makes sense. (So no Slugma going around outspeeding everything)

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I think he said you can get goomy and beldum from the start so you could do mono steel. #gottalovemonosteel

I already have my whole team planned out from beginning to end, all 10, hopefully i can get all of them though.

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T-Tar is considered a risk. It becomes available at the same time as the other Pseudo's an Dragons. Metagross, while being a pseudo, is a bit different. It's rare like the rest of them but isn't considered a risk. And since we're in the breeder region, becomes available really early in the story. (like day 2 early)

And while I'm at it:

Extra League / Region stuff:
E4: Dragon, Electric, Grass, Normal (They all have a mega evolution)

Gyms: Water, Fire, Ghost, Dark, Psychic, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Steel, Fairy, Flying, Bug

Gyms in working process: Ice and Rock (League is still in working process. It started over after the first graduates from the Academy)

Again, this is my habit of sharing and making details. I just wanted to give some extra stuff that you can use in your PC’s background story. If you decide to be a local it isn’t uncommon to come from a breeder family. Hell, you can even be related to a gym leader or E4 member for all I care.

And does anyone know how to get a picture from paint in here? I can't seem to figure it out.

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