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Apparently yes.

Hi there. I'm Bakerlite, according to what it says up there.

I'm from the UK, and this current time period.

I like pokémon, zombies, Sherlock Holmes, and apparently old-fashioned plastic and terrible puns.

Bug-type pokémon are my favourite, and the rare times I bother to battle, I use my favourites.

Subsequently Stone Edge is the bane of my life.

Shedinja is my absolute favourite pokémon, but even I find it too much hassle to use in battles.

I enjoy pixel art/sub-spriting and the occasional RP more than battling.

I started playing Reborn while I went on a fangame downloading spree.

Haven't yet come to the end of the episode, but I've loitered around the forums a wee bit since.

I sound more serious than I am.

I am not very good at writing introduction posts.

So. Hello. <:

Edited by Bakerlite
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Welcome, you. Soon you'll get the true welcome committee and the "leave your sanity behind" thingy, but lemme tell ya it is absolutely possible to survive in these forums with a bit of sanity, just don't tell anyone XD

Also, good that your favourite type is bug and shedinja your favourite poké. Shedinja is my favorite bug poké too, but truly is fragile in battles (unless, focus sash and +1 moves...). Welcome again.

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Friendly neighborhood Blind Guardian swinging by to bid good day to you Bakerlite and welcome to Reborn!

A few points of contention:

  • You're welcome to join us on the Pokemon Online server via the downloadable program or the webclient -- there you can battle or chat with many of the members at your leisure.
  • If you're an RP fan, I'd advise you to seek out Hukuna, a forum moderator and resident whom lords over the RP subforum.
  • If you're an avid spriter, I should also point you to the development section of the game's forums where currently our users are working on shiny sprites for the 3rd generation.
  • As the game's primary scripter, I hope you're enjoying the current episode! Within our game subforum we have a section for bug reporting and troubleshooting if you run into trouble, so be sure to use those as you need them.
  • Doesn't seem that you're fond of battling but if you change your mind you can look to the Hall of Champions section for the PokeNations and PRCL competitions. I encourage you to check them out -- you might find an interest in them, who knows?
  • If there's any questions you may have about the game or otherwise feel free to ask! You could create a thread, ask on the server, or seek out someone in a private message. I am available frequently but other users are certainly willing to help you out -- the names Vinny, Hilda and Sheep come to mind. (Especially Sheep as he shares your love of Bug types)

Traditionally I'd be saying something about your sanity here but I don't really subscribe to that sort of thing. Admittedly I'm interested in seeing what you're capable of as a spriter.. have any work you could show off to me?

Plus your organised introduction was neat enough for me to finally make some form of appearance in the Grand Hall so kudos to you for that one.

Again, welcome and enjoy your stay!

A koan for your thoughts:

A student of Tendai, a philosophical school of Buddhism, came to the Zen abode of Gasan as a pupil. When he was departing a few years later, Gasan warned him: "Studying the truth speculatively is useful as a way of collecting preaching material. But remember that unless you meditate constantly your light of truth may go out."

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Thank you for the welcomes <:

@zimvader: I admire your obviously excellent taste in pokémon.

@Avenger: I may chat at one point, but I never got the hang of online chatting (beyond logging on and loitering awkwardly for a while and jumping ship). I've poked around the RP forums a wee bit... actually, I'll probably be snooping everywhere for a bit. I always have the feeling that I have to be 100% up to date reading everything on a particular subject before taking action, which would explain why I rarely get things done.

I'm glad that my nervously neat post was A Useful Thing.

/throws some edited sprites into the post from days gone past


Silver gastly, RB articuno, two recolours, rapidash/shiftry mix, sudowoodo/golurk mix...

And a bonus ninetales put into the pose of BW persian, because it amuses me.

I haven't made any new ones in a while unfortunately. I don't suppose there's a spriting/fan art board?

There's nothing to prompt getting back into fiddling around with pixels like getting suggestions.

@Valiant: I wish I could think of a pun in response to that.

@Mockingbird: Thanking you, I will do my best.

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Terrible Puns you say....

Ame, can we keep him? PLEASE?...

Anyways, welcome to Reborn, Hilda is me, yadayada. Dan pretty much got everything meaningful I would say in this situation EXCEPT FOR

If wearing shoes with strings, make sure they are always tied. You could trip.

Edited by Hilda
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  • Administrators

Pretty sure we can keep him.

There isn't much left for me to say, but welcome. Your sprite edits certainly seem decent. There isn't a dedicated board for it, but you can certainly look at where other spriting topics have popped up. Also, if you're game, in the near future we'll have to make sprites for the ORAS Megas and any help with that would actually significantly speed up development time for the upcoming episodes.

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Welcome to reborn Bakerlite.

Bug-type pokémon are my favourite, and the rare times I bother to battle, I use my favourites.

You... can sit in the comfy chair. Don't worry mate, I've got your back.

But yeah, Dan basically took my usual intro and made it 300% better, so all I've got to say is welcome.

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I think I have now been 100% welcomed/serenaded thank you, and should probably venture out into the wider forums at this point instead of waiting for everyone to swarm around me. Which I might have been doing a bit. Luckily I'm not wearing shoes.

I will go on a hunt for topics! I hope that the comfy chair has wheels, and that it isn't some kind of Spanish Inquisition instrument.

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