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Good day everyone.


I'm a long time viewer of Pokemon Reborn and player since ep.8....or 9 don't know anymore.

I alway's love the community here, a lot bright ladies, gentlemen, Xems and others.

Although I viewed the community, website,forums and played the game

I never felled the need to join it, the right to post things although everbody does it.

But after finishing ep.13 I want to indulge myself in all of this

and help or have fun with people where and when needed.

Furthermore ouy t'nac daer siht won t'nac ouy ^_^

I love Ame's trolling

Oh yea

I want to tank everyone who helped shape this game and community

up until now and in the future, keep it going people.


p.s. whoever can read the lined out bit get's a chocolate double oreo cookie p.p.s. a internet chocolate double oreo cookie

Bio down under...

Fear the blue sun

nah just telax.

I'm a guy.............not enough...........wel then.

I love gaming, anime, soccer and a little bit of drawing..i'm an amateur.

Furtermore.......personality.......mwuhahahaha....don't pay attention to the laughter.

Helpfull....optimist...thaughtfull...a bit eccentric.


well I don' have anything to say.



Oh I'm alway's up for debates and stuf about anything.




Good day and good night.

Happy gaming.

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Welcome, I like you, seem like a fun person. Also you have great taste in stars, liking blue suns ;D. Couldn't read the tiny line so I guess no internet oreo for me :(

Anyway, as I tell everyone, you'll soon get the true welcome committee probably telling you to leave your sanity behind and stuff about a PO server and stuff about stuff. All I can say is I WANT THAT DAMN OREO!!!!

PS: Seriously what does the lined out part say? You made me curious dammit...

Edited by zimvader42
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You can't read this now can't you

gimme my cookie! Even doe I hate chocolate with a burning passion


Welcome to Reborn! A land where insanity is the new black and sanity is soooooooo 2001. We hope you enjoy your stay, as you might be here for a while. You seem to be fairly cooky, like most of us, so I'm sure you'll be just fine.

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Welcome, enjoy yourself and leave whatever sanity you have left cuz its all downhill from here. Zim's pretty much got you covered on some of the basics.


You can't read this now can't you. Where's my damn oreo cookie at??

Edit: Damn it Tacps, ninja game too strong!

Edited by Phlytosion
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While I'm already in the Grand Hall I may as well stick around a bit, eh?

Welcome to Reborn, Cornerman!

A few important things to mention:

  • You're welcome to join us on the Pokemon Online server via the downloadable program or the webclient -- there you can battle or chat with many of the members at your leisure.
  • If you're an RP fan, I'd advise you to seek out Hukuna, who keeps a watchful eye over the RP subforum.
  • As the game's primary scripter, I hope you're enjoying the current episode! Within our game subforum we have a section for bug reporting and troubleshooting, so if you hit any bumps along the way in your playthrough be sure to report them so I may remedy them.
  • You can look to the Hall of Champions section for the PokeNations and PRCL competitions if you have any interest in competitive battling. I encourage you to check them out -- you might find an interest in them, who knows?
  • If there's any questions you may have about the game or otherwise feel free to ask! You could create a thread, ask on the server, or seek out someone in a private message. I am available frequently but other users are certainly willing to help you out -- the names Vinny, Hilda and Sheep come to mind.
Generally some comment about the retention of your sanity or lack thereof would go here but some of your .. more interesting parts of this introduction make me wonder if you even still have it. In addition, the small strikethrough'd section of your post has a grammatical error - the second "can't" should just be "can." It was a good effort though ^_^

Again, welcome and enjoy your stay!

A koan for your thoughts:

Shuzan held out his short staff and said, “If you call this a short staff, you oppose its reality. If you do not call it a short staff, you ignore the fact. Now what do you wish to call this?”

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You may never know.......mhahahahahaha

You evil devil... do you have ANY idea how expensive double cream oreos are where I live? Do you!?

But even just to try, this is what I understand from your sick diabolic game: ouy t'nac daer siht won t'nac ouy, but since english is not my first language, no idea if I'm reading wrong words or if this is actually backwards (I mean it is OBVIOUSLY backwards, but maybe just pure casuality if I read wrong).

In any case +1 for effort now GIVE ME MY DAMN OREO!!

Edit: I wasn't ninjad'd once. I was ninjad'd twice.... in a row. But this is the first time I get ninjaded in the forums and the double ninja makes it more epic to me, so congratulations both the taco-flower person and phlytosion. Still want the oreo, though.

Edited by zimvader42
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You can't read this now can't you

gimme my cookie! Even doe I hate chocolate with a burning passion


Welcome to Reborn! A land where insanity is the new black and sanity is soooooooo 2001. We hope you enjoy your stay, as you might be here for a while. You seem to be fairly cooky, like most of us, so I'm sure you'll be just fine.

For doing It this fast you get something...extraa.

Here are your 2 oreo tower cookie's (hopefully he wont see the scraped of chocolate)

Sanity... what is that?.......oh that stuff I throw around at people to keep them on the brink of sanity and insanity

Cocky... maybe a bit I just don't care when people say bad stuff about me and do my own thing.

p.s. Zimvader you also get your own separate oreo tower's enjoh. ^-^


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